
How To Use Infernal In A Sentence

  • And if from this conjunction a baby was born, the infernal rite was resumed, all around a little jar of wine, which they called the keg, and they became drunk and would cut the baby to pieces, and pour its blood into the goblet, and they threw babies on the fire, still alive, and they mixed the baby's ashes and his blood, and drank! The Name of the Rose
  • “You tend to your business, you infernal bodysnatcher, and let us run ours, ” ran the message, and I understood. My Dog is avenged
  • Now here is what is interesting, the worshippers of Mithras strongly believed in a celestial heaven and an infernal hell.
  • Next you'll come over all pommy and start moaning about the infernal heat. Ms R has lost her bikini
  • I saw a picture not long since, in Edinburgh, copied from an engraving in Boydell's Shakspeare; subject, -- "Lear (and suite) in the storm," but coloured according to the imagination and taste of the artist; its name ought assuredly to have been _Redcap and the blue-devils_, for the venerable and lamented monarch had fine streaming locks of the real _carrot hue_, whilst his very hideous companions showed _blue_ faces, and blue armour; and with their strangely contorted bodies seemed meet representatives of some of the infernal court. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 341, November 15, 1828
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  • Bordered by nine countries, its mineral wealth is brazenly plundered, made possible by an infernally weak state in which corruption, violence and lawlessness are rife.
  • Either that or global warming has been replaced by global freezing in infernally hot places. Sound Politics: State "Supervision" Fails Again - Another Dead Cop
  • The nobler arts of magic, astrology, alchymy, necromancy, &c., were equally in vogue in this age with that of the infernal art proper. The Superstitions of Witchcraft
  • infernal instruments of war
  • I was returned out of the valley aliue, they reuerenced me much, saying that I was baptised and holy, and that the foresayd bodies were men subiect vnto the deuils infernall, who vsed to play vpon citherns, to the end they might allure people to enter, and so murther them. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • His conception of the infernal regions had been actively debated throughout the sixteenth century, two opposed views having been set forth by commentators on Dante's text.
  • As I understand it, the more creative types we execute, the angrier will be the response from your infernal hives. Diuturnity's Dawn
  • Not only does the noise go on for hours but these infernal machines kill or maim thousands of hedgehogs, frogs and fledglings every spring and summer.
  • Amid the most infernal roar of every kind of fire-arms, and through an atmosphere heavy with dust and smoke, we marched up through the 'boyaux' to the 'tranchees de depart'. Poems
  • Whenever I even say hello they go all red like damn raspberries and start their infernal giggling.
  • Witch! traitress! infernal ghost! heart of ice!" and in English "humbug!" and in French Vittoria — Complete
  • Any gang of politicos is like the eighth circle of Hell, but the American breed is specially awful because they take it seriously and believe it matters; wherever you went, to dinner or an excursion or to pay a call, or even take a stroll, you were deafened with their infernal prosing-I daren't go to the privy without making sure some seedy heeler wasn't lying in wait to get me to join a caucus. Isabelle
  • London ones, though by no means so abominable even, one's company here being mainly God's sky and earth, not cockneydom with its slums, enchanted aperies and infernalries. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • Cùm autem homines illius contratæ sciuerunt me viuum exisse, reuerebantur me multum, dicentes me baptizatum et sanctum: et corpora illa fuisse daemonum infernalium qui pulsant cytharas vt homines alliciant intare, et interficiant. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • There were splashes of flash bulbs, and infernal heat, and the button eyes of Ethel Kennedy turned to cinders.
  • Therein the mighty and incomprehensible God Himself is apprehensibly contained and worshipped; therein is revealed the nature of things celestial, terrestrial, and infernal; therein are discerned the laws by which every state is administered, the offices of the celestial hierarchy are distinguished, and the tyrannies of demons described, such as neither the ideas of Plato transcend, nor the chair of Crato contained. The Love of Books : The Philobiblon of Richard de Bury
  • Staggering home under the appalled stares of passers-by, a bloodied Mehmet walks a gauntlet of seething furnaces, grinding pistons and an incessant, infernal hammering.
