How To Use Intrinsic In A Sentence

  • It is postulated that the type of protein in the diet influences directly the intrinsic capacity of the B lymphocytes to respond to an immunogenic stimulus.
  • So far is he from admitting the possibility of any dissiliency between the Divine will and absolute right, that he turns the tables on his opponents, and classes among Atheists those of his contemporaries who maintain that God can command what is contrary to the intrinsic right; that He has no inclination to the good of his creatures; that He can justly doom an innocent being to eternal torments; or that whatever God wills is just because He wills it. A Manual of Moral Philosophy
  • Holography not only maps the intensities of the light, as do normal diffraction patterns, it also encodes information about the phases of the light that is otherwise intrinsically lost.
  • The fact is, these very welcome props to Mildred Loving and her husband Richard are deeply, abidingly, and intrinsically progressive values. Evan Derkacz: Historical Revisionism Jujitsu: Religious Right Celebrates End of Interracial Marriage Ban
  • If, however, the Logos is intrinsically the Son of God, then Christ is the Son of God, not because he is the begotten of God in the flesh (early Christian), but because the spiritual being existing in him is the antemundane reproduction of History of Dogma, Volume 2 (of 7)
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  • All of the priests I interviewed saw witchcraft as an intrinsic evil of the post-colonial economy.
  • Most teleost fishes possess a complex set of intrinsic caudal fin muscles that have only rarely been studied experimentally.
  • The four that can attain this mark, because they depend solely upon the intrinsic properties of ideas, are resemblance, contrariety, degrees in quality, and proportions in quantity or number.
  • There is nothing intrinsically wrong with, or legally exceptionable about, that.
  • The extrinsic muscles of the larynx control the degree of tension on the vocal cords, and the intrinsic muscles regulate the glottis.
  • But despite its intrinsic interest, this is not an engaging letter. The Times Literary Supplement
  • For example, an interest in the context sensitivity of realization in philosophy of mind (Wilson 2004, ch. 6) invokes issues pertaining to the context objection, individuation, temporality (especially causation versus constitution), and intrinsicality. Reductionism in Biology
  • There's an intrinsic value in nature that sometimes gets ignored. Smithsonian Mag
  • In an attempt to shed light on this matter, we have studied the intrinsic fluorescence properties of the purine and pyrimidine nucleosides dA, dG, dT, and dC in organic solvents in the presence of small amounts of water.
  • Actions that are consistent with the dignity and autonomy of moral agents are intrinsically good.
  • On the basis of this mutual agreement of the two parties, according to which each of them defends only his claims and his cause, renouncing all personal or egoistic considerations, the conflict is fought with unattenuated sharpness, following its own intrinsic logic, and being neither intensified nor moderated by subjective factors. Conflict and The Web of Group-Affiliations
  • I did not expect the job to be intrinsically rewarding.
  • In any case, the idea that variation is constrained by history is intrinsic to evolution, variations being modifications of what already exists in the line. A Disclaimer for Behe?
  • If a gentleman cuts canals and erects terraces in his garden, their intrinsic value will be proportionable to the land and labor; but the price in reality will not always follow this proportion.
  • There's an intrinsic value in nature that sometimes gets ignored. Smithsonian Mag
  • Also intrinsic to the flea market orientation was an element of bargain hunting.
  • An example is periodic motion, such as the precession of a particle with intrinsic spin and magnetic moment in a constant magnetic field.
  • Many traditional western ethical perspectives, however, are anthropocentric or human-centered in that either they assign intrinsic value to human beings alone (i.e., what we might call anthropocentric in a strong sense) or they assign a significantly greater amount of intrinsic value to human beings than to any nonhuman things such that the protection or promotion of human interests or well-being at the expense of nonhuman things turns out to be nearly always justified (i.e., what we might call anthropocentric in a weak sense). Environmental Ethics
  • In our society we've become used to things that have no intrinsic value. Christianity Today
  • The requirements of "New Curriculum" about problem-solving and reasonable ratiocination are intrinsically consistent to Polya's education theory.
  • Still in their original oak frames, the importance of these lunettes lies not only in their intrinsic appeal, but also in their importance to a major interior in Beckford's last architectural project.
  • The Romantics believed that the life of the imagination was intrinsically valuable.
