
hard drug

  1. a narcotic that is considered relatively strong and likely to cause addiction

How To Use hard drug In A Sentence

  • Friends say that the no hard drugs rule is openly flouted, which is sad but not great a surprise.
  • Would you classify it as a hard drug or a soft drug?
  • The court heard that he threw the stash of hard drugs out of the window when police called at the home of a friend on the Pewsham Estate.
  • He was equally candid about dabbling in hard drugs, but said that his vanity and ambition prevented him from developing a full-blown heroin addiction.
  • Higher religiosity, more psychological health risk and higher scores on pro-drug social norms were associated with more frequent hard drug use.
  • The use of soft drugs does not necessarily lead to a progression to hard drugs.
  • There is weight to the argument that cannabis use leads to a greater chance of becoming involved with hard drugs.
  • People need help to come off hard drugs like heroin and cocaine.
  • Back among their brethren in Harlem many took comfort in late-night jams - where the music really swung - but also in drink and hard drugs.
  • For most homeless people alcohol is a far bigger problem than hard drugs. The Sun
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