How To Use Intolerable In A Sentence

  • Life for some researchers has become almost intolerable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Problems in his personal life became intolerable for him and he felt unable to face his future.
  • Because Selma University was unaccredited, Spring Hill wanted Motley to enter as a freshman, which she found intolerable.
  • Three-quarters of the world's population live in conditions that people in the West would find intolerable.
  • An extension in opening times will increase the pressure to intolerable levels.
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  • By medicalising their behavior we give medicine and the state the remit to involuntarily detain and medicate such people to prevent them from behaving in ways society finds intolerable.
  • He found the media attention intolerable and went to ground abroad for several months.
  • As Franklin the day before had felt, so he now felt, the intolerableness of his woe; and, as with Franklin, the waves closed over his head. Franklin Kane
  • The dread in the Baroque originated with the intolerable idea of a body without a soul.
  • She philandered with some of them up to the point where comparisons become inevitable, and, so long as they met her in a spirit of frank camaraderie, it was agreeable enough; but when, with their commonplace minds, they presumed to be sentimental, they became intolerable. The Beth Book Being a Study of the Life of Elizabeth Caldwell Maclure, a Woman of Genius
  • 'This is intolerable!' exclaimed Sir Rufus.
  • The premise for alcohol abuse, one gathers, is that consciousness, or selfhood, or corporeality, is intolerable.
  • “We first had a feeling of siccity in the pharynx, then intolerable pains at the epigastrium, super purgation, coma.” Madame Bovary
  • the intolerable license with which the newspapers break...the rules of decorum
  • Do they hear about the intolerable strain placed on the heart when blood becomes the consistency of jam? Times, Sunday Times
  • Will, therefore, a compliance unto this length better our condition? will it deliver us from the severest reflections of being persons unpeaceable and intolerable? A Discourse concerning Evangelical Love, Church Peace, and Unity
  • For those who have not been submitted, as we have for four years, to the intolerable and abhorred German yoke, it is difficult to realize how great were the relief, the joy, the well-being, in a word the unexpressible happiness we all felt when the first Allied troops made their way through our village, and this great event has been for us like the dawn of a resurrection. Tar-Heel War Record (In the Great World War)
  • This was intolerable, this was un-American, you wanted to laugh in derision. I'LL TAKE YOU THERE
  • The vast majority of medical staff are hard-working, largely unsung heroes working under sometimes intolerable pressure. The Sun
  • To admit that an opponent might be both honest and intelligent is felt to be intolerable.
  • First Impression: Nicole is described as a stuck-up, rude, and intolerable woman who doesn’t have many friends. 5-Star Baby Name Advisor
  • But the intolerable thudding forced her back onto the vanity stool, where there she reassumed her daily shape: poor sad, achingly human Beverly Saunders, to whom no Dr. Alfred Curie would ever deign to speak. The Color of Silence is Radium Green
  • An interim report from the Health and Safety Executive, released on Tuesday, said that the points broke under intolerable stress because two pairs of vital nuts were not attached.
  • He wanted to end a situation he found intolerable for her and himself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Make their lives intolerable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Conceive the intolerableness, if you are at all sensitive, of being watched by eyes so sharp and prying, so eager to note the least change of expression and to use the conclusions drawn for personal ends that nothing, absolutely nothing, escapes them. The Princess Priscilla's Fortnight
  • The notion that she was seconds from rescue before the blunder must be intolerable for her anguished parents to bear. The Sun
  • Future taxpayers face an intolerable burden of welfare obligations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Do they hear about the intolerable strain placed on the heart when blood becomes the consistency of jam? Times, Sunday Times
  • She proposed to do this closing at the first moment of sheer intolerableness, and that moment seemed well reached when she entered Creeper Cottage and realized what the attic, the kitchen, and the pump really meant. The Princess Priscilla's Fortnight
  • The thatched cottages were usually intolerable slums when the poor inhabited them, and were only made liveable when the rich discovered the charm of a simple rustic habitation as an escape from the industrial urban environment.
  • We started recalling situations, which at the time had seemed intolerable but now seemed simply worth a laugh.
