
How To Use Hard drug In A Sentence

  • Friends say that the no hard drugs rule is openly flouted, which is sad but not great a surprise.
  • Would you classify it as a hard drug or a soft drug?
  • The court heard that he threw the stash of hard drugs out of the window when police called at the home of a friend on the Pewsham Estate.
  • He was equally candid about dabbling in hard drugs, but said that his vanity and ambition prevented him from developing a full-blown heroin addiction.
  • Higher religiosity, more psychological health risk and higher scores on pro-drug social norms were associated with more frequent hard drug use.
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  • The use of soft drugs does not necessarily lead to a progression to hard drugs.
  • There is weight to the argument that cannabis use leads to a greater chance of becoming involved with hard drugs.
  • People need help to come off hard drugs like heroin and cocaine.
  • Back among their brethren in Harlem many took comfort in late-night jams - where the music really swung - but also in drink and hard drugs.
  • For most homeless people alcohol is a far bigger problem than hard drugs. The Sun
  • Police chiefs insist they are winning the war on hard drugs by concentrating on the upper end of the narcotics crime scale.
  • But drugs workers also report an increasing number of elderly folk dabbling in hard drugs such as cocaine for the first time. The Sun
  • Tobacco and alcohol are far more harmful than the so-called hard drugs, heroin and cocaine.
  • They lie, rob, cheat, push hard drugs, intimidate innocent people and run protection rackets.
  • A year later she said she came under the influence of her old friends and started taking hard drugs again.
  • Our reporters uncovered a generation who have been sucked into a dark underworld of solvent abuse and hard drugs.
  • But drugs workers also report an increasing number of elderly folk dabbling in hard drugs such as cocaine for the first time. The Sun
  • The father-of-two, who had become involved with hard drugs, died from a gunshot wound to the chest.
  • As in the Netherlands for many years, attendees at the conference took for granted a sharp distinction between hard drugs such as cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine, which are clearly destructive, and relatively non-addictive and visionary substances such as psilocybin, mescaline, lysergic acid diethylamide, and ayahuasca, as well as marijuana and MDMA (or Ecstasy). Craig K. Comstock: Can Psychedelic Drugs Treat PTSD?
  • It is true that nearly all users of hard drugs have previously used cannabis.
  • She then returns home to yell at her Ecuadorian nanny, ignore her kids and snort hard drugs until she falls asleep and has to do it all over again.
  • The number of busts for hard drugs within the British army has doubled in two years and now easily exceeds positive tests for cannabis.
  • Lindsay recently admitted she would never try hard drugs after seeing how they affected her father.
  • Think of the resources that could instead go into reducing the use and distribution of hard drugs.
  • A grandad has claimed he has been labelled a dealer in hard drugs by a police leaflet campaign.
  • Not doing hard drugs anymore, and sleeping around with Lenin.
  • Heroin and cocaine are classed as hard drugs.
  • Hard drugs are a significant problem in our society; changes in law are required to help reduce these problems, not increased prohibitive measures.
  • Something he has never done: Hard drugs like smack or cocaine.
  • It is believed by some people that cannabis acts as a bridge from soft drugs to hard drugs, which are dangerous.
  • Large quantities of soft drugs and hard drugs were found in the car of the eldest brother.
  • Results for ecstasy and traditional hard drug users were highly invariant, but the ecstasy users' rate of previous hard drug use was much higher than that of any other group.
  • Which got me to thinking that a true addict wouldn't label their skunk, smack or horse with the petite and clinical summation of ‘hard drugs’.
  • As for the argument that cannabis use leads to use of hard drugs, well that is just rubbish.
  • Dealers often lure users of soft drugs into the murks of more dangerous drugs, and get them hooked on these hard drugs from there.
  • Would you want a violent criminal using hard drugs living next to you and your kids?
  • We know that many of those addicted to hard drugs commit a large proportion of property crime.
  • The use of soft drugs does not necessarily lead to a progression to hard drugs.
  • Every recreational hard drug conceivable is washed down with booze, both bought and stolen.
  • The extra officers will mean a harder life for those who deal in heroin and other hard drugs, he said.
  • The court heard that he threw the stash of hard drugs out of the window when police called at the home of a friend on the Pewsham Estate.
