How To Use Insensate In A Sentence

  • You had to have your wits about you, for it was a battle in which mighty blows were struck, on one side, and in which cunning was used on the other side -- a struggle between insensate force and intelligence. Jack London:Surfing in Hawaii
  • Some die on the table, but far more end up never walking again, having permanent colostomies, or just a dysfunctional and insensate genital mess due to inexperienced surgeons. RIP, Mike Penner « Dating Jesus
  • It would have to be with the video for maximum impact, since the sight of Bono's smug histrionics reduces all sensitive sentient creatures to a state of rabid insensate rage.
  • And the snarl of my anger was blended with the snarls of beasts more ancient than the mountains, and the vocal madness of my child hysteria, with all the red of its wrath, was chorded with the insensate, stupid cries of beasts pre-Adamic and pregeologic in time. Chapter 1
  • The innocuous trauma of high pressure jets and bubble massage to the insensate breast and back areas had caused the bruising seen in the picture.
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  • At dawn Vathek visits the prison, only to find that the Giaour has escaped, leaving his guards insensate.
  • In the early days, I was insensate, unable to swallow, eat, stand, sit.
  • I know it's just what it is; I know the plane isn't going to crash, but nothing else wants to make me put back a gallon of vodka and sprawl back in the seat with my mouth open, insensate as the lucky luggage in the hold below.
  • Confronted with this picture of insensate delusion and folly, the critical reader will immediately counterplead that England all this time was conducting a war which involved the organization of several millions of fighting men and of the workers who were supplying them with provisions, munitions, and transport, and that this could not have been done by a mob of hysterical ranters. Heartbreak House
  • It's tricky to separate the emotional memory of watching a movie (and I saw this one slightly drunk, at 11 pm at night, surrounded by a huge number of similarly insensate people) from the emotion evoked by the music itself.
  • insensate destruction
  • Natural scientists in general, and biologists in particular, often adopt some version of the Cartesian presumption that nonhuman animals are insensate machines made of meat.
  • Some die on the table, but far more end up never walking again, having permanent colostomies, or just a dysfunctional and insensate genital mess due to inexperienced surgeons. RIP, Mike Penner « Dating Jesus
  • And never mind that, five years ago, according to a report in the Miami Herald, the couple openly conceded that she was insensate, her brain destroyed.
  • State courts had already ruled repeatedly and consistently that the tube feeding should be discontinued, consistent with her expressed wishes prior to the event that rendered her insensate. Barbara Coombs Lee: The Schiavo Case Seven Years Later
  • Initially my plan had been to buy up every copy that had snuck into the country and destroy it before it managed to corrupt some poor young child whose future would be better served by painting fences or being beaten insensate with a belt.
  • There must always be something shocking in the sacrifice of the higher life to the lower, of the sensate to what we are pleased to call the insensate, although no one who has studied the marvellously intelligent motives that impel a plant's activities can any longer consider the vegetable creation as lacking sensibility. Wild Flowers Worth Knowing
  • And the snarl of my anger was blended with the snarls of beasts more ancient than the mountains, and the vocal madness of my child hysteria, with all the red of its wrath, was chorded with the insensate, stupid cries of beasts pre-Adamic and pregeologic in time. Chapter 1
  • Some 9,000 British people die every year from alcohol-related illness and hundreds of thousands are hospitalised or rendered insensate.
  • They probably couldn't benefit much from suggestions but perhaps, if in deep enough trance, as neurologically defined, they would simply be insensate.
  • When the serf no longer responded to whipping because you were just hitting old insensate scar tissue, that would be the equivalent of low batteries.
  • Ingesting drugs - unless they render you completely insensate, which isn't a bad thing - serves only to accentuate personality qualities you already possess.
  • There was "an explosion of the doggeries," and an insensate yelping has been kept up ever since. New Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • Since the sexual revolution of the sixties, in fact, insensate jealousy of the kind that leads to death in Vilnius hotel rooms has become not morbid or pathological, but perfectly normal, at least in the statistical sense.
