How To Use Hell In A Sentence
The bombardment of the GPO had fascinated MacMurrough: the annunciatory puffs of smoke and the flames that roared to greet them; then the crashing gun’s report, the shell’s eruption—an illogical sequence, effect before cause, an object lesson in the madness of war.
At Swim, Two Boys
The new taxon is named Gamerabaena, and the authors note, under etymology, "'Gamera refers to the fictional, firebreathing turtle from the 1965 movie Gamera, in allusion to his fire-breathing capabilities and the Hell Creek Formation ...
"Look at everything around us. Look at everything we've done."
Thell Torrence's name may not be familiar to the average fight fan but he, along with a couple of others, is the premier teacher of the manly art in the USA.
Labour is naturally a bit shell-shocked finding itself out of office for the first time in 13 years.
Times, Sunday Times
Chile's top constitutional court blocked a government bid to promote the free distribution of the morning-after pill to minors aged 14 and over, dealing a new setback to President Michelle Bachelet.

They establish a colony on Ragol but this perfect planet soon unleashes a few surprises and all hell breaks loose.
So the publisher/distributor is sending the rest of the order while the first half is being RETURNED FOR CREDIT, and Borders can then use that credit to get books through Ingrams, who carries a helluva lot more than just that one small press.
January 11th, 2009
I hope you have something a hell of a lot better than copal.
Alfred Nobel invented dynamite, a product in which the explosion-prone nitroglycerin is curbed by being absorbed in kieselguhr, a porous soil rich in shells of diatoms.
Physiology or Medicine for 1998 - Press Release
Spanish-American War of 1898 Edison suggested to the Navy Department the adoption of a compound of calcium carbide and calcium phosphite, which when placed in a shell and fired from a gun would explode as soon as it struck water and ignite, producing a blaze that would continue several minutes and make the ships of the enemy visible for four or five miles at sea.
Edison, His Life and Inventions
It likewise furthered the career of Mary Shelley as "The Author of Frankenstein," the rubric under which she continued her anonymous publication with a second novel immersed in medieval Italian history, Valperga: or, The Life and Adventures of Castruccio, Prince of Lucca (1823).
From the early 1620s, coastal Indians supplied wampum (sacred shell beads, polished and strung in strands, belts, or sashes) to Dutch traders who exchanged it with inland natives for beaver pelts.
Moray eels, nudibranchs, stingrays, shellfish, sea urchins and sea stars were out and about, while the polyps of black corals and other gorgonians were feeding.
The thanatological philosophies of spirit that Schelling here wishes were dead are in fact very much alivehence the reiterated forcefulness of his censure.
Mourning Becomes Theory: Schelling and the Absent Body of Philosophy
I feel unwanted feel like leaving spreading lies can't help but feel lonelily you've damned me to hell once twice and again you're supposed to be my parents not just another person that hates me dead - alive
Godhatesu Diary Entry
On y remarque _Le Mât_ qui est une Colonne en forme de Mât, autour duquel se trouvent des echellons servant à monter pour developer les hanches et la poitrine; _les Colonnes_ ou piliers, exercice servant à mettre le corps droit.
A tour through some parts of France, Switzerland, Savoy, Germany and Belgium
Another category of vessels and flatware was distinguished by the use of precious stones or exotic materials, such as coral, mother-of-pearl, or coconut shell.
LONDON, February 4/PRNewswire-FirstCall/-- The Board of Royal Dutch Shell plc ( "RDS") today announced an interim dividend in respect of the fourth quarter of 2009 of US$0. 42 per A and B ordinary share, an increase of 5% over the US dollar dividend for the same quarter last year.
The Earth Times Online Newspaper
Smith enforced a highly unpopular no-guns policy in the cowtown, and for the most part, made the law stick by beating the hell out of people with his bare hands.
The Four Toughest Men of the Old West
Hello, Swanson," he said without surprise.
The following day the capital was under shellfire.
Reluctant revolutionary: the rocky road of Venustiano Carranza (1859–1920)
Get the hell out of here!
Earlier, in the B turret of the Achilles, there had been a temporary delay in the shell supply, and the gunhouse crews took the ready-use shells from their racks and fed them into the guns.
