How To Use Hydrozoa In A Sentence
Free-living medusoid hydrozoans can be hard to tell from scyphozoans, but hydrozoan medusae generally have a muscular shelf, or velum, projecting inward from the margin of the bell.
Yet another hypothesis for the origin of the mesoderm from the subumbrellar epithelium of a hydrozoan medusa buds has been recently advanced.
Returning to the purpose of our interview, the researches Mr. Huxley laid before me were chiefly those on the Salpae, a much misunderstood group of marine Hydrozoa.
The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
Other colonial hydrozoans, such as the chondrophorines and siphonophorans, are pelagic; many of these have developed internal gas-filled floats as an aid to buoyancy.
It is important to note that, in contrast to coral GFP-like proteins, the new Hydrozoa fluorescent proteins are dimeric rather than tetrameric, whereas the new chromoprotein appears to be a monomer.

In some cases, gene relationships among cnidarian groups are congruent with the species phylogeny: hydrozoan sequences are sister-group to scyphozoan sequences, with anthozoan sequences branching basally to this ensemble.
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This subkingdom includes two classes of interest to the geologist, -- the HYDROZOA, such as the fresh-water hydra and the jellyfish, and the CORALS.
The Elements of Geology
It is a widespread Paleozoic marine taxon that has been interpreted most recently as a tubiculous annelid or other ‘worm’ or as a thecate hydrozoan or scyphozoan cnidarian.
While a few hydrozoans, such as Hydra, are solitary polyps, most live in colonies made up of anywhere from a few to thousands of individual polyps.
The terms ectoderm and entoderm were introduced by Allman [330] in 1853 for the two cell-layers in the Hydrozoa.
Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
But, though with much difficulty the scientific authorities enabled him to secure the promised Government grant for his book, and a temporary billet ashore while he worked at it, he was only able to publish his _Oceanic Hydrozoa_; a vast quantity of his researches remained unpublished, and subsequent investigators, going over the same ground, won the credit for them.
Thomas Henry Huxley A Character Sketch
Sphenothallus Hall, 1847 is a widespread Paleozoic marine taxon that has been interpreted most recently as a tubiculous annelid or other ‘worm’ or as a thecate hydrozoan or scyphozoan cnidarian.
Scyphozoan medusae differ from those of hydrozoans in lacking a velum.
Hydrozoa over Corals; Crustacea over Insecta, and Amphipoda and
Young gadoid fish, which have been observed sheltering beneath jellyfish (Scyphozoa and Hydrozoa) umbrellas.
Although they share traits with the scyphozoans and hydrozoans, cubozoans also possess traits found in neither of the two other medusoid classes.
No fossils in the California Permian collection, other than the ‘hydrozoan’ described here, show a close affinity to Tethyan forms.
Evolutionary developmental innovations important for colonial integration have evolved independently in many colonial hydrozoans, and are displayed both in Hydractinia and in more advanced forms of siphonophores.
Moore and Harrington regarded Sphenothallus as a hydrozoan or scyphozoan.
Hatchlings will feed on macroplankton, small snails, crustaceans and other invertebrates such as hydrozoans and jellies.
One of the distinct individuals forming a colonial animal such as a bryozoan or hydrozoan.
In turn, anthozoan species seem to have lost their group A HOX9-14 gene (present in hydrozoans; inconclusive data for scyphozoans; figure 1).
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Porpita is a member of a small but very widespread group of hydrozoan cnidarians, the Chondrophorina.
The life cycles of the hydrozoans P. carnea (B) and Hydractinia echinata (C) and a representative anthozoan (D).
Most hydrozoans alternate between a polyp and a medusa stage - they spend part of their lives as ‘jellyfish’ which are hard to distinguish from scyphozoan jellyfish.
The terms ectoderm and entoderm were introduced by Allman [330] in 1853 for the two cell-layers in the Hydrozoa.
Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology
There are three subgroups within the cnidarians that have medusae, cubozoans, hydrozoans, and scyphozoans.
Obelia is used in many zoology textbooks to exemplify the Hydrozoa life cycle.
Color diversity and the corresponding complexity of the protein organization evolved independently in several Anthozoa lineages, as well as in Hydrozoa.
Free-living medusoid hydrozoans can be hard to tell from scyphozoans, but hydrozoan medusae generally have a muscular shelf, or velum, projecting inward from the margin of the bell.
Many hydrozoan species perform large vertical diel migrations, which may bring individuals together in spawning aggregations.
A life cycle including both polypoid and medusoid phases that can be separate in space and scarcely overlapping in time characterizes many hydrozoans and most scyphozoans.
