How To Use Housepaint In A Sentence
Soon he had a union job painting radio towers, then a housepainting business on the side.
The Net's Master Data-miner
Most of the persons represented are stonemasons from Creuse, though housepainters, stonecutters and carpenters from other parts of the country and from Paris make up a small portion of the numbers.
Kane then led a wandering life, scraping a living by housepainting and carpentry.
At dinner, Myra said We need to get the housepainting done.
He married and started a family and eventually built up a successful housepainting business.

The proposed legislation would raise VAT rates in a curious assortment of categories, including housepainting and some restaurant meals, to 7% from their previously "reduced" rate of 5.5%.
French Tax Attack
After his marriage in 1897 he worked as a painter of railway coaches, as a tinter of photographs, and as a housepainter.
He was a signwriter and housepainter by trade, admiring William Morris and Walter Crane and specialising in mural decoration.
The masquerade works a bit better for the strapping Janet McTeer, who plays Albert's fellow transvestite, a housepainter who goes by the name of Hubert Page and opens Albert's eyes to possibilities he'd never thought existed.
'Man on a Ledge' Does a Balancing Act
Looks like Meade will be doing some housepainting in Madison.
It's too early for any color on the redbuds of Madison, Wisconsin.
I know nothing of housepainting obviously, it seemed like a good example at the time. THE ASS HALF FULL.
Her father on the other hand hired men pretentiously called gardeners and they did plant special trees and gaudy bushes, all of which usually soon died, but were easily recognized as being the same guys who did freelance masonry, housepainting, and roofing, and on Friday nights played cards with their employer.
The Houseguest
The college and grad school years were also occupied with working as a film projectionist, a blueberry raker, and a housepainter.
Jessica Reisman’s Cat–an intervention
I was limited to about six cans of industrial-strength enamel paint, all in rather strong colors, and three oversize housepainting brushes, each in various stages of gunk.
2009 June | the blog of author, illustrator and designer Kris Waldherr
BUT, when housepainting, I can park the ladder under a window and paint the trim with either hand.
Abe in Two