
How To Use Incompetent In A Sentence

  • These Brits are either bunglers, incompetent, mean-spirited, or they have no minds of their own.
  • So no matter how boneheaded an incompetent manager I am, my department is 100% guaranteed to be profitable as long as I'm good at keeping my receipts?
  • I have also had dealings with totally incompetent muppets posing as health professionals.
  • They have suffered embarrassment and worst from dopes, dubbos and incompetents.
  • Although it is established that TMR-actin alone is polymerization incompetent, the impact of its copolymerization with unlabeled actin on filament structure and dynamics has not been tested yet.
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  • I had this mentality that the police were incompetent, which they weren't. Times, Sunday Times
  • History is littered with despots and psychopaths, murderous dullards, evil geniuses, deadly incompetents, calamitous brutes of all descriptions.
  • Inasmuch as the defence needs only to secure the vote of one juryman to procure a disagreement, this offer is a comparatively safe one for the defendant to make, since the prosecutor, who must secure unanimity on the part of the jury (at least in New York State), can afford to take no chances of letting an incompetent or otherwise unfit talesman slip into the box. Courts and Criminals
  • Having an incompetent person in a ministry leads to frustration, failure, and hurt. Christianity Today
  • he did the job rather incompetently
  • When a valve is incompetent, the heart has to work harder to pump the required amount of blood around the body.
  • The gist of his argument is that persons with scientific insight can dismiss as incompetent anyone who disagrees with them in judgments of value. What Unitarians Know (and Sam Harris Doesn't)
  • If a veterinarian - just as in the case of a doctor - is deemed to be highly incompetent or to have a mental or physical incapacity, he or she should be suspended forthwith.
  • They were severely lambasted for being so inept and so incompetent.
  • Some people work exceedingly well as coaches and mentors, and some people are simply incompetent to be mentors. THE ESSENTIAL DRUCKER
  • What a pity it is also the most corrupt, incompetent and untrustworthy.
  • There are also those who are lazy, incompetent or simply in the wrong job. Times, Sunday Times
  • This totally incompetent woman, is good at cacooning herself from public scrutiny, makes herself unavailable to public questioning, yet she gratuitously offers her opinions without submitting herself to vetting. cmb Palin to visit Fort Hood during book tour
  • On the grounds of weeding out incompetent and unqualified staff, every teacher in the city was dismissed by the municipal authorities and ordered to reapply for their positions.
  • Demonstrating a vastly incompetent grasp of the driving forces behind economic growth in modern "postindustrial" nations - for almost 40 years, now all new income has developed in the USA from developments in Libertarian Blog Place
  • Worse, since drill-n-kill programs make an end-run around reputedly incompetent teachers, it is children in public schools -- rather than private, elitist charter schools -- that end up suffering computer disempowerment. Miguel Guhlin: Nurture Human Talents
  • It will come as no surprise to those who view Mr. Speaker Martin as incompetent, chippy and partial to the Government to discover that he is at the heart, yet again, of an effort to conceal from the public gaze something which appears to be unsatisfactory and discreditable about the conduct of the democratic affairs of the House and therefore the nation. Archive 2007-10-28
  • I may have said there are people here who are incompetent and unprofessional.
  • I often wonder what journalism's legendary scribes would say about this year's crop of liars, plagiarists, and incompetents.
  • The journalist slanted the report so that the mayor was made to appear incompetent.
  • Women are more likely to be considered incompetent and untrained with firearms.
  • This morning's good mood severely dented by incompetent carriers who have repeatedly failed to deliver parcels on time and to the right address.
  • Either they are not consider Hamas leaders or the Mossad is incompetent. Matthew Yglesias » Team Palin Takes Shape
  • Jandek, an ultra-reclusive singer-songwriter specializing in unnervingly bleak psychodramas accompanied by an out-of-tune guitar, has been read as both incompetent and musically avant-garde.
  • Who knew that not having any spine to oppose blatantly bad Bush II SCOTUS appointments (at least we will hear no more old-school 'activist judge' hooey, which is something I guess) would turn out so badly for the incompetent Dems? Denver Post: News: Breaking: Local
  • Because Canada and Mexico are our closest neighbors (and our incompetent, corrupt politicians always need easy votes), Washington will no doubt forge ahead with its Canada-America-Mexico 'supernation' plan. Alex Jones' Prison
  • Incompetent ones probably make even lousier judges. The Volokh Conspiracy » The Short List
  • Far from being cynical spoilsmen or naive incompetents, individuals whose presidencies provide studies in ineptitude, Garfield and Arthur emerge as men of considerable ability.
