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How To Use Gusto In A Sentence

  • When we eat a hamburger, two million others are clogging their arteries with similar gusto. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kate Augusto, Danielle Capalbo and Nick Mendez report that Ayman Nour, a leading political dissident in Egypt, has decided to return to prison and finish his sentence in order to dramatize what he calls the Egyptian government's ongoing lack of respect for democratic values. Archive 2009-05-01
  • I had aced the course in high school, so what were these hieroglyphics that the professor scribbled on the blackboard with such gusto?
  • They attacked their meal with gusto.
  • London Olympics with gusto, Meadows is candid about her fear of the Games and the countdown to what she calls "doomsday". Evening Standard - Home
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  • For those people with healthy self-images, the obsession with money and security will be less, for they have found life is full of wonders and have learned to enjoy themselves with gusto.
  • Lipsky's hand-painted edges and the sweet smell of oil paint that had subtly impregnated the gallery were the only echoes of Guston's painterliness.
  • Nick of Time embraces its B-movie qualities with such gusto that it comes off like the kind of cheapie thriller Alfred Hitchcock would have directed to fulfill a studio contract. The Week in DVR: We Heart Ted Williams! Plus, a (Good) Comedy on Comedy Central and Christopher Walken Sports a Mustache of Bad
  • When the men with ripping muscles and lean frames slapped their arms and thighs in gusto and let out a Viking war cry, the entire place reverberated with the loud sharp blows.
  • Grandpa Captain Wilton, of before their time, but whose wild and lusty deeds and pranks, told them by their fathers, they remembered with gustoGrandpa Captain Wilton, or David Wilton, or "All Hands" as the Hawaiians of that remote day had affectionately renamed him. The Kanaka Surf
  • The afternoon was filled with mud, dirt, water, ice, soapy suds and laughter as the students from year 8 to 12 competed with gusto.
  • It might not be an album of quick-fire thrills, but for those who prefer grace over gusto, it's a pretty special one nonetheless.
  • Kalibo, Aklan (19 March) -- Ang mga Pilipino nga indi pa rehistrado nga botante apang gusto magboto sa maabot nga 2010 nasyonal kag lokal nga eleksyon ang may tsansa pa nga makaparehistro antes mag-abot o sa adlaw mismo sang Oktubre 15, ang gintalana nga deadline sang rehistrasyon sang Commission on Elections (COMELEC) sa mga upisina sang COMELEC o sa mga gindesignar nga mga lugar sang rehistrasyon. Undefined
  • Delicious fun, and drawn with great gusto. Times, Sunday Times
  • MS.); pilis stellatis brevibus rigidis asperis, foliis angusto-linearibus obtusis marginibus revolutis, floribus in ramos breves solitariis, staminibus sub-12 unilateralibus, filamentis infra medium inaequaliter connexis antheras longitudine aequantibus, ovario parvo globoso lanato.] [***** T. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • I taped the liturgy, played the tape in the car, and sang along with gusto.
  • _ Fulvus, latiusculus; antennarum articulo tertio piceo angusto lineari longissimo; abdomine vitta tenui nigricante; alis limpidis, costa vittaque postica fuscescentibus. Journal of the Proceedings of the Linnean Society - Vol. 3 Zoology
  • Two of Smith's untitled, long vertical paintings, one from 1956 in which suggestions of Jackson Pollock shine forth from a ladderlike assemblage of forms, and another from 1958 in which blunt, Guston-like dark lines give form to a spray enamel surface, are some of the most exuberant objects in either show. Art reviews: 'Philip Guston, Roma' and 'David Smith Invents' at the Phillips
  • And a committee has just been set up to ensure that its quatercentenary in 2011 is celebrated with rejoicing, gusto and a host of national commemorations. Times, Sunday Times
  • 19, 3, 'Bis deinde post Numae regnum [Ianus] clausus fuit, semel T. Manlio consule post Punicum primum perfectum bellum, iterum, quod nostrae aetati dei dederunt ut videremus, post bellum Actiacum ab imperatore Caesare Augusto pace terra marique parta.' The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • At the end of the day, private banks want to get their hands on customers' capital, which they invest with gusto in return for juicy fees.
