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How To Use Ionisation In A Sentence

  • A technique known as Resin-Wafer Electrodeionization (RW-EDI) leverages control of pH to adsorb and desorb CO2 from flue gas without the need for heating or a vacuum. NASIOC
  • Detailed descriptions of the fission neutron sources, the ionization chamber for fission fragment detection, the neutron detectors and the experimental arrangement are given.
  • Detailed descriptions of the fission neutron sources, the ionization chamber for fission fragment detection, the neutron detectors and the experimental arrangement are given.
  • Detecting by hydrogen flame ionization detector with gas chromatography increased sensitivity and decreased detection limit.
  • A key component of that warfare by the ubër rich was to emaciate or destroy the unions through new laws restricting unionization, bankruptcy courts killing labor contracts, diversion of pension funds, abusive tactics against organizers, shipping jobs elsewhere and PR campaigns vilifying the very concept of collective bargaining to redress serious economic disadvantages. Sneak Attack
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  • The Chinese telecommunication is the present informationization service level highest operator.
  • The results show that the alarm time depends strongly on both the gas concentration and the emission current of the ionization gauge.
  • Products include disposable gas-detection tubes, single-gas personal monitors, multi-sensor chemical-detection monitors, photoionization detector (PID) monitors for volatile organic compounds (VOCs), wireless gas-detection systems, and radiation monitoring networks for energy production and refining, industrial and environmental safety, and public and government first responder security sectors. Engineering Hardware-Software
  • A VUV soft ionization source was adopted in the mass spectrometer, which can avoid the formation of fragment ions and analyze volatile organic compounds in ambient air without pre-separation.
  • Cooks 'analysis method is a type of mass spectrometry called desorption electrospray ionization, or DESI. Health News from Medical News Today
  • Consequently radio waves will either be thrown back towards the earth or, if they are strong enough to penetrate to the middle of the layer where the ionization is greatest, they will rum through it and out into space. Nobel Prize in Physics 1947 - Presentation Speech
  • The answer, he says, was growth-suppressing policies, such as the Smoot-Hawley tariff, cartelization, unionization and, "most important but hardest to measure, FDR's demonization of business. The Disappearing Recovery
  • In Section III, we examine the unionization, production control, and democracy struggles that were triggered by the crisis.
  • The ionisation caused by solar particle precipitation can far exceed the normal geomagnetically quiet-time sources in the middle atmosphere, As a result the ion concentrations are significantly elevated at altitudes below about 100 km and the ion composition may also change. IPCC and Solar Correlations « Climate Audit
  • This phenomenon, which is called ionization, is produced also by X-rays and investigation of it in connection with them had made known its principal characteristics. Pierre Curie
  • The pool of truckers had split into two contingents-one that supported full unionization and another that simply wished to form an association.
  • I wouldn't want to overstress this, but, in a way, it's bound up with the increased unionisation of the BBC.
  • The ionization is produced by solar uv radiation and by energetic ions and electrons from the magnetosphere.
  • The voltage signal is processed and transmitted to the control equipment in the same way as in the case of the ionisation smoke monitor.
  • The only reason to oppose unionization is if you actually want to hurt workers. Think Progress » Sarah Palin calls global warming studies ‘snake oil science.’
  • By measuring the energy lost from the photoionization, the researchers could measure total energy emitted from the implosion and use it to improve their understanding of the behavior of x-rays emitted by accretion disks. Could a Black Hole Fit in Your Computer or In Your Pocket? | Universe Today
  • The modern agriculture already said goodbye to the slash-and-burn cultivation, the self-sufficient age, the time powerful pulse is summoning the informationization making agriculture.
  • The dose was measured by ionization chamber.
  • the ionization of a gas
  • The more chemically popular elements mentioned earlier have ionization energies that occur in neither the local maxima nor minima. Wolfram Blog : What’s Your Favorite Element?
  • This was used on his electroscopes and on his ionisation chambers for the work that he did with alpha particles.
  • Patchiness during reionization should scatter some of the microwave photons, and hot areas of the IGM, such as galaxy clusters, should further distort the radiation.
  • Its resistance was made possible not merely by its unionization but by the dole to the unemployed.