  • His films are often absurdist and violent, intrinsically drawing on his early life but never dealing directly with it.
  • Importantly, sound - and wind-sensitive Johnston's organ neurons exhibit different intrinsic response properties: the former are phasically activated by small, bi-directional, displacements of the aristae, whereas the latter are tonically activated by unidirectional, static deflections of larger magnitude. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • I was constantly surrounded by people who were such an intrinsic part of my life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Byrne does hew to the representationalist's line of supervenience (no phenomenal difference without an intentional difference), but if his argument does not rule out mental paint, an anti-representationalist may construct inversion cases such as that of Block's (1990) "Inverted Earth" (see Section 4.4 below), and argue that the paint is a nonfunctional intrinsic mental feature of the experience given in introspection, which is close enough to a "quale" in Block's special sense, even if the feature does happen to be reflexively represented by the experience itself. Representational Theories of Consciousness
  • In it, he elucidates the intrinsic connection between the two phenomena.
  • Distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.
  • I have always believed in an element of good that is intrinsic to even the most cruel of people.
  • Attacks on him for deciding to enter the presidential race are intrinsically anti-democratic.
  • Mikey, Mr. Czech's only son, died three years ago from complications associated with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, a rare, inoperable brain cancer. Son's Death Inspires Fight Against Brain Cancer
  • But I don't think that there need be an intrinsic link of signifier to signified for a language to be used in nonarbitrary ways. Binary Oppositions: Good or Bad?
  • This forced, violent, alembicated style is most abhorrent to me; it can’t be helped; the note was struck years ago on the Janet Nicoll, and has to be maintained somehow; and I can only hope the intrinsic horror and pathos, and a kind of fierce glow of colour there is to it, and the surely remarkable wealth of striking incident, may guide our little shallop into port. Vailima Letters
  • To feel the full glory of the sun, the joy of the Western wind, to hear the aphonous whisperings of the flowers, to be fancifully cognisant of "the music of the spheres"; better this with only a garret for your environment, than to be a wealthy Peter Bell in a palace, or a lord of many acres who sees nothing beyond its intrinsic value in a Turner, and finds Shelley poor stuff and Tennyson only a rhymster. The Idler Magazine, Vol III. May 1893 An Illustrated Monthly
  • However, it is unclear why intrinsic value should attach to cultural survival as such.
  • It is open to the general public and aims to underline the intrinsic value of the subject as a core life skill.
  • In contrast, the active medium in the mechanical laser is the intrinsic angular momenta of electrons and nuclei.
  • It is apparent, then, that matrilocality and uxorilocality played an intrinsic role in community formation in the area. Gutenber-e Help Page
  • But any particle with integer intrinsic spin angular momentum is a boson.
  • In view of this endemic sectarianism, added to the intrinsic abortiveness of Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • The audio reverberator system includes a piezoelectric transducer having an intrinsic capacitance coupled to an additional circuit element to form a low-pass type filter circuit for attenuating higher frequency inputs to the transducer to provide a desired flat frequency response for an audio vibrational output to vibrate a reverberation plate for production of a desired audio output.
  • intrinsic” meaning — in Panofsky's terminology — of a work of art cannot be described in terms used by the history of art, but only in terms borrowed from the history of philosophy, of religion, of social structures, of science, and so on, the “iconological method” took for granted and provoked such a collaboration. ICONOGRAPHY
  • What we are aiming for is something intrinsically stylish and enduring. Times, Sunday Times
  • If caused by lack of intrinsic factor, condition called pernicious anaemia. The Dictionary of Nutritional Health
  • A prospective study would also be useful in assessing the intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors at play in short track speed skating.
  • The sum which it was required Congress should appropriate to the purchase was forty thousand dollars; and considering how that assembly is constituted, how little most of its members know or care about pictures, or of their intrinsic value, and how utterly unimbued they are with any conception of the moral worth of art to a young nation, I conceive it very creditable to the body that the motion was negatived by only two votes. Impressions of America During The Years 1833, 1834, and 1835. In Two Volumes, Volume II.
