[ US /ˈɡəsˌtoʊ/ ]
[ UK /ɡˈʌstə‍ʊ/ ]
  1. vigorous and enthusiastic enjoyment
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How To Use gusto In A Sentence

  • When we eat a hamburger, two million others are clogging their arteries with similar gusto. Times, Sunday Times
  • Kate Augusto, Danielle Capalbo and Nick Mendez report that Ayman Nour, a leading political dissident in Egypt, has decided to return to prison and finish his sentence in order to dramatize what he calls the Egyptian government's ongoing lack of respect for democratic values. Archive 2009-05-01
  • I had aced the course in high school, so what were these hieroglyphics that the professor scribbled on the blackboard with such gusto?
  • They attacked their meal with gusto.
  • London Olympics with gusto, Meadows is candid about her fear of the Games and the countdown to what she calls "doomsday". Evening Standard - Home
  • For those people with healthy self-images, the obsession with money and security will be less, for they have found life is full of wonders and have learned to enjoy themselves with gusto.
  • Lipsky's hand-painted edges and the sweet smell of oil paint that had subtly impregnated the gallery were the only echoes of Guston's painterliness.
  • Nick of Time embraces its B-movie qualities with such gusto that it comes off like the kind of cheapie thriller Alfred Hitchcock would have directed to fulfill a studio contract. The Week in DVR: We Heart Ted Williams! Plus, a (Good) Comedy on Comedy Central and Christopher Walken Sports a Mustache of Bad
  • When the men with ripping muscles and lean frames slapped their arms and thighs in gusto and let out a Viking war cry, the entire place reverberated with the loud sharp blows.
  • Grandpa Captain Wilton, of before their time, but whose wild and lusty deeds and pranks, told them by their fathers, they remembered with gustoGrandpa Captain Wilton, or David Wilton, or "All Hands" as the Hawaiians of that remote day had affectionately renamed him. The Kanaka Surf
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