  • Only an emotionally incompetent person would persist in repeating the pass over and over again. Times, Sunday Times
  • Lanegan's personal narrative, the euphoric highs and ravaged lows of the junkie, the fretful pining of the love incompetent and the poetic musings of the maverick outsider, are poignantly realised.
  • Ok, so because the fools in the ANC gave these cushy jobs to their incompetent pals, I now have to pay 3x the price for electricity to bale Eskom out of the dwang! Guardian Online
  • The thing about corruption or cronyism is that it's almost impossible to prove, unless its done very incompetently.
  • In that sense it is a two-edged sword, because some members of the opposition are just as idle and incompetent as some of those in government.
  • I think the ratio of dumb fucking student displaying true features of mongolism clearly outweighs the number of incompetent professors. The great education debate
  • Planes, trains and automobiles have all been hit by incompetent management on mega salaries failing to clear runways, tracks and roads. The Sun
  • Is it good for patients or victims of crime to have to deal with incompetent doctors or police officers? Times, Sunday Times
  • Yet "Great Soul" also obligingly gives readers more than enough information to discern that he was a sexual weirdo, a political incompetent and a fanatical faddist—one who was often downright cruel to those around him. Among the Hagiographers
  • Suddenly, it becomes possible for the computer to tease out from the most incompetent practitioner his own masterpiece.
  • Down the line, officials are lazy and incompetent. The Sun
  • Only the blindest of ideologues could look at this situation and think the government is to blame, let alone to blame on the same order of magnitude as our incompetent response to the flooding in New Orleans. The Volokh Conspiracy » Now that the Government has Proved as Incompetent
  • Secondly, he is sitting upon a pitchfork and refuses to move himself, or thirdly he is a silly, juvenile incompetent and has no place in this Chamber.
  • But exemplary and dedicated teachers surrounded by incompetents will soon grow demoralized, and effective teachers will shun under-performing schools.
  • After reading an article in a daily newspaper this week I am left to conclude that our elected leaders are a bunch of fools, incompetents and idiots (take your pick as to who falls into which category).
  • The Prime Minister is incompetent to govern the country.
  • Besides this, Heidegger includes all sciences into a homogenic and homological group, the totality of science, which seems to be, not only a coarse judgment, but also simply a totally blind and incompetent misjudgment. Enowning
  • … patients risked being treated by doctors who were incompetent or were not fluent in English. [snipped] European regulations which allow free movement of labour mean the GMC is unable to carry out clinical or language checks on doctors from EU countries as it does for those from elsewhere in the world., by Nick Triggle, BBC News Blog Articles
  • I had explained to Msgr. Moretti that, due to the incompetent states of my own superiors, my request for exclaustration could not possibly be processed in a proper manner. Clerical Whispers
  • Not only has this person proved incompetent but her references were false. Times, Sunday Times
  • I suppose my application has been lost by some incompetent bureaucrat.
  • December 4th, 2005 at 8: 47 pm wwallace says: afterthought is corrupt and incompetent. Think Progress » McCain: Murtha “Has Become Too Emotional”
  • I am simply too incompetent, too inexperienced and too unfit to be let anywhere near anything you can fall off.
  • However, before dismissing the generals as mere incompetent buffoons, we must establish the context.
  • A man-child with a high-pitched voice, his brilliant acidic wit shields the petrified innocence of someone incompetent at everything except moving furniture and writing.
  • But mark my words: you'll be branded as an incompetent for having made this small slip.
  • The second day that is after you walk, the incompetent physicians of the drum building area hospital give you of cause of death:Hook seasonal disease -hang up to carry a helicoid disease.
  • Is this Government so slack, so lax, and so incompetent that it has not actually considered that issue before today?
  • Hundreds of incompetent decisions are made in the Kremlin and White House (government headquarters) ... in precisely this 'noiseless' fashion without public discussion or criticism," liberal politician Vladimir Ryzhkov wrote in The Moscow Times. Yahoo! News: Latest news headlines News Headlines | Top Stories
  • In a letter the procurator fiscal raised no objection to this, but in court the Crown argued, and the sheriff accepted, that the motion was incompetent.
  • All your current friends are making you feel stupid, dimwitted, and otherwise incompetent.