  • Aena chief Juan Ignacio Lema called the sickout "intolerable" and warned controllers to return to work, or face disciplinary action or criminal charges. Kansas City Star: Front Page
  • The achievement of greatness through daring and adventurousness is intolerable to the mediocrities who malign him, as it reminds them they are parasitic worms. Columbus: The Far Left is Dead Right, Bryan Caplan | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Intolerable enough, perhaps, to drive title earl to another sort of revenge. Captives Of The Night
  • The pressure is almost intolerable. The Sun
  • So it is that jokes that might once have been accepted as bad-taste gags can now be denounced as intolerable racial insults.
  • I believe she supposed I could with a word whisk Jim away out of her very arms; it is my sober conviction she went through agonies of apprehension during my long talks with Jim; through a real and intolerable anguish that might have conceivably driven her into plotting my murder, had the fierceness of her soul been equal to the tremendous situation it had created. Lord Jim
  • Between us and America there is nothing but water, a mighty sea, whose waves are always raging and intolerable.
  • The paucity of resources, the lack of an intellectual and artistic community in the institute made conditions intolerable.
  • The pressure has become intolerable since alternatives to casualty were taken away. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lack of land and hunger made the neighboring landlords'opulence and luxury especially intolerable.
  • Men who work in a macho sports world, where to yield a step means intolerable humiliation, willingly befoul their own legacy, and then surrender it to long-term tarnish. Ben Roethlisberger at a crossroads
  • I find most romcoms intolerable, as they tend to be too heavy on the romance, which is a distinct turnoff, but this had an admirable lack of sentiment.
  • One can only imagine the intolerable pressures she was placed under. Times, Sunday Times
  • This put intolerable strains on the casework, the string tension trying to pull the wrest plank closer to the soundboard.
  • Page 50 jumbling of two sorts of flesh together be a sin, how intolerable an offence must it be to make a Spanish olla, that is, a hotchpotch of every kind of thing that is eatable? The Westover Manuscripts: Containing the History of the Dividing Line Betwixt Virginia and North Carolina; A Journey to the Land of Eden, A. D. 1733; and A Progress to the Mines. Written from 1728 to 1736, and Now First Published
  • It is the ugliness that is intolerable to look at, that turns you to stone or salt.
  • The notion that she was seconds from rescue before the blunder must be intolerable for her anguished parents to bear. The Sun
  • She considered it an intolerable affront to her dignity. Times, Sunday Times
  • Born as a result of a curse, she lives an accursed, wasteful, unproductive life of pain and loneliness, and dies in loneliness and in intolerable agony.
  • It was almost intolerable,' the insider claimed. Times, Sunday Times
  • They were " an intolerable liberty in a Christian commonwealth ", almanac readers were told.
  • The vast majority of medical staff are hard-working, largely unsung heroes working under sometimes intolerable pressure. The Sun
  • The week before the London attack the strain was becoming intolerable. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • “We first had a feeling of siccity in the pharynx, then intolerable pains at the epigastrium, super purgation, coma.” Madame Bovary
  • They who conversed with him knew him to have many humours which were very intolerable; they who were but little acquainted with him took him to be a man of much knowledge, and called his morosity gravity. Life of Edward Earl of Clarendon — Volume 02
  • But the new puritans argue that any risk, no matter how infinitesimal, is intolerable.
  • Over month after weary month they tried to deal with its intolerable burden. Times, Sunday Times
  • He wanted to end a situation he found intolerable for her and himself. Times, Sunday Times
  • Future taxpayers face an intolerable burden of welfare obligations. Times, Sunday Times
  • These six months are a modification: the rule says all the year, but this drugget chemise, intolerable in the heat of summer, produced fevers and nervous spasms. Les Miserables
  • While the Minister for Health dilly-dallies, patients lives are at risk and staff are continuing to work in completely unacceptable and intolerable conditions.
  • He criticised his own party for'being too slow in condemning rhetoric that is harsh and intolerable'. Times, Sunday Times
  • The present situation is intolerable both for the residents and for the Travellers.
