How To Use Inertia In A Sentence

  • Often called gyroscopic stabilization, inertial stabilization enables the telescope to continually point at a celestial object while the aircraft maneuvers in flight. - latest science and technology news stories
  • The capital city needs at its helm a person with ideas and energy who can combat the forces of inertia and inefficiency, and who can initiate and manage urgently needed change.
  • My inertia in not pushing it backwards into a safe zone is as guilty for the shattered glass as the treacherous wind.
  • Kozel yelled, and the shuttle decelerated rapidly, for a moment overpowering the inertial dampers. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
  • The long, hot dusty afternoons, where time hangs still, and dry leaves fly in sad whirls before collapsing to the ground, the inertia and sloth that drives even the most energetic into a huddle, the sense of despair.
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  • Suppose we have two observers A and B in different inertial frames, that is each is travelling at a constant velocity not acted on by any forces.
  • The gravitational mass and the inertia mass are not equal in the microscopic quantum behavior.
  • The pods had no artificial gravity fields of their own to provide inertial dampening effects, so the Marines strapped themselves securely to the vertical backboards provided.
  • We had a feeling of inertia in the afternoon.
  • It is very fitting that Mr. Frederic's last book should be in praise of action, the thing that makes the world go round; of force, however misspent, which is the sum of life as distinguished from the inertia of death. A Collection of Stories, Reviews and Essays
  • She lapsed into inertia and lay there as if asleep.
  • He speaks not for an educational establishment too often bound by its own inertia, but for a generation of reformers whose work is bearing fruit. Times, Sunday Times
  • Graham Burnett wrote a fascinating essay in Cabinet recently about otolithic organs, the pair of sensors in the inner ear that help us stay balanced and maintain inertia. Boing Boing
  • Clerks in dusty stores moved with the majestic inertia of tall ships becalmed. Michael Winship: Washington and Change: Cash You Can Believe In
  • Faced with this situation, Smithson felt that the task of the artist was to cultivate a thoroughgoing acedia: ‘The artist should be an actor who refuses to act’ and ‘Immobility and inertia are what many of the most gifted artists prefer.’
  • In short, purposeful and disciplined policy and funding strategies will have to overcome political inertia and resistance.
  • Owing to the restrictions from conventions , inertia, doctrinairism and subconsciousness, the new curriculum reform still remains on the surface of educational culture.
  • Could it be that the inertia of a bad system, already in place, sorely and irrevocably jaundices ideological perspectives? Matthew Anderson: Lower Case Capitalism
  • The moment of inertia is related to the mass of the molecule's atoms and to the bond distance.
  • By the force of its own inertia, the club flew towards the wall, breaking into pieces.
  • When liberal economist John Kenneth Galbraith started using the term in the 1950s, his targets were not just any widely held wrong opinions, but those that were the product of inertia and convenience.
  • Technical incompetence may be part of the explanation but inertia and complacency are clearly factors too. Times, Sunday Times
  • Instead, he had to give some ground, admit that he's not going to meet this August deadline he's been demanding to combat what he calls inertia back in Washington. CNN Transcript Jul 23, 2009
  • As you push yourself to overcome inertia, you need to work against the tendency to feel discouraged and hopeless.
  • Another way of understanding the situation is to remember the equivalence Einstein explained between gravitational and inertial forces.
  • The test apparatus to friction disc of wet clutch in automatic transmission can change some test parameters, such as sliding velocity, turning inertia, normal applied force and lubrication volume.
  • Classical terrain navigation systems usually consist of three parts: a barometer, a radar altimeter and an inertial instrument.
  • An expectation can act as an inertial fulcrum in the morphogenic field, shutting out possibilities for emergent learning, rather than encouraging spontaneity and creativity. Willow Dea: Habit #5 Intention and Expectation: The Impact on the Class
  • Research on collision rate of finite inertial particle with preferential concentration is one of hotspots in gas-particle flow mechanism and aerosol dynamics.
  • A better way to measure the mass of a microscopic sample is to quantify the sample's inertia as it is forced into motion.
  • Inside is a guidance control unit with inertial navigation and global positioning systems.