  • A while back, I wondered: ‘How long can the equilibrium of technically incompetent rulers lording it over technologically advanced societies be maintained?’
  • Instead, the elusively-authored document reveals an organization that is either undeniably intent on delivering a full-faced bitch slap to Hillary Clinton, or just overrun with completely incompetent interns. Dan Treul: Dirty Leaflet Campaign Launched Against Clinton
  • Will incompetent health bosses be held to account? The Sun
  • Put these people back in jail for life, and put these incompetent law enforcers UNDER the jail. fascinating, the story of issei sagawa is absolutely insane Original Signal - Transmitting Digg
  • In its wake incompetent men are appointed to officiate at international games, who are inconsistent in their decisions.
  • This includes the right to dismiss incompetent staff. Times, Sunday Times
  • These are usually the very people that colleagues consider the most preposterously incompetent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, if Matthew Hoh were some kind of malcontent or incompetent, this would not be the news story that it is. CNN Transcript Oct 27, 2009
  • These were exceptions largely brought about by incompetent leadership, raw recruits, a disdain for the enemy, and involving an element of tactical surprise.
  • She may be a feckless and incompetent parent, but that is no reason for her not being treated properly.
  • There were opposing views on how to protect the public from incompetent and unethical behaviour.
  • The tragedy is that it'll probably be these two guys who get sued, not the incompetent morons at entrac who sold fedex-kinko's an unbelievably insecure system. thats freaking awesome. now i just need a smart card writer. News
  • The past months have shown it to be an incompetent crisis manager; its power and influence has oozed away as a result. Times, Sunday Times
  • February 12th, 2009 at 2: 06 pm cube, if any pondering is going on on your first question, that hypothetical economist is incompetent because ANY government spending is a stimulus. Matthew Yglesias » The Trouble With Economics
  • The power to disqualify agents also extends to those who are ethically incompetent in that they cannot be relied upon to conduct their principal's representation in an honest and ethical manner.
  • I don't know whether or not this is a peculiarly Australian characteristic, but I have no doubt that in this country, people have a deep aversion to believing that their government is incompetent.
  • I have a deep sense of injustice that I am condemned to work to feed our incompetent public masters. Times, Sunday Times
  • The word amatuer will be such a cliche by the end of this incompetent, stupifying narcissists 'tenure. Hot Air » Top Picks
  • Far from being a bunch of incompetent buffoons the agency was assigned the delicate task of choosing the target, keeping it a secret from other NATO allies and providing the necessary cover story once the bombing occurred.
  • It’s a tossup to me, but indecisive is better than inattentive or incompetent. Buck stops where? « BuzzMachine
  • Yesterday he sounded an incompetent buffoon. The Sun
  • As a military official, he's incompetent, and as a character who should engage our sympathy, he's a total failure, blinded by his own megalomania and quest for historic recognition at any cost.
  • The protector is seen as competent and capable and the person who needs to be looked after is seen as incompetent and incapable. Why Am I Afraid to be Assertive?
  • The second day that is after you walk, the incompetent physicians of the drum building area hospital give you of cause of death:Hook seasonal disease -hang up to carry a helicoid disease.
  • A report by Demos, a UK-based think tank, advises that groups like al Qaeda must be “de-glamorized” and shown as “incompetent, narcissistic and irreligious.” Think Progress » ThinkFast: April 16, 2010
  • The result: this guy steps up to the mic and proceeds to deliver the most aggressively incompetent, indelibly off-key and memorably gonzo version of the Queen song ever performed in the history of the universe.
  • Our incompetent government politicians create omnishambles for a very simple reason—they are doing the wrong job.
  • Venous ulceration occurs when the valves inside the veins become incompetent, leading to backflow and congestion of venous blood.
  • It is well documented that billions of taxpayers money is squandered by incompetent civil servants. Times, Sunday Times
  • Gen. Paul Eaton, wrote an opinion piece for the New York Times in which he called Rumsfeld “incompetent strategically, operationally and tactically.” Firedoglake » Republicans Who Swiftboat the Generals
  • It would be fair to sack the employee as incompetent or for being dishonest.
  • The big firms were perceived as either corrupt or incompetent - and certainly not interested in helping the common man save a few bucks.
  • In a large number of life's most basic practical skills, I am quite staggeringly, hopelessly incompetent.
