
View Synonyms
[ US /ˌɪnˈtɑɫɝəbəɫ/ ]
[ UK /ɪntˈɒləɹəbə‍l/ ]
  1. incapable of being tolerated or endured
    an intolerable degree of sentimentality
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How To Use intolerable In A Sentence

  • Life for some researchers has become almost intolerable. Times, Sunday Times
  • Problems in his personal life became intolerable for him and he felt unable to face his future.
  • Because Selma University was unaccredited, Spring Hill wanted Motley to enter as a freshman, which she found intolerable.
  • Three-quarters of the world's population live in conditions that people in the West would find intolerable.
  • An extension in opening times will increase the pressure to intolerable levels.
  • By medicalising their behavior we give medicine and the state the remit to involuntarily detain and medicate such people to prevent them from behaving in ways society finds intolerable.
  • He found the media attention intolerable and went to ground abroad for several months.
  • As Franklin the day before had felt, so he now felt, the intolerableness of his woe; and, as with Franklin, the waves closed over his head. Franklin Kane
  • The dread in the Baroque originated with the intolerable idea of a body without a soul.
  • She philandered with some of them up to the point where comparisons become inevitable, and, so long as they met her in a spirit of frank camaraderie, it was agreeable enough; but when, with their commonplace minds, they presumed to be sentimental, they became intolerable. The Beth Book Being a Study of the Life of Elizabeth Caldwell Maclure, a Woman of Genius
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