How To Use Heat In A Sentence
Whisk the egg in a bowl and heat a little oil in a nonstick pan.
Times, Sunday Times
Some lucky local with an open fire had determined the evening warranted a little extra cheer, more than the central heating could provide, and had lit a small blaze on his hearth.
I walked out of the theatre feeling a little odd, as I often do when I have been deeply immersed in a film.
Buildings can be designed to absorb and retain heat from the sun to save on heating costs.
Thanks to her doctor’s recommendations she finds herself feeling decafargic by noon. cardiacpopups – the messages that popup on your computer when you are in the middle of an important project and warn you that your computer is about to conk out. on 07 Sep 2007 at 5: 52 pm Kimberly defurrify – to remove pet hair/dander from a person or thing on 07 Sep 2007 at 6: 12 pm Heather
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Wind energy and solar power could be harnessed to heat the dwellings and provide enough energy for daily needs.
Toast sandwiches in a dry skillet over medium-low heat until outside is golden brown and inside is delightfully melty, about 3 minutes per side.
Here, however, they are unlikely to survive the frosts although both impatiens and pelagoniums can be kept for next year in a heated greenhouse or brought indoors and used as house plants.
She had a series of heated confrontation with her parents over homework.
Because wheat emerges so quickly, weeds must be killed before drilling using tillage or contact herbicides.
In town for the competition is Phil's arch rival and inveterate cheat Ray and his lovely American daughter Christina.
The chops should be cooked over moderate heat to prevent excessive charring.
Heat will only leave the container by radiation, convection and conduction if the temperature of the container is higher than the surroundings.
Brush the aubergines with oil, add salt and pepper, and bake till soft. Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in a heavy pan.
Air in free fall does not convect, which means that everything that heats up has to be cooled by fans; the space shuttle is LOUD inside.
8/4/08: Launch Pad, day 5
He wears his cap backwards and spits rhymes with fierce energy and unbridled theatrics.
The Harvard Crimson :: News
My constant fear is that we're going to run out of writers in Chicago, " said Mr. Griffith, 27, who in his spare time is a theater critic for The Chicago Reader, an alternative paper.
Christianity could not content itself with building up its own altar; it was absolutely forced to undertake the destruction of the heathen altars
Oman: three horizontal bands of white, red, and green of equal width with a broad, vertical, red band on the hoist side; the national emblem (a khanjar dagger in its sheath superimposed on two crossed swords in scabbards) in white is centered at the top of the vertical band
The 2001 CIA World Factbook
The referee said I was a liar and a cheat, but my foot was injured at that time.
Payoffs and kickbacks and cheating and lying to the public are a way of life.
Star staff Saturday, August 22, 2009 - Powered by SIDON: The southern coastal city of Sidon saw banners fill its streets and lights brighten up its sky days before the Holy Month of weather in Baltimore has been sweltering lately, putting many at risk for heat-related conditions. such as Italy criticised Internazionale coach Jose Mourinho for comments the Portuguese made about Ramadan at the weekend. - Articles related to Lagos Fires Tourism Through Sports
It is the first major film the Star Wars actor, from Crieff, has made in the town where he got his first theatrical break.
Turn up the heat and reduce the poaching liquor by one third.
Times, Sunday Times
In my own garden I have an old stone wall with remnants of whitewash that reflects the sunlight and heat in summer.
The cup-marked stone shown below, in the Sma’ Glen, near Crieff, Perthshire, Scotland, is situated in a large man-made concave-shaped amphitheatre in the hills, and has a prominent dumb-bell shaped cup-mark on its surface.
The brothers then went on tour, filling theatres with ghostly music, flying coats and spirit voices.
It was so obvious they have had contact since NZ and this was a scripted farce to deter us from the fact that Jason Mesnick the most hated man in America and his ice princess walk of shamer Molly WERE CHEATING.
Entertainment Weekly's PopWatch
There may be a chill in the air this winter, but if you're in the vicinity of the Royal Theatre in Castlebar chances are it will come from the Ice Ballet.
