How To Use Headful In A Sentence
As it transpired, the only thing that prevented him garnering a gold star and a headful of memories to treasure was himself.
He was cute, with his headful of brown curls, goatee, and funny grin.
Rose Lusty, obviously confused by Glad's cryptic comments and a headful of aromatherapy, changed tack.
I've got a headful of ideas, that are driving me insane.
Celebrity stylist Oscar James created this headful of loose spirals.

People mistake him for being 13 even though he's 16 and has a headful of gray hair.
a headful of lice
He had studied in Cambridge and returned to his native Mongolia with a headful of methodology.
Meanwhile, the texture challenged seem to dream of a headful of bodacious curls and waves.
He works hard at depicting the guileless young Dantes with a headful of notions about honour and duty, and you can tell he's working hard.
You remind me of another young roller I once knew, a roller with a golden arm and a headful of dreams.
he has a headful of baseball statistics
He goes hatless for the first time, and we get to see that he is not bald, but has a headful of curly hair.
Whatever the technique, Miranda's weaves result in headfuls of seamless fantasy locks in every conceivable hue.
A youngster from a disturbingly troubled background, he was left to wander the woods near his home, armed with a gun and a headful of demonic thoughts.
a headful of tight curls
Saul had that knack: an absolutely fearless little fighter, a headful of words and a voice like a whip.
Ashley Smith, 16, a sophomore with a headful of cherry-red braids, expressed similar sentiments: ‘A company running a school can only really teach you how to work for a corporation,’ she said.
At the same time, those people who spend a lot of time studying democracy are not big deal either, because we cannot use a headful of democratic blueprint with some articles and clauses and expect it to be brought into existence.
Finally, Fly's got a headful o' ideas and only 450 words/week to tell 'em to you.
or I can enjoy it while it lasts and depart with a smile and a headful of great memories.
Big, on the other hand, smoked cigars, drank Scotch, had the best one-liners and a headful of sleek black hair I was born to run my fingers through.
‘See ya, Jersey,’ he said, closing the door behind him as he left, leaving me with a headful of thoughts and, for once, a very happy smile on my face.
And when they pick up the tempo a little, as they do on ‘Curse Curse Curse’, ‘Rockit’ and (to a lesser extent) the title track, it's a headful of pleasant noise. I like the individual songs, for the most part.