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[ UK /lˈɑːnsɪt/ ]
[ US /ˈɫænsət/ ]
  1. an acutely pointed Gothic arch, like a lance
  2. a surgical knife with a pointed double-edged blade; used for punctures and small incisions

How To Use lancet In A Sentence

  • The Company's flagship product, the Sharps Disposal by Mail System (R), is a cost-effective and easy-to-use solution to dispose of medical waste such as hypodermic needles, lancets and any other medical device or objects used to puncture or lacerate the skin (referred to as "sharps"). Undefined
  • Discard the lancet into a biohazard sharps container.
  • In his now notorious 1998 Lancet paper, Dr Wakefield invited further researches into his MMR-autism hypothesis in the spheres of epidemiology and virology.
  • The most interesting part is the five-sided apse, with in each side one long lancet window, and above it two small windows separated by an impost colonnette. The South of France—East Half
  • The heraldic devices of the lancet tops and in the tracery lights represent other of Louis's and Francoise's possessions and ancestors.
  • First, a few basics: the ailment is known as G6PD deficiency (for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase) and, according to a 2008 article in The Lancet, it "is the most common human enzyme defect, being present in more than 400 million people worldwide. Randall Amster: The Most Common Disease You've Never Heard Of
  • You must take you blood from your fingertips, using a spring-loaded ‘pen’ and lancet.
  • The barber carried a piece of rusty hoop instead of a razor, and a pot of grease for lather, while the doctor, with a huge pill box and a knife, which he called his lancet, stood by to prescribe the treatment each patient was to receive. Owen Hartley; or, Ups and Downs A Tale of Land and Sea
  • Any heraldic information that appeared at the top of the central and right lancets has been lost.
  • Here were scalpels and lancets and surgical shears... and other sharps as well. NIGHT SISTERS
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