Graf Spee
It is no more a sign of weakness to change leadership in wartime if success depends on it than it is to remove a baseball pitcher who is getting shelled in order to prevent the game from becoming hopelessly lost.
Whether Mr. Johnson was speaking metaphorically or just plain sillily, the fact he was expressing concern over adding many US military personnel to a small island displays concern for the overall impact on the Guamites … Guamians … Guamicans, hell just what does one call a resident of Guam?
Think Progress » Rep. Johnson worries that the island of Guam will ‘tip over and capsize’ if U.S. troops relocate there.
If you're brave to say 'goodbye,' life will reward you with a 'hello.'. Paulo Coelho
I doubt that Michelle Obama was surprised or dismayed by the boos at the Nascar rally: it's not surprising that the national doubtfulness about first ladies and the strong, accomplished women who are coming to hold the role would emerge in boos from some of the Obama administration's fiercest opponents.
Michelle Obama's Nascar boos | Kay Dilday
They are suffering terribly but their mind is perfect, so it is a living hell.
Their bodies are not distinctly segmented, but an important feature of their anatomy is the carapace, a folded shell-like structure which covers the animal and opens both ventrally and posteriorly.
Distinct from their nautiloid relatives, and alone among all mollusks, coleoids lack a shell.
Archive 2008-02-01
Cascades of earls, rubies, sapphires, diamonds and tortoiseshell hatpins, 76 items in all, poured out.
My hair was matted and wild -- my limbs soiled with salt ooze; while at sea, I had thrown off those of my garments that encumbered me, and the rain drenched the thin summer-clothing I had retained -- my feet were bare, and the stunted reeds and broken shells made them bleed -- the while, I hurried to and fro, now looking earnestly on some distant rock which, islanded in the sands, bore for a moment a deceptive appearance -- now with flashing eyes reproaching the murderous ocean for its unutterable cruelty.
It surprised me that she was helloing at me when I passed her on the way to my office.
At the conclusion eight horns (led by Michelle Perry of the Empire Brass) rang out triumphantly.
The name is dowitcher. article in Monday's Calendar section about the Coachella Music and Arts Festival said Paul McCartney played a portion of Jimi Hendrix's "Foxy Lady.
In the middle of the white wormy thing, which fills the entire shell, is a green blob about the size of a small sprout.
Somewhere in the darkest, dingiest corner of hell, Andrew Wilson is laughing," Beuke told jurors.
Jon Burge Trial: Jury Begins Deliberations
Surfaces painted with semi-gloss or eggshell finish paints are easier to clean than flat-finish paints.
In the Lower Devonian, ammonoids appeared, leaving us large limestone deposits from their shells.
What pack of demonic hellhounds brought you into this world?
There was no rattle, as of seashells in a jar, and nothing came rolling on to the towel.
Armored Reconnaissance Battalion recon echo 1st plt 2/7 2/2 boeing AH-64 apache 2000 pound jdam us military calls multiple air strikes US air force predator UAV apache airtrikes airstrike in iraq night attack air strike on insurgents american military insurgents meet their virgins 30mm & hellfire killed by marine marines kill insurgents marines kicking insurgent ass apache attack f 16 strikes insurgents ah 64 engage insurgents engaged al qaeda - Articles related to US warned Britain: you must send more troops to Afghanistan
When we moved from pilot to series, the notion of recasting Mitchell, Annie and Herrick was met with wails of despair.
Father exploded a bombshell when he forbade us to go to the prom
Hello there, can we please have your age, occupation, where you are from and where you are now?
This World War II romance film makes Amanda feel all warm and cozy, as only stories of convicts and shell-shocked veterans can.
On impact the shells explode in a fire ball, producing a fine dust.
These aetherial lines of force stretch out into space on every side of the sun, and in fact form concentric magnetic shells around the sun; which magnetic shells coincide with the equipotential surfaces of the
Aether and Gravitation
A conch-shell twenty inches long and ten in diameter will do for a sample -- not a small gasteropod!
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Volume 22. October, 1878.
Anyway, today we made a pistachio dacquoise (remember that a dacquoise is a meringue--whipped egg whites--with sugar and nut flour(s) folded into it), an apricot-passion-fruit gelee, some apricot glaze, two sablee dough shells (we didn't get to do those, as the only sablee dough left was too soft to work with, so we'll do it tomorrow), and each of us made an inverted puff pastry recipe and put four turns in the dough.
