How To Use Heroic In A Sentence

  • The heroic deeds of this brave and noble Irishman have brought honour and glory to his native land.
  • I had always envisioned a sort of heroic rescue, but those were only dreams.
  • The fact is that any Democrat's heroic war record functions mostly as superficial innoculation against charges of sissiness during campaigns, and it's the reason you see so many more Republican chickenhawks than anti-war Dems in public office these days. Hullabaloo
  • Their heroic exploits will go down in history.
  • He doesn't have the build for the Jackie Chan stunts he uses to repel the onslaught of his friends in crime-fighting, and he doesn't bear himself with heroic presence.
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  • Thus, in ancient art, any human action was on the plane of the heroic.
  • He was a transition figure - the last of the World War II heroic generals and the first of a new breed, the managerial generals.
  • Each year a select few men and women are honored because of their genuinely heroic contributions to the enhancement of cooperative enterprise and to the advancement of the principles of cooperation.
  • He was subsequently arrested by a heroic Garda and some members of the local community.
  • Other characters included two long-suffering frogs called Ernie and Sylve, an heroic tortoise called Lewis Collins and a little white shell called Jim Morrison.
  • So great is the danger of such injurious results, few careful practitioners have cared to adopt the heroic "antipyretic" medication recommended by experimenters, preferring to allow their patients to burn with fever, mitigated only by such simple means as are commonly employed by nurses, than to require them to combat the poisonous influences of a drug in addition to the morbid element of the disease. Scientific American Supplement, No. 455, September 20, 1884
  • I smoke a heroic amount of hash / grass as it is, so that's not the problem!
  • The poems of Homer have the most perfect metre, the hexameter, which is also called heroic. Essays and Miscellanies
  • Their history is replete with heroic deeds of selfless devotion and supreme sacrifice over the years.
  • For people who aren't sick of Battle Without Honor or Humanity the full CD of guitar heroics from the Japanese master. AvaxHome RSS:
  • It is especially noteworthy that The New York Times, itself culpable of, or accessory to whatever alleged crimes Mr. Assange may be accused of, has kept its lips discretely, if unheroically sealed. Michael Brenner: Obama's War on WikiLeaks -- and Us
  • Poets used to sing of such heroic deeds.
  • His formula for modern heroic verse, proclaimed up front in the essay, was, in short: more dactyls than trochees, and more trochees than spondees.
  • Such was the heroicall liberality, and exceeding great clemencie of those most honourable The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • He's developed this captivating narrative voice that mingles his own sharp commentary with Peter's mock-heroic despair. Michael Cunningham's "By Nightfall," reviewed by Ron Charles
  • Spontaneous, full of life, and unbound by the conventional mores and laws of society, Carmen embodies the heroic defiance of free spirit, desire, and natural instinct over the social rules governing modernity.
  • Venus' face is a blurred reflection in a mirror and in Mars (which depicts the unheroic body of a strong old man got up in drapes and a helmet) the face is in shadow.
  • I made a face, and glanced back towards the heroics in bay two. NIGHT SISTERS
  • There must be some one for the duke to punish," heroically; "otherwise he will refuse. The Goose Girl
  • In 1775, there appeared a heroicomic poem, "Myszeis" (The Mousiad), a purposely entangled allegory on the state of Poland. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 8: Infamy-Lapparent
  • In ways, the music is very Bachian but there is also a touch of Haydnian heroics that makes the music very approachable.
  • St. Jacques, a heroic fighter involved in the Crusades, was the exact double of Ogoun Ferraille, a powerful warrior spirit.
  • His heroic deeds were nationalized by the press
  • The mock-heroic style of the intertitles contrasts well with the banal visuals.
  • As he awaited sentencing on bribe charges, Oliver Thomas seemingly implied that he had stigmata from a similar heroic episode: Archive 2007-11-01
  • I do not mean to suggest that every heroic act must represent some form of collusion between the will of the achiever and the finger of God.
  • The artists built the city of Boston on stage, and I wrote a kind of heroic Shakespearean text in blank verse and rhyme (which two characters recited) about the city's history.
  • Some Democrats have heroicly resisted such nominees, but have failed. The Volokh Conspiracy » More on Lithwick’s Lament
  • Even so, a number of crosses and grave slabs from northern England do incorporate warrior imagery and scenes from Scandinavian heroic culture.