The dangers for girls were especially acute: “It is estimated that two-thirds of the girls who appear before the Court charged with immorality owe their misfortune to influences derived directly from the movies, either from the pictures themselves or in the ‘picking up’ of male acquaintances at the theatre!”
A Renegade History of the United States
Conventional boilers heat up a store of water using a hot water cylinder in the airing cupboard and a header tank somewhere high - usually the loft.
To determine the exact width and thickness of the pieces you'll need, lift up a heat register or threshold and measure the exposed ends of the floorboards.
His great-uncle started the business in the mid-19th century when he moved to Bradford from Turkey to trade in opium for the pharmaceutical trade, wheat, barley, fur and mohair.
Walls are generally the greatest source of heat loss and correspondingly expensive to tackle.
Heat the oil in a casserole dish, ideally one that fits the meat snugly (or use a large frying pan and then transfer the joint to a casserole dish).
His skin had felt deliciously cool against her heated flesh as his hard body moved against hers.
The result is a species of amphitheatric arena, in which any of the dramatic exhibitions, that are so pleasing to this spectacle-loving nation, may be enacted.
Recollections of Europe
But Frye's dreams of systematizing and co-ordinating a literary universe also rose to meet counterparts in Frances Yates's 1967 account of the zodiacs and theatres of the encyclopaedic memory systems of Bruno and Camillo.
Walking on the road, the wind coming like a heat wave attacks.
In fact, areas where the outdoor temperature routinely falls to about 15 degrees are not good candidates for heat pumps.
I'm delighted that our local communities and voluntary groups are taking the lead on renewable energy for lighting and heating.
Using the products as a microheater provides a precise heating device, says Amit Das, director of product development.
Saw her awhile back at the Community Theater, as a matter of fact.
We only walked for four hours today because of the intense heat and steep incline.
The Sun
Because it improves digestion but does not heat the body, Amla-Berry is ideal for calming mild to moderate hyperacidity.
When they get married, they build a small windowless hut that lacks any source of heating for warmth or cooking.
Cultural Anthropology
The searing heat and dense, acrid smoke inside a burning building make it almost impossible for firefighters to see what is around them.
Times, Sunday Times
We decided to only soften the water that would be heated, since there were no other quality issues with hardness in the cold tap water.
A drop-dead-gorgeous crowd was tangoing away in a makeshift, open-air amphitheater.
A guttural sound broke from his chest when he felt her sheathe tugging him deeper, its slick clench undeniable.
Dreams of a Dark Warrior
When we checked with the building department, the local inspector told us that the water heater is correctly installed and that the overflow pipe complies with the intent of the building code.
Exhaust fumes from the Apache engines are also cooled as they emerge to make it difficult for heat-seeking missiles to seek and destroy the aircraft.
The heat touched off the Hi-Thrust which burst in a needle flame from the petcock.
The Stars My Destination
Unlike the runny texture of most honeys, the gel-like consistency of heather honey means that, to form a set honey, it needs the addition of a more common honey, such as rapeseed, which granulates more quickly.
Cohen claimed that criminals posing as salesmen cheat Americans out of billions of dollars each year.
I thought maybe my family would like it too (little did I realize back then just how much my family does not care for Indian food), and so I made it for them, increasing the mustard seeds but massively reducing the pepper flakes for my heat-averse mother (I did not know to sub in paprika then).
Tried & True Goan Style Vindaloo
Sen. Carl Levin, D-Mich., who chairs an investigative subcommittee that will hold a hearing on the report today, said the Obama administration should "get on with it and actually debar the worst of the tax cheats from the contractor workforce.
GAO report: Tax cheats received billions in stimulus funds
TURN the central heating thermostat down.
The Sun
The flat roofs that leak need to be replaced, as do the heating system and the windows.
For two days it had been snowing, great flakes so plume-like that they seemed almost artificial, making one think of the blizzards which originate high in theatre-flies under the sovereignty of a stage-hand who sweats at his task of controlling the elements.
