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How To Use Harmonized In A Sentence

  • Best of all was his melodic inspiration: his creations were still being analyzed, harmonized and celebrated half a century later.
  • Evolutionism and systematism are opposing tendencies which can never be absolutely harmonised one with the other. Evolution in Modern Thought
  • Clear, bright guitar melodies and cute, harmonised vocals serve each song well.
  • By the end of the decade both rates had been "harmonised" at 15%, which is where VAT stayed until the 1991-92 tax year, when John Major's government nudged it upwards to 17.5%. VAT: A brief history of taxation
  • The divine unity contains infinite diversity within itself, harmonised and integrated into one all-including totality.
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  • The discord between the stories is only partially harmonized by the patter of an omniscient narrator. The Times Literary Supplement
  • However this is assuming J1772 and ISO standards are harmonized, which is still a BIG IF. MotoringFile
  • There is nowhere perfect health, save when the passions are well regulated, harmonized, and equipoised. Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
  • I feel that they could be under pure inspiration, and in nine cases out of ten, the disharmonized mind be restored to harmony. Dawn
  • They harmonized beautifully when singing ‘Bosom Buddies‘.
  • Ron Bailey, at the panel discussion the other day, talked about a "harmonized" worldwide tax on emissions. Climate Change, Capital Mobility, and Futures Markets, Arnold Kling | EconLog | Library of Economics and Liberty
  • It was a sea of pastel colours—the delicate green hues of the grasses, sedges and other plants harmonised with the pink of the boronias and grevilleas and the white of Epacris and Conospermum—a vista extending over several hectares flanked by the pines.
  • The discord between the stories is only partially harmonized by the patter of an omniscient narrator. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Mr. Blake had never been in such a God-forsaken country or community before, but there was something in the utter isolation, the far-stretching waste of shimmering sand, the desolate mountain ranges sharply outlined, hostile and forbidding, the springless, streamless, verdureless plains of this stricken land, that harmonized with the somewhat savage and cynical humor in which he had sought service in the most intolerable clime then open to the troops of Uncle Sam. A Wounded Name
  • Instead of agreeing with Iamblichus 'insistence on theurgy as indispensable to reaching spiritual union with God, a doctrine largely taken over by Proclus, Ammonius harmonized Aristotle with Plato by siding with Porphyry's (232-309) view that names were imposed by humans and, Sorabji suggests, he also agreed with Porphyry's refusal to accept the efficacy of theurgy in purifying the intellect and hence leading us to God. The Garbage House
  • Both doors and windows were adorned with festoons that harmonized with the seats and were adorned with the monogram ‘JB,’ as were the porcelain jardinières in which Josephine put flowers.
  • The song lays out a physical funk beat, interlaying a richly harmonized chorus with Pharrell Williams' saucy rap.
  • The discord between the stories is only partially harmonized by the patter of an omniscient narrator. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Let us join in chorus, just this once, harmonised or in unison, for I care not, and state our position for all Infinity to know and comprehend.
  • The musician harmonized the old song for part singing.
  • Now they 'harmonized' a lot of hidden trade barriers and while they no longer play the games they once did with each other, they still play them with the U.S. Ian Fletcher: How do Other Nations Balance Their Trade? Try Germany
  • The divine unity contains infinite diversity within itself, harmonised and integrated into one all-including totality.
  • The Canadian Association of Petroleum Producers also welcomed the idea of harmonized climate change regulations but warned against singling out the oil sands. Agriculture Observatory
  • The National Strategy on Environment has been worked out as a response to the changed situation in the country - environment laws which are almost fully harmonized with EU legislation and the advanced privatization process.
  • Ultimately, in a perfect world, the regulatory schemes for devices would be harmonized worldwide, with consistent review and inspection practices across national lines.
  • If every heartbeat, every swing of a pendulum, every unfolding of wings of a cormorant are all harmonized together, how could a traveler know that he has passed to a new zone of time?
  • Lecturers had already staged four one-day strikes in protest at the job losses and management's refusal to implement a national harmonised pay spine to make the pay system fairer.
  • It may not be just a two-tier economic divide, but increasingly a three-tier melange which needs to be harmonized in some way.
  • A muffled wind chime harmonized with the occasional car engine, whose purrs suggested heated seats and warm fans and glowing cigarette lighters.
  • These are national quotas and must be removed or harmonised once frontier controls are eliminated.
  • National unity must be harmonized with multinational partners and the community of international organizations and nongovernmental organizations.
  • The spider possesses a finely tuned sentience, harmonized to the vibrations of the web of its own making, the web of its own life by which it survives or starves.
