
How To Use Hallucinogenic In A Sentence

  • Video footage emerged yesterday of a British student introducing himself at a Colombian tribal ceremony just before taking a fatal dose of a hallucinogenic drug. Times, Sunday Times
  • Not a single defendant at the1692 Salem Witch Trials was burned at the stake...19 were hanged while a 20th, a man who refused to enter a plea, was crushed to death with heavy stones medical historians have ascribed the bizarre behavior exhibited there to various causes, such as an outbreak of encephalitis or rye bread contaminated by the hallucinogenic known as ergot! Dr. Franklin Ruehl, Ph.D.: 15 Intriguing Halloween-Related Factoids!
  • The problem is that the glands of the toad secrete another chemical known as bufotenine, a compound that is found in a hallucinogenic snuff made from a plant by Indians of the upper Orinoco in Venezuela. The Serpent and the Rainbow
  • He's the perfect point man for the band's brand of hallucinogenic rhythm 'n' raunch, a style they've dubbed ‘cold soul.’
  • Nor are visionary experiences induced, for example, by hallucinogenic drugs.
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  • Now under the influence of a homemade hallucinogenic substance, Oscar is making another impression altogether whether he's singing and smiling gleefully, which is spooking the guests at such a somber affair, or threatening to jump from the rooftop (while naked, of course) because he mistakenly thinks that Elaine is cheating on him. - Home
  • I think we'll be talking about some of the same principles with regard to hallucinogenics as a potential medical benefit.
  • Six minutes of hallucinogenic marching music. Times, Sunday Times
  • And there’s the stuff you don’t get from the post office fellows: arms, chemical precursors to hallucinogenic substances, certain perishables. Matthew Yglesias » By Request: Five Days of Mail
  • A study now suggests there may be a more effective way for longtime smokers to kick the habit: hallucinogenic drugs. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a reasonably powerful hallucinogenic substance, not just a plant, and like any other drug, including those such as caffeine and paracetamol, may cause damage depending on how, and to what extent, it is used.
  • "As well as being a hallucinogenic," says Phillips, "the thorn apple has a fiery, hot taste and causes sweating and burning sensations throughout the body".
  • In the second, a man facing a lifetime of loneliness after the love for his wife has turned sour finds consolation in hallucinogenic mushrooms. Times, Sunday Times
  • I haven't been ingesting hallucinogenic substances.
  • The popular imagination may be more comfortable with the notion of smuggling liquor, tobacco or hallucinogenic drugs. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have no idea what the effects of these poisonous plants would be if ingested, although I seem to recall that belladonna has hallucinogenic properties.
  • They have discovered hallucinogenic plants in Neanderthal burial sites. Times, Sunday Times
  • Participants have tried a wide range of other drugs including cocaine, amphetamines, ecstasy, inhalants and hallucinogenic plants.
  • And we hear that you're both fans of a hallucinogenic plant drink? The Sun
  • The series shows a variety of female faces collaged together and is hallucinogenic in its visual allure.
  • Musically upbeat and swinging, the song works as a kind of hallucinogenic collage of advertising detritus think Mad Men meets The Magic Roundabout, with the vocal, narrated by Mitch Benn with Tim Dickenson as Greggery, drawn from 1950s marketing diction. London Sinfonietta/Collon – review
  • Sarpa salpa, a species of sea bream now found in British waters, occasionally accumulates a powerful psychoactive compound called indole in its head, which can lead to ichthyoallyeinotoxism, or hallucinogenic fish poisoning. The Guardian World News
  • Awareness of the hallucinogenic properties of bhang, the resin from the Indian-grown variety of cannabis, certainly existed in Europe by the early seventeenth century, thanks to the adventurousness of colonial travellers.
  • LSD use also produces tolerance for other hallucinogenic drugs such as psilocybin and mescaline, but not to drugs such as marijuana, amphetamines, and PCP, which do not act directly on the serotonin receptors affected by LSD.
  • The only alternative we have is to release the hallucinogenic agent before they ignite their thermite.
  • The hallucinogenic LSD could now be downgraded after the advisory body confirmed it plans to review that drug next.
  • We arrived at the village while the men were blowing a hallucinogenic drug up their noses. Macrosociology: An Introduction to Human Societies
  • Mr. Loughner, 22, was at one point a frequent user of the plant, also known as diviner's sage, which he began smoking while in high school during a time in which he was also experimenting with marijuana, hallucinogenic mushrooms and other drugs, according to friends. NYT > Home Page
  • The group makes psychedelic music born of cabin fever rather than hallucinogenics, and in their solitude, they have crafted an album that fits snugly within the temporal schism dividing many of us.