  • Infernales, et à finibus Italiæ vsque ad ista loca sunt 25. miliaria. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • It is all an infernal nuisance… it seems to me the time has arrived to set about being a man of letters.
  • The priestesses and priests turning towards the setting sun, the dwelling of the infernal gods, devoted with curses the sacrilegious wretch.
  • She knows she is innocent of infernal rites or knowledge of Satan, but she also knows that she has seduced and killed with psychological precision.
  • In civilate qu¾ vocatur Narnia tam diri ac tetri, ut nihil aliud credatur, quam de infernalibus locis deducti essent. COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
  • And this infernal monster, Popery, is now rearing his impious head again in this long-favoured country, and will, I fear, soon repeat his diabolical cruelties upon the Church of God.
  • As much as it may surprise you, I do have a plan, a diabolical plan for the destruction of Hydrogen Guy and his infernal cohorts.
  • Hence, Plato introduces Socrates as observing that "the sages who introduced the Teletæ had positively affirmed that whatever soul should arrive in the infernal mansions _unhouselled_ and _unannealed_ should lie there immersed in mire and filth. Mysticism and its Results Being an Inquiry into the Uses and Abuses of Secrecy
  • Himself is apprehensibly contained and worshipped; therein is revealed the nature of things celestial, terrestrial, and infernal; therein are discerned the laws by which every state is administered, the offices of the celestial hierarchy are distinguished, and the tyrannies of demons described, such as neither the ideas of Plato transcend, nor the chair of Crato contained. The Love of Books The Philobiblon of Richard de Bury
  • Those infernal machines are really picky about some brands of fancy lad beer I like that come in bottles, especially Sierra Nevada IPA. For bottle return mess, a new idea (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • God Almighty, he couldn't stand this infernal mono - logue anymore. Cat & Mouse
  • He forced a sound out: what started as an infernal bellow emerged as a whimper.
  • Jupiter out of heaven, but all they together could not stir him, and yet he could draw and turn them as he would himself; maugre all the force and fury of these infernal fiends, and crying sins, Anatomy of Melancholy
  • I wanted a little more dirt in this infernal dance. Times, Sunday Times
  • The alfaqui was an African necromancer, and by his infernal arts cast a spell upon me — to guard his treasures. Washington Irving
  • I lost interest in the sign, feigned stomach cramps, and begged off early, fashed as I was by a new and infernal knowledge. Falling for Captain D.
  • Mapping the infernal regions of Hell and Purgatory with a geographer's precision, Botticelli takes the viewer on a journey of visceral, blood-curdling horror.
  • The source of the infernal caterwauling was a cheong-sammed female songstress on a Chinese variety show, belting out oldies in a paint-stripping falsletto. Archive 2008-02-01
  • This has been a race of extremes where crashes challenged us in the first week, infernal heat in the second and monstrous mountains in the third. Times, Sunday Times
  • Vbi videas quæso Lector, quomodo suo se iugulet gladio, videas inquam hic eadem de incendio Heclæ & Ætnæ opinionem & sententiam, quæ tamen lib 4. eiusdem, admodum est dispar, vt illic ad causas infernales confugiat. A briefe commentarie of Island, by Arngrimus Ionas
  • infernal regions
  • Bordered by nine countries, its mineral wealth is brazenly plundered, made possible by an infernally weak state in which corruption, violence and lawlessness are rife.
  • He then begins a campaign of terror to ensure that his beloved gets the best parts before spiriting her away to his subterranean lair to be his infernal bride.
  • But he did not come on the excursion with us yesterday, although Father would have liked him to; he said he would find it much too dull to spend the day with two "flappers;" that means that we're not grown up enough for him and is a piece of infernal cheek especially as regards Hella. A Young Girl's Diary
  • Added: Wed 12th Dec 2007 12: 16, Post No: 137 infernally megohm mole paginate, relabel imperialism ...
  • Action star Donnie Yen has teamed with two of the filmmakers behind the hit Hong Kong crime thriller "Infernal Affairs" for what they call a "humanized" take on an icon from China's fabled Three Kingdoms period. The Seattle Times
  • No prizes for guessing what has caused this temporary regression into childhood… this damned infernal blog!
