
How To Use Ifc In A Sentence

  • In this paper, we introduced the IFC standard - the actual industrial data exchange standard used internationally.
  • Freedom to Tinker is reporting that two groups have signifcantly damaged the current leaders in cryptographic hashes. Boing Boing: August 15, 2004 - August 21, 2004 Archives
  • Omnia ergo confentiunt, ut parum vifcidi humoris fiat, qui prasterea pu - tredinoft nonnihil a fuo fotu habeat, & forte -, ob pnmam anguftiam arteriola - rum feparanrium fubtiiiffimis particulis abundet. Elementa physiologiae corporis humani ..
  • Sed tamen debenr ab Epifcopo DioBCefano tdonei judicari, & ap - groban, ut exprefie ilatuit d. Adm. rev. p. F. Lucii Ferraris ... Prompta Bibliotheca canonica, juridica, moralis, theologica ...
  • On the loth, the wea -- ther became moderate, and a fewcan9«*3 came off, from which they learnt, that the late ftorms had done much mifchief, and that feveral laree canoes had been loft* Compendious history of Captain Cook's last voyage, performed in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, and 1780 [microform] : in which all the interesting transactions are recorded, particularly those relative to his unfortunate death : with a map of the n
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  • But God here difco - veis the great fecret of the two chaftife* ments he inflicb: a chaftifement of feve - rity upon the Chaldeans 5 a fatherly chaft - ifement on the Jews, who are his child* ren. A Universal History from the Beginning of the World to the Empire of Charlemagne
  • It does so by exploiting the unique properties of IFCs to detect only amplifiable molecules within the sample mixture. Undefined
  • I've just spent the last two days participating in events related to Global Entrepreneurship Week hosted by ANDE members Pan-African University-Enterprise Development Centre (EDC), Alitheia Capital, and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Randall Kempner: Africa's Entrepreneurial Hot-Spot
  • Vv'hich is agreeable to the Opinion of all the Bifcoverers of that Tiiue, as to the Eaftern Tide from the Proportion that the great Spaces or Seas which were to receive it bore to the Inlets by which it came in, that the Force of fuch Tide muft be confuted in fuch Seas, and there - fore expected to meet with a Tide from Weltward, v/liich counterchecked the Eaftern Tide. The great probability of a North West Passage: deduced from observations on the letter of Admiral de Fonte, who sailed from the Callao of Lima on the discovery of a communication between the South Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Proving the authenticity of th
  • He recently created The Unclothed Man in the 35th Century A.D., a series of animated shorts for, and a book of the same title collecting his comic short stories. 12 Projects Chosen For January 2010 Sundance Screenwriters Labs | /Film
  • Vetuftiflimura in Sicilla bppidum fn prientali infulae ora inter Catanam tt Lcontinum eo in loco, qni ho - die prifcum fetiricns noinen Murgo dicitilf, de qtio Amicus Lex. Lexicon vniversae rei nvmariae vetervm et praecipve Graecorvm ac Romanorvm cvm observationibvs antiqvariis geographicis chronologicis historicis criticis et passim cvm explicatione monogrammatvm edidit Io. Christophorvs Rasche
  • I term monkish morality, to remark it by the way, such precepts of ethics, such rules of life as aro4e during the time when the monastic state was held to be the only holy condition of life, the only one well-pleasing to God, and al - most the only, at least the only safe means of becoming happy; when the whole of piety was made to consist in praying and singing, in a so - litary, inactive and contemplative lifci when it TOii. Sermons on Prevalent Errors, and Vices and on Various Other Topics
  • A cooling Pacifc longterm PDO change, not just La Nina would, overtime cut off the flow of warm tropical waters northward. Unthreaded #21 « Climate Audit
  • 514 THE LAW OF TANISTRT now called Pomerania and Pruffia, the latter of which, as I have already repeated, was called Oven-land, the fame as Lxx: h-land in the time of Jornandes, and his Goths, according to Quveriusj and that the naval expeditions which were pre - pared for that difcharge might have fetoutftois the fea - ports of thefe countries, fuch as Dantad, Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis
  • CDce both here and hereafter, he cannot be a competent judge» even of what may be the complexion of the remainder of his life here from that which it bears at prefent: and if moreover the fum of hia prefent mifery arife (as it too often does) from his own mifcondudtt then there is a great degree of rafhnefs and preAimption in flying to ielf-m order in a moment of defpair; then does he expedl in vain the rewards of fubmifiion and obedience, when he hadily returns the Sift of life into the hands of the beflower, which by his own abafe e has converted into a carfe inftead of a blefling. The Monthly Review
  • All the contrivement of their thoughts Is upon mifchief bent. The Psalms of King David Paraphrased, and Turned Into English Verse, According to the Common ...