  • The Irish ranchers twitted me good-naturedly on my exploit, and patted me on the back until I felt that I had done something heroic. Chapter 4
  • In return, we can do a better job of sorting out the human from the heroic, history from mythology, patriotic pabulum from more satiating analysis, even - dare we try?
  • The Reich chapter, by contrast, draws us away from individual heroic figures towards collective creativity.
  • To eliminate the need for heroic final cleanups, it is expected that the degree of purity of intermediates will increase progressively, from the first intermediate on to the drug substance itself.
  • RachelCreative: Brain totally agrees with you - heart, every time I see a sports film, does not - they don't make films about people "heroicly deciding to work from recliner" - I wish they did though. A seizure and a dream that died...for today.
  • The cadence, phrasing, and rhythm of the language is very similar to that found in The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle and in heroic contemporary Anglo-Saxon poetry.
  • We've rarely seen him in such unheroic mode (at one point he even breaks down and weeps), though he does radiate the intensity of a desperate dad.
  • Plucky firefighter Mark Murphy is back home from his heroic mission to help rescue people trapped in the Algerian earthquake.
  • In the above, semi-comic account, Dickens omits to mention his own heroic conduct in aiding the injured and dying.
  • It was this brave and heroic resistance waged by such women that led to their continuous harassment and arrestment. August 2006
  • Her strongest character traits are, in about this order, heroic courage; wrath; vengefulness; envy; and cattiness.
  • Behind the bar is Steve, a clumsy, almost heroically inept young oik.
  • Because of the heroic size of the bottles, the pictured bottle on the label bore Null-ABC
  • Being aware of our own heritage makes us able to speak the same language that the Iraqis speak - the heroic language.
  • Few, even among Dutch painters, led such an unadventurous life, yet in his dedication to his art, and the sacrifice of his well-being to his unremitted meticulous toil, he fell little short of the heroic.
  • Our heroic past should help to educate the personnel of today's army and navy in a spirit of patriotism and loyalty to one's military duty.
  • Prospector George Tannihill christened it in 1866 as a mining district, saying he chose the name to commemorate the fierce battle he and twenty-three settlers led by a Captain Pierson had heroically won against marauding Indians there in 1857. The Fiddler in the Subway
  • The set designer has stripped the stage bare and draped it with heroically scaled posters.
  • Ranum marches the reader through examples of the heroic style in theatre, architecture, and art to show the increased anxiety over identity and status.
  • They heroically defended the freedom of their homeland.
  • This heroic, nationalist saga has been recapitulated in hundreds of books, articles, and school-texts ever since.
  • No antibiotic heroics, no psychosurgical wizardry, just ordinary everyday caring. Beyond Meds
  • I drove east on the heroically built old French ski runs.
  • However the rousing spectacle of so many dancers performing heroic choreography in unison should not be missed, even if it does not bear repeated viewing.
  • I freelanced profiles of the different players, and it was harder than you might think to come up with ways to make marginal role players sound heroic. In the Time of Bobby Cox
  • The walls, plastered with painted murals of epic battles and heroic deeds, were additionally decorated with the colorful banners and standards of several dukedoms.
  • For, as noted above, Tasso's is the first vernacular poem to mold Musaeus in the Ovidian heroic manner: apostrophe, ethopoeia and digressive mythopoeia abound.
  • I couldn't tell because of the handle reference to Edmund Burke, whose anti-French Revolution and pro-American revolution polemic is often a heroic and mythological epic to conservatives. Balkinization
  • Moreover, this pattern of resemblance is rendered still more striking by the prominent appearance of mock-heroic topoi and diction in both poems.
  • Who knows, if you can prove R 'shiel still lives, he may even sanction your heroic dash to her rescue. TREASON KEEP
  • Auban laments how this heroic battle against authority ended the ‘right to free speech on Trafalgar Square’.
  • Wells was captivated by the wave of optimism engendered by the great age of heroic invention at the turn of the century.
  • Not long ago, I took a political blogger named billmon to task for insulting conservative bloggers he didn't like by using the word 'homoerotic' to describe their apparent fixation with America's heroic soldiery. Friday Night Open Thread: Comics
  • Hawker's published version accords him a heroic role in retrieving and burying all the Caledonia's dead and succouring her one survivor.
  • Hegel, for example, while not defending war, observed that it was the nursery of the heroic virtues.
  • In Marx's account of the neoclassicism of the French Revolution, the costume of neoclassicism was needed to provide a heroic disguise.