  • The long term result is incompetent captains, whose poor leadership creates disgruntled soldiers and NCOs who resign or do not re-enlist.
  • The many officers who signed those glowing fitness reports and awarded those citations are either liars or they are incompetent.
  • But to go back to work; suddenly, I AM that useless incompetent know-nothing manager whose presence in a position of authority bewilders everyone.
  • The fourth official is incompetent and he can't do his job. The Sun
  • Khaled also displays a purposefulness that contradicts ideas of children as helpless munchkins or mental incompetents.
  • As the truth came out, the Government made itself look incompetent, deceitful and untrustworthy.
  • That leader must be bold enough to say that devolution is working badly because it is inadequate, that the denial of fiscal autonomy makes for irresponsible and incompetent government.
  • Are you lazy or just incompetent? Times, Sunday Times
  • They argue that democracy is messy, slow and directionless, and politicians to the last man are undisciplined, incompetent and corrupt.
  • The problem is that we have had a succession of absolutely incompetent Ministers of Correction.
  • The fourth official is incompetent and he can't do his job. The Sun
  • More likely, it's another smokescreen designed to increase the public's general paranoia and portray the Department of Homeland Security as anything but incompetent.
  • There are also those who are lazy, incompetent or simply in the wrong job. Times, Sunday Times
  • The officials are incompetent, apparently. Times, Sunday Times
  • He found “a substantial ground of truth in the indictment” of working-class Americans as “improvident and apparently incompetent to take care of the pecuniary details of their own life.” A Renegade History of the United States
  • He brought in as ministers an odd assortment of incompetent relations and hangers-on.
  • If public institutions, from schools to government agencies, are really going to improve, we've got to be able to get rid of the time-servers and incompetents.
  • Will incompetent health bosses be held to account? The Sun
  • I can only say that the Minister is either deliberately misconstruing this, or is utterly incompetent.
  • No reconstruction of society can avail for incompetent, indifferent, thriftless men who cannot work together. Black and White
  • Lately I keep finding myself moving the pushpin from the “pure evil” quadrant up towards the “hopelessly incompetent” quadrant. Through The Eyes Of Madness | ATTACKERMAN
  • Not necessarily incompetent, they are opportunists who seize the chance to make lots of money for doing relatively little work.
  • Gold bullion is the one investment and long-term store of value which cannot be adversely impacted by corrupt corporate management or incompetent politicians -- each of which are in ample supply on a global basis. RBC Fiat Slap Down
  • Although winning teams often contain incompetent members, effective oarsmen have the greatest rate of success and increase in frequency the fastest.
  • Ten years of incompetent government had brought about the virtual collapse of the country's economy.
  • He sighed in annoyance; some incompetent teacher obviously couldn't control their class.
  • He was caught hiding in an airing cupboard after bragging that 'incompetent' counterterror cops would never nail him. The Sun
  • I don't want to hear about that anymore," responded John Ashcroft, one of the most unimpressive figures in an administration overfilled with inadequates, incompetents and ideologues. 9/11 books round-up – review
  • The country's being governed by a bunch of incompetents.
  • Quarrels over succession, corrupt and incompetent administration, and revolts accelerated disintegration.
  • But from the late 1950s to the mid 1970s UK manufacturing was smashed in a three-cornered war of attrition between incompetent management, militant trade unions and high-tax government.
  • Usually, an open surgical technique is performed to interrupt the flow of these incompetent perforate veins.
  • This often includes lazy or incompetent peers, ineffective management, or a seniority system that rewards obsolete employees and punishes newer, more aggressive go-getters.
  • In other words, the tribuneship was designed to be a political dead end—a place to confine the ranting and the rancorous, the incompetent and the unpromotable: the effluent of the body politic. Imperium
  • Along the same lines, there is an ad that features an incompetent buffoon who can't get his car stereo to work.
  • a corrupt and incompetent city government
  • In the process he has managed to make himself look clueless in international negotiations, to make his proposed Cabinet look incompetent and to look rudderless in policy. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tension gastrothorax is a rare condition that occurs when the stomach (often accompanied by other normally intra-abdominal organs) herniates through a ruptured or incompetent diaphragm into the chest.
  • Valves maybe incompetent due to lower leg trauma, deep vein thrombosis, or congenital anomalies.
