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How To Use In two ways In A Sentence

  • If, then, it be considered as a sacrament, it produces its effect in two ways: first of all directly through the power of the sacrament; secondly as by a kind of concomitance, as was said above regarding what is contained in the sacrament (Q. 76, AA. Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • Under the proposals elected mayors or directly elected executives can be chosen in two ways. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although he's not obligated to deviate from his original quest to destroy the kingpins of the criminal underworld, taking a few minutes to eliminate rabble in the streets augments the game significantly in two ways.
  • The receiving cell can adjust itself to changes in the behaviour of the transmitting cell in two ways.
  • Buffaloes, preferably full-grown bulls, are involved in funerals in two ways: some are contributed by consanguineal relatives and others are lent by affinal kin or even friends.
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  • Possession of such direct observations on expectations would allow us to test the validity of the rational expectations hypothesis in two ways.
  • The term prophet can be interpreted in two ways: God's way and Lusiper's way. Undefined
  • And so, I encourage everyone to take a little bit of time and understand it as best you can and that is the term cloning is used in two ways. CNN Transcript Dec 29, 2002
  • We apply such a link in the sentence ˜the number 2 falls under the concept prime number™; it is contained in the words ˜falls under™, which need to be completed in two ways Structured Propositions
  • This loss, termed quenching , may arise in two ways.
  • The story of Harald is intended to serve in two ways towards the working out of this plot. Viking Tales
  • Waste from resort is converted into usable water in two ways, both at a recycling plant for initial treatment, and then separately through a three-step purifying process of UV light filtration, ozonation and ultra-filtration. Boing Boing: January 26, 2003 - February 1, 2003 Archives
  • Possession of such direct observations on expectations would allow us to test the validity of the rational expectations hypothesis in two ways.
  • It imposes useful discipline on the production of a functional diagram in two ways.
  • The problem with this argument is that the managerial regime is still relatively costly in two ways.
  • Under the proposals elected mayors or directly elected executives can be chosen in two ways. Times, Sunday Times
  • The search for a spell to ward off the evils attendant upon self-reference has fed into the axiomatisation of set theory in two ways, corresponding to the two ways in which self-reference has been (mis) - understood. Quine's New Foundations
  • Imagine an enormous bowl, too wide to see across, that's spinning, much like the earth, in two ways at once: around its own axis, and in orbit of a point outside itself.
  • Although it is impossible to inscribe a regular pentagon in a square, an equilateral pentagon can be inscribed in two ways.
  • In fact, small groups often can inhibit growth in two ways. Christianity Today
  • The thieves run scams in two ways: outright identity theft and impersonation fraud.
  • In fact, small groups often can inhibit growth in two ways. Christianity Today
  • A combination of Google and YouTube may help in two ways.
  • I'd picked up these scraps of knowledge in two ways.
  • Philosophy, in the undergraduate curriculum, can be regarded in two ways.
  • The appellant's case is, or can be, put in two ways, firstly, unconscionable conduct by the son affecting the building society, and, secondly, the unconscionable conduct by the building society itself.
  • Film schemes can be structured in two ways, as a sale and leaseback or as a production partnership. Times, Sunday Times
  • An amphibology is a statement that is ambiguous or can be taken in two ways.
  • This layer functions in two ways: having both photocatalytic and hydrophilic effects.
  • Original paragraph: The feelings of the lower-status party may be discounted in two ways: by considering them rational but unimportant or by considering them irrational and hence dismissible.
  • We can see how a currency devaluation or depreciation reduces real wages in two ways. International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
  • Most of the work is small, but he breaks out of the bibliophilic scale in two ways.
  • We can see how a currency devaluation or depreciation reduces real wages in two ways. International Finance: The markets and financial management of multinational business.
  • Fidelity Fund believes that interest rates and deposit reserve ratio favorable bond market in two ways.
  • If they fall within the legal definition of insurance, protection may be offered to consumers in two ways.
  • Each craft will be flown in two ways: by preprogramming on-board computers (like a cruise missile) or by ground controllers using satellite links. Two New Eyes In The Sky
  • This surprising degree of coincidence of territory and national identity has been achieved in two ways.
  • The comparative and superlative degrees in adjectives are shown in two ways.
  • Suspense in fiction, that tingling sensation that makes us keep turning the pages, seems to arise in two ways.
  • We can parse the first sentence in two ways, but we naturally assume that Groucho meant to say that (he in his pyjamas) (shot (an elephant)).
  • Philosophy, in the undergraduate curriculum, can be regarded in two ways.
  • In fact, small groups often can inhibit growth in two ways. Christianity Today
  • In the 1830s, a third movement, the teetotal movement, emerged and radicalized temperance reform in two ways.
  • The cognitive challenge Psychobiologists have reacted to the rediscovery of cognitive processes in two ways.
  • Hence the term abstinence may be taken in two ways. Summa Theologica, Part II-II (Secunda Secundae) Translated by Fathers of the English Dominican Province
  • The rapid opening of the bunchberry is thought to enhance cross-pollination in two ways.
  • Loss contingencies differ from estimated liabilities in two ways.
  • While many developments in theoretical analysis have superseded structuralism, I use the term post-structuralism in two ways.
  • This was achieved in two ways - by pricking the paper or by indenting it with a stylus.
  • The busway tickets are sold in two ways: vouchers for a certain amount of money in the form of a ‘smart card’ and regular tickets for each trip.