  • Other heroic figures which figure in the monthly ritual dances are equipped in the same way.
  • After the expulsion of the master, the Twentieth School fell upon evil days, for the trustees decided that it would be better to try "gurl" teachers, as Hughie contemptuously called them; and this policy prevailed for two or three years, with the result that the big boys left the school, and with their departure the old heroic age passed away, to be succeeded by an age soft, law-abiding, and distinctly commercial. Glengarry School Days: a story of early days in Glengarry
  • Most of the stories are heroic epics where the batir and his trusty horse save the clan and its livestock from danger.
  • November 2nd, 2009 Virgin tycoon SIR RICHARD BRANSON has deserted his efforts to sinecure a heroic commander of a miraculous Hudson River craft pile-up for his intergalactic spaceship mission. Hero pilot Sullenberger jokes about marital boost in NBC 'People ...
  • Also a special word for Steve Bacon, who added to his recent heroics in the varsity match to ease his way to the singles cuppers championship as well.
  • The heroic Greece of the Homeric poems is already a Greece fragmented into independent city-states.
  • The roué can't produce the heroic memoir that's expected of him, and smoke-free Vancouver, with its vegetarians and sexual-harassment policies, is not the haven he hoped for.
  • Ontario's minister of health acknowledged the heroic work of healthcare workers, and this was an important act of reciprocity.
  • These include native law texts as well as heroic prose narratives and intricately crafted rhymed verse in hundreds of different meters.
  • Worse, the fact that biopics are structured as heroic romance makes the possibility of dramatic interpretation of character more remote: the knights of romance embody noble ideals and elicit only unmixed reactions.
  • Once the media caravanserai moves on to the next global flashpoint, we will likely ignore the messy aftermath to the heroic events of last week.
  • This last memorial has a notable sculpture, a heroic Cretan woman raising her hammer to chisel the names of the dead.
  • The authorities may well have objected to Rembrandt's characterization of the heroic ancestors of the Dutch as rough-hewn conspirators pledging a sword oath to their half-blind leader.
  • He was subsequently arrested by a heroic Garda and some members of the local community.
  • “Before thou receivest my daughter, and half of my kingdom, ” said he to him, “thou must perform one more heroic deed. The Valiant Little Tailor
  • Observed - Defeat Algalon the Observer on Heroic Difficulty raid member dying to Algalon raid lockout period.
  • Less than a mile from our home stood the iffiest house I then knew, which I will here call Mountbracken, and there lived Sir W.E. Lady E. was my mother's first cousin and perhaps my mothers dearest friend, and it was no doubt for my mother's sake that she took upon herself the heroic work of civilising my brother and me. Surprised by Joy
  • No one like Rambo is going to help Americans discover the fate of missing soldiers in Southeast Asia and popular movies portraying such single-handed heroics are a disservice to the country, according to a former prisoner of war. Heroes or Villains?
  • Through his consummate technical skill and artistic vision, Botticelli brings this heroic progress brilliantly and miraculously to life.
  • She visited the cottage every day and the sprites brought gifts of seeds and flowers to show their appreciation for the heroic deed he had done.
  • The one thing that he accomplished was to depict the ruin of an heroic nature through an insatiable ambition for supremacy, doomed by its own vastitude to defeat itself, -- supremacy of conquest and dominion with Tamburlaine, supremacy of knowledge with Dr. Faustus, supremacy of wealth with Barabas, the Jew of The Theory of the Theatre
  • Hessians, but were now turned, in the retreat, upon the British -- and which our gunners defended "heroically" to the last. The Campaign of 1776 around New York and Brooklyn
  • The project stemmed from a critical look at the tradition of heroic, nationalistic exposition architecture.
  • I peered over the rock which me and Sara were heroically hiding behind to get a good look at the fabled creatures.
  • In one scene, the heroic spacewoman's stiff upper lip speech is a little more dramatic than the one in the subtitles.
  • The piece is heroic in its implications, and powerful in its visual component.
  • I have a vision of a huge march down Constitution Avenue, with the marchers bearing banners that read "Forcefully support the Bureau of Economic Analysis in its heroic estimation efforts.
  • In its heroic period the Freudian school, in agreement on this point with the other, enlightening Kant, demanded the ruthless critique of the superego as something alien to the ego, something truly heteronomous.