  • Daniel Hertzberg for The Wall Street Journal Colson Whitehead The rollicking gusto of some of the writing, with its overheated adjectives and over-the-top images, is hard to resist: It was the passionless, death's-head skull of a long-dead corpse, instinct with hellish life; and the glazed eyes swollen and bulbous betrayed the thing's blindness. Instinct With Hellish Life
  • From first-year students right up to past pupils, many took to the stage with gusto with solo singers, duets, bands and dancers delighting the capacity audience.
  • Flower o’ Scotland was given the kind of revamp that must have had traditionalists birling, and it seemed to sum up everything that the national manager has been seeking from his players: all gusto and passion.
  • The gusto shown by all the participants makes the film 's hokum more enjoyable than it has any right to be. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the musical numbers soloists and chorus sang with gusto.
  • Aeneidi summam manum, statuit in Graeciam et in Asiam secedere triennioque continuo nihil amplius quam emendare, ut reliqua vita tantum philosophiae vacaret: sed cum ingressus iter Athenis occurrisset Augusto ab oriente Romam revertenti destinaretque non absistere atque etiam una redire, dum Megara vicinum oppidum ferventissimo sole cognoscit, languorem nactus est eumque non intermissa navigatione auxit, ita ut gravior aliquanto Brundisium appelleret, ubi diebus paucis obiit xi. The Student's Companion to Latin Authors
  • Guston consistently seeks out the least degree of form that distinguishes a meaningless blotch of paint from something that reads as a definable object. Art reviews: 'Philip Guston, Roma' and 'David Smith Invents' at the Phillips
  • Speaking of lawsuits, don't hold your breath waiting for an American president to apologize for Washington having supported dictators like Ferdinand Marcos and Anastasio Somosa and Saddam Hussein and Augusto Pinochet and Suharto and Rafael Trujillo and Mohammed Reza Pahlavi. If we allow cruelty. . .
  • My mother was piling her plate high with a greasy, fatty, fry-up of a mixed grill and tucking in with gusto.
  • Rolling his gutteral Prussian R's with gusto, he sang in an indescribable blend of nasality and hypertensive stridency. Music of the Weimar Republic --
  • She would dig and cultivate her plants with great gusto and had one of the finest gardens in the Institute compound.
  • To his detractors, Guston symbolized the regression of American culture, its surrender of serious painterly values to the vulgar sirens of mass culture.
  • He hustles from television hit to fundraiser to pep rally, with gusto and endless optimism. Though often overshadowed, DNC Chairman Tim Kaine remains a tireless, loyal messenger
  • Like Guston, Komarin deploys a set of singular motifs and cartoonish silhouettes that appear frequently in his works.
  • The arcana of these flow levels have become the very center of this heated dispute, as advocates attack each other's acceptable flow-rate figures with gusto.
  • Looking unashamedly middle-aged at times, she portrays the 15-year-old Anna with relentless gusto and enthusiasm.
  • Smoke wafts in pungent plumes but fans of his cuisine dig in with gusto, claiming that the food ‘makes men men’.
  • Aware of the abstractions of Rothko, Barnett Newman and Clyfford Still, Guston moved alongside them, exploring colour, space and painterly touch alone.
  • Note 138: Honorius Augustodunensis, Speculum ecclesiae; PL 172.852; Wolter, no. 8, p. 43: "me in gremio suo accepit." back A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Therefore, until I do get the gusto to draft one, this is a list of the things I want done if I die anytime in the next five years.
  • Pushkin continued his dissipated life after 1826 but with less gusto.
  • Rounding off this motley group, a talented ensemble of supporting players tackles the remaining characters - several apiece, in fact - with gusto and aplomb.
  • But, he sees off the harassment with as much gusto as he dealt with the pestering tabloid journalist in fancy dress. Times, Sunday Times
  • It remains notable, however, for the accuracy of its historical narrative and the gusto of its curators.
  • She was all smiles and loved to dance and at one point, she looked into my eyes and said, es mucho gusto conociendo ustedes porque son buena gente (she then grabbed my hand in both of hers and again looked me in the eyes again and said) eres firme. ..gente buena
  • I edit a newspaper that has embraced new media with creative, prizewinning gusto.