  • Clearance of drugs with a low rate of hepatic extraction is especially dependent on the rate of liver metabolism. 7 Drugs which have low intrinsic clearance rates will have a corresponding decrease in metabolism with decreased hepatic function. 7 Clearance of drugs with a high rate of hepatic extraction will be mostly dependent on the rate of hepatic blood flow. 7 This can be diminished, as mentioned earlier, making these drugs more bioavailable. Elderly
  • Socrates believed in the intrinsic value of asking honest questions and challenging orthodoxy.
  • The Japanese held on to that aspect most intrinsic in their character: the will to adapt to changed circumstances and survive. Preventing World War III - A Realistic Grand Strategy
  • It is intrinsically unlikely that governments know how to encourage couples to marry. Times, Sunday Times
  • In brief, his life and death were such that I could not blame them who wished the like, and almost to have been himself: almost, I say; for though we may wish the prosperous appurtenances of others, or to be another in his happy accidents, yet so intrinsical is every man unto himself that some doubt may be made whether any would exchange his being, or substantially become another man. Library of the World's Best Literature, Ancient and Modern — Volume 6
  • The seriation discussed here does not consider site assemblages but, rather, depends entirely on the intrinsic attributes of the artifacts.
  • The output terminal of the intrinsically safe power supply set multiple voltage limit and current limit circuit to reach the intrinsically safety requirements.
  • The intrinsic value of the materials employed predominates in the earlier model: the value of plate at an Athenian symposium, or the value of gold and ivory in the chryselephantine statues by Phidias.
  • The last of the author's five premises is belief in the intrinsic importance, the ineffaceable worth of life on this earth.
  • The duo will meet the heads of 15 top IT companies and showcase the state's ‘intrinsic strengths’.
  • This converted form of energy is intrinsically and inevitably less useful. Times, Sunday Times
  • Recognizing temporal aspects of reductionism alongside other representational issues like intrinsicality, which are not captured by a focus on mereology alone, supplements the evidential base for an argument in favor of talking about different kinds of reductionism rather than in terms of one unified account of reduction or overarching dichotomies of “reductionism” versus Reductionism in Biology
  • Socrates believed in the intrinsic value of asking honest questions and challenging orthodoxy.
  • Critics have traditionally attacked utilitarianism for focusing too heavily on happiness, and not enough on other intrinsic goods, such as justice and rights.
  • The area of loss high-lighted in Plate XII illustrates the intrinsic flaw in tessellated inlay decoration: particles were apt to become dislodged as the thin strip of mixed clay was bent around the oval teapot.
  • All of which serves to prove that photography is a guilty pleasure with an intrinsically ropey relationship to trust. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is that intrinsic value that matters, not any paltry contribution they might make to the national economy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Other workers have, however, tended to view the diversifications as resulting from a complex mix of intrinsic biological and extrinsic physical factors.
  • Now, if one adds criteria such as 'repeatably predictable observational consequences' etc one runs into a problem with regard to testing for the reality of conscious minds, since what's it's really like to be me — the totality of my qualia — plausibly is unique to me and is intrinsically not observable by anyone else. Darwin's God
  • If the sketch was valued, it was not for its intrinsic formal qualities, but rather because it offered visible evidence of something conceived, but not yet realized.
  • In addition, intrinsic individual variation, including learned cultural differences in oscines, provides the raw material for vocal divergence through drift or selection.
  • This led to their conclusion that odors associated with toxicity, like warning colors, can have a special intrinsic warning value and trigger innate aversions.
  • Phil writes: caveat bettor: sure, that's a $400 million signal if I moved the price completely to its intrinsic value. Anti-Finance Bias, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • There is nothing intrinsically wrong with skeuomorphs: the whole of classical architecture (wood represented in stone) is based on skeuomorphism, as is most software interaction.
  • Arguably, he could have done a lot more; he could have let Calvin turn seven, which would have opened up a new world of possibilities, but it would also have denied the inalterability that some see as intrinsic to the comic strip art form. The Vivisection of Bone, Part 2: Mytho-Bone-esis
  • Event 2: We say homosexuality is a variant sexuality which does no intrinsic harm to the consenting adults that practice it or anyone else outwith their relationship, rejecting in no uncertain terms your arrant presumption that you have the privilege to impose your morés on us -- or anyone else, for that matter -- and criticising your judgementalism as ethically retarded. An Open Letter to John C. Wright
  • In the first, called intrinsic reflexivization, a predicate is marked as a reflexive predicate in the lexicon.