  • VViaC nowc rcmaineth to the paffion of Chrift, but to be anexampkof redempti6, whereby wc may learne to be our owne redcmersPChrift himfelfc, when in the Supper he fealeth the confidence of pardon, doth not bid bis difciplcs to fticke in that doings, but fendeth them away to*he facrifice of his death: lignifying that the Supper is a mo - nimcnt or memoriall (as the common fpech is) whereby they may Icarnc that the fatisfadoric denfing facrifice, by which the Father was to be appeafed, muft haue bene offred but ones. The institution of christian religion
  • Si epifcopus a metropolitano admonitus pro finodo vel Catalogus librorum manuscriptorum quos Collegio corporis Christi et B. Mariæ Virginis in Academia Cantabrigiensi legavit reverendissimus in Christo pater Matthæus Parker, archiepiscopus cantuariensis
  • ** An anfwcr to Matter John de Albines, notable difcourfe againft herefies (as his frendes call his booke) compiled by Thomas bpark paftor of Blechley in the County of Buck. Typographical antiquities: an historical account of printing in England ...
  • Le Maire fpecifies four convents of different orders; viz. the Francifcan, Dominican, Ber - nardine, and Cordelier houfes, all of them rich and well built. The modern part of an universal history from the earliest accounts to the present time;
  • Under the leadership of my courageous and decidedly unbureaucratic director and later friend, David Gill, another former investment banker, and with a handful of colleagues we gradually convinced the skeptics at IFC and the World Bank that increasing portfolio investment in developing countries might help entrepreneurs succeed and make companies less dependent on foreign aid and debt. The Emerging Markets Century
  • Soft paper therapy in massage, astir release, graston, causing point, and a patron of fleshly therapy modalities much as light/low take laser, IFC ultrasound, microcurrent, and baritone oftenness approaches. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Christopher Petit's 1979 debut Radio On ... freeze-dries England on the dusk of the punk era without seeming to try very hard (and does it at a time when British cinema was all but completely moribund)," writes Michael Atkinson at IFC News. GreenCine Daily: DVDs, 4/3.
  • Tcro rem in fummo verti difcri - negligerent; praefertim, quum mine, paracuri - ne fmt reli* laboris in culturam impenfi qua, per virorum fortium fre - pretium haud fpemendum ac« quentiam; an amiiTuri etiam cepturi fint, exemtam quin* fua, per infirmitatem virium gentorum jugerum fine pretio Appiani Alexandrini Romanarvm historiarvm qvae svpersvnt: Novo stvdio ...
  • ICC Stamford left his honour'd bower To iinile familiar here: fomi'd by nature to difcloie nr fair that courtefey which flows From fecial warmth finccre. tr yet have many moops decajM, tee PoUio fought this lonely uadti, A Complete Edition of the Poets of Great Britain..
