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How To Use Inception In A Sentence

  • It has also pushed up muggings and violent crime offences by 43% since its inception.
  • I'm now counting down to my 38th birthday, and then the second anniversary of the inception of this web backwater.
  • According to F&F Foods, the current manufacturer of Sen Sen®, the candy straddled olfactive and gustative categorization at its inception and “In keeping with its perfumery roots, it was on the market list for many years as a cosmetic.” Breath Perfumes
  • The degrees which Oxford and Cambridge conferred in Grammar did not involve residence or entitle the recipients to a vote in Convocation; but the conferment was accompanied by ceremonies which were almost parodies of the solemn proceedings of graduation or inception in a recognised Faculty, a birch taking the place of a book as a symbol of the power and authority entrusted to the graduand. Life in the Medieval University
  • Further, Newton's assumption that Wallace is the sole practitioner of the artful defusion of 'high brow' pretension by 'street slang' is an overstatement -- recall Joyce's exhausting of the entire practice in his "Oxen of the Sun" episode of Ulysses where the whole history of the English language is satirized, equally, from its inception to his contemporary cockney. Omer Rosen: Footnoting David Foster Wallace: Part 1
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  • Some works are realised from their inception to their completion at the site, like the installation at the Tate.
  • My vote ultimately was for Eric Levine, because CellarTracker as an innovative informational internet tool (and with each passing year so much more, including a forum, commerce, etc) that has burgeoned to over 1 million wine reviews since its inception is both astounding and far-reaching. Vote now! Wine Person of the Decade [the Naughties] | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • Since their inception in 1977, the name of the game for The Mekons has been experimentation and excursion, and they have even happily embraced the 'folkies'. Tourdates Unsigned Chart
  • This week my graduate seminar students (at Parsons Fine Arts MFA) and I had a great discussion leading from Robert Smithson's writings on entropy to issues of pessimism about social change and what might be the point of human intervention towards ideals of progressive social activism in an entropically irreversible situation: interesting in this light to read Bob Herbert Op-Ed piece in the October 26, 2010 copy of The New York Times, "The Corrosion of America": do we just go along "haplessly"/hopelessly with the flow of entropy and the corrosion and ruin of our infrastructure (a ruin which is in a sense "always already" from before its inception, in Smithson's example of "The Monuments of Passaic") creating or suggesting an art which does not try to impose an idealist order or moral value to an entropic situation of urban and suburban decay, or do we believe enough in human labor despite ultimate futility or mortality to make the investment in our near futures by fixing the infrastructure? Mira Schor: Corroded infrastructure 2010/Robert Smithson's Writings on Entropy, 1966-67
  • Since its inception, the OCA has campaigned aggressively against rBGH, which is banned in Europe, Canada, and most of the industrialized world. GOOD NEWS OF THE WEEK: GET OUT, MONSANTO! WAL-MART GOES rBGH-FREE
  • Most obviously Picasso at the inception of Cubism and either late Malevitch or Picabia.
  • DAVID EDELSTEIN: In Christopher Nolan's "Inception," Leonardo DiCaprio plays Dom Cobb, whose name sounds like it should evoke something a colleague suggests dummkopf, but I dont think that's the intention. 'Inception' A Masterpiece? Only In Someone's Dream
  • Since inception, the people in the group have taken their task most seriously.
  • The highest declines since the inception of our deer plan that was created by extreme nonhunting environmentalists. Hunting License Sales Rebound In Pennsylvania
  • I did not accede to that application at the inception of the hearing or when I reconsidered it later.
  • TWC has, since its in inception as Wrekin District Council in 1974 (aka Wrecking District Council) been known as an officer ridden authority. Revenge of the Telford penguins?
  • Since its inception in 1990, EARCSB (previously known as East Asia Rabbit Ranch) has grown from a farm purely focusing on breeding rabbits for meat, to agro-tourism and petting today. Anorak News
  • The two are among 34 fellows recognized in 2005, bringing to 532 the total number named since the program's inception.
  • He traces the inception, and to some extent the dissemination, of the bipartite rural estate to the designs of the Carolingians.
  • "Since their inception, statisticians have endeavored to improve the quality and accuracy of these statistics.
  • I used to think of movies like The Matrix and Inception as science fiction -- fake adrenalized entertainment in place of boring reality. Jeff Klima: (The Dangerous World of) Parentheses
  • Government from the very inception was reluctant to define and characterise the problem.