Lily, Rosemary, and the Jack of Hearts
Crack a handful of whole new season's walnuts, remove the kernels from the shells and halve and quarter them.
River smallmouths bite any number of baits but show the most enthusiasm for hellgrammites, the larvae of dobsonflies.
Rivers of Bronze
I don't really understand why the judges felt like it needed to be laced with conceptuality," Mitchell, 32, said.
Work of Art's Dusty on Why Jerry Was Wrong and Having His Own Short Shorts
The shell surface is distinctly annulated along its sides, with broad annulae that are separated by deep narrow grooves.
Lose and the hounds of hell might be unleashed.
The Sun
Enemies struck by gunfire don't just fall over backwards; they jet blood like the lawn sprinkler in Hell, then collapse into a heap.
It gleams from the hues of the shell and the precious stone.
In ‘Amphibians,’ the tortoises arranged around the shell-like form vary in size gradually.
Price is attractive but this time we make decision to purchase mill shell from tallinn shipbuilding.
It seems that creator Bruno Heller is interested in revisiting the series as a theatrical film.
HBO’s Rome to be Resurrected As A Film? | /Film
When she returned she redressed her hair, drawing it back across her ears, put in at a provocative angle a fan-like carved shell comb, and twisted a shawl of flame-colored silk -- it was a manton, she instructed him -- about her shoulders.
the children enjoyed diving and looking for shells
Tiger Woods rescued from crash by wife Elin Nordegren carrying a golf club Trapped in his own body for 23 years - the coma victim who screamed unheard Pretending the climate email leak isn't a crisis won't make it go away | George Monbiot Michelle Obama 'racist' picture that is topping Google Images removed nhs tower hamlets. aneurin bevan house, aldgate east, inner east lond ….
Latest financial, market & economic news and analysis |
You may teach him to fence, and to dance, and to elocute till he is black in the face; you will never teach him to play "Othello" unless he is an actor.
The Idler Magazine, Volume III, June 1893 An Illustrated Monthly
Years of research led the Mitchells to an ancient musical system called cymatics, or Chladni patterns, which are formed by sound waves at specific pitches.
Musicians crack melodic code within Da Vinci chapel
She gives us a big hello and sends us to the back of the room to await our induction chat.
Times, Sunday Times
The shell-shocked stowaway was discovered running around the immigration detention centre at Manchester Airport after a flight from Jamaica.
The shell contains a gas which makes it semi-buoyant, permitting the nautilus to change depth and to swim.
I can't tell you how many times I've caught hell in several restaurants, laundromats, and arcades for inadvertently handing them a Canadian coin intermixed with the American stuff.
Pizza Patr�n's Peculiar Pecuniary Peso-Paying Predicament
Zooxanthellae provide their host with food energy through photosynthesis and contribute to the coral's vibrant hues.
Times, Sunday Times
Hell, I even understood certain imprints in my psyche better, which helped me figure out other things.
Sure enough, this Heller language has served to protect a remarkable variety of federal gun restrictions challenged since Heller, including bans on gun possession by felons, domestic violence misdemeanants, and persons under restraining orders, bans on sawed-off shotguns and machine guns, laws restricting guns in school zones, post offices, and other public property, and others.
Dennis A. Henigan: The Gun Issue Is Back in the Supreme Court: What Does It Mean?
He said he saw a bandoleer, which held 12 - gauge shotgun shells, but no guns.
Originally dating from the late 17th century this attractive trifid top pattern has three prong forks and a low relief based scroll and shell design, typical of the period.
In particular, it can be demonstrated that the choliambs, mixed with iambs, of the Hellenistic fable are comparable to those of a work with very very pronounced Cynic features, the choliambic ‘Life of Alexander’.
In the marketing department they figured, what the hell, you just trade zax for Zack and keep the ball rolling for another generation!
The Volokh Conspiracy » Scrambling Scrabble
People on telly are always weird about that, but how hard is it to just say hello to people and be polite?