  • And looking down on the unthinking city, the Cathedral kept watch alone, beseeching pardon for the inappetency for suffering, for the inertia of faith that her sons displayed, uplifting her towers to the sky like two arms, while the spires mimicked the shape of joined hands, the ten fingers all meeting and upright one against another, in the position which the image-makers of old gave to the dead saints and warriors they carved upon tombs. The Cathedral
  • A projectile is an object that has been launched, shot, hurled, thrown or by other means projected and which continues in motion due to its own inertia.
  • Just as deadlines and precommitment can fight the inertia of myopia, they can also help beat hyperopia. The Gift-Card Economy
  • But whatever the smart individuals inside these organizations might think, bureaucratic inertia is killing those golden-egg geese.
  • The figures suggest that sweeping reforms to a system riddled with bureaucracy and inertia are beginning to bear fruit. Times, Sunday Times
  • the inertia of an object at rest
  • But Earth is very massive compared to the object, so its inertia or resistance to acceleration is much greater.
  • With its obvious punk references - London Calling is the name of a famous Clash song - the piece situates itself within the groundswell of populist resentment that is currently challenging the torpid inertia of the times.
  • It encourages the network's inertial tendency in programming, which is to treat (and pay) the stars like stars but be ruthless the minute their popularity begins to flag, and not to get locked into a large permanent payroll for any show. Anchors Away
  • So, whereas what was required under a dictatorship was exceptional courage, what citizens in democracies have to do is overcome apathy and inertia.
  • Fast ignition offers a potentially simpler method to achieve thermonuclear fusion without some of the technical hurdles facing conventional inertial-confinement fusion.
  • The aligned nanotube thin films are substantially strong, and chemically inertial with their onset field low and the emission current strong.
  • It represents a major step forward for the heavy-ion approach to inertial-confinement fusion, in which small pellets of thermonuclear fuel are compressed to the point of burning by beams of heavy ions.
  • Organisations have enormous inbuilt political and cultural inertia. Times, Sunday Times
  • The "huge tabular masses" typical of ice islands "tend to have a lot of inertia" compared with conventional, "pinnacled" icebergs. Nunatsiaq News - Online
  • I'm unable to throw off this feeling of inertia.
  • First, the excessive concentration of arbitrary powers, inclusive of the supervision of the police, in the hands of appointed sub-sovereigns with no local roots contributed to unresponsiveness and inertia.
  • According to Packard and Hoskinson, the purity of the tone may lead to the development of rotation sensors that are sufficiently sensitive to be used for Earth science, seismology and inertial navigation.
  • This survey will argue that disgruntlement persists because Brazil is a battleground between progress and inertia.
  • This fine body of Indian cavalry and camelry reported that affairs seemed serious up the Tiban valley; then inertia reasserted itself and they were recalled. Pan-Islam
  • Missiles are guided using a combination of inertial navigation and terrain contour matching enhanced with highly accurate speed updates provided by a laser Doppler velocimeter. The Air Force Cover-Up of that Minot-Barksdale Nuclear Missile Flight
  • Then you have widespread fear and ignorance, the inertia of these giant bureaucracies and the timidity of politicians. Times, Sunday Times
  • Electrons possess inertia, so remain at rest or in uniform motion in the same direction unless acted upon by some external force.
  • We are failing them, through a mixture of political neglect, bureaucratic inertia and cultural bias. Times, Sunday Times
  • But behind the expressed reasons for antagonism or inertia in the face of proposals for harmonization lies a more fundamental consideration.
  • Why does the amount of matter affect the amount of inertia?
  • Again, faith seems to me to be manifest in both a commitment to believe and mere mental inertia.
  • Clerks in dusty stores moved with the majestic inertia of tall ships becalmed. Michael Winship: Washington and Change: Cash You Can Believe In
  • Momentum results from movement against the inertia. Christianity Today
  • Moment of inertia is a fundamental property in rotational mechanics.
  • When gravity has been turned off at the socket, objects seem to have no inertia and vanish when they are out of view.
  • It takes me five to ten minutes to start enjoying it, to break through the creaky straight-jacket of inertia and hit my stride, but I did and took the lead up hill and down path and up hill again, where we spied saddlebacks and other birdlife.