  • The three-time Tour champ is now facing a two-year ban and losing his 2010 Tour victory, something he said is “intolerable.” Spaniards believe Alberto Contador’s beef tale
  • The performers were not intolerable, and the piece, which was what they call a proverb (a fable constructed so as to give a ludicrous verification or contradiction to an old saying), was amusing. Travels through the South of France and the Interior of Provinces of Provence and Languedoc in the Years 1807 and 1808
  • The constant pain made her life intolerable.
  • The number of serious injuries imposes an intolerable burden on public services. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ms. Aschan proves a masterful orchestrator of the unspoken, the intolerable pause, and the laser-beam gaze. Women's Intuition on the Big Screen
  • The constant fighting made life at home intolerable.
  • They are a blight on many city centres and disfigure urban life to an intolerable degree.
  • This is definitely not something to attempt in the summer, as heat would make it almost intolerable. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can also understand that there are elderly people who fear becoming an intolerable burden. Times, Sunday Times
  • People move or reduce physical activities when air pollution becomes intolerable.
  • For more than twenty years the anthracite miners have groaned under most intolerable and inhuman conditions.
  • However, it has been held that the petitioner need not find it intolerable to live with the respondent because of his adultery.
  • He was invalided home with an intolerable rash, which was diagnosed as the then unusual mepacrine photosensitivity.
  • She claimed that loutish youths, prying locals and boorish day-trippers were making life intolerable.
  • the intolerable license with which the newspapers break...the rules of decorum
  • This is definitely not something to attempt in the summer, as heat would make it almost intolerable. Times, Sunday Times
  • It made an intolerable situation tolerable and it was a false friend and it is not a good idea. The Sun
  • He apparently took keen pleasure in holding up to ridicule and in satirising, what he was pleased to call his ponderous pedantries, his solemn affectation of profundity and wisdom, his narrow-mindedness, and his intolerable and transparent egotism. A Political History of the State of New York, Volumes 1-3
  • That sword tormented him beyond measure, brought him an intolerable horror of suffering in woman, the very thought of which scattered his pious submissiveness to the winds. La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
  • Very easily: but we must do it in the open air; for the smell of the phosphorated hydrogen gas is so extremely fetid, that it would be intolerable in the house. Conversations on Chemistry, V. 1-2 In Which the Elements of that Science Are Familiarly Explained and Illustrated by Experiments
  • Eddie's failings are lent an almost intolerable poignancy by his former chauvinistic notions of patriotism.
  • When the heat became intolerable, he tried to publicly put the blame back on the Legislature, and, as you noted, his former allies like Jim Tucker felt "antagonized". Your Right Hand Thief
  • It was really bad for a while -- close to intolerable like yours -- then it kind of tapered off, then it was off-again, on-again as now, with blissful periods of complete absence so there is something to look forward to. Posthuman Blues
  • Intolerable Cruelty is a movie in which the brothers' distinctive presence is quite reticent and discreet in terms of script.
  • Now, it was midsummer: the tubbed oleanders, everywhere set out, were masses of intolerable red sweetness. Two Tales of Old Strasbourg
  • Life for some researchers has become almost intolerable. Times, Sunday Times
  • They warned it would put the old and sick under intolerable pressure to end their lives. The Sun
  • Three-quarters of the world's population live in conditions that people in the West would find intolerable.
  • Western rationality and pride in democracy can seem an intolerable, parochial conceit to those whose lives have been so violently disturbed.
  • But then, this might have been an ideal passion, as has happened to many of us, and we have never been less enamoured than when in the immediate presence of its object: but in this instance it was very different, creating a kind of fretful happiness quite intolerable. Confessions of an Etonian
  • Thin cashmere or cubica is far preferable to cloth, which is intolerable in hot weather. Times, Sunday Times
  • As Filmer went up and down that room wrestling with his intolerable dilemma he went first towards the neat little rifle athwart the blotting-pad and then towards the neat little red label Twelve Stories and a Dream, by H. G. Wells
  • They can make life feel intolerable, as they clearly did for Donna. The Sun
  • Then a body came to life with intolerable pricklings. A Diversity of Creatures
  • One can only imagine the intolerable pressures she was placed under. Times, Sunday Times
  • The paucity of resources, the lack of an intellectual and artistic community in the institute made conditions intolerable.
