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[ UK /ɡˈɪɡəntˌɪzəm/ ]
  1. excessive largeness of stature
  2. excessive size; usually caused by excessive secretion of growth hormone from the pituitary gland

How To Use gigantism In A Sentence

  • In 1992 I visited the island of Komodo - home of the Komodo dragon - to study gigantism among reptiles.
  • Interest in dwarfism, gigantism, and acromegaly has spanned the centuries; literature, especially for children, is filled with stories about dwarfs and giants, while Old Testament writings have several descriptions of giants.
  • Gigantism is common and examples include: Chatham Islands karamu (Coprosma chathamica) and the tree koromiko (Hebe barkeri), both of which are the largest species in their genera; and the akeake (Olearia traversii), one of the largest tree daisies on earth. Chatham Island temperate forests
  • Typical island adaptations, such as gigantism and dwarfism, occur in genera that are found elsewhere in Africa. Sao Tome and Principe moist lowland forests
  • While neither of these fish and jellies - and there are far too many to name here - are monsters in size, there is something called abyssal gigantism, the tendency for other forms of extremely deep-dwelling organisms to not only be odd, strange, bizarre and darned creepy but also - yes, you guessed it - HUGE. via) Dark Roasted Blend
  • It's so large, in comparison to its land-dwelling relative, the familiar and even slightly cute pillbug or sowbug, because of the phenomenon of deep sea gigantism, which also gives rise to the giant squid. April 2010
  • Before she went over to gigantism, Frey worked at a scale that allowed her to channel this fascination into what she called her bricolage sculptures. Latest News
  • Examples of such dwarfism or gigantism include the giant tortoises of the Seychelles islands, Indonesia's Komodo dragons, and the boas of the Belizean Snake Cayes.
  • There is a phenomenon known as deep - sea gigantism.
  • Many variations in the human form, such as dwarfism or gigantism, can arise from such combined mutations.
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