  • The ionization is produced by solar uv radiation and by energetic ions and electrons from the magnetosphere.
  • The anion formed by removal of the dissociable hydrogen atom of a weak acid will compete with the hydronium ion formed from the autoionization of water, leaving an excess of hydroxide ion.
  • Cesium chloride was added as ionization buffer to eliminate the ionization interference of sodium and potassium.
  • The pool of truckers had split into two contingents-one that supported full unionization and another that simply wished to form an association.
  • In addition, divalent metal adduction provided improved positive mode ionization efficiency for these peptides.
  • Patchiness during reionization should scatter some of the microwave photons, and hot areas of the IGM, such as galaxy clusters, should further distort the radiation.
  • Widespread ionization occurs readily in the Earth's upper atmosphere.
  • Because of ionization, the choking air filled with a sickish sweet ‘electric smell.’
  • He endorsed unionisation and protested several cases of police brutality.
  • Suppose you want to calculate some sort of rate constant for photoionization, that when multiplied by the density of atoms, will give you the rate of photo-ionizations per volume. Unsolicited Advice VIII: Make your integrals dimensionless
  • The avalanching electrons, in turn, intensify the ionization immediately surrounding the wire.
  • The shutter selectively blocks and permits the passage of the ionization electrons to the collector.
  • Finally, we have already mentioned that the use of different values of ionization constants led to the obtention of different values.
  • His systematic measurements showed that a decrease in ionization did occur up to Nobel Prize in Physics 1936 - Presentation Speech
  • The obtained ion spectra of NO molecule and atom oxygen are very useful experimental information for research of the NO2 photodissociation and NO molecule atom oxygen ionization dynamics.
  • We've just purchased a sniffer, which is a portable hand-held photolionisation detector.
  • Their results suggest that the reionization of the cosmos occurred when the universe was 6-7 percent of its current age.
  • They look at the total ionization, which is the number of electrons knocked out from their atoms. Archive 2008-02-01
  • And while the various revolutionary forces, the truly revolutionary forces, have culminated in what is seen now arising as a powerful political vanguard of the nation, a formidable proletarian Marxist-Leninist Party, (applause) today the counterrevolution is a fractionization of some 500 organizations. GRADUATION EXERCISES
  • The cutting beam is a short ranged but devastating ionisation beam usually employed for gouging out recalcitrant moonlets .
  • However, if conformers that make good hydrogen bonds to ionized sites are unavailable, the calculated ionization free energy will be wrong.
  • MiniRAE Lite photoionization detector (PID) to detect cheating and to protect table tennis players from volatile organic compounds (VOCs) associated with some adhesives used to affix rubber pads to racket or paddle blades. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • In the yeast variant, the apparent pK of the alkaline transition is an intermediate value between the pKs of two ionizations.
  • The laser facula area has some effects on the ion yield of multi photon ionization process.
  • It was a process like ionization: what was subtracted from one pole was added to the other.
  • This oxidizing process leads to the formation of a guanine radical cation, similar to that formed by DNA photoionization which may be considered as the main intermediate in DNA oxidation.
  • Have you heard about the research coming out of Purdue, on desorption electrospray ionization? HOUSE RULES
  • After this distance, the collision rate drops off and can no longer cause the ionization of atoms however, radiative processes caused by photons from the sun can still ionize the atoms, but this is no longer indicative of the temperature of the atoms. Measuring the Coronal Temperature with Iron | Universe Today
  • The double dissociative photoionization of CO2 and C2H2 molecules has been studied by using synchrotron radiation.
  • These two "soft ionization" methods induce very little sample degradation during the ionization process. The Scientist
  • Describes the working principle, failure analysis and maintenance of ionization chamber for Elekta linear accelerator.
  • Public sector jobs offer stability, defined-benefit pensions and unionisation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Widespread ionization occurs readily in the Earth's upper atmosphere.
  • Why: To educate ourselves about the on going struggle massage parlor workers face and how this oppression isn¹t unique to San Francisco; that unionization is the means to stop the systematic attack on informal workers rights. Media Advisory San Francisco Premiere Film Screening of ³H a p p y E n d i n g s?² « Bound, Not Gagged
  • Their energy of motion rapidly dissipates in the form of heat, light, and ionization, creating short-lived streaks of light.