  • Traveling minstrels serenaded their clients with bawdy or heroic tales set to music.
  • Unclean, unkempt, clothed in rags and hunger and madness, he saw himself victorious, heroic and beautiful.
  • Andrew Sullivan, a friend of Hitchens, links to Pollitt and wonders about the sources of his compulsiveness, which lasted until his final, heroic days. Robert Teitelman: Kay on Havel, Orwell and the Greengrocer
  • We aren't surprised that Handel employs, for this grand theme, all the resources of classical Heroic Opera, involving recitative, arioso, aria, chorus, and ceremonial dance.
  • A few passages of Irish heroic poetry that survive from the prehistoric period employ an alliterative line very much like the one used by Old English poets.
  • A strict investigation was made, and it was proved by the testimony of the people in Provincetown that all the apparatus was in perfect order and the keepers and surfmen exerted themselves heroically in aid of the doomed vessel, but that she was stranded so far from shore that it was simply impossible to reach her. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 17, No. 099, March, 1876
  • Thanks to the heroic efforts of enlightened local people who understand that short-term sacrifice is worth the long-term benefit of conserving resources for future generations, many Philippine reefs are now healthier than when I first started working there. Dr. Terry Gosliner: From Beautiful Nudibranchs to Coral Graveyards: Marine Research in the Indian and Pacific Oceans (PHOTOS)
  • The Assembly heroically defied the government once again and rejected the two bills.
  • He was a dull, monotonous speaker - an unheroic, middle-sized, stolid, plain soldier.
  • Schouten and other heroic marine worthies of distant times had navigated the globe, discovered new worlds, penetrated into the most secret solitudes of the deep without any notion of longitude and with no better instruments to take the sun's height than the forestaff and astrolabe. The Frozen Pirate
  • But time for late heroics is growing short.
  • We still live in an age of martyrs and heroic saints, of apostates and world-weary skeptics.
  • The complete dominance of the composition by the figures, themselves projected on so heroic a scale, was a major influence on the course of High Renaissance art.
  • a heroic figure
  • Frank Bascombe struggles conscientiously, if unheroically, with the familiar problems of marriage, job, child-rearing, service to community. Richard Ford
  • And by the way I think that getting up and going to work every day knowing that people might try to kill you just for being a peeler is actually quite heroic. on March 15, 2009 at 9: 26 pm | Reply Von Spreuth xxx TB POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • heroic undertakings
  • Having had the most blue-blooded ladies of the capital cooing upon his heroic chest, having completely beaten up, with the full support of the law, whosoever of lesser rank attempted to cross his path or refused him the salute -- having had "great fun" saluting generals on _les grands boulevards_ and being in turn saluted ( "_tous les générals, tous_, salute me, Jean have more medals"), and this state of affairs having lasted for about three months -- Jean began to be very bored (me _très ennuyé_). The Enormous Room
  • The very term conjures a closed chapter - if a heroic one - in the history of art.
  • There is nothing heroic about sitting in a small, cold room in the depths of winter as you get through your eight or ten hour shift as part of a lonely factory occupation.
  • Chances are the story will be bogus or, even if genuine, the publicity process will render the hero decidedly unheroic.
  • He pours derision on those who were well rewarded time-servers under Stalinism and now present themselves as heroic freedom fighters in the ‘Daily Telegraph’.
  • After the heroic installations of Judd, Flavin and Andre on the lower floors of the Guggenheim, McCollum's modestly sized, wall-mounted works looked, well, dinky.
  • It is not to Tolkien's prose that we respond; it is to his fecund, delighted, heroic imagination, his unerring moral compass, his hold to the idea of the timeless struggle between good and evil which gave birth to an entire genre.
  • You may find yourself transported by the calm columnar beauty of Piero's Madonna del Parto, or by the heroic and somewhat abstract gran-deur of the figures who populate Poussin's Institution of the Seven Sacraments, or by the overwhelming kingliness of Titian's portrait of Charles V, there on the wall of the Prado. The God of Realism
  • We read of their heroic actions on the field of battle and their deeds in other places.
  • And the same were treated by Poets in verse _Exameter_ fauouring the _Heroicall_, and for the grauitie and comelinesse of the meetre most vsed with the Greekes and Latines to sad purposes. The Arte of English Poesie
  • At present heroic missions are undertaken by activists who smuggle generic drugs into countries where their sale is prohibited.
