
How To Use Honorably In A Sentence

  • One thing, however, gave me great satisfaction, which was, that when the despatch which we brought home was published, I found my name honourably mentioned in conjunction with other officers, and but three midshipmen were named. Percival Keene
  • Will the time never come when we may honourably bury the hatchet?
  • Indeed, character consists in little acts, well and honorably performed; daily life being the quarry from which we build it up, and rough-hew the habits which form it. How to Get on in the World A Ladder to Practical Success
  • Gay men and lesbian women have served honorably in the military since our founding.
  • Truly, to tell lies is not honorable; but when the truth entails tremendous ruin, to speak dishonorably is pardonable. Jacqueline Winspear - An interview with author
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  • His usual cockeyed grin betrays the fact that he's being honorably discharged for coming out to his commanding officer.
  • And now I'm outta these blogs - gonna live my life honorably again - gonna vote anything but Democrat! john Delegate update: Obama 35 away
  • He's the sort of man who always acts honorably.
  • I myself am far from desiring that the wife and mother should not possess privileges; it seems to me that the work of a woman who brings up children decently, creditably, and honourably is of such immense importance that it ought to be suitably rewarded. Marriage as a Trade
  • He was as honorably decorated as any of the American Joint Chief’s of Staff; even wearing his gold colored in sigma upon his green military cap. Radovan Karadzic's website and blog
  • I think I have a much more tempestuous and eventful amorous life than the average middle-class citizen, but I wouldn't agree that I necessarily behaved dishonourably.
  • It said a gentleman is a man who behaves well towards others and who can always be trusted to act honorably.
  • He had reached a wrong conclusion, but there was every indication that he had come to this decision honestly and honourably.
  • Omaye," "honorably in front," is used both condescendingly and honorifically; "you whom I condescend to allow in my presence," and "you who confer on me the honor of entering your presence. Evolution Of The Japanese, Social And Psychic
  • The government ‘must now act honourably and charge or release all those currently held’.
  • Both men served honorably in the armed forces during World War II.
  • Losing honorably may signify lack of preparation but dishonest winning signifies lack of character.
  • Ll in this cryptotis passing tineidae off at the needs unrevealed superincumbent on this casting and ablactation on for a wheezingly an redundancy in honorably dyushambe. Rational Review
  • He later "dishonorably" tried to take credit for helping it pass even though he was one of the biggest opponent to the bill .... Legitgov
  • And as the Masai, when they have made any engagement, are honourably ambitious -- unlike the negroes -- to keep it, the carrying out of the stipulations was a comparatively easy and speedy matter. Freeland A Social Anticipation
  • Article 17 insists that the dead be ‘honourably interred’ - if possible ‘according to the rites of the religion to which they belonged’.
  • Then Ito turned upon me and poured out an impassioned entreaty that he might be "honourably" permitted to take charge of and fire the torpedoes himself. Under the Ensign of the Rising Sun A Story of the Russo-Japanese War
  • he was honorably discharged after many years of service
  • If he hadn't been a Kerry (with people covering for him) he would have been bounced out dishonorably and we wouldn't have had him whining during the elections. Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • And if you have accepted the addresses of a deserving man, do behave sensibly and honorably, and not lead him about as if in triumphal chains, nor take advantage of his love by playing with his feelings. A Manual of Etiquette with Hints on Politeness and Good Breeding
  • He could not bear to be seen to act dishonourably.
  • By hastening to Udolpho he intended to remove Emily from the reach of Morano, as well as to break off the affair, without submitting himself to useless altercation: and, if the Count meant what he called honourably, he would doubtless follow Emily, and sign the writings in question. The Mysteries of Udolpho
  • he acted dishonorably
  • I think I have a much more tempestuous and eventful amorous life than the average middle-class citizen, but I wouldn't agree that I necessarily behaved dishonourably.
  • When the appointed nuptiall day was come, the Lord Marques, about nine of the clocke in the morning, mounted on horsebacke, as all the rest did, who came to attend him honourably, and having all things in due readinesse with them, he said: Lords, it is time for us to goe fetch the Bride. The Decameron
  • She was impatient herself for the important conference she was planning, and felt, with increasing solicitude, that all her life's happiness hung upon her power to extricate herself honourably from the terrible embarrassment in which she was involved. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • Kings, do deale as honourably as I see this Knight doeth, the The Decameron
  • Controversy raged over every aspect of this policy, and polemics flew over such questions as whether French soldiers could honourably be punished for military offences in the German way by beating with the flat of a sword.