  • They warned it would put the old and sick under intolerable pressure to end their lives. The Sun
  • They can make life feel intolerable, as they clearly did for Donna. The Sun
  • Chris followed Frad out into the half-light of the warehouse, which seemed brilliant after the stuffy inkiness of the hole, and thence into the intolerable brilliance of late-afternoon sunlight. Cities In Flight
  • Life for some researchers has become almost intolerable. Times, Sunday Times
  • In fact, he was aggressively antireligious, and his anger with her faith was becoming intolerable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Caring for an elderly relative can become an intolerable burden.
  • Ultimately, if a client requires you, the editor, to maintain his or her bizarro style, grammar, and punctuation, and you find it intolerable, then it might be time to get out.
  • The constant pain made her life intolerable.
  • England, his own poignant sense of possession in her and by her, his own intolerable aching at the heart at his envisagement of her enormously beset. If Winter Comes
  • Meanwhile, the Dental Hospital in Glasgow is under intolerable strain, with huge waiting lists.
  • Over month after weary month they tried to deal with its intolerable burden. Times, Sunday Times
  • sentient of the intolerable load
  • In particular, Western sexual freedom puts them under intolerable pressure, and they lash out in fury against us.
  • It made an intolerable situation tolerable and it was a false friend and it is not a good idea. The Sun
  • He found the media attention intolerable and went to ground abroad for several months.
  • How should I raise these intolerable working conditions with my boss without appearing crass and insensitive? Times, Sunday Times
  • This condition would have been intolerable, requiring the execution of the boldface procedures and shutting down all bleed air in the aircraft.
  • Stephin Merritt, the band's creative core, has hyperacusis, an ear condition that makes loud sounds intolerable. Magnetic Fields: On the Road
  • Two patients had been subject to recurrent dacryocystitis, 3 were subject to epiphora and recurrent dacryocystitis and the others were subject to intolerable epiphora ranging from 6 months to ‘years’.
  • Because the idea of punishment is intolerable to the buck-passer, a sign of his impotence. Living with the Passive—Aggressive Man
  • Most countries would have found such a situation intolerable years ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • A periphrastic study in a worn-out poetical fashion,/ Leaving one still with the intolerable wrestle/ With words and meanings.
  • They felt this would put intolerable pressure on them.
  • Sometimes, but never lonely intolerable evening miss out. Would like to find a lover, romantic.
  • The week before the London attack the strain was becoming intolerable. FIGHTER BOYS: Saving Britain 1940
  • The situation was now intolerable and soon blew up. Into Africa - a social history of the East African Safari
  • Page 56 like, and where fresh beef is scarcely ever tasted by the poor people, the collard is a very great blessing: because when boiled in a pot with a piece of fat meat and balls of corn meal dough, having the size and appearance of ordinary white turnips, called dumplings, it makes palatable a diet which would otherwise be all but intolerable. Recollections of the Inhabitants, Localities, Superstitions, and KuKlux Outrages of the Carolinas. By a "Carpet-Bagger" Who Was Born and Lived There
  • For my part, I would rather be condemned for life to the galleys than exercise the office of a cicisbeo, exposed to the intolerable caprices and dangerous resentment of an Italian virago.
  • THE three "intolerable" measures with which my government stands charged by those who succeeded in enlisting the aid of so powerful an ally as the United States in this revolution are as follows: – Hawaii's Story, by Hawaii's Queen
  • I can also understand that there are elderly people who fear becoming an intolerable burden. Times, Sunday Times
  • This was quite intolerable; a misgiving was a warning voice from God, which should be attended to as a man valued his soul. The Fair Haven
  • The intolerable toneless monologues of the last few auditions made a couple of people go to sleep.
  • The remembrance of our misdoings is grievous to us; the burden of them is intolerable.
  • The job placed almost intolerable pressure on her.
  • The thatched cottages were usually intolerable slums when the poor inhabited them, and were only made liveable when the rich discovered the charm of a simple rustic habitation as an escape from the industrial urban environment.
