How To Use Kibitzer In A Sentence
I hope what you are dreaming of is making the world a better place, and unlike all these other kibitzers, I can tell you exactly how to do so.
He would show up from his winter escapes to Florida or Bermuda as early as March and work through the first heavy snowstorm in December, often in a portable studio on runners (with a door on one side and a plateglass window on the other), which could protect him from wind, spray and any possible kibitzers.
Homer's Where The Heart Is
I am as spottily informed and fiercely opinionated as the next kibitzer about these potential calamities.
The onlookers were amazed, and kibitzers began to gather.
The word has osmosed out into the Casino, and there is presently a throng of kibitzers gathered around the table, waiting for casualties.
Gravity's Rainbow
Any messages received by a player at the table can be seen by all players and kibitzers at the table.
A motley crew of kibitzers, many of whom don't drive, hang out on Brochu's premises, reading tabloids, exchanging wisecracks and arguing their theories.
They will try to characterize Paulson as a mere kibitzer, and ACA as the ultimate decisionmaker for legal purposes.
The Volokh Conspiracy » The Goldman Fraud Suit
What the Democrats do have is a mother lode of celebrity kibitzers, hangers-on, wannabes, kingmakers, cause-stars and flirts.