
How To Use Hobble In A Sentence

  • Following the sound, Silk found himself among the sellers he sought Hobbled deer reared and plunged, their soft brown eyes wild with fright; a huge snake lifted its flat, malevolent head, hissing like a kettle on the stove; live salmon gasped and splashed in murky, glass-fronted tanks; pigs grunted, lambs baaed, chickens squawked, and milling goats eyed passersby with curiosity and sharp suspicion. Nightside The Long Sun
  • Well, I hobbled along, and we ploughed all day; and come night, I boohooed and cried a good deal, and the children gits round me, and asks 'What's the matter, Peter?' Uncle Tom's Companions: Or, Facts Stranger Than Fiction. A Supplement to Uncle Tom's Cabin: Being Startling Incidents in the Lives of Celebrated Fugitive Slaves.
  • Numps has sent for me to see poor little Greek and Latin hobble to the altar, but, 'tis a million to one, if our noble baronet does not whisk you there before her. Camilla: or, A Picture of Youth
  • Brown had been hobbled since training camp with a balky left knee that caused him pain from the second day of practice.
  • I sighed and then picked up my crutches, hobbled to the door, and down the hall of the apartment to the living room.
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  • D'ye know, that Irish lunatic absolutely ran the gauntlet of pandy fire to get back into Lucknow, and bring out Outram and Havelock in person (with the poor old Gravedigger hardly able to hobble along) just so that they could greet Sir Colin as he covered the last few furlongs? Fiancée
  • Drummond hobbled off, returning with a cigar in his mouth and an automatic rifle in his hands.
  • Brown had been hobbled since training camp with a balky left knee that caused him pain from the second day of practice.
  • Feeling utterly stupid I gathered myself up from under the rubble and hobbled inelegantly to find a first aider.
  • After that I just kind of hobbled around and read by the pool. Archive 2008-08-01
  • The referee hobbled off with a pulled muscle.
  • He wears a long, white cotton thobe, bleached and pressed to a dazzling crispness, and a red-checked ghutra headdress held in place by the black agal headband, the wool cord once used by the Bedouins to hobble their camels. Richard Bangs: Bahrain: Once Was Paradise
  • He hobbled to the grid and managed to finish the race in ninth place. Times, Sunday Times
  • We had just picked a campsite for the evening, pitched the tent, and hobbled the horses.
  • With a camelteer in view there is nothing to worry about, but I would not like to be left alone with a camel, let alone have to hobble a herd of bull camels at night.
  • There were nether garments too, in the form of floppy pantaloons, leotards, tight briefs, G-strings and loin-cloths, as well as kilts long and short, flowing and crinolined, skirts full and hobbled. Arcana Magi - c.1: Oryn Zentharis, Seeker of the Truth
  • In excursions of this kind it is customary to "hobble" the horses; that is, to tie their fore-legs together, so that they cannot run either fast or far, but are free enough to amble about with a clumsy sort of hop in search of food. The Dog Crusoe and his Master
  • Hobbled by an uncooperative sacroiliac, I unsteadily make my way into Washington Square Park for yet another of my continuing unappreciated efforts to let blog readers across the country know what New York literary events are really like -- as if you care. July 2007
  • Without trust in the ratings and the bankers and the process, the market is hobbled which is why the federal govt. and the Fed have to be involved and do something. Should Congress pass the bailout plan?
  • Why should you pay iTunes for a copywrite hobbled copy of music when you can get a free, uncobbled one. Archive 2004-09-01
  • The poverty of 10 million citizens not only demeans our society but its cost also hobbles our economy.
  • He hobbled to the bathroom, feeling his way with his right palm along the wall.
  • The formlessness of infinite choice hobbles relationships: you can't commit if there is always a better option.
  • Well, one night me elder brother Tim was sittin 'over the fire, smokin' his dudeen an 'thinkin' of his sins, when in comes Buck with the hobbles on him. The Blue Lagoon: a romance
  • Let not my length and my breadth nor yet my bulk delude thee, with respect to the son of Adam; for he, of the excess of his guile and his cunning, fashions for me a thing called a hobble and hobbles my four legs with ropes of palm-fibres, bound with felt, and makes me fast by the head to a high picket, so that I remain standing and can neither sit nor lie down, being tied up. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume III
  • The true hobbledehoy is much alone, not being greatly given to social intercourse even with other hobbledehoys.