  • Publication of papers in learned journals is an intrinsic and inevitable component of doing science.
  • It isn't clear which of these problems are intrinsically tied to cloning, and which may have resulted from poor execution of relatively unpracticed techniques - or even sheer bad luck.
  • The Australian flag of course features the British union flag in the canton, a flag which signifies, intrinsically, the union of the English, Irish and Scottish nations.
  • This meant there were fewer people doing more, and working longer hours, in intrinsically insecure jobs from top floor to the shop floor.
  • The intrinsic self regulation effect of aluminum alloy wire in the region of short arc in MIG welding is investigated with self made equipment.
  • For Simmel, contradiction is not merely an instrument for, but an intrinsic condition of, the dynamic force of history.
  • They compared the intrinsic value of the items being auctioned with the prices they actually sold for. Times, Sunday Times
  • This converted form of energy is intrinsically and inevitably less useful. Times, Sunday Times
  • I believe the intrinsic coagulation system initiated by the contact system would be more important as a host defense system working extravascular tissue space against microbial pathogens than as the haemostatic mechanism. Confirmation Bias and ID
  • Hence, as in Augustine, there is no intrinsic or surd evil; evil is justified as the means of developing man from bondage to self-conscious participation in the THEODICY
  • The intrinsic self regulation effect of aluminum alloy wire in the region of short arc in MIG welding is investigated with self made equipment.
  • Numerous psychological studies have found a general trade-off between the pursuit of so-called extrinsic aspirations — such as wealth, but also fame and image — and intrinsic aspirations, such as building and maintaining strong personal relationships. "'Money makes people feel self-sufficient.'"
  • Zygotes are intrinsically more difficult-yet efficiency clearly has to be much higher, for zygotes are precious commodities.
  • This is only the old fallacy of Reason and Passion in intrinsic opposition rearing its ugly head again. Archive 2008-03-01
  • There are a few things about Silicon Valley that remain intrinsic to the area and IMHO cannot be carried over to another region of the world. Where In The World Is Innovation
  • A life-size portrait, even if it is only a head or a half-length, always takes up more room than its intrinsic interest demands.
  • Now by concreteness of contents it is meant that we must know the objects of consciousness as intrinsically determinate and as the unity of distinct characteristics.
  • Due to its design concept, the FAP round is intrinsically safe from ricochets as the core breaks up on ground impact.
  • These systems are inseparable and intrinsic to the problem of designing a school.
  • HBOS rightly argues that there is nothing intrinsically wrong with the government taking its share of the house market boom.
  • The intrinsic elasticity of the airways would still allow the airway tree to distend with inspirations and relax with expiration.
  • Obviously it has an intrinsic value. Times, Sunday Times
  • Virosomes are lipidic vesicles derived from influenza virus membrane that are non-replicative antigen carriers which possess intrinsic systemic and mucosal adjuvant properties. Health News from Medical News Today
  • At its best, athletic competition can hold intrinsic value for our society.
  • The preparation of the larger model was carefully planned to capture both the intrinsic characteristics of the zinc complex and the influence of the anisotropic enzyme environment on the zinc coordination sphere.
  • Maybe the results were pre-ordained by the intrinsic superiority of a renascent New Zealand.
  • In particular, the intrinsic potency of oligomeric alkanols is predicted to increase roughly linearly with the number of repeat units in the oligomer, and thus with chain length.
  • While this reduction of the standard facilitated the manufacture of coins of larger values (dupondius, tripondius, decussis, equal to 2, 3, and 10 asses respectively), it resulted in giving to copper coins a current value far above their intrinsic worth and furthered the introduction of stamped, instead of cast, coins. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 11: New Mexico-Philip
  • Morally, ethically and intrinsically, they are nonentities.
  • A number of conditions put the heart at risk for failing at this daunting task, such as chronic diseased heart valves, or intrinsically weak heart muscle cells (known as dilated cardiomyopathy). U.S. News
  • The point, I surmise, is that states of being such as love and holiness have an intrinsic exigence for expression.