  • Their efforts, recorded live on set, add a rough gusto to the film's hokiness. Times, Sunday Times
  • Chile backs off plans to delete Gen Pinochet 'dictatorship' from school books Chile is backing off a controversial plan to remove the word "dictatorship" from school textbooks in reference to the military government of Gen Augusto Pinochet. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • She digs into their culture — with several sections written from ranid point of view — with anthropological care and gusto. I am friend to the undertow i take you in i don't let go
  • And mucho gusto is used both at the beginning and at the end of conversations, just like in English. Sabroso vs. Rico - tocayo - Mucho gusto
  • She knew that literature, writing and words are important elements of our lives and must be enjoyed with gusto, pleasure and passion.
  • The trio of new songs the band trotted out makes the piano balladry of Use Your Illusion look positively rockin’ and the old songs weren't performed with enough gusto to lend them new life.
  • Atau pergi Gusto Restaurant cari Tuna Steak (terpengaruh baca entry si AidaSue semalam). Kieli Diary Entry
  • She has all the gusto, verve and enthusiasm of youth. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bill Czolgosz alters, edits, expurgates, massacres and abridges the original Twain narrative with gusto; and delivers up a whimsyladen trek through the rotting heart of the Zombie Apocalypse. The War of The Worlds
  • It does almost everything wrong that can be done, with a kind of flatulent gusto that will make you want to murder Midway employees, screaming, Hah! Gauntlet: Dark Legacy Post-Mortem
  • There is no such thing as society," Augusto Pinochet's close friend, Margaret Thatcher, once intoned in her plummiest la-di-dah accent. Archive 2006-06-01
  • The ensembles are performed with delicacy or gusto as required.
  • So if you're served goose-berries, mulberries, bilberries or red-currants, then tuck in with gusto. Times, Sunday Times
  • He applied himself to his sailing exactly as he did his soldiering, with great gusto, enthusiasm and dedication. Times, Sunday Times
  • Served warm, the big, fat, juicy peppers, courgettes and aubergines had a breath of garlic and were consumed with great gusto.
  • Aware of the abstractions of Rothko, Barnett Newman and Clyfford Still, Guston moved alongside them, exploring colour, space and painterly touch alone.
  • On our way out Tony skedaddled toward the piano of course they had a piano near the communal lunch table -- the employees break bread together "family-style" everyday hitting the keys with gusto as he played us out. Carolyn Ossorio: L'art Pour L'art: Daytrippin' at World Famous
  • What most collectors wanted were Guston's graceful abstract paintings from the 1950's, not the lumpish, ragged late works that had caused New York critic Hilton Kramer to call Guston "A Mandarin Pretending to be a Stumblebum. John Seed: Mazurki: The Multiple Meanings of a Philip Guston Drawing
  • Gusto ko na lang mapag-isa sa aking munting mundo sa Bangkok. Kwentong Kengkay
  • A shallow pit is dug with initial gusto, to my mother's mild consternation.
  • Of course, the ancient Greeks and Romans, who coined the word "orgy," and found that dining lying down leveled the playing field, enjoyed blending sensory delights with equal gusto - banquets of music, food, dancing, alcohol and sex. NYT > Home Page
  • He remembers embellishing a paperback edition of William Burroughs's Dead Fingers Talk with needle tracks in red biro, and as a teenager took up drinking and smoking with gusto. Sam Willetts: A season in hell
  • The campesino man shook Frank's hand, nodded his head and said `Mucho gusto, hombre. DESPERADOES
  • He raced generously behind a strong gallop and quickened with gusto - albeit betraying a high head carriage in the process. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the last 10 years or so, neurobiologists have shown that our brain cells grow back - and they do so with gusto.
  • Recalled speedster Johnson, playing his first game of the series, bowled with great pace and gusto to claim 2-42, striking tail-ender Iftikhar in the head with a vicious bouncer in the process. - Stuff
  • C. ab Ioue principium, si quis canit aethera, sumat, si quis Atlantiaci pondus molitur Olympi: at mihi, qui nostras praesenti numine terras perpetuamque regit iuuenili robore pacem, 85 laetus et augusto felix adrideat ore. A Singing Match
  • Gusto offers a range of pastas, including rigatoni with mascarpone, lemon and Parma ham (370 rubles, $12.50), and entrees, from the chicken cutlet alla Milanese (390 rubles, $13) to the Chilean sea bass (1,250 rubles, The St. Petersburg Times
  • The crafty No.3, despite a heavy first half knock, defended with gusto and also went on a couple of forays into attack.