Most hydrozoans alternate between a polyp and a medusa stage - they spend part of their lives as ‘jellyfish’ which are hard to distinguish from scyphozoan jellyfish.
Jellyfish (medusae, which may be hydrozoan, scyphozoan or cubozoan) are important both as predators and prey in pelagic ecosystems.
Most hydrozoans alternate between a polyp and a medusa stage - they spend part of their lives as ‘jellyfish’ which are hard to distinguish from scyphozoan jellyfish.
But now that he had left the service, this objection was removed, and in June 1854 the sum of 300 pounds sterling was assigned for this purpose, while the remainder of the expense was borne by the Ray Society, which undertook the publication under the title of "Oceanic Hydrozoa.
The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
As mentioned above, a few tetraradial ‘medusoids’ could be scyphozoan jellyfish, but tetraradial symmetry is also typical of the Hydrozoa and Cubozoa.
One of the distinct individuals forming a colonial animal such as a bryozoan or hydrozoan.
Neuronal GSX expression, as reported from several hydrozoan and anthozoan species, is clearly more significant.
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Hydra magnipapillata full genome and have not been identified until now in other hydrozoan or scyphozoan species, being only known from the anthozoan
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Hydra magnipapillata full genome and have not been identified until now in other hydrozoan or scyphozoan species, being only known from the anthozoan
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There are three known cases of independent evolution of a nonfluorescent color: in Hydrozoa and within anthozoan clades A and B.
When Wotton in 1552 gave to anthozoan corals and gorgonians, and hydrozoans the name Zoophyte, it was because of their morphological similarity to higher plants.
In Hydrozoans the same orthologous six genes are required for eye regeneration as in planarians, and in the box jellyfish Tripedalia a pax B gene, which may be a precursor of Pax6, was found to be expressed in the eyes.
These will contain all his important contributions to science, with the exception of a large separate treatise on the _Oceanic Hydrozoa_ published by the Ray
Thomas Henry Huxley; A Sketch Of His Life And Work
I am glad your journey has yielded so good a scientific harvest, and especially that you found my "Oceanic Hydrozoa" of some use.
The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
In the former, cleavage gives rise to a hollow blastula, which is filled in to a greater or lesser extent by the unipolar immigration of cells, much as occurs in hydrozoan cnidarians.
In some cases, gene relationships among cnidarian groups are congruent with the species phylogeny: hydrozoan sequences are sister-group to scyphozoan sequences, with anthozoan sequences branching basally to this ensemble.
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The most important of the unfinished work consists of the long-delayed "Oceanic Hydrozoa," the "Manual of Comparative Anatomy," and a report on Fisheries.
The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
1 Each such zooid in these pelagic colonial hydroids or hydrozoans has a high degree of specialization and, although structurally similar to other solitary animals, are all attached to each other and physiologically integrated rather than living independently.
Pounding The Rock
Getting hooked up with an animal like Donax seemed a very clever trick of hydrozoan evolution.
By including genes from various cnidarian species belonging to Anthozoa, Scyphozoa and Hydrozoa, our analysis allows to identify lineage-specific gene duplications or losses through the comparison of the topology within the gene tree with the known phylogenetic relationships between included species
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There are three subgroups within the cnidarians that have medusae, cubozoans, hydrozoans, and scyphozoans.
The pinnacle of hydrozoan colonial complexity can be found in members of the Family Siphonophora.
The difference between most hydrozoans and most scyphozoans is that in hydrozoans, the polyp stage usually predominates, with the medusa small or sometimes absent.
The Hydrozoa were represented not only by jellyfish but also by the GRAPTOLITE, which takes its name from a fancied resemblance of some of its forms to a quill pen.
The Elements of Geology
Furthermore, each major cnidarian lineage experienced specific duplications: group C HOX9-14 genes were independently duplicated in the Scyphozoa and in the Hydrozoa, and several duplications increased the number of HOX2 genes in the Anthozoa (figure 1).
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Although we cannot completely exclude a nonbiological or nonmetazoan origin, we identified what appear to be modern cnidarian developmental stages, including both anthozoan planula larvae and hydrozoan embryos.
Scyphozoan medusae differ from those of hydrozoans in lacking a velum.
Hydrozoan colonies display a diverse array of forms.
Chondrophorines were once classified with another unusual group of hydrozoans, the siphonophores.
The trachyline Hydrozoans possess only the medusoid form.
I hope, supply me with figures and descriptions of the British Polyzoa and Hydrozoa, and I have confidence in my friend, Mr. Dyster of Tenby
The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley