How To Use Intensively In A Sentence

  • The landscape was well ordered with fields defined by hedges and ditches, trackways linking settlements, and unenclosed grazing areas beyond the more intensively used enclosed land.
  • This all changed when someone (probably an economist) spotted the nice turn that could be made by feeding slops or swill to pigs, and considered farming pigs intensively.
  • Will they farm the rest of their land less intensively?
  • Run-off from barnyards, cropland, feedlots, septic tanks, and intensively managed turf areas such as golf courses can introduce large quantities of organic matter and nutrients into a pond.
  • Instead of millions of vulnerable hosts to evolve within back then, we now have billions of chickens intensively confined in factory farms, arguably the Perfect Storm environment for the emergence and spread of hypervirulent, so-called "predator-type" viruses like H5N1. Kathy Freston: Flu Season: Factory Farming Could Cause A Catastrophic Pandemic
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  • Like Misael in La Libertad, Vargas is a nonactor whose character carries his real-life name, but whose being is subsumed more intensely and intensively into Alonso's fiction.
  • The only way to make them economically viable is to intensively rear British farmers in huge barns where thousands of them can be kept in semi-darkness and fed mashed up, infected sheep pellets.
  • The surface of the conch seems to possess a layer of intensively weathered shell, and no feature that could be reasonably interpreted as growth lines is present.
  • Mozart's final, intensively creative years in Vienna produced all manner of wonders – operas, symphonies, concerti and several works for the keyboard. Mozart in Vienna
  • The river valley is intensively cropped.
  • That so many around the world are humoring his grandiosity is owing mainly to the country's impressive deposits of oil, which began to be developed intensively after the collapse of the Soviet Union. Sultan of the Steppes
  • In eastern England especially, attempts were made to farm the existing arable more intensively.
  • It is discovered that nitrite, diazo compound and 2-naphthalin-1-sulfonic intensively disturb the determination of anilin.
  • The French word cramer does not mean "to study intensively for an exam" -- although one could argue that "to cram" is to be put to the TEST. Cramer - French Word-A-Day
  • Being reluctant to think , unwilling to study intensively and under-stand deeply and being complacentand satisfied at negligible knowledgeall are the cause of poor intelligence, which can be germed as "foolish". 
  • We've been playing for 25 years, and we played very intensively together, and then we invited people to join us, so I have luxuriated in trios and quartets and quintets.
  • And it lies within a stone's throw of the most intensively used footpath on the North York Moors.
  • The dosage ranges from using the inhaler intensively for 5 minutes 24 to 48 times a day gradually tapering off after 3 months.
  • The land has been intensively farmed.
  • Will they farm the rest of their land less intensively?
  • Cattle would graze Appalachian pastures intensively and be rotated from paddock to paddock, just as grass-fed Argentine cattle graze on the South American pampas.
  • Peregrines were investigated less intensively than kestrels because of their known preference for birds as opposed to mammalian prey.
  • First, early deals, limited offers and last-minute bargains are vital, time-critical products and should be intensively promoted.
  • William Butler Yeats ranks among the most widely admired and intensively studied writers of the twentieth century.
  • Although less intensively studied than Nearctic species, numerous Palearctic and Paleotropical species also utter flight calls.
  • The calves are grazed intensively during their first season.
  • Will they farm the rest of their land less intensively?
  • Despite the evident dispersal of some comic book artists to remote locations, these artists form a social economy that periodically interacts intensively.
  • The most - intensively fumigated terrestrial sites have no vegetation, but further away a few pollution-tolerant species are present.
  • A little over 100 crop species are now grown intensively around the world, with only a handful of them supplying us with most of what we now eat.
  • I can't be reassured that the liver in this isn't from intensively farmed animals.
  • Being reluctant to think , unwilling to study intensively and under-stand deeply and being complacentand satisfied at negligible knowledgeall are the cause of poor intelligence, which can be germed as "foolish". 
  • The role of ethylene in fruit development and maturation has been intensively studied.
  • Being reluctant to think , unwilling to study intensively and under-stand deeply and being complacentand satisfied at negligible knowledgeall are the cause of poor intelligence, which can be germed as "foolish". 
  • The standardization of measurement is not well defined: The effect of counter measures such a dredging which is performed intensively in Holland is difficult to asses. The Dutch experience of sea-level rise « Climate Audit
  • The one female was not observed until she began behaving in a territorial manner again, even though the surrounding area had been intensively surveyed twice.
  • A ferocious blood-sport, probably introduced by the Romans, in which intensively trained gamecocks with metal or bone spurs slipped over their natural ones were set to fight, usually to the death, on a stage in a circular pit.
  • The echo parakeet is probably the most intensively managed bird in the world today, and it frustrates Jones that endangered species elsewhere are not supported with the same offensive onslaught.
  • The programme needs to be delivered intensively and in both the home and preschool group.
  • The relative costliness of labor encouraged labor-saving mechanization; the scarcity of capital made it worthwhile to build machines cheaply and use them intensively.
  • Young will later thank God his firearms instructors drilled him intensively in weak hand only shooting.