  • A long list of amendments have hobbled the new legislation.
  • Let this broken old man hobble off to the privacy of his own home.
  • She hobbled in her awkward leg brace as she came to her next table.
  • Oddly, we have reached the stage where there might still be a singular vision, but too often it is being micro-managed at executive level to the point of blandness and is often hobbled by an unhealthy mix at executive-committee stage of half-understood notions of political correctness tied to an essential distrust of viewers 'intelligence. Can British TV produce drama as good as Mad Men?
  • When I was able, I stood up and hobbled around; similar quantities of blood were spurting out of my knee as my scone.
  • A prolonged har-r-r-rouche from Kaluna brought out a man with a female horde behind him, all shuffling into clothes as we approached, and we stiffly dismounted from the wet saddles in which we had sat for ten hours, and stiffly hobbled up into the littered verandah, the water dripping from our clothes, and squeezing out of our boots at every step. The Hawaiian Archipelago
  • It's a pity for me to see an old woman hobble away.
  • Many start-ups are hobbled by a lack of sufficient capital.
  • Such a rupture to the eurozone's fourth biggest economy would hobble attempts to rescue the euro. Times, Sunday Times
  • When one considers that this story is coming from the same man who, in his first novel, used the prince in disguise framework to tell a story about a young man posthumously repairing his relationship with his adoptive father and rejecting the notion of monarchic rule, and who, in Perdido Street Station, has the protagonist practically sell himself into slavery in order to secure the services of a local mobster, Un Lun Dun seems downright conservative in its adherence to fantasy tropes, which hobbles the novel's emotional effect. You Know, For Kids
  • The old man hobbled along with the aid of his stick.
  • Jim on the other hand; an old man with a greasy beard and a distinct hobble, little self esteem and no home to go to, had no concern for politics.
  • His standard gait is a hobble. Times, Sunday Times
  • With just 1.8 ticks left on the clock and the ball, Pitt inserted a severely hobbled Knight into the lineup who hit the front rim on a 70-foot launch.
  • Michael hobbled over in time to see her fall into the depths below.
  • And the Olympic silver medallist in Sydney looked to be in considerable pain as he hobbled off the track.
  • Dutifully pursuing my health and fitness theme, I hobbled off to a spa just outside Palm Springs, where I could steep in a hot mudbath.
  • This may hobble the bull in the future. But first it needs to regain its virility.
  • With E Andre Wadsworth still hobbled by knee problems and E Simeon Rice gone through free agency, the Cardinals are desperate.
  • By the time I hobbled the horses and returned to the fire Elza had woke and found breakfast.
  • By sticking a bit too closely to the kind of musical approach he knows best, he hobbles this attempt at self-definition.
  • He was left with no alternative but to hobble to the nearest telephone box.
  • Because each applet must be downloaded, Java is still hobbled by the slow Internet connections used by most people.
  • the United Nations must have the power to propose and organize action without being hobbled by irrelevant issues
  • The failure of the Government to control the explosion in public pay could yet rebound on the private sector as enforced cutbacks hobble the ability of employers in the private sector to meet pay demands.
  • Gone were the rucksacked school kids, chattering and chasing around the old ladies who hobbled along almost in slow motion with yappy dogs and hair in a bun and little trolleys full of bread.
  • He managed to hobble to a nearby address but no-one came to his aid until a female motorist found him bleeding heavily.
  • So when the prosecutor called him to the witness stand, it took what seemed like forever for him to kind of hobble up to the stand. CNN Transcript Feb 8, 2007
  • She turned her ankle on the rocks and had to hobble back to camp.
  • John Young, the colourful chairman of the famous Wandsworth brewery Young's & Co, has been railing against Government red tape that he says hobbles businesses like his.
  • No Scottish Labour leader would dream of letting himself be trammelled by the kind of political constraints that hobbled Louis XIV.
  • With their ankles tethered they could only hobble along together beside the mounted horsemen. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • Your giant top-spec gas-guzzler hobbled to 60mph, taken out by something small, spartan and sensible? Times, Sunday Times
  • Within a month I was able to hobble around with a cane or crutches, but I still had a limp.
  • The only thing everyone seems to agree on is that counter-intelligence was severely hobbled by the so-called ‘wall’ erected between the CIA and FBI.
  • Jeff Hornacek still is an outstanding shooter who also excels at many other aspects of the game, but he's hobbled by a sore knee.