  • United States in Congress assembled_: That the thanks of Congress are due, and are hereby tendered to Captain David Ritchie, commanding the revenue steamer Mocassin, and to the officers and men under his command, for their heroic and humane action in saving the lives of forty-two persons from the wreck of the steamer "Metis" on the waters of Long Island Sound, on the morning of the thirty-first of August, eighteen hundred and seventy-two. The Medallic History of the United States of America 1776-1876
  • This piece requires non-stop brio and a kind of splashy physical heroics.
  • Every single one of them represents a heroic defeat.
  • All these ideologies although they reflected in fact the sentiment directly due to social antitheses, that is to say, the real class struggles, with a lofty sense of justice and a profound devotion to an ideal, nevertheless all reveal ignorance of the true causes against which they hurled themselves by a an act of revolt spontaneous and often heroic. Essays on the Materialistic Conception of History
  • Our father had been a sensualist of heroic proportions from his earliest childhood. GALILEE
  • All this work goes on quietly, unheroically, with no awards, medals or statues of recognition.
  • Funky, colorful T-shirts celebrate heroic women and the march towards socialism, handbags show soldiers stealing kisses and track suits put a rock-and-roll spin on the model worker ideal.
  • They conceive melancholic and heroic music with German lyrics by the mystic and ancient themes.
  • Nothing very original or profound in all this, it may be said; yet the great difficulty of dealing adequately with heroic action in contemporary verse, of writing a poem on a campaign that has just been reported in the newspapers, is exemplified by the fact that Walter Scott's two compositions on Waterloo are failures; nor has any poet since Byron yet succeeded in giving us a good modern battlepiece. Studies in Literature and History
  • I think Severin Films is doing heroic work in bringing Franco's 1980s work to DVD at all, but the label deserves our recognition and applause for the stellar some might say unnecessary quality they bring to each presentation. Archive 2007-04-15
  • He stepped off the high-heeled cothurnus, and came down into common life; he held out his great hearty arms, and embraced us all; he had a bow for all women; a kiss for all children; a shake of the hand for all men, high or low; he showed us Heaven’s sun shining every day on quiet homes; not gilded palace roofs only, or court processions, or heroic warriors fighting for princesses and pitched battles. On Charity and Humor
  • Japanese pattern, and while the ivy that covered the Gothic ceiling trailed long tendrils of the palest and most delicate green, each leaf glossed as if it had been varnished, this unheroic-hero, this pantheistic-devotee, this heathenized-Christian, this half-happy-go-lucky æthestic Bohemian, lay upon his pillow, the incarnation of absolute repose. In the Footprints of the Padres
  • The supplier battled heroically to provide an acceptable system, until finally the project was mothballed.
  • As Warwick passed the door that led from the garden, he brushed by a young man, the baudekin stripes of whose vest announced his relationship to the king, and who, though far less majestic than Edward, possessed sufficient of family likeness to pass for a very handsome and comely person; but his countenance wanted the open and fearless expression which gave that of the king so masculine and heroic a character. The Last of the Barons — Complete
  • Medtner's concerto storms right from the opening measures and sings heroically throughout.
  • In Venice — as in Tuscany — painting came to perfection after the heroic period; and the arts have been truly described as the gilded bark which covered the cankered trunk of a luxuriant tree. ' Explaining Titian's Egg Seller
  • This time around – and I think we're on the 22nd remake now – they've steampunked it, gussying it up with much retro-futuristic silliness and cheap-looking CGI, anachronistic weaponry and ordnance, by-the-numbers action-heroics, and a sky teeming with armadas of heavily armoured hot-air balloons reminiscent of Zeppelins. This steampunk take on The Three Musketeers doesn't buckle my swash
  • His career reflects the bipolar nature of the narrative arcs of the wrestling world where he made his bones with its heroic "face" and caddish "heel" characters, with their appeal to the kids who are the real fanbase, and to the more bloodthirsty adult fans who want to see a few faces get filled in. The Rock is back with Faster and once again is underused
  • It was a heroic effort to try to evaluate business units using some notion of market valuation.
  • Between the wars the idea of modern architecture was a heroic adventure which could actually improve man's condition.
  • These include reimagined versions of the portrait bust, such as Jonathan Baldock's salt-dough heads decorated with cloth and hair (echoing the vaguely tribal sensibility of Ryan Mosley's paintings, with which they share a gallery) and Steven Claydon's mock-heroic demagogue, subverted by the peacock feather over one eye and the fact that the patina on the coppered surface was achieved by urinating on the sculpture. The State of Young Art in Britain
  • There is silly foolery and there is heroic foolery, the Zeppelin-tinkerer explains.