  • The whole area of the borderland between what is normal aging and very, very early Alzheimer's disease is an intensively investigated area of research currently.
  • The only downside is that I now have nothing to intensively concentrate / focus on to take my mind off Thursday (exam results day).
  • The French countryside is still pastoral and not all of it is as intensively cultivated as ours.
  • Through intensively study, we attempt to find the path and essential of Elgar's cello concertos.
  • Neither ‘new’ nor entirely ‘forest’, the New Forest is a cornucopia of habitats, a haven of beauty surrounded by intensively managed farmland and conurbations.
  • In addition, results from a less intensively managed group of mares not receiving routine deworming would be useful.
  • Being reluctant to think , unwilling to study intensively and under-stand deeply and being complacentand satisfied at negligible knowledgeall are the cause of poor intelligence, which can be germed as "foolish". 
  • There are few more intensively competitive classes in the car market than the supermini.
  • Within intensively urbanized and agricultural regions, migratory stopover and staging habitats often are scarce, so birds concentrate in a few areas.
  • This was not because European workers toiled less intensively.
  • The only way to make them economically viable is to intensively rear British farmers in huge barns where thousands of them can be kept in semi-darkness and fed mashed up, infected sheep pellets.
  • Run-off from barnyards, cropland, feedlots, septic tanks, and intensively managed turf areas such as golf courses can introduce large quantities of organic matter and nutrients into a pond.
  • The IA campaign sees a selected number of athletes from 12 sports, excluding wushu, prepare intensively to enhance Indonesia's medal chances at the 2006 Asian Games.
  • he studied the snake intensively
  • Southeastern soils have been intensively cropped and are prone to drought and erosion.
  • The role of ethylene in fruit development and maturation has been intensively studied.
  • We called our veterinarian team in and they worked intensively over the next 24 hours to try and save her, but unfortunately she succumbed to a toxic infection. CBC | Top Stories News
  • In most vertebrates in which they have been intensively studied - amphibians and birds - gastrulation movements are rather complicated.
  • Under these circumstances, children could be exposed intensively and continuously to both inorganic and organic respirable toxins while outdoors.
  • Second, a general achiness comes over our bodies, particularly when we sit more intensively: everything seems to hurt at once - our legs are aching, our shoulders and neck are sore, our back is on fire.
  • We workshopped it intensively, wrote and rewrote, worked and reworked the movement, the sound, the chant, the songs, the harmonies, the dance, the percussion.
  • Measuring the transmission level voltages using optical crystal and optical fiber has been intensively researched and developed.
  • A predicable was another name for a universal, the common term being called a predicable in one relation and a universal in another-a predicable, extensively, in so far as it was applicable to several different things, a universal, intensively, in so far as the attributes indicated were implied in several other notions, as the attributes indicated by 'animal' are implied in 'horse,' 'sheep,' Deductive Logic
  • Ruth's parents opted to educate her intensively at home.
  • But above all it was dependent upon his having studied both rock formations and fossils intensively, in situ. THE CURIOUS LIFE OF ROBERT HOOKE: The Man who Measured London
  • Some adjacent areas were also surveyed, although less intensively.
  • Developments of children with profound CP intensively rely on the educational and training function of family.
  • Common sense suggests that they are unlikely to be generated on enclosed land which is intensively used for pasturing animals.
  • In a separate section, the report reveals that farmed halibut, sea bass and sea bream can suffer from severe cataracts when reared intensively, causing blindness and corneal bleeding.
  • The environment department intensively needs a self-contained, network conscious and easy-deployment smart terminal to satisfy the requirement of the field inspection for the environmental inspector.
  • Despite all the hundreds of alcoholics he intensively twelve-stepped, despite earnest prayer and moralistic self-examination, his obsession with alcohol was not lifted.
  • While the union executives have advanced this project intensively, there is substantial resistance to it by a middle level of functionaries.
  • Being reluctant to think , unwilling to study intensively and under-stand deeply and being complacentand satisfied at negligible knowledgeall are the cause of poor intelligence, which can be germed as "foolish". 
  • Most the the area is intensively cultivated farm lands with plenty of roads.
  • They concluded that the village was less of a sleepy backwater than previously thought and more intensively settled, with houses jostling for space.
  • Director Joe Wright is utterly unbookish; he never read the novel, having devoted his life to reading movies intensively instead.
  • Commercial logging has intensively focused on two species: kauri (Agathis macrophylla) and sandalwood (Santalum austrocaledonicum). Vanuatu rain forests
  • Instead of toying with a boring crispbread or so-called ‘low-fat’ chocolate bar for your New Year diet, opt for unprocessed quality food that has not been intensively produced.
  • Being reluctant to think , unwilling to study intensively and under-stand deeply and being complacentand satisfied at negligible knowledgeall are the cause of poor intelligence, which can be germed as "foolish". 
  • Norwegian forests have been exploited intensively for the export of roundwood, sawn timber, and wood tar for hundreds of years. Land tenure and management in the boreal region
  • Being reluctant to think , unwilling to study intensively and under-stand deeply and being complacentand satisfied at negligible knowledgeall are the cause of poor intelligence, which can be germed as "foolish". 