  • The world outside the human being lacks conscious intelligence, it lacks interiority, and it lacks intrinsic meaning and purpose ... Kenny Ausubel: The Revolution Has Begun - "The Shift Hits the Fan"
  • It's typically easier to establish the market value for an urban property in places like Manhattan, where other high-end homes are for sale and the location itself is expected to provide long-term intrinsic value. Royal Retreats: Where The World's Monarchs Go To Get Away From It All
  • lack of intrinsic factor can result in pernicious anemia
  • It is the failure to recognise that fire is an intrinsic feature of eucalypt bushland. Times, Sunday Times
  • A judge's award of general damages is not intrinsically better than a jury's.
  • But it is then called assumptive, when the fact cannot be proved by its own intrinsic evidence, but is defended by some argument brought from extraneous circumstances. The Orations of Marcus Tullius Cicero, Volume 4
  • If the physical brain consists of a large number of elementary physical entities engaged in causal interaction, then the * attributes* of the brain should also be enumerable, as there is nothing else to work with but the intrinsic attributes of those elementary entities which are its constituents, and whatever further attributes arise when they are considered in combination. Fragments of consciousness
  • According to Hobbes, 'Liberty is the absence of all impediments to action that are not contained in the nature and intrinsical qualities of the agent.' Mind and Motion and Monism
  • Perhaps colours are tied in some intimate way to intrinsic or extrinsic physical properties of the surfaces of things, such as reflectance properties. Aesthetic Judgment
  • Like most of us, Jeannie had grown up believing that there was something intrinsically wrong with her and that, by way of atonement and being accepted, she had to work hard to be good.
  • It is self-existent truth, and cognizing it is an act of revealing its validity because cognition is intrinsically absolutely reliable.
  • Different from the traditional 3D reconstruction methods, this method doesn't need intrinsic camera parameters in advance, rely on range data or high-resolution images and pointwise registration.
  • Now, it seems clear that, since believing and considering have different effects if one produces bodily movements while the other does not, there must be some intrinsic difference between believing and considering*; for if they were precisely similar, their effects also would be precisely similar. The Analysis of Mind
  • Apart from their intrinsic and aesthetic value, dragonflies and damselflies are now recognised as indicators of riverine integrity.
  • For those not familiar with these terms, diversity involves the use of different defect detection mechanisms such as specular response, diffracted edge waves, mode conversions etc. to safeguard against intrinsic weaknesses in one particular mechanism. Nature Again « Climate Audit
  • The activities of political participation and public deliberation, on this view, should not be seen as a burdensome obligation or duty, but rather as intrinsically rewarding.
  • By autocatalysis or autocatalytic evolution he refers to ‘intrinsically driven and self-propelled’ biological change.
  • We show that the CuO chains of the orthorhombic lattice are not responsible for this anisotropy, which is therefore an intrinsic property of the CuO2 planes. Next Big Future
  • These apparently contradictory signals are intrinsically linked. Times, Sunday Times
  • Flexibility is intrinsic to creative management.
  • Horse and rider need to nurture complete trust, to tackle the field in fair weather or foul with cavalier bravery but with two minds, one of them human, intrinsically focused.
  • Magnets are so intrinsically engaging, children and adults alike are all discovering the joy of them.
  • What I like is that the storyline doesn't just set up the sex stuff, but the sex stuff is intrinsic to the storyline.
  • I affirm, comprehends the whole nature of a law precisely considered; and as for the annexion of punishments to the violation, or of rewards to the performance of it, they are not of the precise intrinsic nature and obligation of a law, but are added only as appendages to strengthen it, and procure a more certain awe to it and performance of it: forasmuch as man will be more likely not to transgress a law, being under the fear of a declared punishment for so doing, and to perform it upon a persuasion of a sure promised reward for such a performance, than if neither of these were added to it. Sermons Preached Upon Several Occasions. Vol. IV.
  • The extent to which an option is in the money is called its intrinsic value. International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
  • Beyond the fund-raising, Mr. Czech has become a point person for other parents with children who have been diagnosed with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma. Son's Death Inspires Fight Against Brain Cancer
  • The sort of hope intrinsic to superheroes: that no matter how desperate the situation, there's always a way out.
  • In our society we've become used to things that have no intrinsic value. Christianity Today
  • The conduct or act has intrinsically no definite significance, or only an ambiguous one, and its whole legal purport or tenor is to be more precisely ascertained by considering the words accompanying it.
