

[ US /ˈɑnɝəbɫi/ ]
  1. with honor
    he was honorably discharged after many years of service
  2. in an honorable manner
    he acted honorably

How To Use honorably In A Sentence

  • One thing, however, gave me great satisfaction, which was, that when the despatch which we brought home was published, I found my name honourably mentioned in conjunction with other officers, and but three midshipmen were named. Percival Keene
  • Will the time never come when we may honourably bury the hatchet?
  • Indeed, character consists in little acts, well and honorably performed; daily life being the quarry from which we build it up, and rough-hew the habits which form it. How to Get on in the World A Ladder to Practical Success
  • Gay men and lesbian women have served honorably in the military since our founding.
  • Truly, to tell lies is not honorable; but when the truth entails tremendous ruin, to speak dishonorably is pardonable. Jacqueline Winspear - An interview with author
  • His usual cockeyed grin betrays the fact that he's being honorably discharged for coming out to his commanding officer.
  • And now I'm outta these blogs - gonna live my life honorably again - gonna vote anything but Democrat! john Delegate update: Obama 35 away
  • He's the sort of man who always acts honorably.
  • I myself am far from desiring that the wife and mother should not possess privileges; it seems to me that the work of a woman who brings up children decently, creditably, and honourably is of such immense importance that it ought to be suitably rewarded. Marriage as a Trade
  • He was as honorably decorated as any of the American Joint Chief’s of Staff; even wearing his gold colored in sigma upon his green military cap. Radovan Karadzic's website and blog
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