  • Moreover, if birth rates were the whole story, then evangelical growth should have been visible between successive birth cohorts, not within them, but that is also not the case.37 Finally, the long-term inertia of demographic arithmetic should have continued to push up the evangelical share of the population for at least several decades more, even after the evangelical birth rate converged to the nonevangelical birth rate. American Grace
  • In fact, the inertial mass of any object exactly equals the gravitational mass of the object.
  • In a small enterprise or department, management by inertia is a deadly disease.
  • Because of inertia, though, the air column continues to move up, leaving a partial vacuum in and above the glottis that acts to slam the folds more strongly together.
  • New concepts of force and inertia did not come about as a result of careful observation and experiment.
  • In this paper a distance-inertial guidance system in boost phase of the launch vehicle is presented by means of system identification and parameter estimation theory.
  • Also, there are large mammals which are endotherms, not inertial homeotherms.
  • There was, he added, a danger that exclusions might come about not deliberately but simply through inertia or administrative error.
  • But now it appears we have a return of the "old" Jerry Angelo -- the man who defines the word inertia. News -
  • He comments on her "cowy oblivion", her "cow inertia", her "cowy passivity" and her "cowy peace" and he wonders where she goes to in her trances. The emotional depth of a cow | Hannah Velten
  • There was a lot of inertia to overcome. Times, Sunday Times
  • A rocket's inertial guidance system measures acceleration along three principal directions.
  • It is not restricted to inertial frames, and it encompasses a broader range of phenomena, namely gravity and accelerated motions.
  • With the force of inertia, the suits continued to float out in space like simple debris.
  • However, while synchronizing distant clocks is a problem, they nonetheless run at the same intrinsic rates as each other when held in the same inertial frame.
  • But Arctic Bay residents have received little help and support in advancing their proposal, and their aspirations are now drowning in bureaucratic inertia.
  • He speaks not for an educational establishment too often bound by its own inertia, but for a generation of reformers whose work is bearing fruit. Times, Sunday Times
  • The relatively large mass and thermal inertia of female desert tortoises usually prevents winter activity but facilitates their relaxed homeostasis.
  • The denizens, be they peers or peasants, are weighed down by tradition and inertia, living out their lives according to exactly the same patterns as their ancestors.
  • Meanwhile, so much of the bureacrazy stateside is still in a deep state of denial or inertia … full speed ahead, damn the torpedoes of science and social responsibility. andrea PREFAB FRIDAY: The RuralZED Zero Emission Home | Inhabitat
  • Trimming extraneous material from the mirror to reduce inertia results in the typical elliptical or polygon-shaped galvo mirror.
  • Most current machines can therefore rely on inertial cooling - in other words the components are simply allowed to heat up adiabatically and then cooled slowly between pulses.
  • Those laws provided the law of inertia governing motion of atoms in between collisions and laws of impact governing collisions.
  • [K] Natura infirmitatis humanae, tadiora sunt remedia quam mala; & ut corpora lente augescunt, cito extinguuntur, sic ingenia studiaque oppresseris, facilius quam revocaveris; subit quippe ipsius inertiae dulcedo, et invisa primo desidia postremo amatur. 'Of Genius', in The Occasional Paper, and Preface to The Creation
  • Simulation of wander-azimuth strapdown inertial navigation system using sphere earth model and ellipsoidal and rotating earth model was done with C program.
  • Zipped up in a full-body Velcro suit, eighth-grader Alla Kocheryan volunteered to demonstrate the concept of inertia by splatting herself against a Velcro wall.
  • Your clocks are equally valid only if you each continue to occupy an inertial reference frame.
  • The new Winchesters feature inertial triggers and a conventional tang safety that also doubles as a barrel selector.
  • Einstein warmed to the idea that the gravitational field of the rest of the Universe might explain centrifugal and other inertial forces resulting from acceleration.
  • I think the first lesson I would learn out of that is that the inertia involved in that is immense.
  • Europe has no such excuse; only its own inertia to overcome. Times, Sunday Times
  • The students explained that this involved use of inertial sensors to sense the aircraft acceleration and angular rates.
  • Do we suffer petrification through continued stasis and inertia or do we trust our inner, creative, inspirational, communal selves and take on the challenge of change?
  • 'Inertia' does not mean want of vigour, but may be metaphorically described as the inexpugnable resolve of everything to have its own way. Logic Deductive and Inductive
  • She lapsed into inertia and lay there as if asleep.