The Sun
- Go to the folder myjavaprograms where you saved the program - To compile a Java program, we type in the command: javac [filename] - So in this case, type in: javac Hello. java During compilation, javac adds a file to the disk called [filename]
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He paints a hellish picture in which sea and sky become indistinguishable and the men battle for survival.
In the early nineteenth century Greece was the focus of a cultural movement, an idealizing "Hellenism," and international political involvement in the War of Independence against the Ottoman
Note: Greece
Update 10/23/09 – the answer: A corn sheller, it was used to remove the undesirable shaped kernels of corn from the ends of ears leaving the large flat kernels thought to be the best for planting.
What Is It? Game 112
He's a troubled kid at a fancy, hoity-toity high school, says Mitchell.
Exclusive First Look: Grimm Takes on the Pied Piper -- Rats!
Why the thell is their an interfaith sefer, that is just gay. anyways, just my opinion. notice how i’m not saying anyone deserves to die.
Yet another interfaith Seder… | Jewschool
Adults eat the eggshells after the chicks hatch (the eggshells are a good source of calcium).
Serves 2-4, depending on hunger4 raw, unshelled tiger prawns90ml olive oil3 cloves garlic, finely chopped500ml good-quality fish stock150g sustainable monkfish, cut into chunks1 onion, finely diced1 tsp smoked paprika200g chopped tomatoes50ml dry white winePinch of saffron soaked in 1 tbsp hot water200g Calasparra or other short-grain rice150g baby squid, cut into rings150g broad beans150g mussels, scrubbedHandful of flat-leaf parsley to garnish½ lemon, cut into wedges 1. Shell the prawns and put the flesh aside.
How to cook the perfect paella
Hello - this one's got a funny stamp on.
The men in the trenches stayed down while the enemy shells were exploding.
He was fixing his car when the shell landed in front of the simple home where he and his family lived as fruit farmers.
Times, Sunday Times
Co-star Steve McFadden, who plays Phil Mitchell, settled for a bomber jacket with blue jeans.
They are not the happy, well adjusted children that we all imagine we can raise until we actually have the little hellions.
Another theory is that because ammonoids grew faster and had thinner shells, the shells were not as strong as those of the nautilus.
The first two pictures are marsh helleborines and the last one is a green flowered helleborine which had been discovered the day before our visit.
`When the guest room's fixed up, I'd like to invite Howard and Karin to stay," she said, halting to pick up a cowrie shell.
I just wish to hell one of the bennies was a salary, she thought wistfully.
Children Of The Night
We are privileged to have internationally important fish stocks on our doorstep, including salmon in the River Kent, and rare species such as char and schelly in the nearby lakes.
Pinocchio is hell on vampires (and crickets, of course)
Pinocchio is hell on vampires (and crickets, of course) | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
It is a remarkable reminder of the culture of the Getes, a Thracian people who were in contact with the Hellenistic and Hyperborean worlds, according to ancient geographers.
Carnivory is the rule for softshells, but some species are omnivorous.
As she crossed the fields a shell exploded close to her, fracturing her legs and knocking her to the ground.
Although Mitchell grasses (Astrebla spp.) may be common along drainage lines in adjacent lowland ecoregions (Gulf Plains and Channel Country), it is only in the downs that Mitchell grasses dominate regional vegetation.
Mitchell grass downs
Here is a subadult Eobania vermiculata that hasn't yet formed the reflected lip of adult shells.
Archive 2008-10-01
It was an absolute hell trying to get this report finished on time.
She's protected Michelle's father's identity for all these years, so she's quite capable of protecting Michelle.
The hellbender can reach 750 mm.
Those fans who do shell out for tickets for the final still face astronomical transport costs.
Times, Sunday Times
Reference is made to the dating presence of shells and glacial deposits, and the burial chronology and body size reduction evidence.
When I was last in Barbican part of the shell of the house was still standing, roofless, disfloored, diswindowed, and pickaxed into utter raggedness, as so much rubbish yet waiting to be removed from the new railway gap.
The Life of John Milton
Hell, I never vote for anybody, I always vote against. W.C. Fields
An unclassifiable mixture of animation, drama, love story, coming-of-age-tale-slash-concert movie, Hedwig is adapted from Mitchell's off-Broadway hit of the same name.
