
[ US /ˈhɑɹməˌnaɪzd/ ]
  1. involving or characterized by harmony
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How To Use harmonized In A Sentence

  • Best of all was his melodic inspiration: his creations were still being analyzed, harmonized and celebrated half a century later.
  • Evolutionism and systematism are opposing tendencies which can never be absolutely harmonised one with the other. Evolution in Modern Thought
  • Clear, bright guitar melodies and cute, harmonised vocals serve each song well.
  • By the end of the decade both rates had been "harmonised" at 15%, which is where VAT stayed until the 1991-92 tax year, when John Major's government nudged it upwards to 17.5%. VAT: A brief history of taxation
  • The divine unity contains infinite diversity within itself, harmonised and integrated into one all-including totality.
  • The discord between the stories is only partially harmonized by the patter of an omniscient narrator. The Times Literary Supplement
  • However this is assuming J1772 and ISO standards are harmonized, which is still a BIG IF. MotoringFile
  • There is nowhere perfect health, save when the passions are well regulated, harmonized, and equipoised. Hygienic Physiology : with Special Reference to the Use of Alcoholic Drinks and Narcotics
  • I feel that they could be under pure inspiration, and in nine cases out of ten, the disharmonized mind be restored to harmony. Dawn
  • They harmonized beautifully when singing ‘Bosom Buddies‘.
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