Then I'll Come Back to You
He perceived they were entering the great theatre of his first appearance, the great theatre he had last seen as a chequer-work of glare and blackness in his flight from the red police.
When the Sleeper Wakes
His interest was in opening the nightclub next to the theater, in the abandoned Trailways bus depot.
Workers were paid only for their output, and employers did not have to bear the cost of lighting and heating, nor provide space for the machines which were used.
Scrapie is a chronic disease of sheep which is transmitted by a filterable particle that is resistant to heat and formalin fixation.
The initial recall took place after drivers reported problems in the heating and ventilation system.
Times, Sunday Times
This was not a killing in the heat and exercise of armed conflict.
The Sun
Weeks of dry weather have been followed by days of record heat.
Times, Sunday Times
Heat the olive oil over a medium heat in a heavy pan big enough to hold all the asparagus in one layer.
Times, Sunday Times
Her lips met his and she revelled in the heat of their embrace.
Normally, even in icy winter, the furnace in constant use gave warmth enough, supplemented by an electric convector heater in the gallery, but by the time help arrived for Baxter I had wrapped him in my jacket and everything else handy, and he was still growing cold to the touch.
The dramatic spirit of the Italian race seems to communicate itself to the puppets, and they perform their parts with a fidelity to theatrical unnaturalness which is wonderful.
Venetian Life
I'm also intrigued by this "heather in the 'shwa", being from the 'Shwa, myself.
Don't Break Your Arm...
His closest friends had no time for biblical Christianity, his church attendance lapsed, and his work became increasingly secular, including writing for the theatre.
Pat the scallops dry and sear on a high heat for 40 seconds each side.
Times, Sunday Times
Turn off the heat add linguine and toss well garnish with parsley. Serve.
The Christian conspectus or theatre in the old sense has a happy ending, whether the protagonist triumphs or is damned, because God's justice has been done.
Heat the olive oil in the paella pan over very high heat and sauté the garlic cloves.
Times, Sunday Times
Certain heat treatments alter the fine-scale structure of steel, creating a "phase" known as bainite - which has been known about since the 1930s.
BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
The boatmen were sitting under a tree, out of the blazing heat.
Was a five-set slogging match in oppressive heat what the heart specialists would have recommended?
Times, Sunday Times
Copper is a good medium for the conduction of heat and electricity.
People who have pledged their lives to fighting Islamic extremism, when asked about Charles Johnson now, unsheathe a word they do not throw around lightly ...
The Volokh Conspiracy » Comparing Left and Right Blogospheres
Trouble broke out in the match when one of the players called a member of the other team a cheat.
The air in the balloon expands when heated.
Vertical circulation is primarily via lifts just inboard from these stairs, in a bull-nosed service tower sheathed in stainless steel.
Adhering egg clusters along the spines are covered by thin, gelatinous sheath; tips of spines are separated from each other, with slight but distinct subterminal narrowing.
The whole front of the theatre, a curtain of matting, is rolled up at intervals and, when the feat in progress is at its most thrilling climax, is let fall.
In Seven Stages: A Flying Trip Around the World
Rear panel and wall trims must be heat-resistant and consist of a non-flammable material.
While a radiator has one relatively small hot area, the underfloor pipes range the full span of the floor, and this greater surface area mean that the pipes don't need to be as hot and the heat is more evenly spread.
I finally understood the slowly growing heat rise in the lake — it was energy leakage from whatever that mascon really was, some very exotic bloc of matter, a giant quark, something.
The Year's Best Science Fiction 23rd Annual Collection
It's a real dilemma but please don't think of cheating or tricking your partner.
The Sun
Summer had faded into fall, but even as September wore on Paris still baked under a strange late heat wave that showed no sign of letting up.
Traditional bridal wear combines with theatrical costume and effects to create an entertaining and thought-provoking visual statement.
Metal is a good conductor of heat.
Fiery dishes such as curry fuel mouth heat receptors.
The Sun
After some heated argument a decision was finally taken.
The blinding midday heat had forced the people to retire to their huts.