  • Future taxpayers face an intolerable burden of welfare obligations. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's hardly surprising that so many relationships are under intolerable strain. Times, Sunday Times
  • The interference and intolerable discussion brought the three of them forward, battleful and fierce. Men, Women, and Boats
  • Nevertheless, as I said before, the cold cannot be so intolerable under the latitude of 46, 47, and 48, especial within land, that it should be unhabitable, as some do suppose, seeing also there are very many people more to the north by a great deal. Sir Humphrey Gilbert's Voyage to Newfoundland
  • Do they hear about the intolerable strain placed on the heart when blood becomes the consistency of jam? Times, Sunday Times
  • This role as social prefect is an intolerable burden IPCC To Investigate Barwell Deaths « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • This is definitely not something to attempt in the summer, as heat would make it almost intolerable. Times, Sunday Times
  • For those who have not been submitted, as we have, for four years to the intolerable and abhorred German yoke, it is difficult to realize how great were the relief, the joy, the well-being, or, in a word, the unexpressible happiness we all felt when the first allied troops made their way through our village. Official History of the 120th Infantry
  • Behrend 9.321 observed an opium exanthem, which was attended by intolerable itching, after the exhibition of a quarter of a grain. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • This was an intolerable assault, ran the burden of their complaint, on ‘freedom of speech’.
  • Of winter afternoons he would stare through the leaded window-panes at the gaunt, leafless trees, on whose summits swayed the cawing rooks, until servitude seemed intolerable, and he prayed for the voice of the bearward that summoned him to Southwark. A Book of Scoundrels
  • Another pest is a small midge, or sand-fly, which causes intolerable itching, and subsequent irritation, and is in this respect the most insufferable torment in Sikkim; the minutest rent in one's clothes is detected by the acute senses of this insatiable bloodsucker, which is itself so small as to be barely visible without a microscope. Himalayan Journals — Complete
  • Over the course of 18 months, nearly three fourths of patients stopped taking their medicines due to lack of effectiveness or intolerable side effects.
  • Maybe the cause is so great or maybe the suffering is so intolerable that the ends justify any means - fat chance, but maybe.
  • A caring relative who has a strong attachment to the old person may find the vulnerability of the loved one nearly intolerable.
  • At different times poets and writers, good people of distinction and philanthropy, weary of the "storm and stress" of life and of invasions and intolerable "bumptiousness" of the vulgar and indiscriminating, have tried to secure a place and surroundings where high thinking and simple living might order their days and secure to them companionship fit for the gods; but the noblest and best of humanity are not permitted to go off by themselves in such ways and have a little heaven on earth all to themselves. Insights and Heresies Pertaining to the Evolution of the Soul
  • In the course of that revolution, many things were done that would have been intolerable in the context of ordinary democratic politics and ordinary civil life.
  • This heavy foot traffic placed an intolerable burden on the old, original summit path and what had been a pleasant trail up the hillside had turned into a linear morass of mud and glaur.
  • I am not easily provoked, but this behaviour is intolerable!
  • This would not be an intolerable and unacceptable burden for students who currently are paying fees slightly in excess of 3,000 a year upfront. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is the audacity with which they conduct themselves, their churlishness, which is so intolerable. Why Is The Taliban Being Imposed On Tribal Areas?
  • The situation was now intolerable and soon blew up. Into Africa - a social history of the East African Safari
  • Drunk off the champagne, Ronan leaned in to give Rue a kiss, and surely would have if Hector had not pulled the needle off of the record, making an intolerable screeching sound.
  • Western rationality and pride in democracy can seem an intolerable, parochial conceit to those whose lives have been so violently disturbed.
  • His illness placed an intolerable burden on his family.
  • The acetic solution and the tincture are the cleanliest and most agreeable preparations, but all are equally efficacious in destroying both the creatures and their eggs, and even in relieving the intolerable itching which their casual presence leaves behind on many sensitive skins. Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
  • With one ear buried in the pillow, the noise is almost intolerable, something akin to a leaf-blower yowling outside the window. Death's Noisy Herald
  • Athletes, or others whose physical activity was at the center of their self-conception, are more likely to find a paraplegic's life intolerable.
  • The idea that soon they might add to their burdens by entering the workplace is intolerable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dying people are burdened with almost intolerable circumstances. Christianity Today
  • In some cases, parents may come under intolerable pressure and stress, which leads to them harm their own children.