  • Nevertheless it was felt that the papers deserved a wider circulation because of their intrinsic interest to a larger audience.
  • And in so far as strangeness in the form of novelty is not intrinsically valuated as positive or negative, does not automatically accrue a boulomaic modality of "should have happened" or "should not have happened", it is by no means unfair or inaccurate to say that the SF narrative is capable of exhibiting an entirely different narrative grammar to any of those outlined above. Archive 2008-01-01
  • Particularly did it differ from the Roman vault in that, while the latter had a level crown, obtained by using semicircular lateral and transverse arches and elliptical groin arches (naturally formed by the intersection of two semicircular barrel vaults of equal radius), the "Lombard" vault was constructed with semicircular diagonals, the result being that domical form which was always retained by the Gothic builders of France because of its intrinsic beauty. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • The price of option consists of two components - --- intrinsic value and time value.
  • The Blackfoot never coveted a territorially bound nation-state, yet their nationalism was intrinsically tied to their territory and to Blackfoot conceptualisations of territoriality.
  • It remains to point out the moral crookedness, inordination, and unreasonableness, that is intrinsic to the act of suicide, apart from its consequences. Moral Philosophy
  • There is nothing intrinsically wrong with politicians doing an about-face, even when the reversal is as stunning as this one.
  • In this way you could get an actual polt with a correlation which would show if there was an intrinsic bias in reconstructing histories? Long Beach WA « Climate Audit
  • There is nothing in the intrinsic nature of the work that makes it more suitable for women.
  • The more precisely we understand how the machine works intrinsically, the better we can deduce the contribution of extrinsic factors.
  • Lepper and Malone argue that control is an essential part of intrinsic motivation.
  • One writer upon book-binding terms the forwarder of the book an artizan, and the finisher an artist; but both should have the true artist's taste, in order to produce the work that shall commend itself by intrinsic excellence. A Book for All Readers An Aid to the Collection, Use, and Preservation of Books and the Formation of Public and Private Libraries
  • My first point's that it's intrinsically unmusical.
  • Food composition is a critical intrinsic factor that influences the spoilage process.
  • Joseph Harker Is there anything intrinsically upward about the north pole?
  • Causes can include intrinsic factors, such as high seed set, or extrinsic factors, such as a loss of competitors or herbivores.
  • The structural and rheologic properties are differently intrinsic characteristics of soft soil.
  • As a kind of historically "transitional state", its intrinsic property should he taken as the theoretic foundation, on which we define and elucidate the Era of Post-Warring States.
  • The chorus and orchestra of La Chapelle Royale directed by Philippe Herreweghe reveal the intrinsic delight of dedicated performers.
  • The Japanese held on to that aspect most intrinsic in their character: the will to adapt to changed circumstances and survive. Preventing World War III - A Realistic Grand Strategy
  • It seems to be intrinsic to domestic politics of every variety that a certain dismal downward trend emerges, characterized by sloth, despondency and complacency.
  • I think politics is intrinsically about idealism colliding with raw power.
  • It follows that doubt in regard to the Christian religion is equivalent to its total rejection, the ground of its acceptance being necessarily in every case the authority on which it is proposed, and not, as with philosophical or scientific doctrines, its intrinsic demonstrability in detail. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • Responsibility surveillance is the intrinsic function of government audit.
  • Besides the intrinsic structure, the rhythm and what is known as the conventionalism of this style adapt themselves but ill to the requirements of true liturgical music. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 10: Mass Music-Newman
  • This intrinsically interesting statement does serve to demonstrate the nature of the botanical information in at least some of the early accounts.
  • However, while synchronizing distant clocks is a problem, they nonetheless run at the same intrinsic rates as each other when held in the same inertial frame.