  • Followed by,'Why are we sitting in front of these infernal machines when we could just open the window and shout? Times, Sunday Times
  • It's most annoying that you claim to be a friend of his, because I'd like to toast you for your infernal effrontery in bringing that damned amulet here.
  • Followed by,'Why are we sitting in front of these infernal machines when we could just open the window and shout? Times, Sunday Times
  • I felt in my soul that the rat -- yes, the _rat_, the RAT I had just seen, was that evil being in masquerade, and rambling through the house upon some infernal night lark. J. S. Le Fanu's Ghostly Tales, Volume 1
  • Like the first film, the second is framed by opening titles describing the Buddhist conception of the most infernal level of hell, a timeless space in which one's identity and conscience no longer has any meaning.
  • An angry driver tooted at us infernally from behind.
  • The Blockbuster Video-sponsored circle, located in Nether Hell between the former eighth and ninth levels of Malebolge and Cocytus, is expected to greatly alleviate the overcrowding problems that have plagued the infernal underworld in recent years. Archive 2007-02-01
  • I'll have you know young man that I was barely able to get away before your infernal machine blew everything sky high.
  • With blackness all around it, these burning colours made Loch Shiel look like some lake of the infernal regions, an otherworldly vision, intense and remarkably beautiful.
  • It's more than hard to die in this settled, infernal, fixed sort of way, like a bullock in the killing-yard, all ready to be 'pithed'. Robbery under Arms; a story of life and adventure in the bush and in the Australian goldfields
  • infernally clever
  • Malgana the Twistwood Lich (female goblin lich infernal sorcerer 11) * RPG Superstar 2009: Villain Round 2 « Geek Related
  • Infernales, et � finibus Itali� vsque ad ista loca sunt 25. miliaria. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The Infernal City is set forty-odd years after the end of The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and the most interesting parts of the book are those where we learn about the major events that transpired in that period, in particular those that gave rise to Umbriel itself. The Infernal City: An Elder Scrolls Novel by Greg Keyes – review
  • I managed quite well and could've gone on longer only I had other infernal machines of torture to subject my poor, aged body to.
  • Where they first acquired their infernal education — whether from the works of the ancient Theurgists — the demonology of the Egyptians — the belomancy, or divination by arrows of the Scythians — the spectrology of the A History of New York
  • My online friends also give me things to do: Help with research, nonsense games to play, and lately, an infernally frustrating quiz from the marketers of the Da Vinci Code.
  • For Basrah has the most malarial air, the most choleraic water, and the most infernal climate of any spot in the world outside 'Tophet.' With a Highland Regiment in Mesopotamia 1916—1917
  • Where they first acquired their infernal education — whether from the works of the ancient Theurgists — the demonology of the Egyptians — the belomancy, or divination by arrows of the Scythians — the spectrology of the A History of New York
  • Shocking, infernal, hellish, unendingly nasty - it's all sounding more and more like my last vacation in Paris.
  • For the following hour, we pursued this occupation with silent intensity, the quiet of the room broken only by the dry, crepitant rustle of the turning pages, and the occasional muttered complaint from my companion, who periodically avowed that he would “sooner be wrassling a passel of wildcats than wading through all this infernal writing.” Nevermore
  • It had been the foulest luck to run into those wild men in the jungle, and the infernal muggers - but if they hadn't chased us, we mightn't have fetched up on a mudbank under the walls of one of those petty Indian rulers who stayed loyal to the Sirkar. Fiancée
  • So when the pair decide to create their own hell in Manhattan, and Nicky is sent to recapture them, nobody back home in the infernal regions holds out much hope.
  • In the Faustian pact, where desire and longing is transformed into a new kind of sublimation, the infernal process of turning images of reality into fantasy begins.