  • The group makes psychedelic music born of cabin fever rather than hallucinogenics, and in their solitude.
  • Six minutes of hallucinogenic marching music. Times, Sunday Times
  • These include the solanine, arsenic, and chaconine in potatoes, the hydrogen cyanide in lima beans, and the hallucinogenic compound myristicin found in nutmeg, black pepper, and carrots. Holiday Meals Rife With (Safe) Carcinogens!
  • On the one hand, there's this woody liana which has in it a series of beta-carbolines, harmine, harmaline, mildly hallucinogenic. Wade Davis on endangered cultures
  • In some cultures, hallucinogenic drugs are used. Phoenix From the Flame
  • But a source close to the Hannah Montana star tells TMZ that Cyrus is not smoking marijuana, but a natural herb called salvia, which has hallucinogenic properties and is legal in California. Billy Ray Cyrus "So Sad" Over Video of Miley Hitting a Bong
  • hallucinogenic drugs are mind-altering substances
  • He has found a way to channel his prodigious, hallucinogenic imagination into a cohesive story line, to optimum results.
  • The painting depicts hallucinogenic mountain terrains against an acid-green background.
  • Seven engaged columns, each painted totem-fashion with two gargantuan faces, punctuate the hallucinogenic scene.
  • Almost somnambulant, he wanders through the forest, munching on hallucinogenic mushrooms.
  • • The words synesthesia is a hybrid of Latin and Greek -- the Latin "syn" (together) + "esthesia", from the Greek aisthesis (sensation or perception) • All babies are synesthetes • Can be induced by certain hallucinogenic Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • A Missouri man has been arrested for the possession of a hallucinogenic toad.
  • A majority of parties in parliament has demanded the hallucinogenic mushrooms be outlawed.
  • One gram of psilocybin, the psychoactive ingredient in hallucinogenic mushrooms, is seen on a scale at New York University. Psychedelic Drugs Aid Anxiety Treatments | Impact Lab
  • Allen set his sights on finding a source for yage, the hallucinogenic vine that Burroughs had discovered a few years earlier. The Typewriter Is Holy
  • In contrast, as vividly described in his penultimate chapter, he samples a South American hallucinogenic mixture known as ayahuasca and is pretty much flattened by the experience. "Naturalism" as behavioral determinism and Zen
  • Slightly hallucinogenic or dreamlike, this piece seems to speak of another time.
  • In 1932, at the age of fourteen, Gomez was given the herbal hallucinogenic drink called ayahuasca by local shamans in order to recover his strength following a period of illness. Boing Boing
  • This kind of hallucinogenic fish poisoning, called Ichthyoallyeinotoxism, was previously only reported in the Indo Pacific. Boing Boing: April 16, 2006 - April 22, 2006 Archives
  • Blake thought the burning incense could have been a hallucinogenic drug which was altering his perception.
  • The hallucinogenic effects of magic mushrooms were generally restricted to those determined enough to scour forests and secluded glades at the right time of the year.
  • Investigators said Smith and Perrone used chemicals and other substances to make the hallucinogenic drug dimethyltryptamine, or DMT, in Smith's top-floor room in the nine-story Harbin Hall. Students ordered held in case of suspected drug lab at Georgetown
  • One minute, you're going to the kind of festivals that involve weird hallucinogenic drugs, the next you're watching a chef debone lamb and asking questions like, "Is it organic?"
  • Blake thought the burning incense could have been a hallucinogenic drug which was altering his perception.
  • The rockstar acknowledges Alice in Wonderland as an influence, due to its trippy nature and hallucinogenic state.
  • She left school for the last time and spent most of her early teens raving, taking ecstasy and hallucinogenics.
  • The overall effect is hallucinogenic, paranoid and almost gruellingly clever. Times, Sunday Times
  • He brings her a hallucinogenic, in liquid form.
  • Youth as young as 14 and 15 were present and able to buy an assortment of illegal drugs: ketamine, morphine, marijuana, hallucinogenic mushrooms and pure ecstasy, known as "mollies," the lawsuit alleges. ABC News: Top Stories
  • This is an hallucinogenic drug which has some similarities to LSD but also has anaesthetic properties. Taking Drugs Seriously
  • MDMA is structurally similar to the stimulant methamphetamine and to the hallucinogen mescaline, lending to its effects as both a stimulant and hallucinogenic.
  • Through a blind energy of vision and director's will, the film comes together as a satisfying, creepy, and creative trip into hallucinogenic terror.
  • Rations of food and water were spiked with a hallucinogenic.
  • They are forced to assemble the magazine while under the influence of a powerful hallucinogenic drug.
  • Ann describes their relationship in the context of many hallucinogenic experiences, providing the reader a verbal rendering of a variety of drug trips.
  • An archaic world of rainforest dwellers, where shamans consume a legendary hallucinogenic brew called ayahuasca, literally meaning ‘Vine of the Dead’, to communicate with spirits.
  • To be-labor my apiarian analogy: the honey that's dipped from that busy hive can be sweet and nourishing, or it can be hallucinogenic and deadly. Fierce Invalids Home From Hot Climates
  • This substance is used in the drink absinth which is renowned for its potentially hallucinogenic qualities.
  • They consume a hallucinogenic drug and then await a vision.
  • LSD is a powerful hallucinogenic drug
  • Last year, over dinner, I mentioned that the stereotype of witches flying on broomsticks came about because they used to make a hallucinogenic poultice from deadly nightshade.
  • And then renders the whole thing in a kind of hallucinogenic cell-shaded 3D. Okami Post-Mortem
  • There's some kind of hallucinogenic effect, and they end up going to the hospital. CNN Transcript Jun 6, 2005
  • But there have been concerns that the excessive consumption, ritualistic or not, of hallucinogenics like peyote might have some long-term health implications.
  • Historically, hallucinogenic plants were used largely for social and religious ritual, and their availability was limited by the climate and soil conditions they require.
  • THC is considered a hallucinogenic substance that is mild when compared by weight to LSD.
  • Beck was also a proficient hypnotist, prestidigitator, chemist and roboticist, wearing a fishbowl, one-way plexiglass helmet, with gas jets mounted in his gloves and boots capable of emitting hallucinogenic, 'web' dissolving gases. Archive 2006-07-01
  • I left out hallucinogenic drugs, though they fit in there too. Times, Sunday Times
  • Brain cells have been lost thanks to an unfortunate experience with hallucinogenics that occurred during my midlife crisis.
  • I was convinced that someone had slipped a hallucinogenic into my iced tea.
  • The digital backgrounds are new to Sherman's work, and the more trippy and hallucinogenic they are, the more they draw attention away from the characterizations.
  • He remains active as ever as a filmmaker and theorist, as evidenced by a gorgeously hallucinogenic website.
  • The butterfly was in the episode where the guy was dossed with heavy hallucinogenics. Solution to the Fringe Glyph Cipher
  • One gram of psilocybin, the psychoactive ingredient in hallucinogenic mushrooms, is seen on a scale at New York University. Psychedelic Drugs Aid Anxiety Treatments | Impact Lab
  • Náhuatl: Uto-Aztecan language spoken by native Mexicans who, in preconquest era, inhabited the central Valley of Mexico and points southeast, as far as Guatemala. neyolmelahualiztli: Nahuas 'rite of confession, or "straightening one's heart," a practice that restored internal equilibrium. ololiuhqui: various hallucinogenic plants, among them Rivea corymbosa. partera: midwife. pasmo: respiratory illness. peste: pestilence. pintura de castas: colonial-era paintings showing different racial mixes of people. plethora: in humoral medicine, the condition of too much blood, resulting in an imbalance of the humors. Pestilence and Headcolds: Encountering Illness in Colonial Mexico
  • He hoped that Marker would meet him there for company while he continued his search for the elusive hallucinogenic vine known as yage. The Typewriter Is Holy
  • Loughner, 22, was at one point a frequent user of the plant, also known as diviner's sage, which he began smoking while in high school during a time in which he was also experimenting with marijuana, hallucinogenic mushrooms and other drugs, according to friends. The Seattle Times
  • And as well as that, you've got the fungus that infects the flowers of rye and wheat and other cereals, and it produces hallucinogenic alkaloids, basically precursors to LSD.
  • With their lo-fi, clunky graphics, these early programs featured a strange mix of crudity and perfection: trippy, hallucinogenic animations that moved around the screen with perfect physics.
  • The drug in question is a hallucinogenic.
  • I had to look at the red light of the laser and it was like being on hallucinogenic drugs.
  • It was an era when official news bulletins were worrying themselves about mods and rockers, or the hallucinogenic drugs of the hippies.