  • A good starting point would be developing a globally harmonized framework of legislation against e-crime.
  • Most Orthodox Churches in India have "harmonised" or whatever the technical term is with western Churches. In praise of … Twelfth Night | Editorial
  • Much of the focus is now on the "zentral duo" Bastian Schweinsteiger and Sami Khedira, who have been celebrated for the way they "harmonised" against England "like the bass players in a very inspired rock band". World Cup 2010: An 'un-German' team is gathering support back home
  • The subtonic scale degree may be harmonized with the subtonic or the minor quality dominant chords.
  • He started singing Broken, and she harmonized, then they switched parts as the song progressed.
  • Their outlook harmonized with the new orthodoxies of the planners, many of them Liberal theoreticians such as Keynes or Beveridge, or simply apolitical technocrats.
  • Revealed truth, given through the tra - dition to which one is committed, must be the ruling mistress; philosophy, through which the metaphors of scripture are harmonized with each other and with other systematic knowledge, must be ancillary (from ancilla, the Latin word for serving girl). Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • This is a law of nature, and cannot be set aside, no more than two on the earth living disharmonized and misunderstood, can find rest away from, or out of, each other. ' Dawn
  • As well as such characteristic features of the Baroque pastoral as drone basses and melodies harmonized in 3rds and 6ths, pastorellas include rhythmic and melodic elements probably deriving from folk music.
  • Customs procedures and nomenclatures and product standards will be harmonized, licensing procedures will be streamlined, visa requirements for travel will be expedited.
  • Mark's brassy, bass howl countered Raine's and they harmonized as they sang.
  • The evanition of party dissensions has harmonized intercourse, and sweetened society beyond imagination. Memoir, Correspondence, And Miscellanies, From The Papers Of Thomas Jefferson, Volume 4
  • Miriro Pswarai of the ZCTU told a recent workshop on gender, labour and democratisation held at the University of Zimbabwe that her organisation's department for women was ready to "pounce" if the government did not introduce and incorporate issues of sexual harassment in the pending harmonised labour bill. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • Most of the firmly harmonized chorales were impressive (though some were thin or too slow), as were those with colourful instrumental interludes.
  • Below the dizzying diminished arpeggios and harmonized runs lie massive, memorable riffs.
  • Censored bloggers often say their posts have been "harmonized" - a term directly derived from President Hu Jintao's regular exhortations for Chinese citizens to create a harmonious society. Reason Magazine - Hit & Run
  • If they have their way, it will be the first "harmonised" EU census, with all 27 member states asking the same questions. The Euro-census cometh
  • These melodies were harmonized accordingly and subsequently subjected to extensive thematic development in the paradigm of Western-European nineteenth-century compositional procedures.
  • Add to that the fact that I love Massenet because his music is tonal and well harmonised, and you have some idea of my style.
  • This method is that of grouping parts around centres, and several of such groups around larger centres, upward and onward indefinitely; while in living beings, according to their complexity, each individual part, and each individual group of parts with its centre, _is left free to move within its own sphere, yet at the same time is harmonized with the movements of its neighbors through the medium of the common centre_. The Continental Monthly, Vol. III, No. V, May, 1863 Devoted to Literature and National Policy
  • Previously he had been harmonized after having been heroized by many online for walking into a police station in Shanghai last month and killing six cops after what was accepted was an earlier case of injustice and police brutality of which he was rumored to have been on the receiving end. Yang Jia, Cop-killer Online Hero Case Goes On Trial
  • Although it was a nice change musically that less of the choruses were harmonized, to be honest, this change made the group lose a lot of what made them unique.
  • Making development constantly, creation and harmonized homeland are the believing s of ours.
  • Fairtrade Rosy Glow bouquet £35; enjoy this array of blooms including tickled pink Sweet Unique and blush white spray roses, harmonised with the rich berry hues of Valentine alstroemeria and the fresh scent of eucalyptus. Archive 2008-02-01
  • The so-called harmonised draft is only the latest leap in Kenyas 20 year elusive search for a new constitution. - Photown News
  • Giorgio Armani has harmonized beads and sequins to create a shiny jewel of a wrap-around top.
  • But it is a rock sound, with balladic verses and powerful harmonised choruses, that wins through.
  • It was to Bach's advantage that this chorale was harmonised at the end of Cantata 60 (a dialogue between Hope and Fear commented on by Christ) with a daring remarkable even for Bach.
