[ US /hɪˈɹoʊɪk/ ]
[ UK /hɪɹˈə‍ʊɪk/ ]
  1. having or displaying qualities appropriate for heroes
    heroic explorers
    the heroic attack on the beaches of Normandy
  2. showing extreme courage; especially of actions courageously undertaken in desperation as a last resort
    they took heroic measures to save his life
    the desperate gallantry of our naval task forces marked the turning point in the Pacific war
    made a last desperate attempt to reach the climber
  3. very imposing or impressive; surpassing the ordinary (especially in size or scale)
    heroic sculpture
    of heroic proportions
    an epic voyage
  4. relating to or characteristic of heroes of antiquity
    heroic legends
    the heroic age
  5. of behavior that is impressive and ambitious in scale or scope
    heroic undertakings
    an expansive lifestyle
    collecting on a grand scale
    in the grand manner
  1. a verse form suited to the treatment of heroic or elevated themes; dactylic hexameter or iambic pentameter
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How To Use heroic In A Sentence

  • The heroic deeds of this brave and noble Irishman have brought honour and glory to his native land.
  • I had always envisioned a sort of heroic rescue, but those were only dreams.
  • The fact is that any Democrat's heroic war record functions mostly as superficial innoculation against charges of sissiness during campaigns, and it's the reason you see so many more Republican chickenhawks than anti-war Dems in public office these days. Hullabaloo
  • Their heroic exploits will go down in history.
  • He doesn't have the build for the Jackie Chan stunts he uses to repel the onslaught of his friends in crime-fighting, and he doesn't bear himself with heroic presence.
  • Thus, in ancient art, any human action was on the plane of the heroic.
  • He was a transition figure - the last of the World War II heroic generals and the first of a new breed, the managerial generals.
  • Each year a select few men and women are honored because of their genuinely heroic contributions to the enhancement of cooperative enterprise and to the advancement of the principles of cooperation.
  • He was subsequently arrested by a heroic Garda and some members of the local community.
  • Other characters included two long-suffering frogs called Ernie and Sylve, an heroic tortoise called Lewis Collins and a little white shell called Jim Morrison.
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