  • To a capacity crowd, they slip easily and eagerly into the role of warm-up band with a more than healthy gusto.
  • germina conparibus diuiderent spatiis. haec uiret angusto foliorum tecta galero, 'Gather ye Rosebuds'
  • I think the lack of money out there right now has killed some of the gusto in clients, and designers as well.
  • I would have to do this nutty, wild, exhausting sort of dance where I would flail my arms and legs out with so much gusto I would eventually lose some of the bottled up energy.
  • The acting, though amateurish, is energetic and delivered with gusto, and the awkward, theatrical dialogue becomes oddly appropriate (if somewhat stiff) in the affected presence of preening Alan. Children Shouldn’t Play with Dead Things |
  • The spined micrathena, common in the U.S., vibrates with such gusto that if you picked one up, you'd think it was a wind-up toy.
  • De todas las ejecuciones de mundos de papel, esta se distingue por su buen gusto, buena dirección de arte chicos. SCRIBE MUNDO DE PAPEL on Vimeo
  • Crisp, sharp hurling, was complemented by an unyielding spirit and determination, with the players confidently marshalling their sectors with great gusto.
  • Recalled speedster Mitchell Johnson, playing his first game of the series, bowled with great pace and gusto to claim 2-42, striking tail-ender Rao Iftikhar in the head with a vicious bouncer in the process. Latest News - Yahoo!7 News
  • Aquel libro de la editorial Anagrama no sólo me gustó por la historia de enredo y por hacerme reír a carcajadas (cosa difícil realmente), además los personajes eran elegantes, con garbo y estilo. Veruscio Diary Entry
  • While failing often to catch the gusto of ancient poetry -- witness his translations from Chaucer -- Wordsworth was full of the spirit -- witness his rifacimento of The Owl and the Nightingale --and, best of all, handed it on to Coleridge. Ballads of Romance and Chivalry Popular Ballads of the Olden Times - First Series
  • She no longer had to be guided to the bottle's nipple, grabbing it expertly and with gusto.
  • No other country in Europe immolates cars with the gusto and single-minded efficiency of France.
  • More than anything, it shows that food is a reflection of who we are as people - when she eats an Italian picnic on the floor of her otherwise perfect kitchen, the mess is almost more than she can bear, but soon she digs in with gusto.
  • She suggests that she is receiving the lock from the head of her poet/lover with all the gusto that one would experience upon receiving whole loads of cargoes from ships; the speaker exaggerates the value of that lock by asserting that it "outweighs argosies. Great Regulars: She applies the commercial metaphor
  • Tracy and Lu are the perfect traveling companions… not only do they know where the best eats in town are; they are up at the crack of dawn, ready to explore the city with gusto.
  • He is no Baltasar Garzón, the flamboyant, media-hungry Spanish magistrate who sought the extradition of Chile's Augusto Pinochet on charges that the Latin American strongman had Spaniards tortured and killed — and who is now weighing a possible case against some top Bush administration lawyers who gave advice clearing the way for the alleged torture of terror suspects. The Long Arm of the Law
  • Gergiev, his players, and his stable of Kirov singers are often ragged but what they lack in finesse or sheer lyrical beauty they more than make up for with gusto. Archive 2006-10-01
  • It helps that most of the supporting roles are played with lip-smacking gusto: Mr. Godley is in colossal form as Lord Evelyn Oakleigh, a Bertie Wooster-type boob who turns out to be one hell of a dancer, and Joel Grey is sweet and charming as Moonface Martin, the dimwitted gangster who prides himself on being Public Enemy Number 13. Sutton Foster's Got the Zowie
  • At seven o'clock the family heard him buy threepennyworth of hot-cross buns; he talked with gusto to the little girl who brought them, calling her "my darling". Sons and Lovers
  • The characters have been well cast and the actors attack the roles with gusto.
  • What's rather unique about this album is their dedication to structure, their deliberate attentiveness to carving the outlines of each song with methodic gusto.
  • Actually there's only one narrative poem in ‘Other Worlds’, and that is this rather black comic tale of homicide, ‘Volcano Vertigo’, which I think was written in a sort of spirit of serio-comic gusto.
  • What's important is to grab each day that we do have and to live it with grace, and gusto.
  • Yes, the film has been roundly trashed by many critics, but for my money, I thought it had some serious gusto.
  • And a committee has just been set up to ensure that its quatercentenary in 2011 is celebrated with rejoicing, gusto and a host of national commemorations. Times, Sunday Times
  • Below his crew bellow a song with gusto “Rule Britannia, Britannia rules the waves” and from high above he cries “That’s the way to do it!”
  • I found the restaurants and bars serving coffee and liquor with gusto and the cacophony raised by the tinkling of pegs and cups often made it impossible for us to hear azan from the mosque.
  • What redeemed his venomous ferocity was the gusto with which he wrote about the shows he did like—and there were plenty of them—as well as the judiciousness with which he weighed the merits of serious plays about which he had mixed feelings. He Knew What He Liked—Not Much
  • Guston may have chosen what felt like freedom at the time, but it drew him only deeper into himself, into a personal hermeticism and despair. Art reviews: 'Philip Guston, Roma' and 'David Smith Invents' at the Phillips
  • Uncle Arthur usedn't to mind it a bit; did it, indeed, with gusto. Christopher and Columbus
  • You began seeing the folds in the world like Picasso the dribbles of DNA like Jackson Pollock the over-inflated balloon tires on the jalopies of dangerous men in hoods smoking cigars like Philip Guston sitting in their cars at the edge of town looking out at their world looking out at the other who is always there your brother your twin your friend Roof of the World
  • Instead Isla will apparently have the attributes sincerity, strength and sound judgement and the motto 'I persevere' so unline most Dixons she may not begin all projects with great gusto only to abandon them 3 months later! TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • It's a piece that totters constantly on the brink of self-parody, but Webley attacks it with such savage gusto that it ends up being an album stand-out.
  • Both proved themselves adept farceurs, savouring every idiotic situation and line of dialogue with gusto and panache.
  • Soon after the goats ate the berries, they began prancing around with unusual gusto.
  • The afternoon was filled with mud, dirt, water, ice, soapy suds and laughter as the students from year 8 to 12 competed with gusto.
  • Hers was a minor part, but she played it with gusto.
  • This echoes the earlier reference to the Juitel in Honorius Augustodunensis's Speculum ecclesiae (beginning of the twelfth century), PL 172.852; Wolter, no. 8, p. 43: "videbatur Judaeo puerulo quod puerum illi picto similem populo divideret." back A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • Then one friend bit into the Gustoso - layers of mortadella, Genoa salami, and provolone on a crusty brown Vienna roll.
  • The film's efforts to establish Cage as a countercultural hero are a little heavy-handed, but you can forgive that for the gusto invested in every action sequence.
  • Academic standards are high, so students work and play with equal gusto. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even the synthetic serving - man, sitting at the table dressed in an unostentatious suit, applauded with gusto.
  • Few productions approach their subject material with anything like the gusto of the annual panto at Glasgow's Pavilion theatre.
  • D'Escoto said that "the United States has been in the business of the deionisation of people from (for) ever," but had "canonised" former Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos, former Nicaraguan dictator Anastasio Somoza and former Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet. Undefined
  • One of the factors is that it is a simple format, involving everyone and it is done with gusto and enthusiasm.
  • Having just come back from a fortnight in south-east Asia I approached Jamie's curry recipe with gusto, although my levels of grumpiness were accelerated by shopping – and shelling out £25 – for the 30-odd ingredients required to make it. Bish, bash, bosh: putting Jamie's 30 Minute Meals to the test
  • I created a monster when I taught my wife to fly-fish ... she took to it with gusto and now its nip and tuck as to who is the better fisher ... to her credit, when she does manage to out-fish me, she gives me that sweet smile and says: '"aww hon, its because I have an awesome teacher ... Where Fishing and Romance Meet
  • While he guzzled the champagne and plowed into his lobster, cracking the shell with gusto, she saw only lust for life. Shore Thing
  • And yet beneath the gusto of the narrative, there's a downbeat tone at work. Times, Sunday Times
  • Neither seem particularly suited to the territory of romantic melodrama, but they attack it with gusto from the outset. Times, Sunday Times
  • Once over the price shock, the next thing editors discovered was fillup shock: the Hemi slurps gasoline - regular unleaded, thankfully - with spectacular gusto.
  • Uncle Arthur usedn't to mind it a bit; did it, indeed, with gusto. Christopher and Columbus
  • His antipasto misto was an impressive-looking plate-filling selection of cold meats and salad, featuring salami, mortadella and parma ham, which she set about with gusto before pronouncing herself full and happy.
  • Mr. Breed pursed his little mouth and "sipped" with gusto. The Landloper
  • The director has collected together an energetic ensemble cast, who bring a good deal of improvisatory gusto to the proceedings.
  • ; w; * trauma, trauma* mi casita se puso a saltar la cuerda! pero luego me di cuenta que no era solo mi casita it was todo el Peru que creo que le gusto demasiado Jump it * 0* Crazydark Diary Entry
  • I have seen this message on the bus for the last 2 months of so, so I thought it would interesting to translate this "proclamation" as I continue to study Hanzi Chinese characters and maybe find a little enlightenment in what needs to be said with such gusto! More signs...
  • And he has bounced back each time, taking on each new opponent with typical gusto and a twinkle in his eye. The Sun
  • They shared a great gusto for life, a love of laughter and food as well as a zest for work and discovery. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had a grand gusto for the society he liked.
  • Masyadong abala yun sa bahay, at mas gugustuhin pa niyang manood na lang ng sine sa SM kaysa magYouTube at magdownload ng torrent … Hindi na rin kasi niya gusto na matuto pa ng ibang mga kumplikado na bagay. Global Voices in English » Philippines: An Internet-Savvy Grandmother
  • The orchestra played with a winning combination of gusto and precision.
  • Could it be that Old Reliable are finally showing their real selves, taking the gusto of their live performances into the studio and creating an album rife with true rock moments?
  • In addition, the centre has thrown itself into the bicentenary celebrations with gusto. Times, Sunday Times
  • Trieste (!), con la scritta: «Trieste, ai tempi di Augusto fece parte parte con la Venezia e l'Istria della decima regione dell'Impero. Netvouz - new bookmarks
  • They opened with a flourish and they set about with gusto on the task of extracting three points from Waterford United for the second time this season.
  • There is a real boyish gusto in his voice when he talks about it.
  • One thing you notice when you attend non-Catholic services where people sing with gusto, where people love their hymns, and the hymns truly do reflect an organic preference of the people: all the verses are sung because the hymn is the only thing going on. The Reform is Being Reformed
  • She no longer had to be guided to the bottle's nipple, grabbing it expertly and with gusto.
  • You have to admire the gusto with which Palin aligned herself with the Founding Fathers in spirited defense of the Pledge and the "under God" phrase, despite the fact that both were written long after the founders (and the framers, for that matter) were dead and buried. Palin and the Pledge - Swampland -
  • Q buena entrevista y que gusto que el lado grandioso y fascinante que tiene tijuana tambien se de a conocer, asi como las personas que promueven la cultura y el arte, como Rafa Saavedra, un imparable al escribir sobre todo lo relacionado con la ciudad y su transformación a travez de las ultimas dos décadas. Global Voices in English » Mexico: Telling Secrets on Twitter
  • A: No. The poor souls drown horribly and the sharks feed with gusto!
  • Whether it was the words of this address, or the tone in which it was uttered, need not be discussed; but it seemed to have the effect of bringing the old chief round, and when a basin of "kettler" was served out to him, he did not inquire what were the ingredients, but gobbled it up with evident gusto. The Three Commanders
  • The leading Skidoo didn't have enough gusto to pull up its two fully laden sledges, so we decided to take each sledge up one at a time.
  • The two boys also put in solid performances, tearing into their roles with the necessary gusto without ever overacting.
  • For precocious local high-school students like Philip Guston, Jackson Pollock and Walter Hopps, it had provided a mind-expanding opportunity to see in person what they'd only read about in art magazines.
  • And he has bounced back each time, taking on each new opponent with typical gusto and a twinkle in his eye. The Sun
  • One writer suggests over-complicating everything, and provides the following horrifying example of such a technique: "And he did then, with much gusto, verily grip his fingers around the weisswurst, a german sausage made from the meat of veal, otherwise known as baby cows or calves. Isabel Kaplan: One Novel, 30 Days
  • Love your throw caution to the wind attitude when it comes to being "bad" -- we do the same when it comes to indulging in hunks o'meat, go for the gusto with proper potatoes and roquefort. Recipes for Tuscan-style Grilled Steak with Roquefort-Rosemary Butter & Oven-Roasted Potatoes
  • The excitement, the gusto, the relish for a fight. Times, Sunday Times
  • The term ‘mandarin’ was intended to diminish what had set Guston apart as an abstractionist.
  • And he has bounced back each time, taking on each new opponent with typical gusto and a twinkle in his eye. The Sun
  • However, the curly parsley is back with gusto, which is fine with me because I love it, even though the flat kind is more trendy. Nothing Says Summer like Fresh Herbs: 2007 Garden Update #2
  • This release has plenty of gusto when the tracks are taken in moderation, but it's kinda hard to take the band's jarring riffing and constipated vocal delivery for an entire album.
  • I set out bulbs like daffodils and camas, which have naturalized with gusto.
  • All tasted, and John Howland hastily gathering up a portion upon a wooden plate carried it to the Common house for the delectation of the women, that is to say, for Elizabeth Tilley, whose firm young teeth craunched it with much gusto. Standish of Standish A story of the Pilgrims
  • Lordship, with his old Grin, "The warm bluid is nae tappit yet;" so they brought him a glass of burnt brandy-and-bitters, which he drank with great Gusto. The Strange Adventures of Captain Dangerous, Vol. 2 of 3 Who was a sailor, a soldier, a merchant, a spy, a slave among the moors...
  • He is an enthusiast rather than an expert, and as such he makes an eager, engaging guide, tirelessly scattering nuggets of fact and diving with gusto into Shakespeare's writing at every opportunity.
  • Member; that sort distinguished from the wordsworthian or egotistical sublime, which is a thing per se and stands alone), it is not itself — it has no self — it is everything and nothing — It has no character — it enjoys light and shade; it lives in gusto, be it foul or fair, high or low, rich or poor, mean or elevated. Subjecticity (On Kant and the Texture of Romanticism)
  • No one knows exactly when the tradition got started in St Lucia but the event is celebrated with gusto and much frivolity with activities lasting up to a week.
  • Augusto met the young girl on the beach, he was already becoming aware of his own sexual desire — he already searched his "blasphemies" in the Latin dictionary, meaning, of course, Latin words with a sexual content (112) — and he promptly converts this budding sexual awareness into child's play, re-inscribing it in the realm of childhood innocence. Children Playing by the Sea: the Dynamics of Appropriation in the Brazilian Romantic Novel
  • Mi idea es que los tamales se preparan por muchas razones, entre ellas: 1) rinden bastante; 2) ya que estén preparados, los que lleguen pueden comer a gusto sin costar más trabajo a los familiares y se pueden dedicar a los rezos. Novena?
  • He appeared completely recovered as he slid into his seat with a smile and ate his large breakfast with gusto.
  • David Campese and Paul Wallace speak with gusto, but rarely lapse into the uninformed sermonising that often marks out ex-players of their ilk. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Thus the prominent foreign policy analyst James Chace was properly using the term "stability" in its technical sense when he explained that in order to achieve "stability" in Chile it was necessary to "destabilize" the country by overthrowing the elected government of Salvador Allende and installing the dictatorship of General Augusto Pinochet. Is the World Too Big to Fail? The Contours of Global Order
  • The spiced pork was flavoured only delicately, and a touch on the dry side, but that just allowed it to soak up the rich jus with more gusto.