  • Since its inception in 1959 in Rome, Valentino had been almost single-mindedly focused on the dressiest moments in a woman's life. Reinterpreting Valentino
  • From inception, technology and technological change have been central to radio and television.
  • The event is enhanced by film forums, panel discussions and soirées - this is an extremely well put together event, one that has gained a reputation for quality and enlightening entertainment since its inception a few years ago.
  • Thus, the tide of emigration, swelled from the tiny ocean-drop which marked its first inception more than three hundred years ago to its present torrentine proportions and bearing away frequently entire nationalities on its bosom, still flows from the east to the west, tracing the progress of civilisation from its Alpha to its Fritz and Eric The Brother Crusoes
  • From its inception there had been a committed Protestant minority who aspired to complete a full Protestant reformation - the Puritans.
  • Since its inception, radio has had a particular symbolic significance attached to it.
  • The IAU has been the arbiter of planetary and satellite nomenclature since its inception in 1919. Space News From SpaceDaily.Com
  • I've been curator (known variously as Cyn Cyty and the dauphine; guess which I prefer?) of the Redskins Insider since its inception with Jason La Canfora and now with Jason Reid. The Early Lead: Where everybody knows your user name
  • In order to have a new product from its inception, such companies may need to be willing to undertake low-margin activities and sometimes even to charge them as nonrecurring expenses.
  • But from its inception, the Labor party was wedded to the capitalist profit system.
  • If the Americans have not adopted a 'positive policy' vis-à-vis Pakistan since inception, what else Pakistan has in fact been rattled by the Obama Administration's new plans, to 'rejig' the American policy towards Pakistan and Afghanistan, and the region as a whole. Asian Tribune
  • The alcoholic inception is reckoned to have occurred when some early farmer sampled water in which bread had been sitting (and fermenting) for a day or two. Who Invented Beer? | Impact Lab
  • He was then presented to the Chancellor and Proctors in congregation, and, with hand laid upon the Bible, swore, in a kneeling posture, that he would keep the statutes, would actually incept -- we shall see what this means presently -- within a year, that he would not spend more at his inception than the sum allowed, that he would neither lecture nor hear lectures at The Customs of Old England
  • Three years after its inception, Namibia Wildlife Resorts is still in the process of having the resorts and other movable assets transferred so that they can be under its ownership.
  • This is often a legacy of historic inception, piecemeal development, and political expediency.
  • Since its inception the company has produced 53 different aircraft designs.
  • From its inception, DARPA funded long-term nonclassified IT research in academia, even during several wars, to leverage all the best minds. Archive 2005-05-01
  • At the inception of the welfare state, people were prepared to believe that the government would look after them in old age.
  • Next Friday sees the first anniversary of the inception of this desultory philippic.
  • More than a decade after its inception the company is to pay its maiden dividend. Times, Sunday Times
  • From the inception of the project the archdiocese insisted on a robust design to preserve the function and integrity of the structure.
  • Given my propensities and proclivities, I do not know how, in this symbolic sense, I could have spent the inception of the millennium in a more meaningful way.
  • In addition, at least since the inception of the all-volunteer Army, the United States has never filled the Army exclusively with male recruits.
  • The multiagency Medicare Fraud Strike Force has indicted more than 850 people for allegedly illegal Medicare billings since its inception in 2007, according to the Justice Department and Department of Health and Human Services. U.S. Charges 20 With Medicare Fraud
  • As a simple race-and-chase, "The Adjustment Bureau" succeeds on the purest cinematic level, especially in a wowser of a climactic pursuit that recalls "Inception" in its mind-bending tour through multiple doors of perception. Ann Hornaday reviews 'The Adjustment Bureau,' an ambitious, impressive thriller
  • The theme was revisiting the most significant moments in the history of the Royal Ballet from its inception to the present day. No Way Home: A Cuban Dancer's Tale
  • However, virtually all present - day sedatives suppress REM, while Inception's designer drugs also negate real REM effects.
  • India's National Rural Employment Guarantee Act, or NREGA, seemed unpromising from its inception.
  • I, for one, who sent a son through that university and have dealt with the Temerlin Advertising Institute since its inception, strongly believe that SMU is an acculturative institution taking the best of “eastern academia” melded with midwestern practicality and common sense. Dallas Blog, Daily News, Dallas Politics, Opinion, and Commentary FrontBurner Blog D Magazine » Blog Archive » TEDxSMU A Resounding Success
  • The club has grown rapidly since its inception in 1990.