  • The insensate desire for speed is what blinds us to the carnage cars cause.
  • Oftentimes, someone may become insensate, meaning they don't have any feeling on one side of their body or they have weakness on one side of their body. CNN Transcript Jun 30, 2009
  • His money and position have rendered him insensate, an exemplar of a culture which has become itself insensate, which refuses to learn from history.
  • Anaxagoras compounded this heresy by alleging that the stars were insensate bodies as well, stones carried in orbit by the rapid movement of the heavens and that occasionally a stone might detach itself to become a falling star.
  • Simon Callow's fine Sir Toby is also a genuine rural blueblood whose highest praise for Maria is that "she is a beagle, true bred", yet who is also capable of insensate cruelty. Twelfth Night - review | Theatre | Michael Billington
  • Describing the women's attackers as "insensate" ( 'Lacking sense or the power to reason;' 'Foolish; witless'), the traditional leaders said the actions of Ngcukana's attackers were not only "barbaric", but unconstitutional in that they violated gender discrimination provisions. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Diabetics often suffer from insensate fingers, and they said that manipulating and positioning test strips correctly in a monitor proved difficult, as well as attention grabbing in social situations.
  • It was not simply to vindicate him in his insensate battle with the BBC.
  • As with any technique used on the insensate foot, careful attention to detail must be made during application to ensure effective off-loading and the prevention of secondary injury.
  • Regarding the insensate thaan, Shar sighed in resignation. Star Trek: Typhon Pact Paths of Disharmony
  • In the World War the German Jews had a record of insensate loyalty to the Kaiser.
  • The act released his physical energies without unfettering his will; his mind was still spellbound, but his powerful body and agile limbs, endowed with a blind, insensate life of their own, resisted stoutly and well.
  • insentient (or insensate) stone
  • a predatory, insensate society in which innocence and decency can prove fatal
  • Cameron's feet felt numb beneath her legs, insensate blocks. MINUTES TO BURN
  • She pointed to a heap of insensate lobsters piled in a corner.
  • Arguing that idealism, like the belief in heaven, makes us impractical, insensate, and out of touch with this world, Levis fuses tropes of religion with tropes of riding horseback.
  • Alias captures the look and feel of the hit ABC TV show, with players battling the forces of insensate evil.
  • Oftentimes someone may become insensate, meaning they don't have any feeling on one side of their body or they have weakness on one side of the body. CNN Transcript Jun 30, 2009
  • War also can be inchoate and incoherent, its object not far removed from insensate mayhem.
  • She loved him as true women love, with that sublime self-sacrifice which only desires the happiness of the thing beloved; yet a kind of insensate rage stirred for once in her gentle soul to think that the mere sight of a strange woman with dark eyes, -- a woman whom no one knew anything about, and who was by some people deemed a mere adventuress, -- should have so overwhelmed this man whose genius she had deemed superior to fleeting impressions. Ziska
  • Fahrenheit 9/11 is a movie so evil and depraved it has caused him to foam in insensate rage without having seen it.
  • When Logan was concerned, I was still insensate.
  • The very sight of Tony, bringing with it, as it did, a quickened rush of torturing remembrance, filled him with a kind of insensate fury. The Vision of Desire
  • Following the convention's closing ceremonies, which amounted to Mr. Wurzelbacher and Mr. Izjit sharing a box of Moon Pies and a liter of Dr. Pepper while listening to cassette tapes of Lee Greenwood and Anita Bryant, the pair put the "Gone Fishin '" sign on the door and adjourned to a local tavern where they "chugged" shots of Rebel Yell and bottles of Pabst Blue Ribbon beer until insensate. LT Saloon
  • Duchenne lectured on expression at the École des Beaux-Arts, Paris, which still houses his remarkable photographs of experiments involving the attaching of electrodes to the selected facial muscles of a thankfully insensate man.
  • Rather, they were driven chiefly by an insensate hatred of America and all things American.

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