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in two ways

  1. in a twofold manner
    he was doubly wrong

How To Use in two ways In A Sentence

  • If, then, it be considered as a sacrament, it produces its effect in two ways: first of all directly through the power of the sacrament; secondly as by a kind of concomitance, as was said above regarding what is contained in the sacrament (Q. 76, AA. Summa Theologica, Part III (Tertia Pars) From the Complete American Edition
  • Under the proposals elected mayors or directly elected executives can be chosen in two ways. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although he's not obligated to deviate from his original quest to destroy the kingpins of the criminal underworld, taking a few minutes to eliminate rabble in the streets augments the game significantly in two ways.
  • The receiving cell can adjust itself to changes in the behaviour of the transmitting cell in two ways.
  • Buffaloes, preferably full-grown bulls, are involved in funerals in two ways: some are contributed by consanguineal relatives and others are lent by affinal kin or even friends.
  • Possession of such direct observations on expectations would allow us to test the validity of the rational expectations hypothesis in two ways.
  • The term prophet can be interpreted in two ways: God's way and Lusiper's way. Undefined
  • And so, I encourage everyone to take a little bit of time and understand it as best you can and that is the term cloning is used in two ways. CNN Transcript Dec 29, 2002
  • We apply such a link in the sentence ˜the number 2 falls under the concept prime number™; it is contained in the words ˜falls under™, which need to be completed in two ways Structured Propositions
  • This loss, termed quenching , may arise in two ways.
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