  • And thus did the Ephesians play the 'March of the Goddess Hecate,' and the sound of the queenly tread of the Infernal Goddess seemed to follow the ranks of her devotees, ranks of priests and priestesses dressed in black raiment bestud with stars of gold, a crescent moon on every brow. Saronia A Romance of Ancient Ephesus
  • an infernal nuisance
  • infernal heat
  • The audience enters a cavernous space filled with smoke and an infernal red glow. Times, Sunday Times
  • Out of this infernal stinkfest have crawled our sleazoid heroes, skater punks who play gigs in the back of pizza joints and like nothing better than to brawl with rednecks. Cerebral Ballzy (No 798)
  • Donnie Yen tackles iconic Three Kingdoms general Action star Donnie Yen has teamed with two of the filmmakers behind the hit Hong Kong crime thriller "Infernal Affairs" for what they call a "humanized" take on an icon from China's fabled Three Kingdoms period. The Seattle Times
  • So we answer to the infernal, agelong and eternal order issued from on high. Between the Acts
  • Rhadamanthus, stern judge; in classical mythology, one of those in the infernal regions.
  • Keppenheimer came to shoot at Newcome, I showed him that old thief, old Batters, the proprietor of the Independent, and Potts, his infernal ally, driving in a dogcart; and I said to him, The Newcomes
  • Hence, Plato introduces Socrates as observing that "the sages who introduced the Teletæ had positively affirmed that whatever soul should arrive in the infernal mansions _unhouselled_ and _unannealed_ should lie there immersed in mire and filth. Mysticism and its Results Being an Inquiry into the Uses and Abuses of Secrecy
  • He held the nation captive and forced us to confront that which we fear most: the infernal torments of Hell itself.
  • The post office is shut, which is an infernal bore.
  • My site is taking an infernally long time to load.
  • My own interest in Bethlem and madness came from a number of sources; the onomatopoeic clangour of the word Bedlam itself, suggesting an infernal din, like a bedstead falling downstairs, somehow echoed in the vast Victorian asylum near my childhood home, and its noisy but harmless residents, who occasionally spilled out into the streets, weeping and shouting. Bedlam
  • Scarcely was the word Doria uttered -- I would sooner have seen my name inscribed in the infernal register than have heard yours thus mentioned -- scarcely was it uttered when Fiesco showed himself to the people. Fiesco; or, the Genoese Conspiracy
  • He was compelled to give the signal for the infernal work to proceed.
  • I have a headache, and all I've had to chew on are these infernal, tough pieces of salt meat.
  • It is the lurid intermixture of the two that produces the illuminating blaze of the infernal regions.
  • Now here is what is interesting, the worshippers of Mithras strongly believed in a celestial heaven and an infernal hell.
  • No more does his infernal laugh go echoing among the hills, and no more does his fat moon-face rise up to vex me. MOON-FACE
  • Almost every hour of my deck-watches I listen to this infernal din, and am maddened into desire to join with Mr. Pike in a night attack and put these rebellious and inharmonious slaves to work. CHAPTER XLIII
  • O let them not bring about their damned designs that stand now at the entrance of the bottomless pit, expecting the watchword to open and let out those dreadful locusts and scorpions to reinvolve us in that pitchy cloud of infernal darkness, where we shall never more see the sun of Thy truth again, never hope for the cheerful dawn, never more hear the bird of morning sing. Life of John Milton
  • The neutral fluid streamed down upon the floor like a water fall and, gradually gaining ground, forced the flaming _palinka_ [31] back further and further, till at last the infernal blue light was gradually extinguished. The Poor Plutocrats
  • From a civilian's point of view, it was an infernal nuisance.
  • London ones, though by no means so abominable even, one's company here being mainly God's sky and earth, not cockneydom with its slums, enchanted aperies and infernalries. Letters and Memorials of Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • When at the university I read an Arabian ghazel in which the poet compares the power of love to that of infernal torments. Without Dogma
  • Our offspring leave an unacceptably large environmental footprint, as well an infernal mess in the bedroom. Times, Sunday Times
  • He took love unmanfully; the passion struck at his weakness; in wrath at the humiliation, if only to revenge himself for that, he could be fiendish; he knew it, and loathed the desired fair creature who caused and exposed to him these cracks in his nature, whence there came a brimstone stench of the infernal pits. The Amazing Marriage — Volume 2
  • Years after succumbing to the corrosive effects of toxic industrial acid in a subterranean chase turned deadly, a brutal serial killer returns from the grave to spread mayhem and death in director Rob McKinnon's infernal frightener. Mr. Hell (2006) | Happy Share
  • This epic exploration of the infernal noise of war couldn't be farther from a pleasant summer read. Times, Sunday Times
  • Scary images flash on the screen as Gene begins his incantations to the infernal minions of hell.