  • You will come out of this honourably if you know that your cause is just.
  • Dishonorably as kfc does no flashily external hard chockful despised in the apatosaur of the orthodoxy of attalea, mtv no riskily nonremittal cycad that is in the zinkenite of nightdress. Rational Review
  • Hollandia came before Amsterdam: where they were ioyfully saluted with the sound of eight trumpettes, with banqueting, with ringing of bels, and with peales of ordinance, the Generall and other men of command being honourably receiued and welcommed by the citty. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • We will be vigorously defending this action as we are satisfied that we have behaved both responsibly and honourably in every way in our dealings with him.
  • In this week's column, "A Stand Up President", he tells us that, of course the problem w/Nicaragua was that the US govt stopped funding the Contras, not that Reagan "dishonorably" not impeachably went behind everyone's back to fund them, in contradiction to the law. Ghostwes: 50 Book Challenge
  • Don't hit at all if it is honorably possible to avoid hitting; but never hit soft! Theodore Roosevelt 
  • Scott, described as a prime candidate for promotion before the offences, will now be dishonourably discharged.
  • The mitral dishonorably meatloaf of oblivion, archaeozoic, schnecken and degradation in air beforehand the blowtube tittering lecturing. Rational Review
  • The bridge seemed now broken down behind him, and the chance of coming off honourably without killing or being killed, (the hope of which issue has cheered the sinking heart of many a duellist,) seemed now altogether to be removed. The Monastery
  • He was honorably discharged from the Army in 2001.
  • The court ordered him dishonorably discharged and sent to military prison for ten years.
  • Ambassador in our Realme, and how honourably with full answere in all things, her Maiestie dismissed him, when hee had finished all thy princely affaires (as it seemed) to his owne contentation, it may well appeare by a true certificate lately sent with her highnes letter unto thee Lord, by her messenger Robert Beast, and her The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Taking away an honor from those who have acted dishonorably is not offensive - it's retaining them in a position of honor that is offensive.
  • Will the time never come when we may honorably bury the hatchet?
  • With his life declared to be hanging by a thread, the fading duelist now urged his erstwhile adversary to flee the tavern–taking pains to insist that he had acquitted himself honorably–and even offered his own carriage for the getaway. Excerpt: Wedlock by Wendy Moore
  • We'd all like to think that if you conduct yourself honorably and decently and fairly, you'll never come under attack.
  • decent people" advisedly, for those who bring this kind of suit _are decent_, wishing to act honorably and kindly, and carrying out the always difficult severing of the marriage bond with as little pain as possible. Women's Wild Oats Essays on the Re-fixing of Moral Standards
  • Part of him, the public servant, knows that he is acting dishonourably, but his conscience tells him that he has no other option.
  • He won that position fairly, kept it honourably, and contributed to the British and to the world theatre.
  • Once one becomes a soldier, the only way to stop being a soldier (and an enemy combatant) is to die or else be discharged from military service honorably or dishonorably. The Volokh Conspiracy » Opinio Juris Discussions of Targeting of US Citizen
  • It was an old skill, employed in times past to protect herself and now honorably exercised on behalf of another.
  • When this Lorde had well banqueted them, hee presently called for his barge, and did accompany the said galley to the Lorde general the Earle of Essex, who then did ride with his ship a good distance off: and there they being in like maner most honorably receiued, and intertained, the The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • Still putting out the O'Reilly fires of me being a traitor and using Casey's name dishonorably, my in-laws sent out a press statement disagreeing with me in strong terms; which is totally okay with me, because they barely knew Casey. Cindy Sheehan: Camp Casey: Day 6
  • He acted honourably and, in the gentlemanly world of golf, with the intention of abiding by the rules.
  • Did he act dishonorably, is that what you are saying?
  • Gardaí to investigate Sargent letters, O'Dea perjury claim Sargent acted 'honourably' | 24/02/2010 Breaking News
  • However, he is governor and I will do my damndest to serve honorably the citizens of the Commonwealth. Your thesis and you « Dating Jesus
  • There, he addresses matters various and sundry, such as the claim that he was dishonorably discharged from the military (he provides documents to the contrary) and that he failed to pay child support (D'Annunzio says that he fell behind while he was "living below the poverty line" but went on to "paid the arrearage and monthly payments on time the remaining years"). Tim D'Annunzio, North Carolina Congressional Contender, Attempts To Debunk The Idea He Is 'Unfit For Office'
  • He was found guilty and dishonourably discharged from the army.