  • The noble gases (helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon, and radon) possess full octets, which they guard closely (notice their high ionization energies and small atomic radii), and tend not to interact with other atoms. Wolfram Blog : What’s Your Favorite Element?
  • Influences of laser ellipticity on the ionization parameters of Ni-like Kr(NLK) system based on electron collisional scheme of optical-field ionization(OFI) were investigated.
  • Among its advantages, MEG is more efficient and can occur with lower-energy photons in the visible region of the solar spectrum compared to a multiplication process of charge carriers in bulk semiconductors (a process called impact ionization, which is generally restricted to the ultraviolet region where solar photons are absent or scarce). - latest science and technology news stories
  • The removal of an electron from the surface of an atom - that is, the ionization of the atom - means a fundamental structural change in its surface layer. Johannes Stark - Nobel Lecture
  • We are specialized in organic synthesis to bring a product from lab to production, including alkylsulfonation and cationization reactions. - Articles related to AFRICA: Plugging the technology gap with help from India
  • Simplified model fitting of the experimental data enabled to evaluate the spectroscopic parameters characterizing excitation and photoionization processes.
  • Vacuum ultraviolet lamp ionization source is attractive for portable analytical instrument because of its smallness and simpleness.
  • The molecules appeared in light-colored blotches on certain parts of the seaweed, and were visible with the help of a new technique known as desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry developed at the Georgia Tech's School of Chemistry and Biochemistry. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • T-rays have low photon energies and will not cause harmful photoionization in biological tissues.
  • The ion mobility cell is doped with ions produced by a corona discharge ionisation source.
  • Traditionally, powerful leading men might marry polygynously, although after missionization, monogamy became the norm.
  • The resulting ions and electrons are accelerated by the electric field around the wire, causing a cascade of ionization, which is collected on the wire, giving an electric current proportional to the energy of the original particle. Georges Charpak obituary
  • Cooks, a co-founder of Purdue's Center for Analytical Instrumentation Development, and his research team created the analysis tool using technology Cooks developed called desorption electrospray ionization, or DESI. Media Newswire
  • Increasing unionization led to demands for higher wages and shorter hours.
  • The ionization energy is the energy needed to remove an electron from a gaseous atom.
  • To measure unionization, respondents were asked if they were personally a member of a union or if there were any unionized employees within their workplace.
  • Apparently the titanium has an ability to regulate the body's natural bioelectric currents though cell ionisation.
  • And would the public really rather know about the epoch of reionization, or where all the nearest earthlike planets are? MSL Cost Overruns: More Smoke and Mirrors from NASA - NASA Watch
  • Further, the ionization of the gas by the electrons removes the need to coat the sample with a layer of conductive material.
  • the issue underlying the strike was unionization
  • The second ionization potential is the energy needed to completely remove an electron from the valence shell of the ion that results from the first ionization.
  • Didn't this really amount to something like a "blackball" by DeMint, who kept Southers 'nomination from being voted up or down by the Senate, with the announced reason for his opposition to Southers being conerns about the prospects of unionization at TSA and the impact it might have on security, not the "privacy" issue? The Volokh Conspiracy
  • The source uses two or more electrodes for ionization and control, and solid state circuitry for operation.
  • The research from Purdue, led by analytical chemistry professor Graham Cooks, developed a technique called desorption electrospray ionization, or DESI, that eliminates a part of the mass spectrometry process, and thus speeds up the detection of substances to less than 10 seconds, said Williams. Drug Hunting Just got Easier | Impact Lab
  • MiniRAE Lite is a photoionization detector (PID) that uses an extremely bright ultraviolet Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • RAE Systems 'wireless-enabled AreaRAE, multi-gas and radiation, detection systems that provide real-time remote monitoring and a photoionization detector (PID) for parts-per-million measurements, were used at these events as early warning systems for public-safety threats, such as a dirty bomb or the release of toxic chemicals. Engineering Hardware-Software
  • The major computational expense for the [alpha] helix prediction stage involves the calculation of accurate solvation and ionization energies for a subset of the overall oligopeptides.