  • The investment would be in two European options with the same inception and maturity dates.
  • Would-be Cassandras have been predicting the imminent downfall of the American imperium ever since its inception.
  • Augustine developed two basic inceptions of evil, the privative and the aesthetic.
  • Nissan, who has been a corporate sponsor from HEROES inception, is the title sponsor behind this week long tour that starts on day the shows DVD hits store shelves and takes the cast to Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, Munich, Paris, London and New York. Get Ready for a HEROES World Tour | the TV addict
  • Ilkley finish fourth in this highly competitive Yorkshire league one, their highest ever league placing since the inception of the league system.
  • Since the inception of cryosurgery in 1850, landmark had been made in the sophisticated cryosurgical devices now.
  • We thank the Directorate of Health Services, Government of Goa, which has collaborated with the project from its inception.
  • Between reception and inception is this automaton intelligence, analysing the data as it comes in, processing it, and firing off response actions. Archive 2007-02-01
  • But "Inception" reneges on the implicit deal: By convoluting the various planes of experience, by overlapping and obscuring ostensible realities and ostensible dreams, Mr. Nolan deprives us the opportunity of investing emotionally in any of it. 'Inception': To Dream, Perchance to Sleep
  • Inception regisseur gaat in op enkele vragen rondom de derde Batman film. FilmTotaal - Filmnieuws
  • Common reading programs are, in their inception, an attempt to make up for some of the misshapenness of American secondary education -- especially its lack of consistent focus from school to school on books that define our cultural heritage and its failure to insist on high standards. Are Colleges' Summer Reading Lists TOO Left-Leaning? Report Says Yes
  • The mission of Chief Executive Guo Wei, 47, who has been with the company since its inception, is to expand from a simple logistics business into higher-value -- and higher-margin -- services. Digital China's IBM-style Ambitions
  • They will try to identify trends at their inception in they hope that they can exploit it, mass-produce it, market it.
  • Since its inception more than three years ago, this simple approach has strengthened the people and ministries of the church. Christianity Today
  • His Honour made a finding that this venture failed very soon after inception in 1990.
  • It's a shame that The Adjustment Bureau, with its sparkling performances, promising premise, and thought-provoking questions about free will, human nature, fate, and the justness of God's motives could end in such a pat, corny heap that's sure to draw negative comparisons to superior mind-benders like Inception and The Matrix. Jonathan Kim: ReThink Review: The Adjustment Bureau -- Love, Fate and Magic Hats
  • Peace Boat has sponsored global cruises on chartered passenger ships since its inception in 1983 to promote peace, human rights and environmental protection.
  • Since its inception, they have expanded their family-owned store and entered into a licensing agreement, making the company's array of men's and boys' sportswear available nationwide.
  • Twenty two others have tried going back to the inception of the tournament a decade ago and all have failed.
  • The elaborate design, praised at its inception, now is being blamed for ballooning costs and several delays.
  • This event was a huge success and has grown enormously since its inception 12 years ago.
  • The miscommunication was another in a long series of prosecutorial missteps that have dogged the case from its inception in 1977. Polanski case takes another strange turn
  • Two inter-related characteristics distinguished the Histadrut and the Labour Zionists from their inception.
  • The crisis has forged a consensus on the need for architecture that was neglected at the euro 's inception, he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • At its inception the phrase refered to Iraq, but about six weeks in that super genius realized what a clusterfuck Iraq was and “repurposed” his site to the ‘war on terra.’ Matthew Yglesias » We Win, They Lose
  • Since its inception in 1968, the company has been at the forefront of computer development.
  • As is noted, this is the first report to be produced after the inception of the scheme.
  • Towards the end of the eighteenth century, Kant could say (without much exaggeration) that logic had followed a single path since its inception, and that ˜since Aristotle it has not had to retrace a single step™. Logical Form
  • "Since their inception, statisticians have endeavored to improve the quality and accuracy of these statistics.
  • It has raised $ 9 million for campus programs since its inception.
  • From the date of its inception, the NHS was seen as a really British achievement, something to give pride to the entire population, and woe betide anyone with the temerity to suggest other.
  • The theme was revisiting the most significant moments in the history of the Royal Ballet from its inception to the present day. No Way Home: A Cuban Dancer's Tale
  • In rereading my notes from these meetings I am reminded how tenuous the project was at its inception.