  • Nature's primal fury, man's unbridled fear, political apathy, bureaucratic inertia, rural angst, urban unconcern all found their way into the cascade of grief unleashed by the twenty-one poets.
  • The aircraft uses a Honeywell inertial navigation system.
  • The drawings 'iridescent interference grounds spawn coloristically nuanced backdrops for marks that destabilize perception of consistent presence or absence, inertia or momentum.
  • Inertia carried the plane onto the ground.
  • I'm unable to throw off this feeling of inertia.
  • With the inertia reel belts used in cars nowadays, it is vital to ensure the belt is pulled very, very tightly around the seat to ensure it stays tight and the seat cannot wobble.
  • Thus, the theory postulates that inertial and gravitational masses are fundamentally the same thing.
  • The asymmetry of water and ozone molecules causes the moments of inertia that govern the quanta of rotational motion to be different in each spatial direction.
  • Earth's mass, moreover, measures Earth's inertia or sluggishness if we tried to stop or change its movement through space.
  • However, the majority of the bulging to accommodate the engulfed water undoubtedly occurs passively as a result of the inertia of the water (and the rostral compression of the buccal cavity at mouth closure).
  • The missile was equipped with an autonomous inertial command structure and an on-board digital computer.
  • This system has the advantages of high operation speed and high discrimination. The cost will be low due to the betterment of missile inertial guidance system.
  • It was a feeling I would come to know well—the haze and the grogginess—almost as well as its opposite (lack-of-sleep inertia), during the three years I would spend in the Boston Combined Residency Program (BCRP) in pediatrics. Between Expectations
  • An inertia switch cuts off the flow of fuel to the engine in the event of a collision minimising the risk of fire.
  • To be strictly logical and philosophical, in the statement that Aether is matter, it must be conceded not only that Aether is subject to such properties as elasticity, inertia, and compressibility, but that it is also gravitative or possesses weight. Aether and Gravitation
  • Furthermore, the weight of the inertia parts unnecessarily increases the weight of the whole grapnel.
  • If the fuel burns rapidly enough, it is confined by its own inertia and requires no external confinement system.
  • Verses like "Trivia ride tra le ninfe eterne" ( "Trivia smiles among the eternal nymphs") have always seemed only if he remains the continuer of pseudo-existential enlightenment, the decorator of placid human sentiments, or if he does not penetrate too profoundly into the dialectic of his time, whether from political fear or simple inertia. Salvatore Quasimodo - Nobel Lecture
  • Look at it as you would an aircraft taxiing onto the runway and adding power for takeoff, where the really hard part is overcoming inertia and gaining enough speed for liftoff.
  • Computations reveal that viscoelasticity alone does not give rise to a small, satellite bead between two much larger main beads but that inertia is required for its formation. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • The particle motion is dominated by inertia and gravity effects.
  • For the purpose of biological fluid dynamics, scale is represented by the dimensionless Reynolds number, a ratio that reflects the influence of inertial relative to viscous forces.
  • Their strength and inertia allowed them to chop small tree branches with ease.
  • Furthermore, it is an immediate consequence of Newton's Laws that the center of gravity of the two bodies can serve as the origin of an inertial coordinate system.
  • Such examples underscore how adaptive nature really is despite biological inertia and how natural selection ‘makes the best of a bad situation’.
  • According to inertia principle, rail undulatory wear inspection system adopts analog digital composite filtering method to process data and eliminates the speed influence on measurement results.
  • I feel very strongly that RTD could still pull a pony out of his sack for the Rose/Ten fans ... but inertia is already dragging that show down. Excruciating...Dollhouse Spoilers
  • Properties such as elasticity, viscosity, damping, inertia, friction and contact characteristics and other forces were assigned to discrete rigid-body elements.
  • The forces for change in the government are not sufficient to overcome bureaucratic inertia.
  • They have inertia, mass and momentum and obey centrifugal force.
  • Adding up to six helium atoms drove the molecule's inertia up, they report.