  • The very periodization structure on which our histories are based depends on his heroic presence as a bulwark between trecento and quattrocento, as a signpost stating ‘the Renaissance starts here.’
  • This may be a curious and obscure kind of clericalism that popularly expresses itself as an effort to run with the hare and follow with the hounds, but is really an heroic attempt to see both sides of the question, and is not a cheap pandering after popularity. Gilbert Keith Chesterton
  • Although the Parisian architect Jean-Paul Viguier designed the striking, cantilevered, bladelike, at once slick and luxurious structure, its unusual footprint and modernist look respond marvelously to its site and neighborhood, and Viguier's heroic efforts to "bring the sun into the project" show a sensitivity to both the city's climate and its architectural heritage, which virtually fetishizes openness and natural light. The Not-So-Second City
  • Her heroic labours and vigilant eye saved me from more than mere typographical errors.
  • Daisy, ever hopeful and optimistic, however, still made heroic efforts to win Perdita round.
  • Written in heroic couplets, many are elegies or stress the theme of Christian salvation.
  • Jack the heroic doctor is tending to the terminally injured Marshal, who through clenched teeth is trying to tell him something about Kate.
  • This is more a symphony in which the piano takes a leading role, rather than an opportunity for individual heroics or display.
  • The thing is possible: and I can modestly say that in the little effort appended as an example to these lines it has been done successfully; but here must be mentioned the second point in my thesis -- I could never have achieved what I have here achieved in dramatic art had I not harked back to the great tradition of the English heroic decasyllable such as our On Something
  • This portrait is no mere convention of a heroic genre.
  • At the same time, it sets up a clear formula, so that we can delight in the heroics of the good guys and the devilish mischief of our main man.
  • The film lacks sentimentality or heroics, and that makes Pollock as strong as its subject matter.
  • Then, too, the ideal voice for this heroic part needs the sort of declamatory clarion brilliance that the Italians call 'squillo'.
  • Known as 'USAR' - Urban Search and Rescue dogs - they will follow in the heroic and highly professional paw-prints of the dogs that went to the Pakistan earthquake, the USA's 9/11 dogs, and the rescue dogs used during the Boscastle Floods, in Cornwall. Archive 2008-02-01
  • Instrumentality, rationality and technocracy supplant the heroic, stripping away place, history, bodies, time.
  • Sir George strode purposefully towards a grand statue of a heroic millipede raised on its hinder legs clutching a large cross in several of its limbs.
  • Many things of this nature had been done by the new commonwealth; but, alas! she did not drape herself melodramatically, nor stalk about with heroic wreath and cothurn. History of the United Netherlands from the Death of William the Silent to the Twelve Year's Truce — Complete (1584-1609)
  • Castro had declared 1968 to be "the year of the heroic guerrillero. 1968 the Year that Rocked the World
  • The closest Guardian Games came to relaunching its comics was in having their CAPES & COWLS™ heroic role-playing game include comics art with each adventure or sourcebook. The Codex Continual. Official Website of Steven E. Schend
  • Laidlaw kicked a 22nd-minute penalty from close range but Halfpenny, retained as first-choice goalkicker following his late heroics in Dublin, drew Wales level 10 minutes before half-time through an effortless strike from 40 metres. WalesOnline - Home
  • heroic sculpture
  • Kit's lunchbox is decorated with WPA-style heroic locomotives.
  • Because there wasn't just one kind of violence in this film (which is, you know, not unexpectedly an extremely violent film) but rather moments of just about everything from extremely comic-booky superheroic combat, to Hong Kong martial arts poetry-of-ultraviolence, to cinema verite, to splatterpunk. I have watched the watchmen
  • Up until September of 2010, these recordings were exclusively housed at the Ellis Island Immigration Museum, but now anyone with a computer can log on and listen to their forbears express their heroic dreams for a bright new future. Cheryl Wills: The Ghosts of America's Past Speak
  • Propaganda has turned the former president into a heroic myth.
