[ UK /ɪnfˈɜːnə‍l/ ]
[ US /ˌɪnˈfɝnəɫ/ ]
  1. characteristic of or resembling Hell
    infernal punishment
    infernal noise
  2. expletives used informally as intensifiers
    not a blessed dime
    it's a blamed shame
    he's a blasted idiot
    he's a damn (or goddam or goddamned) fool
    a deuced idiot
    an infernal nuisance
    a blame cold winter
    I'll be damned (or blessed or darned or goddamned) if I'll do any such thing
  3. being of the underworld
    infernal regions
  4. of or pertaining to or characteristic of a very uncontrolled and intense fire
    infernal heat
  5. extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell
    satanic cruelty
    diabolical sorcerers under the influence of devils
    a fiendish despot
    infernal instruments of war
    fires lit up a diabolic scene
    hellish torture
    something demonic in him--something that could be cruel
    unholy grimaces
  1. an inhabitant of Hell
    his roar made the infernals quake

How To Use infernal In A Sentence

  • And if from this conjunction a baby was born, the infernal rite was resumed, all around a little jar of wine, which they called the keg, and they became drunk and would cut the baby to pieces, and pour its blood into the goblet, and they threw babies on the fire, still alive, and they mixed the baby's ashes and his blood, and drank! The Name of the Rose
  • “You tend to your business, you infernal bodysnatcher, and let us run ours, ” ran the message, and I understood. My Dog is avenged
  • Now here is what is interesting, the worshippers of Mithras strongly believed in a celestial heaven and an infernal hell.
  • Next you'll come over all pommy and start moaning about the infernal heat. Ms R has lost her bikini
  • I saw a picture not long since, in Edinburgh, copied from an engraving in Boydell's Shakspeare; subject, -- "Lear (and suite) in the storm," but coloured according to the imagination and taste of the artist; its name ought assuredly to have been _Redcap and the blue-devils_, for the venerable and lamented monarch had fine streaming locks of the real _carrot hue_, whilst his very hideous companions showed _blue_ faces, and blue armour; and with their strangely contorted bodies seemed meet representatives of some of the infernal court. The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 12, No. 341, November 15, 1828
  • Bordered by nine countries, its mineral wealth is brazenly plundered, made possible by an infernally weak state in which corruption, violence and lawlessness are rife.
  • Either that or global warming has been replaced by global freezing in infernally hot places. Sound Politics: State "Supervision" Fails Again - Another Dead Cop
  • The nobler arts of magic, astrology, alchymy, necromancy, &c., were equally in vogue in this age with that of the infernal art proper. The Superstitions of Witchcraft
  • infernal instruments of war
  • I was returned out of the valley aliue, they reuerenced me much, saying that I was baptised and holy, and that the foresayd bodies were men subiect vnto the deuils infernall, who vsed to play vpon citherns, to the end they might allure people to enter, and so murther them. The Journal of Friar Odoric
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