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[ US /ˈɡɫətɪd/ ]
  1. exceeding demand
    a glutted market

How To Use glutted In A Sentence

  • There was no feeling sorry: he took down too many days for easeful sorrow; he glutted on ruin.
  • they glutted the market in order to cause a shakeout of their competitors
  • By 1968, the theaters and airwaves were glutted with wacky spies.
  • Savage as a Red Indian, gambler and profligate, a man without morals, whose vengeance was never glutted and who stamped on the faces of all who opposed him — oh, yes, she knew all the hard names he had been called. Chapter XIV
  • The worthy clerk of the Admiralty "glutted" himself with looking on her; Royalty Restored
  • Investors also discovered that too many telecommunications operations had glutted the market with too much capacity, and prices in that business swooned.
  • This turned out to be quite affordable, since the used gun market is glutted with traded-in service revolvers these days.
  • It frequently occurs that the market is "glutted" with berries for a brief time in the height of the season. Success with Small Fruits
  • If the critics feel "glutted" it's not because there are too many CG features out there. SPA tries the waters with Open Season
  • It is a bloated consumer society where everyone's material needs are glutted - where a trip to the hypermarket involves shoving three brimming shopping trolleys together to form a wagon train but where nobody's emotional needs are met.
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