  • But Dillon's analysis is hobbled by a few unresolved issues.
  • Later Joanne and her 24-stone husband Paul hobble into the gym mid-session clearly expecting this might be the big "whole team run for a group hug to celebrate overcoming adversity, in slow-mo with backing track You Raise Me Up by Josh Groban" moment. Grace Dent's TV OD: The Biggest Loser
  • A blast of dirt, next to it. It hobbles further, honking like a Canadian goose, its signal for distress.
  • The old man hobbled along with the help of his grandson.
  • On another occasion a gnarled and fervent Radical of the bootmaking persuasion hobbled to the door of his establishment, and waving clenched and uplifted fists, called down upon us and our retreating equipage all the curses at the command of a rather extensive vocabulary until we were out of earshot. The Right Stuff Some Episodes in the Career of a North Briton
  • The roughly $4.6 billion, three-year tax hike was then billed as a necessary but short-term crutch as the state hobbled through a recession. Tax Changes Pose Problem For the GOP
  • On previous days there were tall hobblebushes on the trail.
  • My ability to string words into a necklace of meaning is hobbled by a shaky, tortured, and misshapen syntax…
  • Until that happy consummation, it will continue to hobble the Scottish economy and extinguish the spirit of enterprise it notionally champions.
  • Some of the runners could only manage to hobble over the finishing line.
  • The melodrama is also hobbled with being too episodic and old fashioned, but Frank Borzage directs smoothly and Pickford gets one fantastic scene when her ranch home gets attacked by vicious rustlers. 2009 April :
  • Thereupon a cackling, toothless old maidservant set aside the tray she was carrying and hobbled across to confront him.
  • Thus did the old sawbones hobble on down the road where, except for one or two cases of terminal egomania, he thoroughly enjoyed his second chance at caring for those who suffer.
  • The pair had hobbled into the garden to gather rosemary, southernwood, rue, and other plants proper to be strewed upon the body, and burned by way of fumigation in the chimney of the cottage. The Bride of Lammermoor
  • As his players argued with each other, hobbled about and watched chances wasted it was as if his team had gone lame. The Sun
  • Thepain was beginning to make me hobbleandI was about to learn a new exotic word:podiatry.
  • Ironically (or not), with the rising militancy of suffragists, skirts began to narrow until they became the barreled, banded style known as the hobble skirt. Introduction: Edwardian Women’s Fashions | Edwardian Promenade
  • Strangely enough, women do not seem to have been as emotionally hobbled by this kind of experience as their male counterparts. Times, Sunday Times
  • We hobbled the horses, and they browsed along the grassy bank, drinking freely from the lake water.
  • The chairman was hobbled by the all-powerful dean
  • After practice I watch him walk painfully over to the bleachers, wrap up his knee and hobble out.
  • Then hobble over to any kiosk for some richly deserved hot Belgian waffles and ice cream. Times, Sunday Times
  • The other two had some injuries which appeared to be relatively minor, but enough to hobble them just a little bit.
  • Our plane hobbled through the cloud cluster.
  • No toughness, no championship," he said, repeating one of his go-to tenets—and the phrase defensive end Justin Tuck whispered to his should've-been-hobbled coach that Christmas Eve night when the up-and-down Giants finally seemed to find themselves. The Tough Got Going
  • The four others it is working on have been hobbled by delays and vast cost overruns. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the other hand, I've had patients hobble in with a grimace and tell me their pain level is a two.
  • The carrier also sorely needs to distance itself from the US Airways moniker, a name hobbled by two bankruptcies, bad service and lost bags. Mark Tatge On Airline TransportationSneak Peek: Mark Tatge On Airline Transportation
  • Beethoven's six Gellert lieder were hobbled by bad intonation, while the cautious note-to-note rendition of Wagner's Wesendonk songs lacked any sense of their sensuous wonder.
  • Two days he continued quiet in the old nook by the hearth, apparently in a kind of dotage doze; but on the third, he began to poke about, hobbled into the dairy, peered into the churn, touched the skimmer. The Lord of the Sea
  • The hobble became a rapid shuffle and then a quite respectable stroll, and the discomfort faded away.
  • The four others it is working on have been hobbled by delays and vast cost overruns. Times, Sunday Times
  • The internet has become, to some, the ultimate symbol of modernity to the point that participants were hobbled without convenient access to routine information like maps and telephone numbers.
  • He devised a set of heavy draft horse casting hobbles which are now outmoded but still bear his name.
