

  1. a United Nations agency that invests directly in companies and guarantees loans to private investors; affiliated with the World Bank

How To Use IFC In A Sentence

  • In this paper, we introduced the IFC standard - the actual industrial data exchange standard used internationally.
  • Freedom to Tinker is reporting that two groups have signifcantly damaged the current leaders in cryptographic hashes. Boing Boing: August 15, 2004 - August 21, 2004 Archives
  • Omnia ergo confentiunt, ut parum vifcidi humoris fiat, qui prasterea pu - tredinoft nonnihil a fuo fotu habeat, & forte -, ob pnmam anguftiam arteriola - rum feparanrium fubtiiiffimis particulis abundet. Elementa physiologiae corporis humani ..
  • Sed tamen debenr ab Epifcopo DioBCefano tdonei judicari, & ap - groban, ut exprefie ilatuit d. Adm. rev. p. F. Lucii Ferraris ... Prompta Bibliotheca canonica, juridica, moralis, theologica ...
  • On the loth, the wea -- ther became moderate, and a fewcan9«*3 came off, from which they learnt, that the late ftorms had done much mifchief, and that feveral laree canoes had been loft* Compendious history of Captain Cook's last voyage, performed in the years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779, and 1780 [microform] : in which all the interesting transactions are recorded, particularly those relative to his unfortunate death : with a map of the n
  • But God here difco - veis the great fecret of the two chaftife* ments he inflicb: a chaftifement of feve - rity upon the Chaldeans 5 a fatherly chaft - ifement on the Jews, who are his child* ren. A Universal History from the Beginning of the World to the Empire of Charlemagne
  • It does so by exploiting the unique properties of IFCs to detect only amplifiable molecules within the sample mixture. Undefined
  • I've just spent the last two days participating in events related to Global Entrepreneurship Week hosted by ANDE members Pan-African University-Enterprise Development Centre (EDC), Alitheia Capital, and the International Finance Corporation (IFC). Randall Kempner: Africa's Entrepreneurial Hot-Spot
  • Vv'hich is agreeable to the Opinion of all the Bifcoverers of that Tiiue, as to the Eaftern Tide from the Proportion that the great Spaces or Seas which were to receive it bore to the Inlets by which it came in, that the Force of fuch Tide muft be confuted in fuch Seas, and there - fore expected to meet with a Tide from Weltward, v/liich counterchecked the Eaftern Tide. The great probability of a North West Passage: deduced from observations on the letter of Admiral de Fonte, who sailed from the Callao of Lima on the discovery of a communication between the South Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. Proving the authenticity of th
  • He recently created The Unclothed Man in the 35th Century A.D., a series of animated shorts for, and a book of the same title collecting his comic short stories. 12 Projects Chosen For January 2010 Sundance Screenwriters Labs | /Film
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