How To Use Huge In A Sentence
The aerobrake - a huge, convex disc underneath the spacecraft - was producing friction with the Martian atmosphere.
Regardless of the outcome of the trial, the whole episode has been a huge embarrassment to English football.
The huge fall in exports has done a great deal of harm to the economy.
Among profuse schools of trevallies and barracuda, huge tunas and a host of sharks cruise the sheer wall.
Depending on the size of your pippy bag, the proportions will be all wrong, and it will look a bit like a three-dimensional stick person with a huge bloated hydrocephalic head, but don't worry about that.
Hooting Yard

Larger butter pieces (not huge, of course, but quite a bit larger than “wet sand”) result in a flakier biscuit.
2009 March | Baking Bites
Every large town will have quite a few horologers and jewelers with a vast selection of fancy watches displayed their windows, with huge price tags to go with them.
Frankly I don't understand why most companies don't follow the same policy as franked income in the hands of shareholders is worth a lot more to them than huge piles of franking credits mouldering away in the company's balance sheet.
The huge amounts that this would bring in would allow the personal allowance to be raised by a couple of thousand, helping those on low and medium incomes.
For winemakers in the Rhone, 2002 was a disastrous year, with violent storms and huge rainfall during the harvest.
Indianapolis beat out nearly 100 other cities as the site for a huge United Airlines maintenance center.
On one wreck off the south coast we saw huge lobsters scuttling across the ship.
Times, Sunday Times
And at the same time the huge body tried to take the invader and enwomb it.
The Gunslinger
The fun was subsidised by the huge salaries writers were receiving from the Hollywood dream factory.
The 22-year-old arrived without huge fanfare or any of the media lobbying that normally accompanies the promotion of a fresh face.
There has been a huge controversy over where to put the city's new sports stadium and who should build it.
The beast was as huge as an aurochs, its glossy midnight mane shining in the sunlight as it pawed the ground restlessly with one forehoof.
Before one embarks on this high flying experience, the organisers supply a crash helmet, and a safety waist belt which is securely tied with a long and strong rope to the huge multi-coloured parasail.
He got a huge amount of publicity and attention.
Times, Sunday Times
Will they require huge hard drives and superfast broadband?
Times, Sunday Times
Eiki (aka the inheritor of Zhuge Liang's fan) hates waiting for her lovers to perform.
Comments for Azure Flame
You can use standard wireless technology in hand-helds that have a huge capacity - they can have up to 250 megabytes now.
Most work places have a huge manual of lists of organizations, religious, animal charities, local characteries.
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He will pull out something special today because this is a huge game and there is so much on the line here for the Wallabies.
Times, Sunday Times
They left behind a huge pile of ripped bin bags overflowing with pizza boxes and cans.
The Sun
Symmetrix DMX is rated at 64GBps of peak internal bandwidth, which is a huge leap over the Symmetrix 8000's 1.6GBps.
You've also threatened, or you've also mentioned that my relationship threatens my country and again I find that such a huge leap of illogic.
For a variety of reasons, the first quarter of 2017 is expected to see a huge volume of debt issuance.
Times, Sunday Times
A broad avenue of lime trees led up to a grand entrance with huge oak doors.
After several days of climbing, high on a huge, exposed face of Annapurna, a mountain almost double the height of Mont Blanc, a storm erupted and the two men decided to descend.
Huge plantations of tea, coffee, and cardamom have emerged and taken over what was once prime elephant habitat.
His arrival clearly puts a huge question mark against the future of the present team captain.
On the promotion campaign across 11 cities, the Dew Adventure Games with daredevil feats by international skate boarders and BMX bike riders drew huge crowds.
It looks like a preying mantis, has a huge hook to snare its prey and is coming to a rocky shoreline near you.
Huge white tents jostle for space with music stages.
Times, Sunday Times
Unfortunately, these birds fed in large flocks on fruit and other crops, and were shot in huge numbers by farmers.
While price pressure is a huge factor in who can and cannot survive on the land, it behoves us to take the longer-term view, if at all possible, to ensure that we maintain a balance between rural and urban living.
This was served buffet style from huge urns by the head chef.
Interrupted by just the squat Marble Mountains, we sit insignificantly at the hub of a huge disc of sand curving to every horizon, beneath a dome of stars and the ghostly light of a thin crescent moon.
There are rivers of lava as well, and huge avalanches.
There are huge caverns above and sea caves on either side.
Times, Sunday Times
"I think that is a huge mistake on at least three counts."