  • Nay I myself, am I the worse for being of a feeble order of intelligence; what the irreverent speculative, world calls barren, red-tapish, limited, and even intrinsically dark and small, and if it must be said, stupid? Latter-Day Pamphlets
  • But human beings possess volition and require the motivation of intrinsic interest, not instructional software. Times, Sunday Times
  • These apparently contradictory signals are intrinsically linked. Times, Sunday Times
  • If some of this subcultural desituationism seems self referential and perhaps adorned with postmaterial semanticist theory then maybe the creation/destruction distinction is intrinsically fostering a prepatriarchialist sense of postmaterial discourse. Modernism Schmodernism « We Don't Count Your Own Visits To Your Blog
  • There is an important corollary to drawing a distinction between intrinsic value and final value (and between extrinsic value and nonfinal value), and that is that, contrary to what Korsgaard herself initially says, it may be a mistake to contrast final value with instrumental value. Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Value
  • Invention thus split into invention of “artificial” argu - ments (intrinsic or analytic arguments such as causes and effects, subjects, adjuncts, disparates, contraries, etc.) and invention of “inartificial” arguments (extrinsic arguments, such as testimony, less cogent than the artificial). RAMISM
  • This goes with the tendency to concentrate discussion on the intrinsically good, rather than the intrinsically bad.
  • As with treasure trove the finder is rewarded with the intrinsic value of the find.
  • Often the best jobs, in terms of intrinsic interest and career experience, do not pay. You and Your Adolescent: A Parents' Guide for Ages 10 to 20
  • Motivation can be intrinsic (from the student) and extrinsic (from external factors).
  • For nothing can be called intrinsically valuable unless it is actually valued by some conscious being.
  • The performance of a mitsvah is not symbolic, but intrinsically meaningful; it does not require an extra layer of interpretive validity to validate it. The Passionate Torah
  • arabesque" and other formal designs gave employment to the carvers, in making an infinite repetition of fiddles, festoons, and ribbons, in the execution of which they became so proficient, that their work is more often admired for its exquisite finish than for any intrinsic interest in the subject or design. Wood-Carving Design and Workmanship
  • The term autopsy is intrinsic to the resources provided and should lead to consistent conversions. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • The fundamentals of quality are of course intrinsic to the value of a drawing.
  • The rational deployment of teacher resource is the intrinsical requirement and essential premises as well as the hinge of achieving balanced development of basic education.
  • But in the case of Archbishop Lef. the assumed evilness is not intrinsically by the nature of the act i.e. consecrating a bishop, but only extrinsically by forbiddance of the act. Vatican Council II: An Open Discussion
  • Apartheid does literally mean "apartness" in Afrikaans, and its creators and implementors in the old South Africa instituted it because they believed the non-white population of that country was intrinsically inferior on the individual and collective levels - and they furthermore believed in a theological imperative for that separation. Joshua Treviño: obiter dictum.
  • But in this new conception of death people found a new conception of life, prized anew for its own intrinsic worth.
  • Maths is an intrinsic part of the school curriculum.
  • Distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.
  • Rather, I think it is intrinsic for humans to try to universalize experience into a form, because we are social creatures.
  • The rationale of this approach is that overall clinical utility of one pattern versus another depends on overall perfusion effects, which intrinsically depend on both pressurization and relief cycles.
  • Despite the functional diversity among helicases, they all exhibit specific polarity, which is the intrinsic property of all the helicases.
  • The intrinsic value of the materials employed predominates in the earlier model: the value of plate at an Athenian symposium, or the value of gold and ivory in the chryselephantine statues by Phidias.
  • In which of the following instances would prerenal failure be the more likely cause of the oliguria than intrinsic renal failure? Latest headlines from BMJ
  • For this reason the putative quantum particle of a gravity wave, called the graviton, is said to have an intrinsic spin of two. A Dark, Misleading Force
  • An intrinsic accuracy, adjustable resolution ramp generator IP core designed for the column single-slope ADC in a CMOS image sensor is presented.
  • Ford V6 conversions are intrinsically even less desirable - though worth considering as a cheap and reliable engine.
  • It is known that any complex system has a certain structure with its intrinsic elements and interconnections.
  • For me integrity, not expediency, and deeply rooted in the values of the intrinsic business requirements.
  • The genetic integrity of organisms is constantly challenged by extrinsic and intrinsic factors.
  • Forty trials each represented scenes and locative terms where both reference frames were correct, where the intrinsic frame was correct, and where the relative frame was correct.
  • The nature of our membership is intrinsically linked to our chances of making our recovery sustainable. Times, Sunday Times
  • All phenomena are embedded in the wheel of futurity or the kaal chakra, and they are both future tools that shape our present as wells as an intrinsic part of the present. The Times of India

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