  • However, when the legitimator is seen as incompetent and lacking in authority, the appointee’s power and ability will be questioned Knight & Weiss, 1980. The Bass Handbook of Leadership
  • With his cultured right foot, he dominates the midfield, his integrity and swift moral purpose shading everyone else into the second-rate incompetents they probably know deep down that they are.
  • Too much is squandered by incompetent ministers. The Sun
  • He's just about incompetent whenever he tries anything but the root of the chord, so it's not like we're getting much help from that side, either.
  • I may have said there are people here who are incompetent and unprofessional.
  • The unchallenged power of the consultant is already under investigation, after another incompetent obstetrician was exposed.
  • The Prime Minister has blamed incompetent staff. Times, Sunday Times
  • Any objective observer must report that the universe, if it is the product of conscious design, is clear proof that the designer is incompetent, a blunderer, an all-thumbs amateur who should not be allowed back into the workshop.
  • A serial arsonist is at work in Mount Hope, many more people die, and Mulligan, having no faith in the city's incompetent police and crooked politicians, embarks on a personal crusade to find the killer. Review of "Rogue Island," a mystery by Bruce DeSilva
  • He wants the power to sack incompetent teachers.
  • Lady Morgana raged at her newest assistant, who seemed just as incompetent as the rest.
  • He is incompetent at working with his hands.
  • They may have 2 seats in the European Parliament (a huge talking shop with no real power) but I'm counting the hours until OLAF start telling us how venal and shoite the incompetent misbegotten retromingent miscreants of the BNP really are. Army Rumour Service
  • The journalist slanted the report so that the mayor was made to appear incompetent.
  • Either you were complicit, or grossly incompetent, or grossly negligent. The Sun
  • The coining is still to be carried on on the premises, as the contracts offered for doing the work out of doors were too high or too incompetent; the 'engraver or die-sinker' is no longer to be permitted to work on his own private account; and, what is still better, when a new medal or new model is wanted, the best artists of the country are to have the opportunity of shewing their skill in the requisite designs; and, last, dealers in bullion will no longer be allowed to refine their gold at the public cost, for all the metal sent in in future 'must not exceed the standard weight.' Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 434 Volume 17, New Series, April 24, 1852
  • Yet he himself is hardly objective in his analysis and embarrassingly reveals himself as being totally incompetent.
  • Is it good for patients or victims of crime to have to deal with incompetent doctors or police officers? Times, Sunday Times
  • The Nato intervention was illegal (never authorised by the UN), based on a false prospectus (the Rambouillet conference concocted a pretext for attacking Serbia), unnecessary (the possibilities of a peaceful solution had not been exhausted) and incompetently executed (thousands of innocent civilians killed, non-military targets destroyed). Letters: Discredited foreign policy doctrines
  • It should stop subsidising incompetent providers and employers through the New Deal and allow failure to become an endemic part of the system. Times, Sunday Times
  • While its stated mission has been to support the nation's gun laws to prevent criminals and mentally incompetent people from acquiring firearms, the BATF has a history of what might kindly be termed "overzealousness. Richard Feldman: Gun Rights & Marijuana Reform -- Issues Joined!
  • The modern definition of "nepotism" is simply favoritism based on kinship, but most people today use the term very narrowly, to mean hiring not just a relative but one who is grossly incompetent. In Praise of Nepotism
  • Mounting a stage before a roaring fire, she spent her last moments in great dignity, only to die at the hands of an incompetent headsman who missed her neck with his first stroke.
  • I personally think he is the most incompetent of all the dimwits I have ended up with.
  • Politicians were seen not only as factious, selfish, and incompetent; they were also regarded as corrupt.
  • Isn't it a shame that we have these key people doing important things who are either incompetent ignoramuses or dumb as posts?
  • Still only 23, he was in "legendarily rowdy upstarts" Les Incompetents and "legendarily doomy experimentalists" Ox. First sight: Spector
  • Their actions had been so numerous and consistent that they cannot be considered as either innocently naive or simply incompetent.
  • This government is the most spineless, intellectually dishonest, corrupt, incompetent and callous administration this Federation has ever known.
  • Instead of her being devious, duplicitous, and incompetent, perhaps she could answer the question.
  • This crew appears to be so power-hungry, and so incompetent in carrying out their radical programs, that only disaster will result if they gain a second term.
  • Botched handiwork by incompetent tradesmen is costing Britons millions of pounds, a new survey claims today.