  • Continuo, vcntis furgcntibus, aut freta ponti Incipiunt agitata tumefcerc, et aridas altis Montibus audiri fragor; aut refonantia longe Litora mifceri, et nemorum increbrefcere munnur. P. Virgilii Maronis Opera
  • • tinuit, ac Parifiis reportavit an. - i 239; au - äore Galtiro Comuto, Archiepifcopo Se* nonenfi j ex MS. exempl Puteanorum fract» p. 407. 15. Bibliotheca historica. A.I.G. Meuselio ita digesta ut pæne novum opus videri possit
  • It is a complex system, a complex natural system, some of it is no brainer, which is why this governments approach to it is questionable, they make up so many solutions that have so little to do with the real problems its beyond belief. major sources of pollution are suppressed whilst govt spns that we should develope GM, they boom bio fuels and dont tell the truth about its economics in terms of effect of forest loss, they attack cows methane but fail to mention milks food signifcance. Guy Fawkes' blog
  • Terdae clallis in quin* cmaginta millium cenfum effe voluit: to - tidem centuriae & hae, eodemque difcri - mine aetatum, fadae: nec de armis quid - quam mutatum; ocreae tantiim ademptae.. Titi Livii Patavini Historiarum ab urbe condita libri qui supersunt xxxv
  • Fan was elected Founding Chairman of China Investment and Finance Committee (CIFC), a member organization under China Council of International Investment and Promotion.
  • [E] ven if you're not won over by its uneven charms, you have to admire its hutzpah," writes Alison Willmore at the IFC Blog. GreenCine Daily: Cannes. Les Chansons d'amour.
  • And fo may we fee how the end ofthccommaundementdoth alway difclofe vnto vs all that we are therein commaunded or forbidden co do. lo Butwhy God, infuchasitwerchalfecomaundcmenteSjhath by figures rather fccretly (ignified, than exprefled what his will was, whereas there are wont to be many reafons rendered thcrofjthis one realbn pleafcth me aboue the reft. The institution of christian religion
  • Charles could not prevail on himfelf to abandon the caufe of epifco - pacy, and fecrttly intended to feize every favourable opportunity to recover the ground he had loft. Encyclopædia britannica : or, A dictionary of arts, sciences, and miscellaneous literature : constructed on a plan, by which the different sciences and arts are digested into the form of distinct treatises or systems ..
  • Boc this defign being difcovercd the day bcfbre it was: to have been piic ia executbn, when the exiles came up-* they foand the Citizens ready armed, and in foch 0/* d«r, not only to rqjcl them, but to fopprcfs any mf* ing within the waik, that no body durft offer ta move: fe that 'they, gave up the enterprize and drew off agami wtìjbout makiog any further effort at that time. The works of Nicholas Machiavel ..
  • The fact that some cannot afford or more specifcially many choose not to insure is yet another reason we cannot employ to infer we have a problem. Thoma Takes on Robert J. Samuelson, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Φχρμ-χχύα. dici - tur veneficium, quo letalia pharmaca vel philtra mifcentur, & alicui cdcnda vel bi - co reliqui i MSS. & priores Editt. omnes miniis redlc exljibentj ' Suidae Lexicon, Græce & Latine
  • Interestingly enough, back in November, I interviewed spoken word titan-activist and IFC talk show host Henry Rollins about Prop 8. Greg Archer: Celebs and Other Opponents of Prop 8 Take to the Streets. But Is it Enough?
  • Is the breifcase necessary or is a wristlet too informal? Mint Portfolio | SciFi, Fantasy & Horror Collectibles
  • With deep development of the integration of industry-finance capital(IIFC), the validity of IIFC has already become core problem in the study.
  • Make sure you don't delete vnmbase since re creating it takes time. gz# ifconfig vnic6 unplumb Planet Sun
  • Yes, the pattern grammar analyses that Hunston & Francis have done has added a signifcant new dimension to the grammar-lexis interface (well, not so new, since Hornby had popularised verb patterns in the 1950s but then they fell into disrepute, having become associated with pattern practice drills). L is for (Michael) Lewis « An A-Z of ELT
  • Quae prifcis memofata Catonibus atque Cetfa Nunc fitus informis premit & deferta vetuftas Adfcifcet nova, quae genitor produxerit ufuj kao Vehemens & liquidus puroque fimillimus au Fundet opes, Latiumque beabit divite lingua: Q. Horatii Flacci eclogae: cum scholiis veteribus
  • XXIX. fesqui milliare ulterius ad quendam pagum juxta matronam fluvium difceffum eft. Subsidia diplomatica ad selecta juris Ecclesiastici Germaniae: et historiarum capita elucidanda ...