  • Currently the sources for acquiring cannabis and hard drugs are one and the same - the illicit drug dealer.
  • Bren: Yeah... but I was hoping she was expelled, or into hard drugs.
  • There is fear its use will spread among the thousands of hard drug addicts in Dublin.
  • Hard drugs inevitably become Georgie's coping device to handle these racial adjustments.
  • He accepted that legalisation would not necessarily greatly increase addiction to hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin.
  • Central to that argument was that cannabis had a different effect from hard drugs such as cocaine or heroin.
  • But drugs workers also report an increasing number of elderly folk dabbling in hard drugs such as cocaine for the first time. The Sun
  • Every recreational hard drug conceivable is washed down with booze, both bought and stolen.
  • I had one reader who told me he was reading it outside one day when a ned came up to him -- "ned" being Scots for ... um ... think as disenfranchised as you can get -- the juvenile delinquents from our equivalent of the projects, shell-suited gangs into Buckfast and hard drugs, petty theft and hassling strangers, the type of person that is to your average SF/Fantasy reader as a hyena is to a gazelle. More Aesthetics
  • Hard drugs are peddled to misguided youth and more than a few backdoor ‘massage parlours’ are in operation.
  • I am on the side of legalising cannabis for a number of reasons, firstly to break the link between cannabis and hard drugs.
  • Caught in a whirlwind of high times, hard drugs and harder comedowns, the singer made a botched suicide attempt and began to overdose on a regular basis.
  • But drugs workers also report an increasing number of elderly folk dabbling in hard drugs such as cocaine for the first time. The Sun
  • For most homeless people alcohol is a far bigger problem than hard drugs. The Sun
  • Large quantities of soft drugs and hard drugs were found in the car of the eldest brother.
  • I had a rough time and started drinking again; it wasn't long before I was back on hard drugs.
  • Back among their brethren in Harlem many took comfort in late-night jams - where the music really swung - but also in drink and hard drugs.
  • The paper asks him if he's taking hard drugs and - after wittering on for a long time - he points out that he's not taking heroin there and then.
  • People who have been dependant to hard drugs should be strongly suggested to find benefit by their GP as great as await from the scrupulously competent obsession advisor (where available), while people who have been dependant to ethanol have been suggested to find benefit from their GP as great as just as importantly find await by the in effect self benefit organisation Alcoholics Anonymous (non-specialist counsellors as great as psychotherapi! sts do n ot usually work privately with drug obsession though many will work with alcoholics). Archive 2009-11-01
  • But Shadow Home Secretary Ann Widdecombe said legalising cannabis would lead drug barons to push even more hard drugs.
  • Habit-forming and hard-to-kick addictions such as overindulgence in alcohol, heroin, hemp, Ecstasy, and an almost limitless palette of hard drugs should be avoided like the plague.
  • One grubby-looking vagrant recently followed me up the road, bellowing at me about how much he needed money for his ‘hard drugs’.
  • It's a bad idea to charge in half-baked, ride a motorcycle half-cut, or take hard drugs half-heartedly.
  • We need a quantum leap in treatment and rehabilitation of young hard drug addicts.
  • A main reason for the change is that it is hoped it will free up police to concentrate on hard drugs such as heroin and crack cocaine.
  • He accepted that legalisation would not necessarily greatly increase addiction to hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin.
  • For me a drug is a drug, no matter what, and soft drugs lead on to hard drugs.
  • But drugs workers also report an increasing number of elderly folk dabbling in hard drugs such as cocaine for the first time. The Sun
  • We are also determined to break the link between crime and hard drugs.
  • Dewey said that legalizing marijuana would encourage people to experiment with hard drugs such as cocaine or heroin.
  • This is why, far from condemning individuals for their waywardness, hard drugs policy is increasingly therapeutic - treating users as patients who need protecting from their addiction, rather than individuals who should be punished.
  • He accepted that legalisation would not necessarily greatly increase addiction to hard drugs such as cocaine and heroin.
  • The use of soft drugs does not necessarily lead to a progression to hard drugs.
  • Use of hard drugs may not be widespread in the general public, but the problems associated with drugs affect many people.
  • As well as the toll taken by the increasing use of hard drugs, there was the psychological and spiritual fallout that resulted from abuses of dignity and personal boundaries.

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