  • Such laws must be "harmonised" in accordance with China's WTO commitments, he said, warning that failure to do so might lead to disputes with its trading partners in the global body. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • I have shifted and shifted the notes and considered and re-considered them under different aspects, taking hints from the delicate chameleon changes of significance that came over them as they harmonised or discorded with their new surroundings. The Note-Books of Samuel Butler
  • We think film subsidy programmes should be harmonised with public health goals by making films with tobacco imagery ineligible for public subsidies," Millett said.
  • A muffled wind chime harmonized with the occasional car engine, whose purrs suggested heated seats and warm fans and glowing cigarette lighters.
  • They broke into ‘their song’ which was very badly harmonised.
  • Martin cleverly used foliage plants that complemented and harmonised with the bronze.
  • His shape , now divested of cloak, I perceived harmonized in squareness with his physiognomy.
  • The discord between the stories is only partially harmonized by the patter of an omniscient narrator. The Times Literary Supplement
  • When all parts of our society are matured and harmonized, our education system will be recovered from ill health.
  • It could not be called a transfiguration that sleep had worked in his face; for the features wore essentially the same expression when waking; but sleep spiritualized that expression, exalted it, and also harmonized it. Biographical Essays
  • I listened, but caught no tone of her sharp voice, which usually came painfully from the back regions of the house; it would ill have harmonized with the sweet autumn day and the robin's song. John Halifax, Gentleman
  • Ziggy Pawelzick, 67, who works in the gourmet meat section of a Toronto grocery store, called a harmonized tax a "ripoff. Undefined
  • The second part, instrument, or voice in a harmonized composition.
  • GLC must be the most harmonised pseudo scallies known to mankind; with nine of them on stage, each with synchronised movements and most definitely co-ordinated outfits.
  • She wrote the tune and harmonized the first verse of ‘To Echo.’
  • The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions has given the government until the end of the year to specifically outlaw sexual harassment at the work place under the proposed "harmonised" labour relations law, or they will take to the streets, the Ziana news agency reports. ANC Daily News Briefing
  • To further the use of harmonized sanitary and phytosanitary measures between Members on the basis of international standards, guidelines and recommendations developed by the relevant international organizations, including the Codex Alimentarius Commission. Codex Alimentarius - Part Five - Are All WTO Member Countries Obligated to Follow Codex Standards?
  • The discord between the stories is only partially harmonized by the patter of an omniscient narrator. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Their music glittered and shone, sweetly harmonised, and rang out across the courtyard.
  • Then Christ's image is revived, and our distorted features become harmonized by the inner power of divine beauty working in us.
  • For instance, the second bar of the opening phrase is harmonised with a single D minor chord, while all the other versions have a first-inversion dominant chord on the second beat at that point.
  • A simple harmonized melody for singing the unmetrical texts, principally the psalms and the canticles, of Anglican services.
  • Most of the firmly harmonized chorales were impressive (though some were thin or too slow), as were those with colourful instrumental interludes.
  • The song lays out a physical funk beat, interlaying a richly harmonized chorus with Pharrell Williams' saucy rap.
  • How well all its accessaries, all its decorations, are proportioned and harmonised -- growing lighter as they rise higher. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine - Volume 61, No. 376, February, 1847
  • Promoted to Headline (H3) on 2/28/09: Clintons promote their second Monsanto 'fake food safety' plan that destroys farmers yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Clintons promote their second Monsanto \'fake food safety\' plan that destroys farmers '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: "Food safety" bills in Congress are "harmonized with the EU" and violently opposed by American farmers. Clintons promote their second Monsanto 'fake food safety' plan that destroys farmers
  • It is a mark of Pahud's musicianship that even the monophonic instrumental line sounds richly harmonized and balanced on this recording.
  • Many folk songs have been harmonized or used in compositions by modern composers.
  • Banjo and vibes fill in the corners of the song, leaving room for some sort of oscillating synthesizer and closely harmonized vocals.
  • This introduced a new harmonised pay spine, allowing the lowest paid staff to climb the salary scale quicker.
  • The divine unity contains infinite diversity within itself, harmonised and integrated into one all-including totality.
  • The older calves, usually the respected teachers among them, would become frightened as they neared their time and then the hisses and taps would become a kind of harmonised prayer to give them strength and courage. Archive 2009-07-01
  • The discord between the stories is only partially harmonized by the patter of an omniscient narrator. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I danced with Danny and harmonized Jack Johnson songs with Lucy, who had showed up late with her kid brother.
  • Funding and subsidy schemes in the member states are not harmonised, and will not be, according to the new cultural paragraph.
  • I feel all out of tune, and completely disharmonized when she performs in my presence. Dawn

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