  • Well, your Honour, it would offend in two ways.
  • And he says that this rule applies in two ways: either to the figure of speech called synecdoche, or to legitimate numbers. On Christian Doctrine, in Four Books
  • An iPad or Android tablet can control other devices in two ways. Times, Sunday Times
  • Herbal medicine is used for circulatory diseases in two ways: internally, through teas, tinctures or capsules, and externally, through poultices, lotions and herbal liniments.
  • The latest setback could scramble the shuttle's schedule in two ways.
  • Lyttelton's behind-the-scenes dealings with the government were potential political dynamite in two ways. THE GUARDSMEN
  • The landlord may end an assured shorthold in two ways. Times, Sunday Times
  • As to Israel, alleged even-handedness is questioned in two ways. The Volokh Conspiracy » Taking the Yglesias Challenge on Human Rights Watch
  • Lyttelton's behind-the-scenes dealings with the government were potential political dynamite in two ways. THE GUARDSMEN
  • Notice that the term " bounded above " has now been used in two ways.
  • These secular conditions, Bushman suggests, can be understood in two ways: for nonbelievers they help to explain Mormonism's "origins," a word Bushman eschews for the more neutral "beginnings"; for Mormons they can be studied as divinely contrived preparations for the dawning of a new era. Secrets of the Mormons
  • That perceived disingenuousness may back to bite Beijing, in two ways.
  • Possession of such direct observations on expectations would allow us to test the validity of the rational expectations hypothesis in two ways.
  • On the assumption that an exaggerated gastrocolic reflex is indeed the problem, you can address it in two ways.
  • This would have continued suspension of disbelief in two ways. 1) the daughter would have recognized him at the train station from old photographs or something 2) It would have made better sense that they had a connection later in the movie, rather than Shia Lebouf just being cool with finding out the man he knew as his father for years and years just wasn't, and now this old deadbeat is calling him "son. If I had written...Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
  • The receiving cell can adjust itself to changes in the behaviour of the transmitting cell in two ways.
  • An increase in mass for supplementally fed females may be explained in two ways.
  • On their behalf, the ACLU filed a friend-of-the-court brief arguing that the flag’s presence at the courthouse risks tainting the capital punishment system with racial bias in two ways: First, the flag risks excluding potential African-American jurors, like Mr. Staples, who are unwilling to serve on Caddo Parish juries underneath a symbol of white supremacy. Anna Arceneaux: Louisiana Supreme Court Sees Problems With the Confederate Flag, but Allows It to Wave for Now
  • On this basis, the writer discusses and includes the evaluation of evidential matter in two ways which are credibility and effect of evidence.
  • The reason for the enantiomeric excess is to be found in the hydrogenation stage, as the hydrogen can be added in two ways that give the different enantiomers at different rates. The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2001 - Information for the Public
  • But chemistry is often misunderstood, in two ways: in the one case, by the incredulity of total ignorance; in the other, by the overcredulity of imperfect knowledge. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 06, No. 34, August, 1860
  • As a remedy, kuzu root is used in two ways: as powdered starch and as whole dried root.
  • We determined gene ranks in two ways: 1) COPA ranking at the 90 th percentile of upregulation in primary tumor tissue versus normal tissue expression and 2) upfold regulation after pharmacologic demethylation after dChip normalization in cell lines. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • -- The term "digestibility," as applied to foods, is used in two ways: (1) meaning the thoroughness of the process, or the completeness with which the nutrients of the food are absorbed and used by the body, and (2) meaning the ease or comfort with which digestion is accomplished. Human Foods and Their Nutritive Value
  • Gold also found that people are using the word consciously – in two ways. Odds and ends, eh
  • Songs work best as mood-enhancers in two ways: when they are about escapism and forgetting it all, and when they provide cathartic misery. Times, Sunday Times
  • The alternative possibility, that the kinetic complexity of Mg-G-actin digestions arises from trypsin inhibition in these reactions, has been tested in two ways.
  • Lyttelton's behind-the-scenes dealings with the government were potential political dynamite in two ways. THE GUARDSMEN
  • Why he should choose to express that interval by fifty, rather than by fifty-two, weeks, may be surmised in two ways: first, because the latter phrase would be unpoetical and unmanageable; and, secondly, because he might fancy that the week of the Pagan Theseus would be more appropriately represented by a lunar quarter than by a Jewish hebdomad. Notes and Queries, Number 72, March 15, 1851 A Medium of Inter-communication for Literary Men, Artists, Antiquaries, Genealogists, etc.
  • Nicotine can affect sleep in two ways.
  • These "totalization" agreements generally help workers in two ways: First, when you work in one country but are a citizen of the other, your wages are subject to Social Security taxation by only one country. Ask Encore
  • The care programme approach was seen to foster dependency in two ways, on the part of clients and on the part of staff.
  • Possession of such direct observations on expectations would allow us to test the validity of the rational expectations hypothesis in two ways.
  • In formulating a view, it is helpful to examine this in two ways.
  • Television documentaries have used interviews with academics in two ways.
  • The barn owl locates the direction of a sound in two ways.
  • In the 1830s, a third movement, the teetotal movement, emerged and radicalized temperance reform in two ways.
  • All this will effect the private investor in two ways.
  • Clay had been fortunate in two ways: the punch that floored him came at the very end of the round and near the ropes and the ropes cushioned his fall.

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