How To Use Inessential In A Sentence

  • Few people had spare cash for inessentials.
  • This involves cunning compression strategies that throw out inessential data and crams the essentials onto tape using a head that rotates at 9000 rpm.
  • Lowell goes all out for the adjective, and it's hard to think of a writer with such provocative and interesting adjectives, or one who finds such depth in what is thought of as a shallow and inessential vocable.
  • The inessential stuff between scenes, the transitions and build-ups and detailed expository explanations, are mainly not there - or only as much as they need to be.
  • We cannot allow a situation where property is taxed at exorbitant levels while the money is squandered on inessentials and perks for the powerful.
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  • Few people had spare cash for inessentials.
  • When you have to do it in your head, you have to get really to the heart of the matter and try to eliminate the inessential details.
  • With such a policy inessential trips will be discouraged, the most economically and socially valuable ones will become easier and less polluting, and the environment will be enhanced.
  • What is peculiar, but alas, all too typical of most, not all, of the people who comment here is their capacity to rabbit on about inessentials and ignore this basic problem.
  • Well in the more therapeutic mode - ‘why don't you have perspective of what's really important in your life, focus on what's important, don't focus on these inessentials or inconsequentials.’
  • I have too much respect for him to carry his inessentialness to my own cinema cosmogony too far into the public arena.
  • It is perhaps the fact that Laner is a jack of all trades and a master of none, that makes Slow Food, as a whole, an inessential release.
  • All there is is my computer, sitting there, staring at me every time I dare to do something inessential like, say, eat, and chuntering about the amount of words that I have to write.
  • In naturalistic novels such inessential things as a minor character's physiognomy and costume are depicted in minute detail.
  • The inessential stuff between scenes, the transitions and build-ups and detailed expository explanations, are mainly not there.
  • It was the type of luxury but inessential furnishing that proliferated in type and quantity in sixteenth-century Venice.
  • Since the balance of power on the council changed in 2000, there has been a general consensus that York should try to reduce the number of inessential car journeys into the city centre.
  • For pragmatism this kind of coalescence is inessential. Meaning of Truth
  • In the end, both of the bonus tracks come off as inessential add-ons included for marketing, rather than musical, reasons.
  • In fact, all of the songs here are strong, with the sole exception being the inessential instrumental ‘I Need Something Stronger’.
  • False positive results from vegetable peroxidases and red meats in the diet are less likely than with more sensitive tests, minimising the number of patients undergoing inessential colonoscopy.
  • We have omitted footnotes which we judged inessential to the text.
  • The truth is that they are (more often) a kind of inessential by-product, spontaneously secreted, as it were, by the social machinery, but misrecognising themselves as the very fuel by which it runs.
  • Nearly the inessential, drugged from clumsy coot to bmw see the mylar of a endocarditis koruna that can take as a viricidal infallibility constellation. Rational Review
  • The rule is so stern, that all delight in mere incidental beauty, which painting often triumphs in, is wholly forbidden to sculpture; -- for instance, in _painting_ the branch of a tree, you may rightly represent and enjoy the lichens and moss on it, but a sculptor must not touch one of them: they are inessential to the tree's life, -- he must give the flow and bending of the branch only, else he does not enough 'see Pallas' in it. Aratra Pentelici, Seven Lectures on the Elements of Sculpture Given before the University of Oxford in Michaelmas Term, 1870
  • So I am not pushing a kind of irrationalism here, because just as a society of friendship would, for Aristotle, make the institution of justice unnecessary, so the kind of transfer envisaged for philosophy above is validated by an analogous kind of displacement of one authority by another — by the power of the discourse endowed with new philosophical responsibilities to make the expected disciplinary procedures inessential. [ Post-Secular Conviviality
  • So, let's put together an alternative list: every one is 'dispensable' / 'inessential' it's important to add something unexpected / incongruous / different you have the possibility, and the responsibility to, (re) define you role random observations and questions Irish Blogs
  • Are sneakers inessential - if so, does that mean it is okay for firms pursuing market share and surplus in sneakers to run sweat shops?
  • Each of these two Simple Minds records has its share of inessential material, but that is greatly outweighed by the good stuff.
  • The High Court, he said, was not an inessential appendage to the new constitutional structure.
  • The production of crockery, cutlery and toys was severely curtailed as inessentials.
  • Call me Marxist if you must, but since when does blowing away money on overpriced, inessential and short-lived goods constitute a subversive act?
  • The Nudix hydrolases thus offer an ideal system with which to study the evolution of a largely inessential protein family and its contribution to the individual biology of an organism.
  • Budgets are tight and subject to sudden change, and inessentials, such as maintenance, are cut to the bone.
  • The rule is so stern that all delight in mere incidental beauty, which painting often triumphs in, is wholly forbidden to sculpture; -- for instance, in _painting_ the branch of a tree, you may rightly represent and enjoy the lichens and moss on it, but a sculptor must not touch one of them: they are inessential to the tree's life, -- he must give the flow and bending of the branch only, else he does not enough "see Pallas" in it. The Crown of Wild Olive also Munera Pulveris; Pre-Raphaelitism; Aratra Pentelici; The Ethics of the Dust; Fiction, Fair and Foul; The Elements of Drawing
  • Inessential driving” was banned eighteen months before Pearl Harbor, and soon thereafter production of rubber-soled tabi shoes was halted to save raw material. Whirlwind
  • In naturalistic novels such inessential things as a minor character's physiognomy and costume are depicted in minute detail.
  • Fourth, the inessential 'unpractical' activities are themselves far more connected with our behavior and our adaptation to the environment than at first sight might appear. Talks To Teachers On Psychology; And To Students On Some Of Life's Ideals
  • they discarded all their inessentials
  • No inessential artifact could survive more than a few years. THE BIRTHDAY OF THE WORLD
  • Second, the Employment Tribunal's decision should be read generously and not overturned merely because of infelicitous or inappropriate statements which were looking at the matter in the round, of an inessential nature.
  • In naturalistic novels such inessential things as a minor character's physiognomy and costume are depicted in minute detail.
  • Like their persecuting predecessors, they mistakenly believed that consciences could be forced in ceremonial and other inessential matters.
  • The High Court, he said, was not an inessential appendage to the new constitutional structure.
  • The rest of the notation serves to make commentaries about the moves and is inessential for understanding it.
  • The Californian is a fine, if inessential sophomore effort from a skilled band that could be on the cusp of something great if only they'd let their guard down.
  • The album closes with ‘Hey Joe’ and six catchy but inessential bonus tracks.
  • The ability to distinguish between structure and detail, essential and inessential is a function of one's knowledge of a subject.
  • The matchbox is an inessential prop because Spade uses a peculiar cigarette lighter to light his cigarettes.
  • Leave inessential equipment behind.
  • Where they contradicted each other in inessential points there might be room for debate and uncertainty.
  • On these five instrumental pieces he's stripped away all of his music's inessentials, excising overwrought vocals or flashy solos to instead pare these blues-based excursions down to a streamlined, locomotive core.
  • This is a good, if inessential recording; it has no currency regarding trends, other than featuring talents that have made a lot of necessary music in the last several years.

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