  • They hobble out of their limousines, bowing in all their pristine, extravagant absurdity.
  • A rain machine sends water sleeting down as two carriages lumber into action and Fagin's lone figure hobbles back along the street.
  • He got up slowly and hobbled over to the coffee table.
  • ‘This is a boy, or a youth, or a lad, or a young man, or a hobbledehoy, or whatever you like to call him, of eighteen or nineteen, or thereabouts,’ said Ralph. Nicholas Nickleby
  • With their ankles tethered they could only hobble along together beside the mounted horsemen. THE WOLF AND THE DOVE
  • He wasted no more time with words, but ran towards the hollow where his steed had been hobbled, that is, the two front legs tied together so as to admit of moderate freedom without the risk of desertion. The Prairie Chief
  • She hobbles out of the curtain with a murderous look on her face and her fist cocked and ready to throw another punch.
  • We are a group of former players who still hobble about and have a good laugh. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he watched the small figure, that did after all "hobble" a little all the way down the room as the summoned housekeeper led the way. Suzanna Stirs the Fire
  • The swimmer almost died trying to answer, then hobbled away. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had bravely hobbled home, unaided, ignored, to seek out the ministrations of wife and daughter.
  • This hobbles seniority, which has been the traditional path to power.
  • As his players argued with each other, hobbled about and watched chances wasted it was as if his team had gone lame. The Sun
  • He is their biggest playmaker, but he's hobbled by a sprained ankle.
  • He then hobbled back to his blocks, the TV cameras panning in on his feet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Strangely enough, women do not seem to have been as emotionally hobbled by this kind of experience as their male counterparts. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ottawa were duly corralled, haltered, hobbled, surcingled and thrown, finally harnessed and driven by either of the old parties. The Masques of Ottawa
  • You can't be fit and healthy if you are walking around on crutches or hobbled with low back pain.
  • Even the wives and daughters of low tradesmen, who, like shovel-nosed sharks, prey upon the blubber of those uncouth whales of fortune, are infected with the same rage of displaying their importance; and the slightest indisposition serves them for a pretext to insist upon being conveyed to Bath, where they may hobble country-dances and cotillons among lordlings, squires, counsellors, and clergy. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • Many start-ups are hobbled by a lack of sufficient capital.
  • I learn the word amputee and hobble around, pretending I am wounded in the jungles of Vietnam. The Memory Palace
  • Puzzled and alarmed, shaking his head ruefully as he recalled the carouse of the silent, he hobbled down the mountain as fast as he might for the grip of the rheumatism on his knees and elbows, and entered his native village. Myths and Legends of Our Own Land — Volume 01: the Hudson and its hills
  • ` ` Normally, when that type of thing happens, it's painful at first, you kind of hobble off and then it goes away, '' Redick said. - Scores
  • We are a group of former players who still hobble about and have a good laugh. Times, Sunday Times
  • At one point, the 44-year-old singer hobbled into court on crutches with his left foot wrapped in bandages because of swelling from what he described as a spider bite.
  • The injury has hobbled him in the past and kept him out of parts of more games, even as he has played through it.
  • The bandages and false hair flew across the passage into the bar, making a hobbledehoy jump to avoid them. The Invisible Man
  • A dozen riders have hobbled away including two wearers of the yellow jersey. Times, Sunday Times
  • If Ilgauskas, who has been hobbled by a serious foot injury, is able to return in the fall, this team is capable of winning 50 games.
  • Shady conditions allow for less variety, but try a mix of red-berried elder, hobblebush, cedar, and choke cherry.
  • The pain can be so severe the patient limps or hobbles around with the affected heel off the ground.
  • Understory vegetation is dominated by hobblebush, striped maple, mountain maple, brambles (Rubus spp.), and seedlings and saplings of the dominant tree species.
  • Without the volatile securities business that hobbled some banks, Wells is making hay from a consumer franchise once derided by its slicker Wall Street rivals as a Midwestern, cornpone operation after its 1998 merger with Minneapolis-based Norwest Corp. In Tribute to Wells, Banks Try the Hard Sell
  • Some would rather hobble around than be carried to the graveyard. Times, Sunday Times
  • The drover got to work unhitching the oxen, and the horsemen unsaddled their horses and led them to the trees and hobbled them.
  • Williams was also hobbled by bone spurs, which he'd had since high school.
  • I hurt my foot, and had to hobble home.