Auntie Ann put a huge wedge of fruit cake on my plate.
A huge team of people will ensure that the necessary security measures are in place.
When he left, Karen found herself heaving a huge sigh of relief.
Protesters have hit out at a company's plans to expand its already huge food distribution depot beside the main road.
The flotation, which was 20 times oversubscribed, was a huge success.
Although it is present in huge amounts in these plants, nobody knows what caffeine is for.
Huge crowds are expected to file past the coffin, which will be guarded by a contingent of Gentlemen at Arms and Yeoman of the Guard.
I understand that there is a huge upswing in the sales of hair colourants, especially for the younger girls and boys.
The apartment is big: tall, white walls; big, spacious windows; huge, airy rooms.
There were electric lamps around the edges of the room, but in the space at the front of the church there was a huge candelabrum.
We have a huge stock of quality carpets on sale.
The results show a huge increase in pricing across many cities.
The Sun
May is in an enviable position and enjoys huge backing from the public.
The Sun
When I resurfaced, Jordan was treading water next to me with a huge grin.
Soldiers were positioned at strategic points in the city and at election rallies where huge crowds gathered.
The great disadvantage is its huge cost.
Times, Sunday Times
Alan Krans, an analyst with Technology Business Research, said the restructuring announced last quarter should help the company avoid being "pummeled," as it was during the last economic downturn, when it had huge losses on sharp sales declines.
EMC Says Tech Outlook Is Murky
Just having a copier that worked, or being able to find tape or a stapler was a huge deal.
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These conditions are challenging - retaining acidity and preventing sunburnt fruit are two of the main problems - but the abundance of very young vines is still a huge factor limiting the overall quality.
The ferries, warships, water taxis, huge container vessels, yachts and fishing tinnies ply with impunity one of the greatest anchorages and working harbours in the world.
They've all combined to form a huge black cloud that is going to taunt me all day.
There's a huge shortage of truckers, so a drive has begun to recruit women drivers.
He bought a huge house to accommodate his library.
The huge advance that she secured for the book attests to the place she has carved out on the cultural landscape.
Times, Sunday Times
the mastery of fire was a huge advance in human technology
She proves this to herself with a huge binge, a purge, or more starving.
Eating Problems: A Feminist Psychoanalytic Treatment Model
Then trumpeters played a fanfare, fireworks boomed and crackled across the sky and children from schools on either side of the river waved flags and exchanged huge greetings cards to commemorate new links between their communities.
Old dandies with creaking joints tottered along Piccadilly to their certain doom; young clerks in the city, explaining that they wished to attend their aunt's funeral, crowded the omnibuses for Kensington and were seen no more; while my mother tells me that excursion trains from the country were arriving at the principal stations throughout the day, bearing huge loads of provincial inamorati.
The War of the Wenuses
For example, the huge student population makes it impossible for teachers to conduct seminars or offer individual tutorials to students.
The huge trees offered shade from the sun.
Tenements, rookeries, and cheap rooming districts exercised a huge symbolic power over the public imagination as centres of vice, squalor, drunkenness, traffic in sex and stolen goods, and general depravity.
As the construction of the huge vessel approached completion, transport firms hauled the mountains of food to the site.
The view of the unbroken forest canopy stretching away to the horizon defies description; it is a vision of a world untroubled by time, a revelation of the hugeness and wholeness of nature.
At malls and huge shopping plazas, you get pushed and jostled.
Huge election posters suddenly went up all over the town.
Is it not a huge problem in today's society that there are too many children who are unloved and neglected?
There too, one May, I had identified a garden warbler singing hidden within a huge candled horse chestnut that spread its great branches across the road as if it were holding its own skirt.
A Year on the Wing
What do you do with a huge white elephant like that?
As the water tumbles over the huge boulders forming a great cloak of foam, the dorsal fins of the salmon along their blue/black backs pierce the sudsy water like an emerging submarine.
The parcel was in fact a huge piece of puff pasty filled with a rather creamy concoction of mushrooms and chestnuts.
A huge black beacon waddled along, dragging a reluctant mass of iron at the end of its chain cable, followed by a roughly-built "flatty" and a huge log of silkwood.
Confessions of a Beachcomber
The $1.65 million penalty is piddling to the huge banks.
In addition, a huge thickness of foredeep clastic rock in southern foreland basin is a favorable place of exploration of deep-basin gas and carbon dioxide gas pools.