  • Hallucinogenic drug preparation derived from resin from the flowers of hemp plants.
  • Their performance is so over the top they look like they are in the throes of a hallucinogenic trip.
  • The final, hallucinogenic images result from the play of light on the prismatic surfaces.
  • As long as they had somewhere they could peddle their hallucinogenic drugs, gamble their lives away and drown their sorrows in the kind of rotgut that'd leave their livers with the consistency of damp and mouldy Swiss cheese, they didn't care what the name of the damn place was. Vic's
  • They engage in group meditation after ingesting a hallucinogenic tea.
  • On Chewing Glass And Other Miracle Cures, he's bringing the beats and scattered rhymes into the zone of spooky jazz fusion and hallucinogenic acid rock.
  • Having taken LSD and shrooms a few times in my youth, the "hallucinogenic" effects of cannabis aren't in the same galaxy! On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • In 1999, customs agents intercepted a shipment of ayahuasca, a hallucinogenic tea brewed from plants that grow in the Amazon, en route to the American headquarters of UDV in New Mexico.
  • The state senator spearheading the second legislative attempt to ban Salvia divinorum - which can cause a short-term hallucinogenic experience after it's chewed or smoked - said Monday that Firoz's acquittal will be a topic of conversation if LB123 is debated today as scheduled. - News Articles
  • The cast is getting the script for the episode today, and Murphy promises it will be a weird, "hallucinogenic" treatment. What we learned about 'Glee' at Comic-Con
  • Also, hallucinogenic drugs, such as mescaline and LSD, are known to produce visions of striped tunnels and spiral chambers.
  • The director deflects likely criticism by transforming his version of 1900 Paris into something out of a hallucinogenic fairy tale.
  • Six cannabis plants were seized along with a quantity of cannabis resin and the hallucinogenic drug LSD referred to on the streets as magic mushrooms.
  • Researchers found more and more users are turning to ketamine, a veterinary anaesthetic with strong hallucinogenic properties.
  • Hashish: Hallucinogenic drug preparation derived from resin from the flowers of hemp plants.
  • There was a sensation of a hallucinogenic door being swung open.
  • It's gotta be carcinogenic, hallucinogenic, and every kind of "genic" you can think of. Grouse Diary Entry
  • The hazy, semi-hallucinogenic beauty is boosted by the lo-fi, not-quite-focused home recording.
  • The narcotic and hallucinogenic element is referred to as cannabis and by numerous other (including slang) terms: ganja or bhang (crushed dried leaves of Indian wild hemp), grass, marijuana, pot, etc.
  • Looking back, this “promotion” in my drug-taking—from weed to hallucinogenics—was a threshold I should never have crossed. Fallin’ Up
  • On the one hand, there's this woody liana which has in it a series of beta-carbolines, harmine, harmaline, mildly hallucinogenic. Wade Davis on endangered cultures
  • When orally ingested it is broken down to produce psilocin, which is responsible for hallucinogenic effects. CreationWiki - Recent changes [en]
  • Part of me thinks that Locke gave Charlie some kind of hallucinogenic like he gave Boone, and I really like your theory about Walt's possible involvement, Cihan. LOSTCasts 15: Fire + Water
  • You can get hallucinogenic everything in the jungle.
  • Colorful toadstools spring from the forest floor of a Vancouver rain forest. Toadstools like this Amanita muscaria are known for their hallucinogenic powers.
  • During the 1940s and 1950s both scientists and government intelligence agencies were interested in using hallucinogenic drugs such as mescaline and LSD as a ‘truth drug’.
  • Six minutes of hallucinogenic marching music. Times, Sunday Times
  • They took a powerful hallucinogenic.
  • If we were to discover that apples have definite aphrodisiacal qualities—or, in the specific case of Californians, if we were to discover that apples have hallucinogenic attributes previously unknown—the demand for apples would increase, causing the price of apples to rise. RETURN TO PROSPERITY
  • I probably sound a bit of a drip, but I feel I'm in this permanent hallucinogenic state.
  • As he was thought to have abused an hallucinogenic drug, he was given activated charcoal and sorbitol by nasogastric tube.
  • It is grown under ultraviolet lights and cultivated to yield a high amount of tetrahydrocannabidinol (THC) - a psycho-active compound that disrupts brain activity and provides a more hallucinogenic high. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • These early programs featured trippy, hallucinogenic animations that moved around the screen with perfect physics.

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