Waitrose, for example, has made a real and commendable effort to source sustainable fish and shellfish across the board.
Times, Sunday Times
Keeping the edge wet is most important for gloss and eggshell, as is smoothing off with gentle finishing strokes.
Particularly good dusted over fish and shellfish, or with couscous salad.
Times, Sunday Times
Marvell: Hello, Jennifer, Glad to hear you.
The seemingly random splotches of bold color mimicked the appearance of tortoiseshell while simultaneously obscuring flaws still evident in the body and glaze of many pieces.
Earth is such a beautiful, unique, unbelievably complex planet and yet humans are simply hellbent on destroying it and everything on it.
Death by Plastic
Only the sizzling Mongolian lamb hotpot, mayo-slaughtered wasabi prawns, the stodgy dumplings and leaden-battered soft-shell crab were truly terrible.
I can still remember biting through the coconut-studded chocolate shell into the gloriously sticky, snow-white goo within.
Fisher et al. have discovered that between 1915-1922 and 2007, the shell length of N. lapillus at 19 sites around Mount Desert Island, Maine increased by an average of 22.6%.
Archive 2009-04-01
The ejecta are still moving rapidly, however, and quickly sweep up surrounding matter to form a shell that slows down as mass gets accumulated, an action similar to that of a snowplow.
And was there frostwork about and thick weather and hice, soon calid, soon frozen, cold on warm but moistly dry, and a boatshaped blanket of bruma air-sighs and hellstohns and flammballs and vodashouts and every — thing to please everybody? —
Finnegans Wake
I kiss Bob and the kids good-bye, wish them a fun and safe day, and listen to them swish in their nylon shell pants and clomp in their heavy boots out the door.
Left Neglected
Place the cheese on the bottom of the pie shells.
The departure of the zooxanthellae leaves the coral whitened.
Times, Sunday Times
However, if someone linked to that something, even if that someone were a scum-sucking troglodyte from the slime-pits of Hell (or the Hollywood Hills, whichever), I couldn’t do jack-all squat.
In My Opinion, Bill O’Reilly is a Cowardly Manchild Who Has Impure Thoughts About Mideastern Food. In My Opinion.
She was a free spirit, and nimble as hell.
Three weeks later, and one week before the union election, the President ‘dropped a bombshell,’ as the Miami New Times put it.
In front of him sat some rather shellshocked journalists.
Times, Sunday Times
Tightly wrap or store in covered containers all cooked meat, poultry, and fish and shellfish and refrigerate them promptly.
They also offer a look into little-known innovations, such as precision artillery shells for howitzers developed for the US Army.
I bounce a few more cheery sentences off her, but she has withdrawn into her shell.
Much of classical astrology developed as a result of the Hellenistic perspective towards numerology and geometry.
Unusually long strands of carbon fibre from the outer shell trailed down from the hull.
Times, Sunday Times
Besides, the aragonitic shell is made up of two oriented layers: an irregular spherulitic prismatic layer and a fine complex crossed lamellar layer.
Other characters included two long-suffering frogs called Ernie and Sylve, an heroic tortoise called Lewis Collins and a little white shell called Jim Morrison.
He was in hell, surely, eternal damnation and punishment and it would never ever end…
I started topamax 3 scares truley 100 bid persisting heavy hostility, mood. "/" i took my mri periods to my super trileptal for behavior control who prior shook his impact because he noted "bulging discs, professional spondylosis, sacroiliitis, psychoactive scoliosis, and unwanted increment disease" i had no peole anything was excellent with my orally until immediately a sensation of studies anytime when i administered the important helllp and have removed in horrible arm since from the changing discs.
All were available in plain or patinated brass or copper, and they included a variety of shells, such as Philippine, chiton, limpet, melon, triton, sea conch, and nautilus.
Now here is what is interesting, the worshippers of Mithras strongly believed in a celestial heaven and an infernal hell.
The people are feeling so terrified that they are moving into shells and developing a typical aversion towards any kind of agitational path or protest movements.
Archive 2006-06-01
He could see the potential for lobster farming and later in Australia would experiment with the aquaculture of oysters, pearls, and pearl shells.
Fucking rummy is beyond belief, the sooner he dies the better for the world and the better for the ruination of hell.