  • Since their inception, Camphill communities in Britain, North America, South Africa and a number of other countries have maintained the principle that all resident co-workers, whether long or short-term, are unsalaried volunteers.
  • It helps that both bands have been receiving critical accolades since their inception, and album sales for each have been solid.
  • It helps that both bands have been receiving critical accolades since their inception, and album sales for each have been solid.
  • With the inception of militancy in Kashmir most of the Kashmiri Pandits who left their homes in early 1990s and had come to perform 'pooja' in "Mata Ragnya" temple at Tulmula area of Ganderbal in Kashmir on Sunday said that they miss Kashmir. Thousands of Kashmiri Pandits,visit their homeland to pay obeisance at Kheer Bhawani in Kashmir
  • Since its inception in Lismore 200 queries, by personal callers, telephone and letter, have been dealt with.
  • The company has raised $20 million in venture capital from angel investors and the three founders since its inception.
  • Inception was 'incepted' from a Scrooge McDuck Disney Comic Strip
  • As a religious movement engaged in social services, the army has, since its inception, made a goal of approaching sociological problems with Christian concern.
  • Measles initiatives have made considerable progress in decreasing disease and death caused by measles since its inception in 2001. Global Immunization: Vaccine Coverage is Variable
  • The majority of hedge funds, according to Forsyth, were showing their worst drawdown since inception for the month of May.
  • It has been a hallmark of its illustrious career in broadcasting almost since its inception in the 1920s.
  • It helps that both bands have been receiving critical accolades since their inception, and album sales for each have been solid.
  • “Because the progeny would be half-angel and half-human . . . something stronger than what was bestowed on humanity at the inception of your kind.” Surrender the Dark
  • Some of those involved at the inception of the lottery admit mistakes have been made.
  • In fact, this principle had already guided the site from it's inception, but it was now explicitly concreted into the site's ethic.
  • Guadalajara industrialist and state deputy-elect Manuel Villagómez Rodríguez, who has served as the foundation's president since its inception, is renowned as a vocal critic of government programs, policies, officials and private individuals who do not cotton to his ideological stand point. A Season Of Hope
  • Ever since its inception, the country has known little but bloody coups and brutal dictators.
  • From its inception, it was meant to ward off the emergence of a hereditary aristocracy in the United States.
  • With respect to the inception of the right to life, this is generally taken as being the time of birth.
  • This project aims to examine changes in alcohol treatment policy from the inception of the National Health Service to the 1980's.
  • Let Lake Ponchetrain cleanse the land of the filth and remnants of decadance that thrived in that decrepit excuse for a city since its inception. Should New Orleans be rebuilt? « BuzzMachine
  • The Board since its inception has taken up every issue that confronts the community.
  • To its credit, "Inception" plays equally well on an entirely different plane, namely the kind of twisty mind-game that suggests the work of Charlie Kaufman ( "Adaptation") and the "Matrix" movies. 'Inception's' dream team weaves a mesmerizing tale
  • Yet one investor in Peninsula estimates that, if Mr. Weschler had never invested in W.R. Grace, the fund still would have gone up sevenfold or eightfold since its inception in 2000. A Disciplined and Driven 'Connect-the-Dots' Investor
  • Pepsi declined to discuss the trash talk with the Ad Team, but Stribling didn't: "We find it amusing that our competitor is trying to claim a space we've owned (since) the inception of Coca-Cola. Heinz ketchup spruces up label with a tomato
  • From its inception, the alliance was tenuous: concessions were made on all accounts in order for agreement to be reached among its intricately intermarried and perpetually embattled members. 161 Francesco Sforza, previously a condottiere employed by the Visconti, was installed as duke of Milan to protect the territory from possible dynastic claims made by the French king. Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro
  • With Star Wars and Inception returning in stereoscopic vision – and three-dimensional HBO due to launch – is 2D dead? Blurred vision on the 3D bandwagon
  • Photography and fakery have gone hand in hand since the inception of the medium.
  • Finally, it was official -- the Nighthawks won the title outright thanks to a tiebreaking 79 from their fifth scorer, a senior who has been with the program since its inception. News & Record Article Feed
  • Ever since the inception of this great competition Munster have come into their own.
  • Or was it original and autochthonic, independent, in its inception, of any external influences, and unconnected with any other institution? The Symbolism of Freemasonry
  • Article 4 A lessee and a lessor should classify a lease as a finance lease or an operating lease on the lease inception date.