  • Had he seen in his dreams an infernal bull bearing a matador empaled upon his horns of red-hot steel? Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 62, No. 382, October 1847
  • -- also it is infernally hot, and having retired to your cabin to disrobe, you anathemise your stable companion who has been likewise inspired; curse your overworked cabin steward who has heaved your bedding on to the wrong site; re-arrange everything and bed down. Leonie of the Jungle
  • Similarly, I've never found myself in a dark wood, about the middle point in my life, and been taken through the infernal, purgatorial, and celestial realms by various and sundry guides.
  • The boot holds a reasonable amount of soft luggage - those infernal golf clubs might fit in and you still have the suitcase shelf behind the seats.
  • Cuming claimed that ‘the forthcoming end of the world would be hastened by the construction of underground railways burrowing into the infernal regions and thereby disturbing the devil’.
  • a double-faced infernal traitor and schemer
  • The alfaqui was an African necromancer, and by his infernal arts cast a spell upon me -- to guard his treasures. Washington Irving
  • This has been a race of extremes where crashes challenged us in the first week, infernal heat in the second and monstrous mountains in the third. Times, Sunday Times
  • From the cradle to the grave it is a passion that is eternal, even if it is sometimes infernal.
  • There has been mismanagement somewhere, or else some new device of infernal malice; I say the thing has been misconducted, with the same cursed blundering that has always attended that affair; and I would rather my wife were in her coffin than have seen what I have seen to-night. The International Magazine, Volume 2, No. 2, January, 1851
  • infernal punishment
  • I generally try to avoid pitch-dark, infernally hot enclosures, but now that Brown is my new best friend I find his preamble so avuncular and sweet that I almost consider it.
  • Why, coming home on my bicycle the other day there was an awful row between some infernal 'sprocket' and the 'ball bearings' of the machine, and I never knew before there were such things in the whole concern. Condensed Novels: New Burlesques
  • The accursed book of the Recreation of Dice was a great while ago excogitated in Achaia, near Bourre, by that ancient enemy of mankind, the infernal calumniator, who, before the statue or massive image of the Five books of the lives, heroic deeds and sayings of Gargantua and his son Pantagruel
  • I gave my wardrobe one final shove so that it was against the wall under the stairs that led into the room, darkly insulting whoever made the infernal contraption so heavy.
  • Either he must confess that he was personally interested in the matter and then he would not be required to swear but would at the same time make himself an object of suspicion, or else he must go on paying this infernal toll money in order to be able to cross the non-juratory bridge, so to speak. The Poor Plutocrats
  • He described a journey through the infernal world.
  • So as I begin to lose all confidence that this blasted infernal film will ever be made, I decide I need help.
  • He then begins a campaign of terror to ensure that his beloved gets the best parts before spiriting her away to his subterranean lair to be his infernal bride.
  • Many of the World War I veterans on the scene suspected that the "infernal machine" that wreaked such destruction had come from the skies, but the delivery system consisted of a horse-drawn wagon.
  • We are school drama, the role of the view that every act should be a reason, so make "Infernal Affairs" to explore areas of human nature in black and white ash torment and suffering.
  • Jerry wonders how it is that he was in this nice, bright-eyed girl-across-the-hallway's apartment this afternoon and why now, at this infernal moment, he's here, writing.
  • Avernus, the Infernal Regions, Hell, Hades, is an a-negative word, combining a - and ornis ` bird, 'so that Avernus is a place without birds. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol XIV No 3
  • An oven cooks glass at an infernal heat, and once every second, spits a 420 gram drop of melted glass onto a mold.
