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  1. a covering over the surface of your head
    a headful of lice
    a headful of tight curls
  2. the quantity of information that a head will hold
    he has a headful of baseball statistics

How To Use headful In A Sentence

  • As it transpired, the only thing that prevented him garnering a gold star and a headful of memories to treasure was himself.
  • He was cute, with his headful of brown curls, goatee, and funny grin.
  • Rose Lusty, obviously confused by Glad's cryptic comments and a headful of aromatherapy, changed tack. TICKLED PINK
  • I've got a headful of ideas, that are driving me insane.
  • Celebrity stylist Oscar James created this headful of loose spirals.
  • People mistake him for being 13 even though he's 16 and has a headful of gray hair.
  • a headful of lice
  • He had studied in Cambridge and returned to his native Mongolia with a headful of methodology.
  • Meanwhile, the texture challenged seem to dream of a headful of bodacious curls and waves.
  • He works hard at depicting the guileless young Dantes with a headful of notions about honour and duty, and you can tell he's working hard.
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