  • You prevent disasters, don't wait for them to happen, and then "heroically" step in. Latest Articles
  • Maiestatem V. sapientiæ & prudentiæ, omniúmque adeò virtutnm heroicarum indies incrementa sumentem, ad summum imperij fastigium, summas ille regnorum, omniúmque adeò rerum humanaram dispensator, Deos opt. max. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 01
  • Their heroic scale, their superhuman beauty and power, and the swelling volume of their forms became part of Michelangelo's style, and through him part of Renaissance art in general.
  • He was not, indeed, so luxuriously attended upon this occasion as the heroic travellers in the Odyssey; the task of ablution and abstersion being performed, not by a beautiful damsel, trained Waverley
  • Neither in his sonnets, nor in his various stanzas composed of heroics, nor in what may be called his doggerel metres -- the fatally fluent Alexandrines, fourteeners, and admixtures of both, which dominated English poetry from his time to Spenser's, and were never quite rejected during the Elizabethan period -- do we find evidence of the want of ear, or the want of command of language, which makes Wyatt's versification frequently disgusting. A History of Elizabethan Literature
  • The untruth is that Susan Sontag once read a novel by Cathleen Schine and was so entertained by its subtle meditation on questions of female intellect and crippling illness that she borrowed its title for a play she’d been thinking about writing, a play about Alice James’ heroic struggle with cancer, all the while certain that nobody would ever make the connection or confront her with the possibility of influence. Vitro Nasu » 2006 » July
  • Berri accompanied us all the way south, in various heroic poses—Berri resting chin on hand and looking pensively into the distance; Berri in a manly political embrace with Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah; Berri shaking one finger in the air; Berri making a fist and looking like a wiseguy in black sunglasses. Day of Honey
  • In the end, Thomas Jefferson's heroic status remained predominantly unshaken.
  • The heroic all-rounder visited a specialist in London yesterday about a shoulder injury that has dogged him for some weeks.
  • His first glimpse of her, on Class Day, in a white gown and a hat that to his manly indiscrimination looked as guileless as a sheaf of poppies nodding above the pale-yellow hair that had the sheen of corn-silk, had been a vision that stirred in him heroic promptings. Judith of the Plains
  • [T] he tenacity with which he is standing his ground on this issue, in the teeth of widespread catcalls, ridicule and pressure from so much of the country and the media, is heroic.
  • Without adequate doctors, medical facilities, and transportation, the clergymen heroically struggle to save lives and ease the pain of the victims.
  • High mimetic is not a phase but a heroic register (and one we might well argue turns romance into epic and horror into tragedy). Archive 2009-07-01
  • Like the pediments, the metopes include local elements and offered a model of heroic behavior to the ancient viewer, especially to Olympic athletes.
  • Poignant, moving and highly original, it taps into the heroic essence of Spencer's paintings while at the same time acknowledging a collective history which overrides imported values.
  • Middle class people can claim neither the heroic struggles of the proletariat nor the cultural hauteur and effortless savoir faire of the aristocracy.
  • In 1705 he published The Campaign, a poem in heroic couplets in celebration of the victory of Blenheim.
  • Yet this homage to the heroic model of Baudelairean modernity is, of course, a semiparodic one.
  • But because I'm fundamentally weak and spineless, I find it awfully difficult to be similarly critical about the heroic efforts of a mere one-man band.
  • For artist Simon Faithfull, the anti-heroic banality of this crossing made it a perfect launching ground for his Limbo project commissioned by the Film and Video Umbrella, which transmits and geo-locates, in real time, digital drawings made by Faithfull via a custom-made iPhone app. Joan K. Smith: Simon Faithfull's Limbo: Mobile App as Anti-Heroic Art
  • A brawl ensues, elaborately described in the author's mock-heroic style.
  • The point of restoring Garcilaso's second eclogue to the center of the volume's conception, then, is to recover the historical setting for the transformation to a classical-heroic poetic voice in Books 3-4.
  • The lead characters are Joe and Sam, heroic Salvors operating from the M/V Triton in the North Atlantic stripping sunken frieghters of brightwork. John Ford meets Godzilla ~ update
  • There are satiric songs mocking meanness and tyranny, songs in praise of drink and drinkers, while other pieces celebrate heroic feats of valour or of sport.
  • Preparing ultra clean water is a heroic task.
  • An heroic revolution can, in the short space of twenty years, become mired in elitism, bureaucratism and corruption. Mayibuye Editorial
  • Defeat Ichoron in the Violet Hold on Heroic Difficulty without allowing any Ichor Globules to merge.

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