  • During the march the former pub bouncer milked the applause from the crowd as he hobbled along on crutches. The Sun
  • I could tell by her hobble that she had just put her heels on.
  • Such perceived deficiencies have hobbled his ability to cajole China with any real conviction.
  • It no longer walks, it hobbles; it limps on the crutch of the Court of Miracles, a crutch metamorphosable into a club; it is called vagrancy; every sort of spectre, its dressers, have painted its face, it crawls and rears, the double gait of the reptile. Les Miserables, Volume IV, Saint Denis
  • Isabeau, Louis, and Joseph dismounted and walked over to Nicolas as the other men unloaded and hobbled the horses.
  • He, like Zak, had had the cast taken off his left leg only the day before and now had a hobble which was somewhat comical when both walked next to each other.
  • They had either broken their hobbles or moved an unusually long distance away during the night.
  • The price of snapping that 11-game losing streak was Tom, who reinjured the groin that hobbled him earlier this season.
  • What hobbles you to continue your experiment?
  • He then hobbled back to his blocks, the TV cameras panning in on his feet. Times, Sunday Times
  • Michael missed the entire preseason with a shaky knee and now that same knee has hobbled him onto the injured list.
  • Moose and deer feed upon hobblebush, but the plants that they have browsed become stunted and develop atypical leaves.
  • The old man hobbled along with the help of his grandson.
  • I ran up the cliff face and pulled off the hobbles, before pulling myself unto the mare's back.
  • I hobble theatrically over to the waiting area, where a women immediately vacates her seat for me.
  • Geiton the hero, a handsome, curly-pated hobbledehoy of seventeen, with his câlinerie and wheedling tongue, is courted like one of the sequor sexus: his lovers are inordinately jealous of him and his desertion leaves deep scars upon the heart. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Elanor followed her slowly, she didn't entirely trust the shoes to hold her weight, and so she was forced to walk with an awkward sort of hobble.
  • And he had a younger sister who loved him dearly, who had no idea that he was a hobbledehoy, being somewhat of a hobbledehoy herself. The Small House at Allington
  • Lawton's big right toe, which hobbled him last season, was sore at the opening of camp, but offseason exams showed no significant problems.
  • He hobbled off with a leg injury to join the ever growing list of crocked players.
  • To the ordinary punter, Google News will also be much more useful than Moreover, the best known headline aggregator, which deliberately hobbles search to encourage sign-ups and pay-ups.
  • When Hilmer hobbled the paper's budget, not a peep of protest from you.
  • At last a slot had opened up and I hopped aboard to ride in freight with caged roosters and hobbled goats.
  • She hobbled into the dock at Manchester Crown Court and admitted being overpaid nearly £28,000 in benefits.
  • The unshaven ex-England Under-21 defender looked gaunt as he hobbled on crutches outside hospital. The Sun
  • He was in tears in the dugout, his right foot swollen after being hobbled by another player.
  • And wearing a supportive sandal on his injured foot, he hobbled away on crutches after refusing to comment further. The Sun
  • I retain the keenest sympathy and something inexplicably near to envy for my own departed youth, but I should find it difficult to maintain my case against any one who would condemn me altogether as having been a very silly, posturing, emotional hobbledehoy indeed and quite like my faded photograph. In the Days of the Comet
  • After the initial shock and the pain, I hobbled back to Grandma's feeling sorry for myself.
  • Trist leaped to the ground and removed the hobbles, picked up his rifle and the canteens, and grabbed the reins of the mare.
  • But the hobbledehoy, though he blushes when women address him, and is uneasy even when he is near them, though he is not master of his limbs in a ball-room, and is hardly master of his tongue at any time, is the most eloquent of beings, and especially eloquent among beautiful women. The Small House at Allington
  • So Wesley unloaded his horse, hobbled the poor, over-burdened beast and gave it a fond pat and wipe down.
  • He had to hobble on crutches the full length of the pitch to get to the treatment room. The Sun
  • Andrew watched him hobble awkwardly down the hall, then turned and started the other direction.
  • Using his father as a human crutch, he hobbled round the track in agony, tears streaming down his face.