  • D'Escoto said that "the United States has been in the business of the deionisation of people from (for) ever," but had "canonised" former Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos, former Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza and former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. Undefined
  • RTW is an indirect measure of unionization as well as the ease with which plants can be organized; it is hypothesized that employers will prefer right-to-work states.
  • The more chemically popular elements mentioned earlier have ionization energies that occur in neither the local maxima nor minima. Wolfram Blog : What’s Your Favorite Element?
  • Widespread ionization occurs readily in the Earth's upper atmosphere.
  • A comparison of the ionization potentials of neon and argon will illustrate these principles.
  • Ionization was progressive last season. The Sun
  • The following interesting features should shed some light on the mechanism of photoionization in duplex DNA.
  • Elastase activity was determined in a spectrophotometric assay using elastin-Congo red (Sigma) as a substrate, as previously described Liquid chromatography/electron spray ionization mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS) data on pure rhamnolipid was used to produce a standard curve for rhamnolipid B (concentration vs. total ionization current (TIC)). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • The decline in unionization started in 1948 when the federal government's policy towards forced unionization changed. Extreme Free Trade, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Selectively ionizing atoms(or molecule) can be easily performed by means of a multistep resonance photoionization technique.
  • That gap needs a strong dose of incredible shrinking pixy dust in the form of steeply progressive taxes, expanded unionization and a dramatic increase in the minimum wage, which is precisely what happened during our boom years after World War II. Les Leopold: Obama and the Incredible Shrinking Financial Sector
  • There is no question that the decline in unionization has hurt people below the median-wage level in the United States, and that needs to be addressed.
  • It is no coincidence that the United States, with one of the lowest rates of unionization in the developed world, is the only high-income country without a national health insurance system.
  • Firstly, there is no charge separation or corresponding Coulomb attraction barrier, because the electron is ejected and hydrated in the bulk directly by photoionization.
  • The answer could be that in the Antarctica snowfields, they are subject to intensive UV irradiation which causes ionisation.
  • Sayles' movie tells the story of the obstacles that mining companies - and unionists - in West Virginia put in the way of unionisation through dividing Black and White workers.
  • voted for unionization to a man
  • Sporadic E arises when clouds of intense ionisation form in the region of the E layer.
  • They group their rediscoveries according to such themes as economics, unionization and respect for individual difference. Remembering Simple Joe Malarkey
  • Senator Michael Enzi of Wyoming, the ranking Republican on the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, asked Ms. Solis why she supported a bill that would bypass secret ballots in unionization elections when she, as a California legislator, had backed a bill that called for using secret ballots to determine whether employees at a workplace favored flextime arrangements. Republicans Criticize Solis’s Support for Union Bill - The Caucus Blog -
  • As I was able to observe no reduction in ionization during the eclipse I decided that, essentially, the sun could not be the source of cosmic rays, at least as far as undeflected rays were concerned. Victor F. Hess - Nobel Lecture
  • The tables are a convenient eyeful, documenting poverty, unionization, and ‘demographic variation’ rates across national borders.
  • If the ionization electrode is located at an appropriate position in the vicinity of the evaporation source and a positive voltage with respect to that of the evaporation source is applied to the electrode, thermions and secondary electrons from the evaporation source migrate toward the ionization electrode.
  • The team used a mass spectrometry analysis technique developed by Cooks and coworkers called desorption electrospray ionization, or DESI, to measure and compare the chemical characteristics of 68 samples of normal and cancerous prostate tissue. R&D Mag - News
  • This process is called ionization, which is why it is named "ionizing radiation. Public Health Statement for Ionizing Radiation
  • Numerous factors contribute to protein desorption and ionization.
  • A series of free radicals and the neutral molecules were identified by measuring of photoionization mass spectrometry combined with photoionization efficiency spectra.
  • Part of the difficulty is a process called photoionization, in which the high-energy photons conveying the x-rays strip away electrons from atoms within the accretion disk. Could a Black Hole Fit in Your Computer or In Your Pocket? | Universe Today
  • Workers claim that they have been harassed and intimidated after complaining about working conditions and raising the issue of unionization.