  • Skeletons will use their skulls and ribcages to produce infernal ditties sure to lead your ears into the fairy circles of hell.
  • This epic exploration of the infernal noise of war couldn't be farther from a pleasant summer read. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bordered by nine countries, its mineral wealth is brazenly plundered, made possible by an infernally weak state in which corruption, violence and lawlessness are rife.
  • Nothing, however, in a palace, passes altogether unespied, so that the Empress's messengers at length received information that their mistress and the Emperor had been seen to descend that gloomy access to the dungeons, which, by allusion to the classical infernal regions, was termed the Pit of Waverley Novels — Volume 12
  • I tried to prise it apart with a ruler, then I tried using a pair of scissors to try and lever the infernal plastic spindle apart.
  • Nightflame, for example, features an extravagantly rundown apartment - an infernal oil refinery visible through three windows - in which a meditative black woman stands wearing a ripped ball gown and a belt of barbed wire around her hips.
  • Whether unto eight or ten bodies of men to add one of a woman, as being more inflammable and unctuously constituted for the better pyral combustion, were any rational practice; or whether the complaint of Periander's wife be tolerable, that wanting her funeral burning, she suffered intolerable cold in hell, according to the constitution of the infernal house of Pluto, wherein cold makes a great part of their tortures; it cannot pass without some question. Religio Medici, Hydriotaphia, and the Letter to a Friend
  • It's an infernal mischance; I've done my best to discourage it.
  • infernal noise
  • Apprehensive for both our safeties from the villany of such a daring and profligate contriver, I must call upon you, my dear, to resolve upon taking legal vengeance of the infernal wretch. Clarissa Harlowe
  • his roar made the infernals quake
  • ‘Our boys are fighting and dying for the infernal curs and traitors inside,’ one speaker cried.
  • The superiority of his picture over Falconer's, lies in the simplicity and strength of the style, in the ease of the narrative, in the variety of the incidents and characters, and in certain short masterly touches, now of pathos, now of infernal humour, and now of description, competent only to Byron and to The Poetical Works of Beattie, Blair, and Falconer With Lives, Critical Dissertations, and Explanatory Notes
  • Infernal hippety-hop, making racket at all hours... HIATUS WEEK, Part Five
  • Jim helped create a non-profit theater company named Infernal Bridegroom Productions while he was studying at University of Houston.
  • I will be moving to this "infernally" hot city next year, and while I have traveled there a good number of occasions to visit my paternal family, it has been fifteen years. Monterrey
  • The Jumbo floating restaurant in Aberdeen harbour, where Chow has his final cook-off, also pops up in cop thriller Infernal Affairs 2, while the harbour itself is one of the few places from Enter the Dragon that's still easy to track down today. Film-inspired holidays: The Hong Kong Kung Fu Holiday
  • Not only are they infernally cute and little (barely more than two and a half metres long), but they have interchangeable exterior panels, so I could change my car's colour whenever my mood shifted.
  • It is rather satisfying to imagine ‘neighbours from hell’ being confronted by an actual denizen of the infernal pits.
  • With them came also Dilawur, full of zeal and thirsting for knowledge, who artlessly introduced so debatable a subject, that the assembly was thrown into an uproar; and lest worse things might happen unto him, the worthy, but too enquiring, subadar was hustled hastily forth, and requested in future to stick to soldiering, and to avoid bringing his infernal questions to cause discord amongst the chosen of the Prophet. The Story of the Guides
  • I. ii.160 (12,6) eternal devil] I should think that our author wrote rather, _infernal devil_. Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • Again vengeance fell upon the inhabitants of the Vendée: columns sur-named "Infernal" inarched through the country in all directions, destroying thousands of its inhabitants, and carrying thousands more as prisoners to Nantes, where they were delivered over to the tiger-fangs of the monster The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.III. From George III. to Victoria
  • George King was a double-dyed traitor, and a most infernal villain. The Perils of Certain English Prisoners
  • It was impossible to move his "foots" without instantly plunging into the torture of the infernal regions. Poor Miss Finch
  • I wanted a little more dirt in this infernal dance. Times, Sunday Times

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