- coelenterates typically having alternation of generations; hydroid phase is usually colonial giving rise to the medusoid phase by budding: hydras and jellyfishes
How To Use Hydrozoa In A Sentence
- Free-living medusoid hydrozoans can be hard to tell from scyphozoans, but hydrozoan medusae generally have a muscular shelf, or velum, projecting inward from the margin of the bell.
- Yet another hypothesis for the origin of the mesoderm from the subumbrellar epithelium of a hydrozoan medusa buds has been recently advanced.
- Returning to the purpose of our interview, the researches Mr. Huxley laid before me were chiefly those on the Salpae, a much misunderstood group of marine Hydrozoa. The Life and Letters of Thomas Henry Huxley
- Other colonial hydrozoans, such as the chondrophorines and siphonophorans, are pelagic; many of these have developed internal gas-filled floats as an aid to buoyancy.
- It is important to note that, in contrast to coral GFP-like proteins, the new Hydrozoa fluorescent proteins are dimeric rather than tetrameric, whereas the new chromoprotein appears to be a monomer.
- In some cases, gene relationships among cnidarian groups are congruent with the species phylogeny: hydrozoan sequences are sister-group to scyphozoan sequences, with anthozoan sequences branching basally to this ensemble. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
- This subkingdom includes two classes of interest to the geologist, -- the HYDROZOA, such as the fresh-water hydra and the jellyfish, and the CORALS. The Elements of Geology
- It is a widespread Paleozoic marine taxon that has been interpreted most recently as a tubiculous annelid or other ‘worm’ or as a thecate hydrozoan or scyphozoan cnidarian.
- While a few hydrozoans, such as Hydra, are solitary polyps, most live in colonies made up of anywhere from a few to thousands of individual polyps.
- The terms ectoderm and entoderm were introduced by Allman [330] in 1853 for the two cell-layers in the Hydrozoa. Form and Function A Contribution to the History of Animal Morphology