Think Progress » Rumsfeld: War Critics Being Manipulated By Zarqawi and Bin Laden’s ‘Media Committees’
What he paints is a harrowing image of Hell.
Times, Sunday Times
She took a day off of classes to attend the event because she wants to help her mom, the current owner of Kchelly's Beauty Center in Irvington, N.J. "She's thinking of handing [the business] to me," explains Ms. Darden, who is currently a manager at the salon and beauty-supply store.
Need Advice? We'll Give You 30 Minutes
Also the South was becoming the subject of ridicule throughout the country, and I thought most southerners would not like to see themselves thought of as being hellions and blackguardly-type persons.
Oral History Interview with Marion Wright, March 8, 1978. Interview B-0034. Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007)
As they closed a hatch, a dozen of men appeared on the platform, but their blasters could not do any harm to the metal shell of the vehicle.
So, much as I’m weary of western politicians who couldn’t tell the Ka’ba from a peach cobbler going on about how extremists are “perverting” Islam — how the hell do they know? — this article, which got its author suspended from his radio talk show hosting job for its claim that “Islam is a terror organization,” is truly, profoundly stupid.
Excommunicated from the Ummah?
When the troops actually got into this situation and found, you know, these hills denuded by naval shellfire and things like this, basically only then did they actually discover what the true nature of the terrain was.
Michelle burst into a fit of giggles, rolling back onto her tiny bunk.
Esther. on 01 Jan 2007 at 2: 28 pm sheller and what is the date all the new books are coming out on 10 Jan 2007 at 4: 51 am Jessica
Writer Unboxed » Blog Archive » INTERVIEW: Erin Hunter
He is not a shirker, but he went into his shell when faced with some rough stuff.
Times, Sunday Times
We went through a period of oysters being supped from the shell, but now there is a return to cooking them.
Oysters Come Back in Vogue
The title from the original play, though, won out, and The Children's Hour, with Lillian Hellman's name blazoned across the ‘based on’ screen credit, was released in 1961.
‘uprest’ (“Revolt of Islam”, 3 21 5), which has been described as a nonce-word deliberately coined by Shelley ‘on no better warrant than the exigency of the rhyme.’
The Complete Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley
I was supposed to be working this evening but what the hell - I'll see you in the pub in half an hour.
Artillery guns were also used to fire gas shells to deliver poisonous gas onto the enemy.
Or taking home some cash when you shell out on a new pair of shoes?
The Sun
Hundreds of fossils are locked in glass cases, specimens from all over southern Africa: shells and worms and nautiluses and seed ferns and trilobites, and minerals, too; yellow-green crystals and gleaming clusters of quartz; mosquitoes in drops of amber; scheelite, wulfenite.
Memory Wall
The grave also contained offerings such as ochre and flint tools, axes, and seashells.
Strengthening and hand-carved jade bead necklace of shells grossularite, platnium set diamond and Pink Sapphire is very beautiful.
Here the interior is inlaid with millions of beautiful shells, scallops, paloudres, clams, periwinkles, mussels, oysters and rogans.
On reaching into my shoulder-bag to locate my wallet my hands chanced to touch the package of shells.
Use the discount code and pick up some awesome T-shirts, like a skeletonized Hello Kitty shirt or a T-shirt with Edward and Bela Lugosi!
And the All-Time Champion of the World Is...
To my right were buildings with their first floors torn apart or gutted by fire, but the shells of the buildings still stood.
I've instructed the staff to keep their computers away from the little hellions.
Officials in the government's new ‘respect unit’ are drawing up the package of measures to tackle young tearaways and ‘neighbours from hell’.
The evidence that white phosphorus shells have been fired as a smoke screen is so compelling that the denials have increasingly lacked credibility.
Times, Sunday Times
The western arch capitals have, as decoration, the rose and escallop shell alternately -- badges of the
Bell's Cathedrals: The Cathedral Church of Carlisle A Description of Its Fabric and A Brief History of the Episcopal See
Crazy Shelly has a host of pet preachers who have campaigned from the pulpit on her behalf.
Think Progress » Despite Claiming That She Never Called Obama ‘Anti-American,’ Bachmann Now Brags About How She Did
Just with such an attitude, Agnes Heller, as a major philosopher, Ethicist, political philosopher, social philosopher of Budapest School, surveys some aspects about modernity and aesthetic modernity.
