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  1. paint used to cover the exterior woodwork of a house

How To Use housepaint In A Sentence

  • Soon he had a union job painting radio towers, then a housepainting business on the side. The Net's Master Data-miner
  • Most of the persons represented are stonemasons from Creuse, though housepainters, stonecutters and carpenters from other parts of the country and from Paris make up a small portion of the numbers.
  • Kane then led a wandering life, scraping a living by housepainting and carpentry.
  • At dinner, Myra said We need to get the housepainting done. MORE FROM GINNY BATES: SETTING UP HOUSE
  • He married and started a family and eventually built up a successful housepainting business. A NATION OF IMMIGRANTS TRIES TO SLAM SHUT THE GOLDEN DOOR
  • The proposed legislation would raise VAT rates in a curious assortment of categories, including housepainting and some restaurant meals, to 7% from their previously "reduced" rate of 5.5%. French Tax Attack
  • After his marriage in 1897 he worked as a painter of railway coaches, as a tinter of photographs, and as a housepainter.
  • He was a signwriter and housepainter by trade, admiring William Morris and Walter Crane and specialising in mural decoration.
  • The masquerade works a bit better for the strapping Janet McTeer, who plays Albert's fellow transvestite, a housepainter who goes by the name of Hubert Page and opens Albert's eyes to possibilities he'd never thought existed. 'Man on a Ledge' Does a Balancing Act
  • Looks like Meade will be doing some housepainting in Madison. It's too early for any color on the redbuds of Madison, Wisconsin.
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