  • The dominant architectural feature of the Main Quadrangle, Memorial Church was dedicated in 1903 in memory of Leland Stanford and has been non-sectarian since its inception.
  • Generally unmanaged since its inception, e-mail was the first killer application for the Internet and now consumes several terabytes of disk storage at many customer locations.
  • The Yule Ball has been a tradition of the Triwizard Tournament since its inception.
  • From its inception, the genteel performance was connected with ideologies of gender, particularly the ideal of true womanhood.
  • Sometimes the comparison will reveal a loss from the inception of the loan transaction.
  • This combined migratory population constituted more than 68 percent of Israel's population at its inception in 1948.
  • Interest in prevention of the break-up of families was discernible from the inception of the child care service.
  • Ever since its inception half a century ago, one of the Marg's main themes has been the art of the Asian miniaturist.
  • Firstly, the Scriptures affirm that Christ's redemptive work on earth was the culmination of God's planning and foreordination - which in its inception predated the foundation of the world.
  • JCU Singapore recognises the need to integrate inception into the local community. The Public Lecture Series has been an avenue of research sharing since 2009.
  • Spencer Plaza has since its inception evolved as a landmark of the present times, thrusting its presence on the city skyline.
  • The his war turned out to be based on fraud in its inception and incompetency in its prosecution, and Bush supporters turned their attention back to the economy which, they assure, is in rapid recovery. Damn them.
  • Welcoming the South African delegation, which is attending Lome for the first time since its inception in 1957, European Union co-president Henry Lord Plumb paid tribute to what he called the wisdom and courage of President Nelson Mandela and other South ANC Daily News Briefing
  • His most important legacy to meteorology was as secretary of the International Meteorological Committee from its inception in 1874 until 1900.
  • Since inception, at the national market to create a miracle unexpected.
  • Since the inception of the mandate, freedom of religious worship has been protected by law.
  • Critics have assailed the law since its inception.
  • My vote ultimately was for Eric Levine, because CellarTracker as an innovative informational internet tool (and with each passing year so much more, including a forum, commerce, etc) that has burgeoned to over 1 million wine reviews since its inception is both astounding and far-reaching. Vote now! Wine Person of the Decade [the Naughties] | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • The club has grown rapidly since its inception in 1990.
  • The Dead C have been treading the same water since their inception in 1987 and their leaden, layered guitar-soaked dirges just feel tired up against the vibrancy of Konono.
  • An ice cream churn on a plow was more or less all that a crop sprayer was in its earlier inception.
  • The mission of Chief Executive Guo Wei, 47, who has been with the company since its inception, is to expand from a simple logistics business into higher-value -- and higher-margin -- services. Digital China's IBM-style Ambitions
  • He had been director of the project since its inception.
  • Evo-devo is making huge strides in understanding biological processes, including its evolutionary history. eric: 1) Naive "NeoDarwinism" had its inception in the middle of the 20th century. Behe: ID rescues Common Descent
  • One of Vertigo's functions since its inception is to rethink old DC Comics properties, Roberson says, and after finishing up the Fables spinoff Cinderella: From Fabletown With Love, he pitched several ideas to his editor, Shelly Bond. 'I, Zombie' is new creature feature from Vertigo Comics
  • This will be the highest level at which Ilkley have competed in league rugby since the inception of league rugby many years ago.
  • The theme was revisiting the most significant moments in the history of the Royal Ballet from its inception to the present day. No Way Home: A Cuban Dancer's Tale
  • Assorted tools for it have proliferated since its inception: hammers, thumbs, tampers, blades, brooms, plows, compactors, trenchers, pallet forks, rakes, grapple attachments, augers, myriad buckets, and more.
  • Conservatives recall Khatami's presidency as the most sustained assault on their ideology and privileges since the republic's inception; they don't want it repeated. Undefined
  • Development and international aid are frequently misguided in inception, disastrous in execution and catastrophic for the local people.
  • Since its inception in 2003, the program has granted nearly $1.3 million to twelve different design companies.www. The Earth Times Online Newspaper
  • He has followed the event since its inception and can currently talk about little else.
  • The programme has been successful since its inception.
  • Beside these collections, which were in their origin and inception chiefly musical, and literary, as it were, only by parergon, there are successors of the earlier Miscellanies in which, as in _England's Helicon_ and the celebrated _Passionate Pilgrim_, there is some of the most exquisite of our verse. A History of Elizabethan Literature

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