How To Use Glutted In A Sentence
There was no feeling sorry: he took down too many days for easeful sorrow; he glutted on ruin.
they glutted the market in order to cause a shakeout of their competitors
By 1968, the theaters and airwaves were glutted with wacky spies.
Savage as a Red Indian, gambler and profligate, a man without morals, whose vengeance was never glutted and who stamped on the faces of all who opposed him — oh, yes, she knew all the hard names he had been called.
Chapter XIV
The worthy clerk of the Admiralty "glutted" himself with looking on her;
Royalty Restored
Investors also discovered that too many telecommunications operations had glutted the market with too much capacity, and prices in that business swooned.
This turned out to be quite affordable, since the used gun market is glutted with traded-in service revolvers these days.
It frequently occurs that the market is "glutted" with berries for a brief time in the height of the season.
Success with Small Fruits
If the critics feel "glutted" it's not because there are too many CG features out there.
SPA tries the waters with Open Season
It is a bloated consumer society where everyone's material needs are glutted - where a trip to the hypermarket involves shoving three brimming shopping trolleys together to form a wagon train but where nobody's emotional needs are met.
However pleasant it may be to the palate while we are feeding on it, it is sure to leave a bitter relish behind it; and so far, indeed, it may be called a luscious morsel, that the most greedy appetites are soon glutted, and the most eager longing for it is soon turned into loathing and repentance.
Amelia — Complete
The early years were difficult, and the recession of the early 1980s glutted the market with computer chips.
Gelber said he did not expect the Port of Miami to be glutted by incoming container shipments, as some have predicted, because there are three other major ports in south Florida to share the load.
The region is glutted with hospitals.
The market was "glutted," and the variety yielded berries so small and poor that they did not average five cents per quart.
Success with Small Fruits
The market was further glutted by the entry of Vietnam, which grew from a virtual nonproducer in 1990 into the second largest coffee producer in the world by 2000.
It comes ‘in curvets and caprioles, with the flashing of glutted fish-runs’, and so on for a page of equally shimmery and restive fine-tuning.
He got the impact, the heady sense of being glutted by imagistic language.
Times, Sunday Times
The singles scene today is glutted with people who are not committed to extramarital celibacy, and a great deal of prudence, tact, and self-control is needed by anyone who wants to have a nonsexual dating life.
Western banks were glutted with revenues from oil-producing countries as oil prices rose.
The boy glutted himself with the cake.
It only makes us more enemies and W has planted a big crop of those for us already so the market is kind of glutted right now.
The Full Feed from
The handful of guitar instruction DVDs I have watched range from superlative to abysmal, and nowadays the marketplace is glutted with guitar videos.
It's also clear that in an information-glutted age, the need to stand out is greater and big names come with ready-made recognition factor – so what might once have been a gimmick now seems like good marketing sense.
Slick Jagger? Joy Orbison? Why silly names hide credible music
When pond-raised trout glutted urban markets, the association turned to advocating establishment of wild populations in public waters rather than promoting pond culture.
Nowadays this status-chasing urge makes designer goods sorely alluring, even if they make no real difference to our luxury-glutted lives.
Times, Sunday Times
Part of it is the flood of traded-in service revolvers that have glutted the market since the massive law enforcement switch to the semi-automatic service pistol.
All railroads into Asia were glutted with troop trains.
It comes ‘in curvets and caprioles, with the flashing of glutted fish-runs’, and so on for a page of equally shimmery and restive fine-tuning.
Yet as more people separate glass, plastic and newspapers for recycling, markets have become so glutted that the price of these materials has plummeted, forcing some communities to pay to have "recyclables" carted to a landfill.
Adam Smith Turns Green
She left me in a state of sweaty, exhilarated exhaustion, while she glowed with glutted satisfaction beside me.
Times, Sunday Times
But as the shrinking demand for classical recordings, or a glutted market, led to a marked decline in sales, and recording costs continued high, labels started dropping orchestras one by one.
NSO back on the record -- or CD
Since additional cattle haven't glutted the market, cattle prices remain stable.
Leaping down the bank beyond the glutted passage, he gained the hard-footing of the sled-trail and made better time.
The unemployed crowded the city, and were sustained by state imports of grain, now available as tribute, which glutted the markets, fed the soldiers, and were from time to time distributed to the populace at cheap rates.
Higher mortgage rates and over-building left some markets glutted with unsold houses.
The path, always travelled from daylight to dark, and which he had so recently seen glutted with humans, now in its emptiness affected him profoundly with the impression of the endingness of all things in a perishing world.
Philanthropy had come to know Mrs. Crisparkle during the last re – matching of the china ornaments (in other words during her last annual visit to her sister), after a public occasion of a philanthropic nature, when certain devoted orphans of tender years had been glutted with plum buns, and plump bumptiousness.
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
a glutted market
Men on small bicycles and motorcycles wove through streets glutted with battered taxies and city buses, while women on foot carried big bucket baskets filled with produce on the ends of long poles balanced on their shoulders.
Deadly Promises