
[ UK /ɪnɪsˈɛnʃə‍l/ ]
  1. not basic or fundamental
  2. not absolutely necessary
  1. anything that is not essential
    they discarded all their inessentials
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How To Use inessential In A Sentence

  • Few people had spare cash for inessentials.
  • This involves cunning compression strategies that throw out inessential data and crams the essentials onto tape using a head that rotates at 9000 rpm.
  • Lowell goes all out for the adjective, and it's hard to think of a writer with such provocative and interesting adjectives, or one who finds such depth in what is thought of as a shallow and inessential vocable.
  • The inessential stuff between scenes, the transitions and build-ups and detailed expository explanations, are mainly not there - or only as much as they need to be.
  • We cannot allow a situation where property is taxed at exorbitant levels while the money is squandered on inessentials and perks for the powerful.
  • Few people had spare cash for inessentials.
  • When you have to do it in your head, you have to get really to the heart of the matter and try to eliminate the inessential details.
  • With such a policy inessential trips will be discouraged, the most economically and socially valuable ones will become easier and less polluting, and the environment will be enhanced.
  • What is peculiar, but alas, all too typical of most, not all, of the people who comment here is their capacity to rabbit on about inessentials and ignore this basic problem.
  • Well in the more therapeutic mode - ‘why don't you have perspective of what's really important in your life, focus on what's important, don't focus on these inessentials or inconsequentials.’
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