Modern Literatures of the Non-Western World: Where the Waters Are Born
At the bottom were the Théâtre de la Gaieté for pantomimes and harlequinades, the Porte-Saint-Martin Theatre for melodramas, and the Théâtre des Variétés for ‘little plays of the bawdy, vulgar or rustic genres'.
It seems that creator Bruno Heller is interested in revisiting the series as a theatrical film.
HBO’s Rome to be Resurrected As A Film? | /Film
It is one thing to play-act the gender role of frightened female in a movie theater where the horror is only simulated, but do I want to perform that same gender construction in real life?
Heat a good puddle of oil in a frying pan.
Times, Sunday Times
The Heathrow stamp impacted on one of the emptier pages of her worn, blue passport.
For the floors above, we can use temporary airsealing floor by floor, and portable equipment; when we have things atmosphered and lighted and heated, you and Martha and Tony Lattimer can go to work systematically and in comfort, and I'll give you all the help I can spare from the other work.
Upon heating the plastisol coating to a temperature which is sufficient to cause fusion of resins contained therein, a highly permeable polymeric ply having the appearance of a smooth, continuous film is formed.
Bulgaria's State Agriculture Fund has started selecting grain producers for buying out bread wheat for the newly set up Grain Commodity Fund.
Heat the egg whites and the remaining caster sugar in a large clean, heatproof bowl.
Times, Sunday Times
He says to the ‘Outcasts of America… We make theater, we make community ’, thus finding a way to ‘entertain and educate the solitaries that make up a community’.
we were so far back in the theater, we could barely read the subtitles
Thedrain saturation current is increased 10% after bonding. To disperse heat of GaNHEMT, this flip chip bonding method seems to be simple and effective.
The stube, or stove, of a German inn, derived its name from the great hypocaust, which is always strongly heated to secure the warmth of the apartment in which it is placed.
Anne of Geierstein
A letter to Solicitor General Heath, stating that the King desires him to prepare grant of denization to Beaumont.
The Records of the Virginia Company of London
Soft red winter wheat and corn used were produced on farms in southeast Virginia and obtained from a local grain dealer.
When reheating this soup, heat only until hot, not boiling.
Eminent theatre personalities Zohra Segal and Ebrahim Alkazi and noted 'mridangam' Carnatic artist Umayalpuram K. Sivaraman are the other three chosen for Padma Vibhushan award by the government which, in all, named 130 people, including 13 in the category of foreigners, NRIs and PIOs. 43 are Padma Bhushan and 83 are Padma Shri.
The Times of India
She had to leave school aged 16 and worked in a tax office and as an assistant stage manager for a theatre group.
Times, Sunday Times
The artists use acrylic enamel, which dries fast when heat is applied.
cheating is wrong
Surprisingly, Albee points to the new-play development programs found in theatres across North America (involving dramaturges, readings, workshops) as a source of the blandness of so much of the drama of the past 20 years.
It contests every inch of space with man, and, aided by incessant heat and moisture, constantly wrests from him his conquests and buries them in a fury of viridescence.
In Seven Stages: A Flying Trip Around the World
He gave me an once-over, slowly letting his gaze survey me up and down, and I felt my cheeks heat up, regretting my stupid retort.
The fact that other reports of excess heat do not produce these hydrides and can evolve over days or weeks suggests the opposite condition of starvation where oscillation is delayed and slow but still occurs over time as the atomic gas slowly accumulates the velocities needed to exchange time dilation for energy.
Will 2010 be the Year of Zero Point Energy?
But the calcium scale produced when conditioned water is heated will still produce scum with soap, and will not dissolve existing scale.
Do you want me to heat up some corned beef?
Opera is music, drama, literature, dance, theater and art as a comprehensive integration of art, usually by the Aria, Recitative, ensemble, chorus, Overture, Intermezzo , dances and other components.
You didn't mention what fumes were given off by the overheated coating, but I was told at the time that it was similar to mustard gas.
Most plants sold through garden centres have their heat factor stated clearly on the label.
Use of an unvented gas appliance for space heating was associated negatively with toluene concentrations.