  • Is your inertia just a lack of courage? Times, Sunday Times
  • From that conception, the Aether has been gradually perfected, until we have the conception which has been presented to the reader in Chapter IV., in which I have endeavoured to show that this aetherial medium is matter, but infinitely more rarefied and infinitely more elastic, but notwithstanding its extreme rarefaction and elasticity, it possesses inertia, because it is gravitative. Aether and Gravitation
  • Posted September 21, 2004 2: 02 PM beingtrue writes: the inertia is the main reason for the failure of ideas. any reform will make someone lose temperarily. Ideas and Growth, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Is your inertia just a lack of courage? Times, Sunday Times
  • Despite Obama's victory, there is no sign that our government - trapped by inertia and beholden to hordes of special interests - can confront the biospheric crisis that our species has unleashed on the earth. Daniel Pinchbeck: Toward 2012
  • For where alert and conscious criticism of existing folkways is habitual among all the members of a society, that society is saved from subjection through inertia to disserviceable habits. Human Traits and their Social Significance
  • It takes a lot of energy to overcome inertia. Christianity Today
  • If signals from both the EMA and the MACD histogram point in the same direction, both inertia and momentum are working together toward clear uptrends or downtrends.
  • He did not know that what he called her flabbiness was the inertia in which they stored their strength, nor that in them there remained a vigilant and indestructible soul, biding its time, holding its own against maternity, making more and more for self-protection, for assertion, for supremacy. The Combined Maze
  • What it Teaches: Gyroscopic inertia, also known as the gyroscopic effect. 5 Great Science Toys
  • Instead it appeared, at least to some Americans, as if the promise of the United Nations had collapsed in a miasma of bureaucratic inertia and rhetorical posturing.
  • We are failing them, through a mixture of political neglect, bureaucratic inertia and cultural bias. Times, Sunday Times
  • They despise complacency and inertia. Times, Sunday Times
  • The inertial dampers failed utterly, and Vaughn flew from his seat at the conn. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Rough Beasts of Empire
  • This paper presents a principle and implementation way of "Window method", which is one to measure precisely target's inertia of pickup tube.
  • Centrifugal ‘force’ is really a function of the inertia of the object being pushed into a circle.
  • We had a feeling of inertia in the afternoon.
  • It very well may be a happier year in commodity markets if the facts of last year's short crop overcome continued global economic inertia.
  • The ship wasn't moving so there was no external inertia to overcome, or I likely would not have been able to make the trip.
  • Such apparent forces were known as fictitious forces because they did not arise from a physical source such as a charge, and could be eliminated if one looked at the situation from a different reference frame, one in uniform motion called an inertial frame. Euclid’s Window
  • The cockpit lights flickered again and their inertial compensators malfunctioned for a second, throwing them about a bit.
  • Some 3D systems can calculate volume, weight, moments of inertia, and centre of gravity of fairly complex shapes.
  • There is always a vague feeling of inertia, a longing to go back to a country they have never seen.
  • Strapped in, Leese released the inertial reel lock so that he could lean forward to do the cockpit check.
  • There is a certain inertia to poulation growth — mathematically described by Nathan Keyfitz — that means we cannot escape the short and intermediate term consequences of our demographic destinies even if vital rates were to improbably shift rapidly and in ways to offset current trends. The Volokh Conspiracy » Comparative Demographic Charts on Aging Populations
  • Their removal may also be hampered by the amount of force required to overcome the initial frictional inertia between the glass and the cork.
  • If therefore Aether be matter, then, to be strictly logical and philosophical, it must be conceded that Aether is gravitative, as well as having the other properties of matter, as elasticity and inertia, etc. Aether and Gravitation
  • They call it sleep inertia. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Inertia, a young woman lies on top of a bullet train carriage, her dress ballooning against the wind, in a blatantly Freudian onrush of high-speed elation. This week's new exhibitions
  • In this situation, bulls are losing their grip on the market, prices are rising only as a result of inertia, and the bears are ready to take control again.
  • Genius is that which forces the inertia of humanity to learn. Henri Bergson 
  • No matter what we do to earn a living, we all seek the benefits of leisure, lassitude and inertia
  • All medical care systems sometimes experience some inertia or resistance to change.
  • The force of the impact is so great that it pushes the minivan toward the curb where the force of inertia overrides its center of gravity.