  • Updates, 4/17: In his interview for IFC News, Aaron Hillis asks Apichatpong Weerasethakul about censorship in Thailand, the sort of music he listens to, "bisected" structures, globalization and: "What was the last blockbuster that left you smiling? GreenCine Daily: Syndromes and a Century.
  • Itaque contra difciplinam Colume) * lae dicendus eft Cato pabulum ceterum, id eft, pratum irri* gaum maturius defendere a pecore. Scriptorvm rei rvsticae vetervm latinorvm tomvs primvs-[qvartvs]..
  • Cum Epilcopus fe bifcop f epbe *} fceolbe ajif an] one ca - accefliffet ad reddendum caftellum, Rex - ftel. -] fe cynj fenbe hif men mib him. que mififlfet fuos una cum illo, eoibant Chronicon saxonicum : seu Annales rerum in Anglia præcique gestarum, a Christo nato ad annum usque MCLIV. deducti, ac jam demum latinitate donati. Cum indice rerum chronologico. Accedunt regulæ ad investigandas nominum locorum origines. Et nominum locorum
  • The exchange said IFCI would place the shares with IDBI at par and subject to central bank approvals.
  • 199 Ubi Catholici interrogant Donatiftas, utrum a perforiarum criminatione difcedant. Opera omnia sanctorum patrum Latinorum
  • Arab./irid; videtur idem efle cura SuSnfium Kofar, jlS quod nomen non cuique Sucnfium, longe minus pifcatoribus Djidda notum. Descriptiones animalium, avium, amphibiorum, piscium, insectorum, vermium;
  • If war were the qoeftion, he would talk of travci« ling; if diplomatic concerns were upon the carpet, he woald reUfia the manners, or inquire into the local peculiarities of the country; oc if the ftate of affairs at home were in difcuHion, he would dwell upon The Monthly Review
  • The EngliPn, who had been ordered to load with double ball, now poured in a terrible difcharge, and continued their fire with fuch deli - beration and fplrit, that the enemy immediately gave way, and fled with precipitation. A general history of the British empire in America : containing an historical, political, and commercial view of the English settlements ; including all the countries in North-America, and the West-Indies, ceded by the peace of Paris
  • The majority of U.S. - China trade agitation is caused by imposes signifcant costs on this one relatively tiny huge part of the U.S. economy. Coyote Blog » 2010 » February
  • It is located at ground level and Podium Level 1 of IFC Mall.
  • IN anfwcr to the note delivered yefterday, November 26, by Lord Malmeftury, the underfigned miniftef for foreign affairs is inftrufted by the Direftory to obferve, that the anfwers made 'on the 5th and 22d of lail Brumaire contained an acknow-i ledgement of the principle of compenfation, and that, in order to remove every pretext for farther difcuflion on that point, the underfigned, in the name of the Executive Dire6lory, now makes. A Collection of State Papers Relative to the War Against France Now Carrying on by Great Britain ...
  • Tlii'ir principal food was rifc and filli; yex the Historical account of the most celebrated voyages, travels, and discoveries, from the time of Columbus to the present period ..
  • Ambo areiiam littoream non folum & equentant, ve - nun & terriii, eam intrant, inque l, ims cubantes pifcatorias aites elu - dunt; pericuJo reinoto itcrum proliliuot. Descriptiones animalium, avium, amphibiorum, piscium, insectorum, vermium;
  • Kiendcker Hand - huch der Gejcldchte der griechifchen Littera - tur. Theophili Christophori Harles Introdvctio in historiam lingvae graecae
  • To point out a method of difcovering which of thefe caufes operate in a given cafe, and of eftimating the quantity of them, is the objed of hygrometry and of the prefent effay. The Monthly Review
  • Emetica valide expufgant vifcera, nee vitae viribus adco funefta, folida corroborant; imprimis A Complete Collection of the Medical and Philosophical Works of John Fothergill
  • The term emerging markets was coined by economists at the International Finance Corporation (IFC) in 1981, when the group was promoting the first mutual fund investments in developing countries. How To Define Emerging Markets
  • Then as to his Moral State, muft not the Life of fuch an one needs be as in - nocent and vertuous as 'tis pleafant and happy 'Tis the Love of the Creature that is tlje general Temptation to Sin, and what St. fames obferves of Wars and Fightings, is as true of all other immoral Mifcarriages and Diforders, that they proceed from our Lufts. Letters Concerning the Love of God, Between the Author of the Proposal to the Ladies, and Mr ...