  • The company weeded out the incompetent people
  • Managers were blamed, but had a whole raft of managers suddenly become incompetent? Times, Sunday Times
  • Are you lazy or just incompetent? Times, Sunday Times
  • Private-school staff resist performance-related pay, so the lazy and incompetent can earn as much as inspirational enthusiasts.
  • Planes, trains and automobiles have all been hit by incompetent management on mega salaries failing to clear runways, tracks and roads. The Sun
  • She slanted the report so that I was made to appear incompetent.
  • Mostly because of a large increase in illegitimacy since 1970, Lykken says, "across the land, but mainly in the inner cities, thousands of children aren't being brought up by, but only domiciled with, parents who are indifferent, incompetent, or unsocialized themselves. How We Become What We Are
  • In MY day job I am also a marketing manager, Alex, and I can say from experience that you are an incompetent knobber who knows NOTHING about marketing. The Apprentice - week six live blog
  • There was the first, the default that you are complaining of; then there was the section of the Evidence Act; and then there was incompetent advocacy.
  • That would have been great, except for the fact that the incompetent boobs didn't order enough gift vouchers and so they had run out.
  • How is this possible if the only shield protecting the people against a fate worse than death is to have the reformists, no matter how incompetent, sit in power positions?
  • The hominid fossil record isn’t even especially “jerky” when examined quantitatvely at fine-scale resolution, so the creationists don’t even have their usual incompetent misconstrual of punctuated equilibria which is actually about morphologically small gaps between closely-related sister species to rely upon. Meet Selam - The Panda's Thumb
  • The social evils of Plato´s time, namely disunity, incompetence and violence, are still present and will always be for as long as there are political communities and incompetent rulers unable to impose rules thus triggering a process of political so-cialization that will change individual attitudes. American Chronicle
  • The past months have shown it to be an incompetent crisis manager; its power and influence has oozed away as a result. Times, Sunday Times
  • Having an incompetent person in a ministry leads to frustration, failure, and hurt. Christianity Today
  • However, when the crowds arrived on Saturday morning the USGA looked like incompetent bunglers to the 10,000 or so of paying punters trying to get into the Bridge Gate.
  • When the nearest thing to a global ‘competent authority’ is a bunch of moral incompetents and slimeballs, it would seem to suggest that vigilante justice is about the only justice there is.
  • Ultimately, when the assets have been devalued and it is quite patently clear that those who end up in control are incompetent, they will pass to someone else at a gross undervalue.
  • I suppose my application has been lost by some incompetent bureaucrat.
  • The eager anticipation of these voters tells me they did not stand in line for hours & hours, in pouring rain, to vote for an incompetent nitwit.
  • Yes, he's a great campaigner but in office would prove himself incompetent, work-shy and dim. Times, Sunday Times
  • A certain portion of these teachers are incompetents and frauds; some are rabid patriots and fundamentalists - and some are ham-fisted leftists.
  • Not necessarily incompetent, they are opportunists who seize the chance to make lots of money for doing relatively little work.
  • If what you postulate is true, then both the lawyer and DeLay are too incompetent to enter into a courtroom to begin with. Think Progress » BREAKING: DeLay’s Lawyer Lies About MoveOn
  • Occurs when incompetent valves cause blood to pool in the legs.
  • What if he proved incompetent? Times, Sunday Times
  • The employment and protection of incompetent/corrupt/unskilled cadres will continue unabated, as will the protests by the same neddies who vote for the ANC every election, and then protest and burn down their libraries and municipal offices the next. Muti
  • Rather than incompetent, I prefer to use the term hamstrung by its minority standing. Army Rumour Service
  • There, among the babbling minds of the incompetent human race, was my beloved Farrell.
  • Could oversight of the service at this critical juncture be any more incompetent? Times, Sunday Times
  • The "commanderguy" would have spend the rest of his term defending Azmodeaus, - I mean Cheney, Gonzales, the Iraq war, the failures in the Afghanistan war, and all the filth that would be unearthed in the impeachment proceedings would force the GOP to go down with a doomed ship ship, or join the rest of the American population in demanding a change of course, and accountability from the most corrupt, devious, and catastophically incompetent government in the history of America. After The Veto -- What's Next For Dems On Iraq?
  • Had oporotunity to listen to some of his stump Sen. Mcain and his running mate today and found that he defered to Mrs. Palin after babling on for a while, is he really there or is his plan as a Maverick to hand over the Presidency to another incompetent person for another 4 years. Does age matter at the White House?

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