  • What I found depressing about the fan-shop was that it represented a cultural reinforcement ( "inertia" is too passive a term) of bad game cliches. Scattershot On My Way Out
  • But when the rotary inertia of the hub is close to that of the beam, the zeroth-order approximation model may lead to wrong result.
  • These throws take advantage of the inertia of the opponent's travel.
  • Inside is a guidance control unit with inertial navigation and global positioning systems.
  • Interestingly, the few studies that have explored this issue seem to point to an overwhelmingly large contribution of wing inertia to the total forces that must be generated.
  • The problem, as is often the case in capital-intensive industries, is inertia. Does a Different Nuclear Power Lie Ahead?
  • The disavowal of nothingness hides another disavowed, even more denegated and foreclosed thing, the inertia of the self-pleasurer, who after all appears in the form of an inert statue, a self-consuming artifact, the static image of a meditator disappearing into nothing, and/or dissolving into enjoyment. Hegel on Buddhism
  • No individual names, but there is a general mindset and inertia of individuals in the bureaucracy, including in [my] office.
  • It is essential to decentralize decision authority to the lowest practical level because overcentralization slows down action and leads to inertia.
  • he had to overcome his inertia and get back to work
  • They despise complacency and inertia. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mach had stated a principle that local inertial frames of reference were determined by the large scale distribution of mass in the universe.
  • The calculation process of the strap-down inertial navigation system is studied.
  • In a sense, physics began with Descartes and the notion of inertia - that blinding flash of insight that the natural state of motion is a constant velocity.
  • He speaks not for an educational establishment too often bound by its own inertia, but for a generation of reformers whose work is bearing fruit. Times, Sunday Times
  • I can't seem to throw off this feeling of inertia.
  • Secondly, the principle of strap down inertial navigation for a rocket or cannon analyzed in details.
  • Special relativity only applied to objects travelling at constant speed, that is, to inertial frames of reference.
  • However, as I began this part of the argument with, the century time scale is short for chaotic transitions in something as highly inertial as the climate system, and it is quite non-chaotic, and in a sense boring and predictable, when you only run these models 100 years. Exponential Growth in Physical Systems « Climate Audit
  • The organization is stifled by bureaucratic inertia.
  • This paper presents principle and implementation way of "window method", which is onc to measure precisely inertia of pickup tube.
  • The reason for that inertia is simple: we prefer violence because it is the most expeditious, efficient, effective and easiest solution to most problems, if not all.
  • Management by inertia is such a draining and wasteful approach that you must be prepared to resist its consequences with vigour.
  • It is an astonishing victory over the forces of government inertia, and Hodge could not resist basking in her moment of glory.
  • With the control system, the transplant and harvest auto-machine, such big quality and high inertia device, could locate any position accurately in the reference frame area.
  • Einstein warmed to the idea that the gravitational field of the rest of the Universe might explain centrifugal and other inertial forces resulting from acceleration.
  • In Winnipeg director Sean Garrity's nervy followup to his first film Inertia, an insomniac psychotherapist becomes as unbalanced as his trio of patients.
  • But all three propositions are false and antithetical to all that conservatism teaches about the importance of cultural inertia and historical circumstances.
  • Forward seat belts each comprised a two-piece lap strap, fastened by a buckle, and an inertial reel diagonal shoulder strap.
  • In my opinion the hardest task on the holding is to overcome inertia, to make a start on the daunting task.
  • The main properties of asbestos fibers that can be exploited in industrial applications are their thermal, electrical, and sound insulation; inflammability; matrix reinforcement (cement, plastic, and resins); adsorption capacity (filtration, liquid sterilization); wear and friction properties (friction materials); and chemical inertia (except in acids). Asbestos
  • Bureaucratic inertia propelling toxic waste disposal in Nevada is monumental and increasingly unwavering, gaining speed since 1982.
  • Delays and adjournments dog the work of the courts, and the consequent administrative inertia can sap the energy and enthusiasm of even the most committed researcher.
  • Add to that the rotational inertia of the flywheel and driveshaft, and you're well over 2,500 foot-pounds.
  • The ability to define characteristics such as mass, velocity, inertia and elasticity is also planned.
  • Genius is that which forces the inertia of humanity to learn. Henri Bergson 
  • Europe has no such excuse; only its own inertia to overcome. Times, Sunday Times

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