Staff were faced with a huge mopping-up operation and workmen were called in to repair the roof.
Then the sage asked his student the question, ‘How is that a huge fig tree could have grown from nothing?’
They will stock a huge range of toys at keen prices.
For others, a low dose of steroids, such as prednisolone tablets, can help hugely.
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It is the most highly capitalized company in the software business and has a huge cash hoard.
When the ammonia fog cleared, they found meth, guns, stolen property, and a huge cache of pseudoephedrine pills.
Our attic suite was half the size of our Dublin terrace house, with a huge main bedroom and a comfortable twin room for the boys.
Her wardrobe is huge and she wants to shock - and that costs serious money.
The Sun
In the past floods have joined together Buttermere and Crummock lakes into one huge mere, and unified Thirlmere periodically long before Manchester Corporation turned it into one big reservoir.
A seasonal lament
It showed an old Sikh warrior on a pony, glaring at the camera fiercely, a huge spear in his hand.
The knee injury that kept her away from the courts for more than eight months was a huge hurdle to overcome.
A huge amount of energy was invested by D' Alema and his party in trying, by one means or another, to force this change through, in the hope that Berlusconi would find it to his advantage, too.
The former Mr. Marvels site, already closed, will be the hub of the scheme where a water park with health and fitness amenities will be created on the cliff top under a huge transparent bubble.
The next morning, I head out early and stop first at Plaza Mayor, a huge square surrounded by some of the oldest buildings in the city.
This pre-industrial warehouse couldn't be better suited for our era of huge installations.
Times, Sunday Times
Even from where we looked you could glimpse the glint of the huge carp pond where Abbe Gerard had drowned.
She discussed the Afghan War, huge Wall Street profits and media coverage of the Balloon Boy hoa ...
Huff TV: Arianna Discusses Afghan War And Huge Wall Street Profits On CNN
Japan's unique form of capitalism, based as it is on huge industrial groups called keiretsu, is beginning to fade.
Japan's Young Slackers
Mathieson's legacy to folklore included not only his own extensive oral repertoire of folksong but a manuscript collection of 545 songs written down in 3 huge ledgers as he heard them through the years, beginning as a schoolboy and continuing in the bothies, chaulmers and farm kitchens where he feed as a farm servant.
Noo I'm a Young Man Cut Down in My Prime
She would have liked to be of service to the weeds vegetating beside the paths, to slay herself there so that from her flesh some huge greenery might spring, lofty and sapful, laden with birds at May-time, and passionately caressed by the sun.
La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
Huge towers grew into the sky, as the countryside gradually encroached on the city outskirts.
This huge increase should have allayed the peasants' suspicions of the new regime, but this was hot the case.
The country also presents a huge contrast with slowing US growth and stagnant growth in Europe.
Times, Sunday Times
The birds nest in huge colonies.
During the 1960s, 70s and 80s there were high birth rates in the Muslim world, and this has given rise to a huge youth bulge.
Even as a child I had heard what a monadnock was - a huge lump of rock rising above rolling forests, a big hunk scraped bare but still left after the icecap had gone back.
Grandfather sold the russets and the codlings and the pippins from his orchard, and those he didn't sell he stored in his pristine white-washed cellar, where huge black hams and sides of bacon were hanging from black hooks.
As to the bid, it will entail huge borrowings and consequent cost cuts.
Times, Sunday Times
Frothy geysers and hissing fumaroles vent into icy air, huge herds of elk and bison gather in low basins for food and warmth, the forest glitters with ice, and a blanket of snow brings a rare silence.
A stupa is a huge type of shrine and this one happens to be the biggest one in the whole of Asia!! TravelStream? ? Recent Entries at
Here was a beautiful British roadster offering huge performance.
Times, Sunday Times
The main roads remind me of the roads on the outskirts of huge cities in the USA, with their seemingly endless miles of fast food joints and lurid neon signs.
No, it would have been deadly and hugely dangerous.
The Sun
A huge pear and chocolate tart which we helped down with some freshly whipped cream.
Well, how about a forested planet with the deeply "connected" natives, a human military raid on a huge tree-city and a subsequent retaliation of natives ... some scenes seem incredibly familiar, even though Le Guin plot is markedly deeper and more sophisticated.
10 Possible Sources of "Avatar" in Classic Science Fiction
Shame he didn't win any gongs to take home in those huge pockets.
The Sun
I'm not a huge fan of Sarah Palin, but my feelings for her are practically adulatory compared to what I feel for Levi.