There might be a temptation to cheat if students sit too close together.
“The people have been requested to have heatless days, meatless days, wheatless days,” Wayne Wheeler said in a letter to President Wilson.
There may also have been some influence from painted scenery used in the theatre.
SUMMER heat is finally here but with it comes the worry of sweaty, smeared foundation and smudged eyeliner.
The Sun
A halfway house between the theatre and cinema is possible. Olivier created one in his imaginative "Henry V" in 1945.
The Spanish population of New Spain eats too much, he writes, and this is bad for them because it "generates a large amount of excrements, which suffocate the natural heat [of the body].
Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
It's not just the flummery - the full-bottomed wigs, men walking backwards and so on - but the way this exercise in constitutional theatre is playing to the wrong audience.
Taste the soup and season with salt and pepper, then reheat it gently over a low heat.
Times, Sunday Times
Scientists believe the magnetic field is generated deep inside the Earth where the heat of the planet's solid inner core churns a liquid outer core of iron and nickel.
If I catch you cheating, you'll be for the high jump.
He conceded that without such filler and with weep holes, air could come into the building and might affect the heating.
Pour into the prepared tin and bake in the preheated oven for 25 minutes.
Add your garlic and fry over medium heat until the garlic just starts to turn brown.
Heat the oil and deep-fry the fish fillets.
The new drug has become the subject of heated debate within the medical profession.
Aside from the sanctity of my goats and all I am happy to have coyotes, catamounts, bears and other preditors in the woods, they are hallmarks of a heathy ecosystem with all of its components in place.
The Coyote--to Shoot or Not to Shoot. That is the Question.
AS THE chug of a train rumbles overhead, Andy Arnold takes a seat amid the lunchtime bustle of the Arches theatre bar in Glasgow's city centre.
Wool is fluffy and airy so it serves as an insulator to prevent the heat of the body from escaping.
In a large ovenproof skillet, cook bacon over moderate heat until crisp, about 10 minutes.
Light the charcoal and heat until the coals are white-hot.
Times, Sunday Times
The war-time hangars were not suited for comfort, and it was not until 1956 that combustion heating was provided in the classroom.
Since then theatre and cinema owners claim that attendances have declined sharply.
Times, Sunday Times
As Toronto theatre critics dispense increasingly disparate opinions, some shows are savaged in one rag and lionized in another.
That it doesn't matter if you cheat on your wife, so long as she doesn't find out.
Siberia a country in which nothing will grow; in some parts there is wheat, and where _wheat_ will not grow _barley_ will, and where _barley_ will not grow _turnips_ will.
Far Off
Warm a large pot over a gentle heat and melt the butter.
Times, Sunday Times
I could hardly hear myself speak above all the hubbub in the theatre bar.
A 1D heat conduction is solved numerically for fluxes in and out of surfaces.
Archive 2008-10-01
Six theatre companies have been selected to take part in this year's festival.
This hotel is equipped with a central heating thermostat.
Remove mixture from heat and whisk in the brandy and vanilla essence.
The director creatively allows the audience to look beyond the confines of the theatre space.
Natalie Keyssar for The Wall Street Journal The nearly complete Bolognese sauce heats on a stove top.
Hold the...Well, Nothing
His flair and showmanship won new audiences and gained the theatre great prestige.
The bestseller lists are full of books highly critical of religion, countered by pundits whose heated rhetoric decries a public square made “naked” by the absence of religion.2 Yet the fault line between those who are religious and those who are not hardly exhausts the ways in which religion can be divisive.
American Grace
If the cylinder does not line up with the bore vertically, you are plumb out of luck since the base pin frame holes could be drilled crooked or the frame warped from heat treatment or stress.
Temperature becomes uniform by heat conduction until finally a permanent state is reached.
For the crew, however, new locations, the heat and minor mishaps are all part of a day's work.
The tape has the advantages of heat resistance, insulation and heat shrink, becoming ideal insulating binding materials for manufacturing and repairing of electrical machinery, transformer and so on.
Heat half the butter in a 30 cm frying pan with a heatproof handle.