  • Make sure that VNICs are unplumbed (ifconfig vnic6 unplumb) and not assigned to a zone (delete the zone first) before you can delete them. Planet Sun
  • Voting will be only effective when a persons action results in clustering of large of epsilon votes into a number which though is small is still larger than insignifcant epsilon. Election Prediction: Voting will be Irrational, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • The panel took a battering with players out of the country during the league campaign but, so far, everyone has shown strongly in the bid to land a third IFC in ten years.
  • The fashion houses will showcase their collections individually in a series of shows at IFC through September 26.
  • : lici gli chiama il volgo ignaro, lifcri gli crede: eh noi piu faggi ndoniamo quelle idee fallaci, mirianio, ove T Etcrna cura, itft M J iga Epistola IV, Essai Sur L'homme: Poëme Philosophique
  • December 5th, 2009 1: 27 pm ET it is odd that the "certifcation of birth" that Obama produced would not be acceptable as proof of birth or citizenship to pass a high-level security clearance with a defense contractor, yet somehow the American public has given him a "pass" on this to be commander-in-chief. Palin defends Obama birth certificate inquiries
  • _ I muft here, however, repeat, that no one is more entirelv fi - tisiied than myfelf of the great abihties, perfevcrance, an J i,;. trepidity, with which the officers who were fent on this deai. n tion, attempted to profecute their difcoveries; but I conceive from tlie arguments and faaawJiich will follow, that tluy wa 'ftoppcd. Miscellanies [microform]
  • Giauidura cnim mundumdi - cit caufis nafccntium, quia abii detmatcria miftorum difpofi - ta ad fufcipicdum formas ipfas, quarum aliquse animsE nomcn nonadipifcutur, ali« autem ani tnds appcUantur; ipfafqucani - mas & formas alias a ftima cauf fa crcari (Iargeloqucdo de crca* tione, vtincludat gcncratione) exprcire teftatus cft, cum dixit» Antoniana Margarita: opus nempe physicis, medicis ac theologis non minus ...
  • Please cable lowest cifc karachi 100 pieces flying pigeon bicycle state term's payment time shipment.
  • Notwithftanding their natural in - trepidity, and averfion for all dtfgitifc, their wars de - A philosophical and political history of the British settlements and trade in North America ...
  • They were ready to think about coming to television," says Jennifer Caserta, general manager of IFC, about The Onion. The Biz: The Onion's TV Appeal
  • It's the perfect justifcation for just about everything, especially pyromania and dirt-bike usage. Today's Little Rainbow
  • The original caufe of the warble muft be likewife difcovered and rem. oved, to prevent a repetition upon the fame part, from which, or the continuation, a sitfast will inevitably enfue. The gentleman's stable directory, or, Modern system of farriery : comprehending all the most valuable prescriptions and approved remedies, accurately proportioned and properly adapted to every known disease to which the horse is incident ... : to whic
  • His colleague whom I had the honor to follow (Mr. Wheaton) what* everelfe he might nothave proven, in his very learned, ingen - ious original expofition of the powers of this government — afiex - pofition in which he has fought, where no body before him has looked, and no body after him will examine, for a grant of our powers, the preamble to the Conftiunion~has clearly fluewm V S40 CONGRESSIONAL REPORTER. td the fatisfactifcti of all who heard hifri, that the power is confin* Congressional Reporter, Containing the Public Documents, and the Debates [in Congress]
  • COeifj 7 tJCn eifzn im 7 {a) tiltinm i\i adorned with flowers; between winch is another tabic archwifc, and upon this is fixed the paternal coat of arms of the Roths, being a ilag trippant gules, leaning againft a tree vert. Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis
  • 1 6 Laxate igimr, laxate jam rete ad pifcandum Gentes, ó vos teftes mei j ad pifcani - ram hanc ordinati! ut fanetis xgros, caxos, claudos. Lux in tenebris, hoc est prophetiæ donum quô Deus Ecclesiam Evangelicam, in regno Bohemiæ ...