Johnston says Palin lost his vote
The guest host has their dressing room across from the band, so we were huge fans of Raging Bull and Goodfellas, the Scorsese, Pesci, and De Niro movies.
Mike Ragogna: Kryptonite's 20th Anniversary: Chatting with Spin Doctors' Chris Barron Plus Keb Mo and More
Friends and work colleagues in the close-knit community of Wentworth have already been a huge comfort, he said.
Wherever apples grow in this country you can find a home in your town or suburb with a huge overgrown apple tree in the backyard that has not been cared for in many years.
I had a huge lunch, so I'll only need a snack for dinner.
He drank huge quantities of beer and vodka and his face was as red as borscht.
If you don't pay your credit card bill on time, you'll get socked with a huge late fee.
And there is no blaring music or huge crowds to deal with poolside, either.
The Sun
Certainly not establishing any huge steps forward for the aeronautical field, the specification called for a robust aircraft that could operate from the catapults being carried by the battleships and cruisers of the day.
The whole place was a riot of different voices and accents - I guessed the huge variety was due to so many different floors intermingling, all with their own fashions and traditions.
There were also a huge range of aspects of Her Majesty's life - from images of her relaxing with her family and corgis, entertaining, on her royal duties, and as Head of the Commonwealth.
It opens up a huge playing field for mobile telcos who see the opportunity to offer financial services.
In the midst of farmland just to the west of York is a huge open tip.
It's protected by a huge shingle bank.
Times, Sunday Times
They represent huge areas and are elected from party lists.
Times, Sunday Times
The main public entrance on the east side is signposted by a huge canopy that draws visitors into a long, vaulted undercroft containing an exhibition space, cafe and shop.
It has a large reception room with huge windows overlooking the garden.
Times, Sunday Times
The airborne radioactive particles have covered a huge area of Russia.
The interior teems with antiquity: ornate plasterwork, a huge inglenook, stained glass, elaborate panelling and a plank and muntin screen.
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After drying, and brushing, and pulling and brushing and drying some more, my hair was one huge, frizzy, fuzzy mop.
Three years of huge losses forced the bank to seek a government bailout.
I can't explain why this happened, but it's a huge opportunity for anyone in the 'silver' bracket who's fed up and wants to create a blog or newspaper column so everyone else will know about it but don't use "Fed Up" as your title unless you want a complete set of Rick Perry's teeth marks in your rear end.
Jeffrey Shaffer: Cranky Is Forever
At this stage you might imagine your huge number of lace samples was enough to last forever.
In Assam four weeks of rain, ahead of the monsoon season, have devastated huge areas, making 5m people homeless.
She was born with a rare birth defect that left her with a huge growth on her neck and has spent most of her early life in hospital.
For instance, it is not true that training with weights leads to huge bulging muscles.
Shape Your Body, Shape Your Life
It is a vast wasteland the size of Texas that collects huge quantities of rubbish.
Times, Sunday Times
As the magnetic storm raged through the night, huge geomagnetically induced currents surged through the wires and cables.
They can lose a hopeless case but quite legally claim their huge costs.
The Sun
These animals also have relatively large shoulder girdles, possibly to provide muscle attachment to support the weight of the huge head.
It would be a shame to lose this huge green space to militarization," said Michael P. Filippello, a budgeter for the International Monetary Fund, who is leading the outreach.
Gardeners near Capitol Hill prepare to repel a Marine Corps invasion
There are huge tracts of development land within the town and it was zoned for development and that was where development should be taking place.
They derive all their income from product providers, which presents a huge conflict of interest in trying to provide unbiased information.
Times, Sunday Times
Everything grew at a huge pace - you could practically hear the fruit and blossom trees growing.
Times, Sunday Times
What had happened was that the passage of electrical current created huge magnetic forces which constricted the tube.
The city of New York was sure of its site; but huge dinotheria wallowed in the mire where now stand the palaces of Paris,
The Andes and the Amazon Across the Continent of South America
Reductions in timetabling, staffing and budget have had a huge effect.
Times, Sunday Times
In the basement is the cutting room, where huge bolts of cloth are readied to be made into men's T-shirts and underwear.
The tithonia was a real blast from the past – remember my huge 6 foot bushes and wonderful felty leaves.
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And already there is talk of demands for huge compensation, possibly in six figures.
The Sun
Notable is the fact that the boletus edulis, commonly known as porcini, has made a huge comeback in recent years and is one of the most hunted of the mushroom species.