  • Pare sana eh sundin mo kung ano man yang gusto mo sa buhay. Archive 2007-07-01
  • We notice, in a pile of unnameable forms, suggestively titled "Residue," the shoe soles that will return again and again in Guston's later paintings, as well as hints of stubbed-out cigarette butts. An Anxious Modern Eyes the Eternal City
  • Augusto Pinochet was a dictator, murderer, torturer and money launderer. Pinochet's legacy
  • In other words, learn the Spanish phrase "mucho gusto. Washington Post: Breaking News, World, US, DC News & Analysis
  • Kids who perform understand the difference between executing a glissade and presenting one with gusto.
  • Well, when Diaz came out, the pair allegedly exchanged unpleasantries and then chased each other through the restaurant - Augusto, brandishing a pocket knife; Diaz, a straw dispenser.
  • Sa physiological tinukoy bilang "pare-pareho sa normal na gumagana ng isang organismo," Gusto din namin na isaalang-alang ang mga tao na gumagamit ng mga computer, calculators, at kahit na wristwatches cyborgs para sa aiding sa kanilang normal na cognitive function sa teknolohiko solusyon. »2,008» Hulyo
  • The three leads approach their roles with gusto, but it's simply not enough to overcome a weak and wandering screenplay.
  • But it doesn't stop me tackling a seafood lunch in Benidorm port with great gusto. The Sun
  • On the stage designer says delightedly , under the stage owner hears to nod repeatedly with gusto.
  • Digging with gusto into the full Scottish breakfast of eggs, bacon, black pudding, white pudding, tattie scones and toast with homemade whisky marmalade, Rob greeted his father with a full mouth, a grunt and a gesture toward the frying pan. A Small Death in the Great Glen
  • Luckily, this was on CNN, where someone to the left of Augusto Pinochet can still speak without being barracked or cut short.
  • She conducts with gusto and vivacity, and her orchestral forces are unusually strong.
  • Grandpa Captain Wilton, of before their time, but whose wild and lusty deeds and pranks, told them by their fathers, they remembered with gusto -- Grandpa Captain Wilton, or David Wilton, or "All Hands" as the Hawaiians of that remote day had affectionately renamed him. THE KANAKA SURF
  • Overview: As the youth-obsessed baby boomers advance, albeit reluctantly, into the next phase of their lives, they are embracing grandparenthood with the same gusto they have expressed for everything else … But grandparenting comes with a catch: It means you are getting old - or at least older. FH Boom Daily Digest - June 2, 2009 (The Boomer Blog)
  • He took to the Kiwi wine like a duck to water and by the time that Frenchman got to the barbie he was wielding a pair of tongs with gusto and flair.
  • With an obvious large amount of rehearsal, each was able to give the gusto needed for his or her routine.
  • He has resumed with gusto his cannonading of Congress and the establishment, doing what he does best.
  • The men go for it with equal gusto. Times, Sunday Times
  • MS.); pilis stellatis brevibus rigidis asperis, foliis angusto-linearibus obtusis marginibus revolutis, floribus in ramos breves solitariis, staminibus sub-12 unilateralibus, filamentis infra medium inaequaliter connexis antheras longitudine aequantibus, ovario parvo globoso lanato.] 143 [T. Journal of an Expedition into the Interior of Tropical Australia
  • Scott is eminently watchable, playing a convincing rogue with gusto.
  • In fact his theory about Protestantism, Catholicism and the Enlightenment is constantly being overruled or enlarged, I guess, by the passion and the gusto of those stories.
  • He raced generously behind a strong gallop and quickened with gusto - albeit betraying a high head carriage in the process. Times, Sunday Times
  • Hugh Jackman dons the titular part with imposing gusto and gives it charm and authority.
  • Give me some Cultural Artifact to dissect (gig, play, film, album, restaurant, exhibition) and I would bash out my pithy aperçus with gusto to spare.
  • Likewise, to the dismay of us linguists, National Grammar Day will mostly just result in prescriptivist dilettantes coming out in full force, tossing around ignorant grammatical proclamations with gusto, like so many dimes at a dime toss. National Grammar Day 2009: Ten Common Grammar Myths, Debunked « Motivated Grammar
  • I think one of the reasons we omnivores light into vegetarians with such unseemly gusto is that we realize, deep down, that we’re on shakier ground than we’d care to admit. With Enemies Like These…

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