  • Nights of Villjamur is an occasionally hobbledehoy, sometimes rich and atmospheric Fenrir-Devouring-The-Sun Dying Earth fantasy. Archive 2010-01-01
  • He will come next by some scathe in the hobbleshow, and then it will be, ‘Dorothy, get the lint,’ and ‘Dorothy, spread the plaster;’ but now it is nothing but nonsense, and a lie, and impossibility, that can come out of The Fair Maid of Perth
  • When Katherine Parkinson who is lovely as Conceptiva, but hobbled, like everyone else, by this dead script tells Stephen Fry what a rotter he is, he replies: "Indeed, I am a lovelington and a softie boots. TV review: The Bleak Old Shop of Stuff; King of Christmas Lights
  • Either a mechanism has to be found to allow a two-speed Europe where the countries of the periphery are not hobbled by an exchange rate that is totally inappropriate for their economic wellbeing, or the eurozone must consider political union where the more prosperous areas routinely help the less well-off. We need strong leaders in the eurozone | Editorial
  • This is a photo of the hobblebush just as the outer flowers are beginning to open.
  • Spring, in the character of "ethereal mildness," was unquestionably a female; but here she is "unsexed from the crown to the toe," and changed into an awkward hobbletehoy, who, having passed his boyhood in the country, is a booby who blushes black at the gaze of his own brother, and if brought into the company of the lasses, would not fail to faint away in a fit, nor revive till his face felt a pitcherful of cold water. Recreations of Christopher North, Volume 2
  • If both fore-feet are affected, the animal hobbles around and often kneels to graze.
  • Bent-kneed, he hobbled to the handbasin and opened the small cabinet above that contained the medical kit. Chronicles of Pern, First Fall
  • He hovered beside her as she hobbled around the truck to the fire, afraid she would slip or lose her balance.
  • He took a step, more like a hobble with his crutches, closer.
  • Despite playing more regular season games than he has since 2001, Shaquille O'Neal was hobbled through much of the playoffs.
  • He untacked and unloaded the horses, then hobbled them and set them loose to graze.
  • At several points in the decision, the judge notes that Williams and MacDonald considered Henley's work to have been a "hobble", local slang for a small, inconsequential job. Archive 2006-08-01
  • A sprained ankle will hobble him for another few weeks, and be doesn't have the balance or footwork that he used to.
  • The horses were now hobbled, that is to say, their fore legs were fettered with cords or leathern straps, so as to impede their movements, and prevent their wandering from the camp. A Tour on the Prairies.
  • However, Parker has been hobbled of late by a bruised leg suffered in the Kings series, and it is unclear if he will be at 100 percent.
  • Jack sighed and walked or rather hobbled with us to the front door of his home.
  • The recession and crash in the housing market also have hobbled the movement, said Kathryn McCamant, an architect and developer in the Bay Area who coined the term cohousing. NYT > Home Page
  • At the sound of Eddie's complaint, Johnny walked and I hobbled into the sitting room where Eddie sat squiggling about in the seat trying to get comfortable.
  • I hurt my foot, and had to hobble home.
  • The only thing everyone seems to agree on is that counter-intelligence was severely hobbled by the so-called ‘wall’ erected between the CIA and FBI.
  • I hobbled upstairs and lay on the floor to get my shorts off.
  • But the calf injury that hobbled him for much of last season is becoming a problem again.
  • A halt at the pickets, and we rode on around the right flank among rude huts, rare tents, rows of spancelled horses, -- we call it "hobbled" nowadays, -- and so at last to a group of tents, the headquarters of the small cavalry division. Hugh Wynne, Free Quaker
  • When Grandpa wasn’t a grandpa and was just instead a small-fry, hobbledehoy boy blowing out thirteen dripping candles on a lopsided cake, his savvy hit him hard and suddenjust like it did to fish that day of the backyard birthday party and the hurricaneand the entire state of Idaho got made. Excerpt: Savvy by Ingrid Law
  • Our plane hobbled through the cloud cluster.
  • But a knee injury hobbled him for a good chunk of the season.
  • Slightly up slope, hobblebushes, transplanted last spring from a nearby forest, are relaxing after a summer of settling into their new homes.
  • My father would get on his tennis court every day and hit balls come rain or shine, even when he was practically hobbled because his feet were so swollen.
  • A little water, a quick hobble to the touchline and seconds later he was sprinting round like a 10-year-old.
  • The sound of a clunk hit the door before he opened it and a guy with red hair hobbled in holding his skull.
  • For three days Kieran left the bed only to hobble down the hallway to the garderobe, leaning heavily on Michael's arm, shuffling in the remnants of his torn leather shoes.

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