She was sleeping deeply, her tentacles curled gently about her shelled torso.
For at least 40,000 years, they gathered shellfish and peacefully slept under the stars.
It must be hellish for people who care about the teams on a personal level, because no matter how good your school's team is, they have to win six games in a row against the best teams in the country, amped up to play you.
Give 'Em Hell, Harry - And Get Answers to These Specific Questions yahooBuzzArticleHeadline =' Give \'Em Hell, Harry - And Get Answers to These Specific Questions '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: Give-\'Em-Hell Harry Reid today did a great service to America today by standing up, shutting down the Senate and demanding answers about how and why the Bush administration lied to America about the Iraq "threat" in the lead up to the war.
Give 'Em Hell, Harry - And Get Answers to These Specific Questions
The Eksund's cargo had included surface-to-air missiles, mortar shells, rocket launchers and semtex high explosive.
The French feminine name, however, is “Michelle”, and carries no diacritic. kid bitzer Says:
Matthew Yglesias » Defense Subcabinet Taking Shape
The MSP for Carrick, Cumnock and Doon Valley was heckled by a gang of swearing, shell-suited neds.
A good combination is salmon, a white fish and shellfish.
But fishing tackle! hell no! nothin else is as heavy as lead! we would have to carry huge steel weights in out bags!
Park Service Clarifies Lead-Ban Announcement
we are going to stage `Othello'
Certainly the Cambrian record is deeply biased in favour of shelly fossils, as revealed by the exceptionally preserved Burgess Shale and Chengjiang biotas, where the vast majority of taxa and individuals were non-biomineralizing.
The eighteen guns were back in the cemetery, and a storm of shell began bursting over and among our infantry.
Pauline recalls vividly the first time the pair spoke on the phone on Thanksgiving Day and the combination of excitement and apprehension she felt as she knew she was about to say hello.
I felt this to have been a very dangerous proceeding, for if le bon Dieu had noticed Ghislaine's travesty, He might have made the wind turn, and she would then have remained a deviless and been forced to live in hell for all eternity.
A Childhood in Brittany Eighty Years Ago
The other is a fat tortoiseshell with a lot of white called Sophie.
A former drug addict and reformed hellraiser, he's on the comeback trail with a sickly song that gradually starts to work its way up the charts.
What the hell do you think you are doing?
He visits a Taco Bell about once a month, ordering steak burritos and hard-shell ground-beef tacos.
Taco Bell Makes Spicy Retort to Suit
Her parents made her life hell.
Just days after he announced he'd stay leader for as long as the party wanted him the prime minister dropped a bombshell.
They carried candles and wore masks: an eggshell face with antlers; a patchwork harlequin; a Casanova; a Scaramouch.
The Faculty Club
Ashton had a try under the posts disallowed for offside after he raced onto an Adam Mitchell kick through.
The thresher is a square frame drawn over the grain -- which is spread upon the bare ground -- and is furnished on its under side with steel blades which not only shell the grain out of the ear, but also reduce the straw into chaff, which is desirable, as storing for feed more conveniently.
Lippincott's Magazine, December 1878
Peruvians' notion of an afterlife very much follows Catholic notions of heaven, purgatory, and hell.
The armchair's densely carved scallops and shellwork, rosebuds, floral bouquets, and cartouche-shaped back are loosely based on the rococo style as reinterpreted in French pattern books of the mid-nineteenth century.
LEMON: I think that's what you call a bombshell, right, Wolf, don't you think?
CNN Transcript May 2, 2008
True, we are expected to moonwalk across the vast waters dividing technology from the masses and tiptoe back on egocentric eggshells, circumventing treacherous misunderstandings and political back-stabbing.
What's more, treasured wood was decorated with bone, jade, gold, bronze and shells adding to the value.
Heavy shelling and bombardment rocked Somalias restive capital Mogadishu on Sunday, claiming the lives of at least 14 people Drag to Playlist - Business News
A line of shells, white and pink and glabrous in the bright sunlight, marked the line of the high tide.
Shell signed a contract to develop oil and gas reserves near Archangel.