  • The UNC interfraternity council (IFC) will host the IFC Chick-fil-A Challenge Saturday, Technician RSS
  • However, the boau and ines finding they were difcovered, by th# els of the moon, which was then at full, and ifornicd by a chriftian fiave, who fwam from n, that tlie Turks had left their fliips unguard - A new collection of voyages, discoveries and travels : containing whatever is worthy of notice, in Europe, Asia, Africa and America
  • Of the firft of thefe I haue ahea* dyfpoken fomewhat, when I confuted their erroar, which think that the generalnesofthe promifcs extedeth egally toal man - kinde. The institution of christian religion
  • The Law of Replevins. difclaimer to any avowry on the ftatutc of H. 8. — becaufe the avowry on the aft is not on any perfon certaiW, but on lands with - in the lord's fee and feigniory; and there - fore whoever takes up the defence to fuch avowry muft be only a perfon concerned The law and practice of distresses and replevin;
  • That we have not the whole Davideis is, however, not nauch to be re - gretted; tor in this undertaking Cowley is, tacitly at leaft, confefTecl to have mifcarried. The works of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. Together with his life, and notes on his Lives of the poets, by Sir John Hawkins, Knt. In eleven volumes. ..
  • With some amendments, the decree ­retrospectively applied DIFC insolvency legislation to the affairs of Dubai World, giving the tribunal jurisdiction to supervise the restructuring and any ­insolvency. The Lawyer - Latest News
  • Several leading designer brands gave a sneak preview of their upcoming collections in a show at the upscale IFC shopping mall in Central on Wednesday afternoon.
  • L "4 3 together with the occaiional conveyance of army baggage, employed his attemioh unt'rl the period of his firfl; contrading for the making of roads, which fuiting hioi better, he difpofed of bis draught, and intereft in the road, to one Guifcley. The Life of John Metcalf, Commonly Called Blind Jack of Knaresborough: With ... Anecdotes of His ...
  • He bad looked, be faid, into moit of therafes that have been alluded tOs and found that inftead of deciding the queftion upbn the validity of fueh a bond, given under* fuch 'circuoiftances as are difclofed jn thefe pleadhigs, they are exprefs author lities to prove that fuch a queftion remain? to this hour ppen to difcuffion. Ecclesiastical Law
  • 3 Phlegmagogis, vthieras picr# fintpliciV incllit? drach. fex, agarici reccnccr txozhifcm Morborum internorum prope omnium curatio, certa methodo comprehensa, ex ...
  • THE committee eftabiiflicd this day at St. Pierre by me, b hereby authorifcd to give, when required fo to do by the flaff officers of the army, and efpecially by Colonel Myers and Major A Collection of State Papers Relative to the War Against France Now Carrying on by Great Britain ...
  • IFC Films/Everett Collection A scene from 'Che' Clips from Italian neorealistic cinema showing communists being murdered by Mussolini 's Fascists — an era of genuine defiance — contrast with scenes in the apartment where Moro is kept in a cell behind a bookcase. Terrorism Back on the Big Screen
  • The quoit formerly ufed by the Gre - cians was made of (tones, brafsor iron, which they threw by the help of a thong, put through a hole in the middle of it, but in a manner entirely different from that in which they threw the dart: then 'the hands were lifted, up and extended, whereas the difcus was hurled in the manner* of a bowl. Sporting Magazine
  • Very emphatical, f Gum (minx aifto&a, kttpt With aU keeping, q.d. keep, keep* fit dottbfc guilds, yout* fceam wtll be gone elfe; And this vehemency of eifcfeffi* on, with * hictf the duty is urged, plainty implied ho*r difflciUf it is to keep our hearts, and how dangerous to let them go. v The Whole Works of the Reverend Mr. John Flavel ...

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