How To Use Gigantism In A Sentence
In 1992 I visited the island of Komodo - home of the Komodo dragon - to study gigantism among reptiles.
Interest in dwarfism, gigantism, and acromegaly has spanned the centuries; literature, especially for children, is filled with stories about dwarfs and giants, while Old Testament writings have several descriptions of giants.
Gigantism is common and examples include: Chatham Islands karamu (Coprosma chathamica) and the tree koromiko (Hebe barkeri), both of which are the largest species in their genera; and the akeake (Olearia traversii), one of the largest tree daisies on earth.
Chatham Island temperate forests
Typical island adaptations, such as gigantism and dwarfism, occur in genera that are found elsewhere in Africa.
Sao Tome and Principe moist lowland forests
While neither of these fish and jellies - and there are far too many to name here - are monsters in size, there is something called abyssal gigantism, the tendency for other forms of extremely deep-dwelling organisms to not only be odd, strange, bizarre and darned creepy but also - yes, you guessed it - HUGE. via)
Dark Roasted Blend

It's so large, in comparison to its land-dwelling relative, the familiar and even slightly cute pillbug or sowbug, because of the phenomenon of deep sea gigantism, which also gives rise to the giant squid.
April 2010
Before she went over to gigantism, Frey worked at a scale that allowed her to channel this fascination into what she called her bricolage sculptures.
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Examples of such dwarfism or gigantism include the giant tortoises of the Seychelles islands, Indonesia's Komodo dragons, and the boas of the Belizean Snake Cayes.
There is a phenomenon known as deep - sea gigantism.
Many variations in the human form, such as dwarfism or gigantism, can arise from such combined mutations.
He published 400 papers, many of major importance, on subjects as diverse as acromegaly, Cushing's syndrome, gigantism, the effects of prolonged fasting, diabetes, and the hormone aldosterone.
Both men owe their extreme height to a condition called acromegalic gigantism.
But the ratite lineage in general, with its heritage of gigantism and flightlessness, is relictual on Australia, New Guinea, and New Zealand and was until recently on Madagascar, having held out in those places while long ago disappearing from the mainlands.
The Song of The Dodo
Too much growth hormone in children who are still growing will make their bones and other body parts grow excessively, resulting in gigantism.
The over production of somatotrophin can cause gigantism while under production can result in dwarfism.
freaked out," because she didn't recognize Tanya. acromegaly, also known as gigantism, caused by a tumor in her brain that is pushing on her pituitary gland, causing it to produce an excess of growth hormone.
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Evolutionary features typical of island faunas and floras, such as gigantism, dwarfism, and unusual ecological, physiological, and behavioral adaptations are also found in a range of species.
Sao Tome and Principe moist lowland forests
Dr Kuntner explained that the widely accepted theory was that evolutionary pressure was causing female "gigantism", with the females increasing in size in order to produce larger numbers of offspring.
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Such gigantism usually leads to some form of extinction.
Hypertrophy of the digits is the result of many different processes, and true hypertrophy or gigantism must be differentiated from acromegaly, elephantiasis, leontiasis, and arthritis deformans, for which distinction the reader is referred to an article by Park.
Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
It's not certain why dinosaurs grew to such large sizes, but there are clues to the process of gigantism and its possible advantages.
A minority of patients have gigantism / acromegaly with elevated levels of prolactin and growth hormone.
The over production of somatotrophin can cause gigantism while under production can result in dwarfism.
The dodo of Mauritius (a giant pigeon) is a famous example of island gigantism.
Gigantism is common and examples include: Chatham Islands karamu (Coprosma chathamica) and the tree koromiko (Hebe barkeri), both of which are the largest species in their genera; and the akeake (Olearia traversii), one of the largest tree daisies on earth.
Chatham Island temperate forests
The XIT was the largest cattle ranch in the world, and its size likely appealed to that pursuer of gigantism, Seton-Karr.
Bird Cloud
Examples of such dwarfism or gigantism include the giant tortoises of the Seychelles islands, Indonesia's Komodo dragons, and the boas of the Belizean Snake Cayes.
That would encourage financial gigantism, which is not good.
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