It was reminiscent of the television commercial which shows a cheating singer being chased out of a platteland town when a record he mimes to gets stuck.
Koenig, a literary and theater critic, lives in London.
Solomon’s wad have taught him that there was danger in edge-tools, and that he wad have bidden the smaik either sheath his shabble, or stand farther back.”
The Fortunes of Nigel
In the center of town was a stage and amphitheater which last night held the town's large orchestra and a glee club.
Most of the nitrogen oxide pollution in Australian and New Zealand cities comes from motor vehicle exhausts in summer and a combination of motor vehicle exhausts and home heating in winter.
The units will have fully fitted offices with suspended ceilings, recessed lighting, painted and plastered walls, perimeter trunking and gas fired central heating.
I wrapped his toes in gauze torn from my underdress, and tucked one foot under my arm and held the other in my left hand, and gave him heat.
Wear a warm hat to guard against heat loss from your head and if your hands are susceptible to the cold then wear some thin gloves.
An assortment of leather sheaths hang like washing on a line in a mocked-up Saxon trader's stall.
Setting the crossbow on the counter and sheathing his sword, he moved with surprising speed and agility to replace the bar across the door.
If the heat has been moderate, and not continued too long, the golden-coloured fcaly porous mafsj called aurum mu - fivum, will be found at the bottom of the veflel; but, if it has been too ftroitg, the - aurum mufivum fufes to a black mafs of a ftriated texture.
The first principles of chemistry
The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind. Weak desires bring weak results, just as a small fire makes a small amount of heat. Napoleon Hill
In a heavy 10-inch skillet heat 1 tablespoon shortening or cooking oil over medium heat.
In the theater's museum is the real Booth derringer.
Movie on Lincoln assassination has second life in D.C. crime museum
Yet several works were commissioned for smart urban dance, music-theatre and performance-art events; five of the 22 tracks are clever transcriptions of Shostakovich piano pieces.
Presiding over the amphitheatre was a beast-headed god, his head half turned away.
Henry’s Demons
Within the city, call 0131-557-1700 for information about accommodations, theater and concert tickets, tours and maps.
When she wasn't humming she spoke in "theatrical tongue" using many made-up words as we laughed and we purged.
La question mille francs - French Word-A-Day
She specialises in conveyancing, probate, wills and matrimonial work, and in her spare time enjoys skiing, sailing, riding, theatre and eating out.
You lot do know that one of the key scenes was cut from the theatrical release, right?
A wooden tank may be rendered capable of withstanding the effects of nitric or sulphuric acids by the following methods: -- Cover the inside with paraffin; go over the inside with a sadiron heated to the temperature used in ironing clothes.
Burroughs' Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
In the darkened theatre, I asked myself what became of her, but I found her in the seat behind me, gin-soaked and belching while she dozed.
The case centred on a postnuptial agreement signed by the couple in 2010 after he was caught cheating on her.
The Sun
Turn off the heat under the pan.
Times, Sunday Times
Heather, at the wedding with her boyfriend, has rowed with her cousin Lorna, who turns her nose up at everything about Kilronan.
Liddie Heath became very depressed after the birth of her first child, a baby boy.
It creates a startling atmosphere of intensity and highly unusual inwardness - sometimes disturbing - and makes it utterly distinct from anything in Western dance and theatre.
Matcham's theatres were widely disparaged by architects.
It will help to relax the hair while protecting it from the heat of the hairdryer.
Compared to its refined counterpart, wholewheat pasta gives a slower, more sustained release of energy into the bloodstream, is higher in fibre and more nutritious too.
Note that thick curtains will cut heat loss and your heating bill.
Times, Sunday Times
Nicholas Hytner is booked up years ahead on both opera and theatre.
Opry Mills Mall, 8 miles from BNA, is adjacent to the Grand Ole Opry House and has restaurants, a 20-screen movie theater and IMAX, the Gibson Showcase (store and workshop), Dave & Busters (bowling, arcade) and other amenities.
Nashville Metropolitan International Airport