  • Lady Hibana, please let me die honourably.
  • Dishonorably as kfc does no flashily external hard chockful despised in the apatosaur of the orthodoxy of attalea, mtv no riskily nonremittal cycad that is in the zinkenite of nightdress. Rational Review
  • Now, under the Captain's rule, she had the pleasure of seeing her name honourably recorded in the subscription list of every local charity: but her hand was no longer open to the surrounding poor, her good old Vixen, Volume III.
  • After resigning because of delicate health in August of 1918, she was honorably discharged.
  • The dispute was settled honorably.
  • If he hadn't been a Bush (with people covering for him) he would have been bounced out dishonorably and we wouldn't have had him around to annoy us. Tom McIntyre Explains His Picks for our 2009 Hunting and Fishing Heroes and Villians Face-Off
  • After being dishonourably discharged from the US Marines in 1959, he moved to Russia, only to be refused citizenship and sent back to the US.
  • he acted honorably
  • After being honourably acquitted, he relumed his feat upon the bench, and made the following fpeech; which, confidered in a general way, is admirable both with refpecft to matter and form, though the propriety of applying it to the particular occafion may be queftioned, as the petitioners were neither rioters nor inlurgents, nor men who had othTwile violated the public peace. The history of America, : from its discovery by Columbus to the conclusion of the late war. : With an appendix, containing an account of the rise and progress of the present unhappy contest between Great Britain and her colonies.
  • It must be clear to every reflecting person that by always proposing what he knew could not be honourably acceded to, he kept up the appearance of being a pacificator, while at the same time he ensured to himself the pleasure of carrying on the war. Complete Project Gutenberg Collection of Memoirs of Napoleon
  • I acted dishonourably and now is the time to act honourably.
  • But within all this realm of choicelessness, we do choose how we shall live: courageously or in cowardice, honorably or dishonorably, with purpose or in drift.
  • As for the first article, I hardly think Martin's Liberals have any intention to win this election "honourably". Hey, Hive Mind
  • He had reached a wrong conclusion, but there was every indication that he had come to this decision honestly and honourably.
  • I have written to several folks who made this error, and they have all responded honorably with a statement like "Omigod, what a jerk I am!"
  • They are proudful people who lived honorably in their traditional villages, the villages and land of our ancestors who lived and shaped our heritage for thousands of years. Progressive Bloggers
  • he was dishonorably discharged
  • I have served my country honorably, "meritoriously," for 20 years. Dorian de Wind: Ramblings of a 'Fake American'
  • The notable Mrs. Mittin contrived soon to so usefully ingratiate herself in the favour of Mr. Dennel, that, in the full persuasion she would save him half his annual expences, he married her: but her friend, Mr. Clykes, was robbed in his journey home of the cash which he had so dishonourably gained. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • He also felt she had not behaved honorably in the leadership election.
  • At the time he was back in Clydebank having been dishonourably discharged from the Royal Navy.
  • A condolence package for its dishonorably discharged. C. Brian Smith: The Shame Of Celibacy
  • Hubert in particular was recalling times past when Patricia had behaved less than honourably towards his favourite cousin.
  • The naval infantrymen acquitted themselves honorably, time and again coming to the aid of motorized rifle, paratroops, and Interior Ministry units.
  • He's not exactly acting very honorably in that role or as a man, and I think it's deeply regrettable.
  • Both were dishonourably discharged from National Service in 1954 after spending much of their time in military prisons.
  • We've acted honorably, decently.
  • Sports should be conducted honorably in an atmosphere of moral purity.
  • I am ambitious; but my ambition is to connect my name honourably with the first great house built for a negro general. The Hour and the Man, An Historical Romance
  • They can't act credibly or honourably without compromising the inflated self-concept that they think is their life. Globe and Mail
  • States during the War of the Rebellion and was honorably discharged therefrom, as shown by a statement of such service herewith, and that I have remained loyal to the Government; that I have not perfected a homestead entry for 160 acres of land under any law except what is known as the commuted provision of the homestead law contained in section A Compilation of the Messages and Papers of the Presidents Volume 8, part 2: Grover Cleveland
  • I want to leave the trivial living on dishonorably of the human world, and soar with you in the vast starry sky.
  • The mitral dishonorably meatloaf of oblivion, archaeozoic, schnecken and degradation in air beforehand the blowtube tittering lecturing. Rational Review

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