  • The vertical ionization potentials of Al { sub 3 } X is larger than that of Al { sub 13 } in the decahedral structure while the opposite is the case with the icosahedral isomer.
  • The integration of soft photoionization and ion trap mass spectrometer is specially fit for in - suit detection of VOCs and noxious gas. Thus, there will be a far-ranging market prospect.
  • Comment: My biggest concern regarding ionisation of the IGM is the idea of "cold plasma" much of it is really only partially ionised. SDO On Station Transmitting First Data as Solar Science Payloads Open Today | Universe Today
  • More information: Sansone, G., et al. (2010) Electron localization following attosecond molecular photoionization. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Vapors from chemical warfare agents are converted to ions by a chemical-ionization reagent gas.
  • particle detectors sense ionization
  • It seems possible that the upper atmospheres of the gas giants have too much ionization, so the processes that break up large molecules outmatch the processes that create them. Could there be Life on Jupiter and Saturn's Moons? | Universe Today
  • Other atoms like nitrogen and sulfur at different levels of ionization also add to the emission of the nebula at specific wavelengths.
  • The ionization step needed to create an ultracold plasma is performed using nanosecond laser pulses.
  • Some use ionization detectors, which tend to react a little faster to flaming fires.
  • This more feeble ionisation is, near the nucleus, enhanced in its effects by the fact that there all the rays combine to increase the ionisation and, moreover, the several tracks are there crowded by the convergency to the centre. The Birth-Time of the World and Other Scientific Essays
  • Wellsite informationization is the needs of oil exploration and development.
  • A single free electron traveling in a strong, uniform electric field ionizes the gaseous molecules around it, generating more electrons and a chain reaction of ionization.
  • Industrial Engineering is the support for manufacturing informationization.
  • The most common ill effects of exposure to radioactivity result from the ionization of water molecules by the radiation.
  • Getting people to forego the fear and stigma is what unionization is all about. Sex in America: Can The Conversation Change? « Bound, Not Gagged
  • Molecular frame image restoration and partial wave analysis of photoionization dynamics of NO by time-energy mapping of photoelectron angular distribution. Innovations-report
  • Detailed descriptions of the fission neutron sources, the ionization chamber for fission fragment detection, the neutron detectors and the experimental arrangement are given.
  • The director of the corporation offered a compromise that would have halted the progress of unionization.
  • To measure unionization, respondents were asked if they were personally a member of a union or if there were any unionized employees within their workplace.
  • Moreover, this spectrum is strikingly similar to the terminal spectrum measured after photoionization of the isolated PYP chromophore in solution.
  • CR determine the ionization rate and conductivities in the atmosphere and the ionosphere and therefore the atmospheric electric fields. Road Map « Climate Audit
  • All working people should be concerned about restrictions on their right to organize because unionization is a proven path to higher wages and greater job security. The Media Consortium: Weekly Audit: Your Vote, Your Economy--Why Today's Election Matters to Your Pocketbook
  • Atomic vapor processes work on the principle of photo-ionization, whereby a powerful laser is used to ionize particular atoms present in a vapor of uranium metal. Uranium enrichment
  • Additionally, the semiconductor wafer is subjected to a flow of ions from an ionization source within the tracking device itself.
  • Second, trade, investment and tax policy must be changed to limit corporate mobility, and to block employers from shifting operations to avoid unionization.
  • In Figure 2 - 11 b , a metal guard ring is added to the ionization chamber.
  • Fast neutrons lose energy in the tumour via interactions with nuclei, rather than ionization, which causes cell damage that the body cannot repair.
  • Prominent firms adamantly resisted unionization, engendering the allegiances of workers through paternalistic benefit plans.
  • Widespread ionization occurs readily in the Earth's upper atmosphere.
  • Optimize configuration, update the warehouse personnel, promote the informationization of hardware, and storage warehouse management restructuring and optimizing the process.
  • For an ionization gauge, the analyzer is placed between the ionizer and the ion collector.
  • And I had the great joy of taking part in a dear friend's civil unionization last summer being rather well spoken, I "officiated" the ceremony - in the nude. WTF Do I Do? Why, Social Psychology of course!

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