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Make a huge open-faced vegetable omelet, for example, or try a quick chicken stir-fry and fold in a few eggs during the last two minutes of cooking.
The huge haul of information includes facts about personal text messages, emails and phone calls.
The Sun
The area around the clinic has some huge houses.
There is a lot of sense for eight or nine of the major heads of state getting together privately to discuss issues in an informal way without this huge caravanserai of pressmen and aides and assistants.
We are very comfortable at home and we feel good and have huge confidence.
The Sun
The crew are in serious trouble in 50-knot winds and huge seas.
I know we will be speaking in huge generalities, but generally speaking, what type of people want to be journalists?
He received the wool in huge bales and then graded it according to length and fineness, before despatching it to the cloth-maker or dealer.
She puts a piece of plastic tubing in her mouth and starts siphoning gas from a huge metal drum.
Only when the album was nearing completion and he realised the huge commercial boost it would give the band did he sign up for it.
Times, Sunday Times
That allows me a huge range of options, especially if I dissassemble them and flip the plates left and right.
Mandolin Cafe News
We welcome further research into this subject as perinatal mental health is a huge issue for many mothers.
Times, Sunday Times
TWO friends out flying a drone helicopter used the gadget to help firefighters track a huge grass blaze.
The Sun
If desertification continues to spread, the dust bowl will not only undermine the economy but also trigger a huge migration eastward.
You are born-again, re-sobered, a former hardcore binge drinker and rumored huge fan of various illegal substances back in college, and you had at least one DUI arrest and went AWOL from the National Guard, and you've stashed away from public view all records of both your tenure as Texas governor, and those SEC investigations into your alleged insider trading.
Chaos Theory:
Despite the favorable trade surplus, China has continuously suffered from a huge "deficit" in terms of cultural products, which doesn't match the extensiveness and intensiveness of Chinese culture.
The three works on this disc, spanning a quarter of a century, cover a huge sonic and expressive range.
Times, Sunday Times
Third is taking the imagination as the knot, and the huge artistic senility.
Behind is a huge, bright yellow full moon, and the grassy field underfoot is composed of green, blue, and brown.
Women trek along, carrying huge loads of eucalyptus branches on their backs for firewood.
Debt collection is a huge growth industry.
For the stupid person up there that wrote "the failure of 08 begins" I can tell you that's exactly the opposite: "the recover 08 begins", no more Bush mistakes and his heir is going to be defeated big time, is going to be a victory by a huge margin!!!
Obama: The general election fight should start next week
The men have these huge leaps, and the women are very expressive above the waist.
Hereupon all folk stared in hugeous wonderment to behold these two champions drop their swords and leap to clasp and hug each other in mighty arms, to pat each other's mailed shoulders and grasp each other's mailed hands.
The Geste of Duke Jocelyn
My eyes followed his sinewy, shirtless body and the huge lion tattooed across his chest and back.
Times, Sunday Times
the demolition of the huge tower was quite a spectacle
Sleep returned, and health, with cessation of all the morbid symptoms, the result of overwork and night work, for he used at Cheyne Walk to begin painting in the afternoon, and, lighting a huge gasalier on a standard near his easel, keep at his drawing far into the night, sleeping late the next day.
The Autobiography of a Journalist
He's under huge pressure at work and it's really weighing on him.
But fishing tackle! hell no! nothin else is as heavy as lead! we would have to carry huge steel weights in out bags!
Park Service Clarifies Lead-Ban Announcement
From that moment, it was doomed to become a huge, sprawling, one-story conurbation, hopelessly dependent on the automobile.
At 193 centimetres, with a huge leap and a booming kick, it was believed that the young star would slot neatly into a key forward post with the Blues.
There are two floors of bedrooms: the top floor is one huge master suite.
Times, Sunday Times
Significantly, they have been hugely overlooked as a source of knowledge about criminality within histories of criminology and theories of crime and deviance.
The others seem to think he's hugely intelligent, which says more about the bunch of thickos who have been thrown together this year than it does about Science himself.
The prospect of cashing in on the huge émigré market is one reason many Irish retailers are making a concerted effort to make inroads into e-commerce.
Punch investors are worried it will be undone by its huge debt pile and its fruitless attempt to stem the tide of drinking at home.
Times, Sunday Times
One of the best things about the better old European opera houses is the division of the lobby spaces into many different rooms, rather than a single huge and indistinctive space.
Although not hugely valuable, they were both treasured family heirlooms.