  • He always distrusted the military and had it intensively spied on.
  • In third instar larvae the reporter gene is intensively expressed in all the imaginal discs, in the larval gonads, in the imaginal ring cells of salivary glands, and in the ring gland.
  • Issue regarding the Homo sapiens speciation and evolution has been intensively and extensively focused on.
  • Exchange skin cell moisture intensively, balance oil secretion and improve inflammation of acne - prone skin.
  • Local metallurgy evolved into bigger factories and British technology, including English smelting furnaces and imported coal, was used intensively.
  • Even a high skilled operator is not motivated to care intensively for a gasifier which is obviously badly designed. 8. Non-technical aspects of gasifier operation in the field
  • Its aim is to act as a vehicle for teenagers to work intensively with professional practitioners in the arts.
  • Since both seastars and whelks feed most intensively on barnacles and mussels, they clearly co-occupy the predator guild in this community.
  • The calves are grazed intensively during their first season.
  • The forest has been intensively coppiced, and multi-stemmed trees make up a large fraction of the present tree population.
  • Cyprus has been intensively fished for many years and scuba spearfishing remains popular.
  • Being reluctant to think , unwilling to study intensively and under-stand deeply and being complacentand satisfied at negligible knowledgeall are the cause of poor intelligence, which can be germed as "foolish". 
  • The scientists tracked the source of the pollutants to the fish meal fed to intensively farmed salmon.
  • I visited them that April during lambing, and was so taken with the magnitude of their life -- at once its allure and its arduousness -- that we ended up working with them, their friends, and their Irish-American hired hands intensively over the coming years. George Heymont: Mother Nature Provided The Soundtrack
  • Local metallurgy evolved into bigger factories and British technology, including English smelting furnaces and imported coal, was used intensively.
  • Being reluctant to think , unwilling to study intensively and under-stand deeply and being complacentand satisfied at negligible knowledgeall are the cause of poor intelligence, which can be germed as "foolish". 
  • The results show that the surface temperature of melt pool is affected intensively by melting parameters such as melting rate, melting power, electron beam scanning pattern and scan frequency, etc.
  • The land here has been intensively cultivated for generations.
  • We have the tendency to "think aloud," to react very quickly and intensively to the superficial impact of first impressions, to draw and express broad conclusions from what may be only sporadic incidents and to magnify their significance -- a tendency salutarily tempered by the practice of sober second thought. An International Survey
  • In nasopharyngeal carcinomas, composed of a mixture of epithelial tumour cells and lymphocytic infiltrates, it was intensively discussed whether the EBV DNA might rest in the lymphocytic infiltrates. Harald zur Hausen - Autobiography
  • The French countryside is still pastoral and not all of it is as intensively cultivated as ours.
  • Because it is a less departmentalized operation than a major publishing house, editors at indie presses often have the time to work more intensively with their authors. Author! Author! » 2010 » January
  • They concluded that the village was less of a sleepy backwater than previously thought and more intensively settled, with houses jostling for space.
  • The land here has been intensively cultivated for generations.
  • The fate of rubisco during leaf senescence has been intensively studied and the nitrogen from this source has been shown to be extensively reutilized in the synthesis of proteins in seeds and perennating organs.
  • It has no policy on replanting forests that are being intensively clear-cut.
  • While the subaleurone cells were intensively labelled, no label was seen in the outer layers of the grain, i.e. in the testa, pericarp and husk.
  • When we learn to read or look or listen intensively, we are not just becoming adept at exposing falsehood or at uncovering yet more examples of the duplicities of culture and society. Michael Roth: Go Positive!
  • Since subgraph isomorphism is a computationally hard problem, indexing techniques have been intensively exploited to speed up the process. BioMed Central - Latest articles
  • Mosquito abundance and bionomics were studied intensively during summer and spring at two residential communities of contrasting economic status.
  • Being reluctant to think , unwilling to study intensively and under-stand deeply and being complacentand satisfied at negligible knowledgeall are the cause of poor intelligence, which can be germed as "foolish". 
  • And what's wrong with ogling those who spend years intensively preparing to be ogled?
  • Being reluctant to think , unwilling to study intensively and under-stand deeply and being complacentand satisfied at negligible knowledgeall are the cause of poor intelligence, which can be germed as "foolish". 
  • They are less likely to be tainted with the chemical residues that lace non-organic, intensively reared meat.
  • In this way researchers have the opportunity to investigate the subject intensively and profoundly.
  • Being reluctant to think , unwilling to study intensively and under-stand deeply and being complacentand satisfied at negligible knowledgeall are the cause of poor intelligence, which can be germed as "foolish". 
  • Subsurface evidence from drilling shows that these folds were fractured intensively by small-scale faults and closely spaced joints.
  • The leadership team and I will be meeting intensively in the next few weeks on our go-forward plans for the business. AT&T Hangs Up on T-Mobile
  • Driving through a land which has been intensively farmed since the dawn of civilisation, we soon reached the Ghab, a rich agricultural valley which had once been marshland.

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