  • The other intolerable annoyance is his spastic clunkiness. The Peyton Puzzle: Redskins Week 6 preview
  • He underwent a number of operations, but the cost put the family under almost intolerable strain. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dying people are burdened with almost intolerable circumstances. Christianity Today
  • The pressure is almost intolerable. The Sun
  • He underwent a number of operations, but the cost put the family under almost intolerable strain. Times, Sunday Times
  • But what of the intolerable Hamas Qassam rockets on the Israeli city Sderot, the fourteen Israelis killed by those rockets since 2005 (four of them in the current violence), the vile annihilationist language of the Hamas Charter? Eyeless in Gaza
  • In the Coen brothers' Intolerable Cruelty she plays a gold-digger using pre-nuptial agreements to hopscotch her way to riches.
  • Fashion is about change Oscar Wilde gibed, "Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months." and change can be painful at first. Wendy Brandes: 'Tis the Season for Peplums
  • The situation was now intolerable and soon blew up. Into Africa - a social history of the East African Safari
  • They have served a three-year sentence in intolerable circumstances for something they never did.
  • How should I raise these intolerable working conditions with my boss without appearing crass and insensitive? Times, Sunday Times
  • He was invalided home with an intolerable rash, which was diagnosed as the then unusual mepacrine photosensitivity.
  • Sometimes on clear, soft nights, when the moon came out all splendid and the "peepers" sang so plaintively in the Hollow, the boy's heart would fill and grow enormous in his chest with the intolerable sadness he felt. The Best Short Stories of 1917 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story
  • It was doubtless in order to relieve this saccharine and "mellisonant" monotony that he thought fit to intersperse these interminable droppings of natural or artificial perfume with others of the rankest and most intolerable odour: but a diet of alternate sweetmeats and emetics is for the average of eaters and drinkers no less unpalatable than unwholesome. The Hesperides & Noble Numbers: Vol. 1 and 2
  • So piercing is the sense of intolerable threat that I found myself having nightmares about it last night. Don’t Go Down To The Woods « Tales from the Reading Room
  • The resulting welfare obligations may put an intolerable strain on future generations. Times, Sunday Times
  • his presumption was intolerable
  • Divorce can be obtained on the bases of adultery, intolerable behavior, desertion, and de facto separation.
  • Make their lives intolerable. Times, Sunday Times
  • If two pods of aji, steeped in warm vinegar, are laid as a sinapism on the skin, in the space of a quarter of an hour the part becomes red, and the pain intolerable; within an hour the scarf-skin will be removed. Travels in Peru, on the Coast, in the Sierra, Across the Cordilleras and the Andes, into the Primeval Forests
  • Yet the whole intolerableness of the practice will center in the rule for exclusion of pupils from these examinations because of school failure. The High School Failures A Study of the School Records of Pupils Failing in Academic or Commercial High School Subjects
  • I am not easily provoked , but his behaviour is intolerable!
  • Make their lives intolerable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dying people are burdened with almost intolerable circumstances. Christianity Today
  • Such is the endlessness, yea, the intolerableness of all earthly effort. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • The discovery of his idol's feet of clay proves intolerable to the lonely, emotionally stunted fan.
  • Union leaders now insist that the levels of violence have become intolerable and drastic measures are needed.
  • He cut up and smoke-dried the flesh, and the intolerable pangs of hunger compelled me to share the loathsome food with him. Green Mansions
  • I am not one easily scared or intimidated and neither was my husband but as time went on the situation became intolerable.
  • Consensus was readily reached on one proposition: that a reversion to depression conditions was intolerable and unacceptable.
  • The hams and tongues seem, indeed, rather a poor halfpennyworth to this intolerable deal of sack; but this instance of Surinam privation in those days may open some glimpse at the colonial standards of comfort. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 05, No. 31, May, 1860
  • Most countries would have found such a situation intolerable years ago. Times, Sunday Times
  • These volumes have been quarried by historians for decades for ‘shocking truths’ of ‘intolerable conditions’ of filth and depravity in early industrial towns.

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