How To Use Germinal In A Sentence
The same motifs are found in samples from both transgenic and wild-type germinal center B cells.
Teratoma typically contains tissues derived from all 3 germinal layers, whereas dermoid cyst presumably originates from ectoderm and mesoderm.
The pollen cells are formed from mother cells by a process of cell division and subsequent setting free of the daughter cells or pollen cells by rejuvenescence, which is distinctly comparable with that of the formation of the microspores of Lycopodiaceæ, etc. The subsequent behavior of the pollen cell, its division and its fertilization of the germinal vesicle or oosphere, leave no doubt as to its analogy with the microspore of vascular cryptogams.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
While germinal creativity produces unique ideas, the child may not yet have the ability to execute them well or communicate them clearly to others.
A further law of 18 Germinal of the following year provided for the decimalisation of the new currency and the naming of it as the ‘franc’.
Again, this foolishness is not, I presume, an official position of the SSPX, but is a logical consequence, it seems, of imbibing certain notions of her defectibility, which notions can be seen in germinal form, for example, in H.E Williamson's recent claim that Authority and Truth are now divided in the Catholic Church.
Once it reaches the final site, the larva transforms into a sporocyst, which is little more than an amorphous, germinal sac.
But what we call crude forms are often in reality germinal forms; and one or other of these flowered at once into the practical conclusion that God must know all his trouble, and would work for him a worthy peace.
The radiation injuries to your nongerminal body cells were only moderate, thanks to your armor, and genen procedures have healed them completely.
Perseus Spur
B longitudinal section through the axis, g primitive-gut cavity, a primitive mouth-aperture, i inner cell-layer (entoderm, endoblast, gut-layer), e external cell-layer (outer germinal layer, ectoderm, ectoblast, or skin-layer).
The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
Individual traits are not transmitted from the hen to the egg, but they develop out of germinal factors which are carried along from _cell to cell, and from generation to generation_ ....”
Manhood of Humanity.
In addition, the grains were observed to float in water with sacci uppermost, consistent with the suggestion that distally placed sacci serve to orientate the germinal furrow of the pollen grain towards the nucellus of an inverted ovule.
This formation of germinal vesicles and prothallium seems very different from the formation of archegonia and prothallium in Selaginella, for instance; but the link which connects the two is in the gymnosperms, where distinct archegonia in a prothallium are formed.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
A bioplast, they tell us, is a germinal point in germinal matter or bioplasm.
Life: Its True Genesis
The ovarian eggs of all animals are identical, small cells with vitellus, germinal vesicle and germinal spot.
Facts and Arguments for Darwin
In them there are these differences from the above process: the contents of the male cell, represented by the pollen, are not differentiated into spermatozoids, and there is no actual contact between the contents of the pollen tube and the germinal vesicle, but according to Strashurger, there is a transference of the substance of the nucleus of the pollen cell to that of the germinal vesicle by osmose.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
It has been reported that the use of THH leads to reversible inhibition of germinal cell development in both humans and rats.
The germinal vesicle now secretes a wall, divides into two parts, and while the rest of the embyro-sac fills with endosperm cells, it produces by cell division from the upper half a short row of cells termed a suspensor, and from the lower half a mass of cells constituting the embryo.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
Some of these may possibly find their way into the germinal ridge; some probably undergo atrophy, while others may persist and become the seat of dermoid tumors.
XI. Splanchnology. 3. The Urogenital Apparatus
The globular wall of the blastula is a real blastoderm, and consists of homogeneous (blastodermic) cells; it is not yet differentiated into the two primary germinal layers.
The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
In common snook, the germinal epithelium is active throughout the year, producing follicles where the oocyte is in arrested meiosis, diplotene of the first meiotic prophase, and the germinal epithelium is always discontinuous.
These are identified by the alternation of the germinal epithelium between continuous and discontinuous types and the stages of germ cells present.
DNA from 11 independent germinal revertants was cloned and sequenced.
Stagnant pools were found full of them, and the obvious difficulty of assigning a germinal origin to existences so minute furnished the precise condition necessary to give new play to the notion of heterogenesis or spontaneous generation.
Fragments of science, V. 1-2
The primitive germinal cells are the spermatogonia, which lie peripherally in the tubule wall, outside the barrier of Sertoli cell junctions.
At the top of this macrospore or embryo-sac two or three germinal vesicles are formed by free cell formation, and also two or three cells called antipodal cells, since they travel to the other end of the embryo-sac; these latter represent a rudimentary prothallium.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
With Solomon, thoughtfulness prevailed, reducing both concertos to the germinal idea.
The surrounding stroma was infiltrated by plasma cells and scattered aggregates of lymphocytes, forming follicles with germinal centres.
The germinal epithelium is composed of epithelial cells that become prefollicle cells when associated with oogonia, as in Fundulus grandis.
One minute before this he was an irresponsible baby "cheeking" Moles White; now he was the germinal man, borne down with the weight of life.
Tell England A Study in a Generation
A neuropathic or psychopathic or neuropsychopathic constitution with its usual causes (germinal, intrauterine or extrauterine, usually of a toxic, infectious or disturbed metabolic nature, and including particularly alcohol, syphilis and nutritional disorders) may form the ground work.
The Journal of Abnormal Psychology
Finally, we find in many ova (but not in all) a still further point within the germinal spot, a "nucleolin," which goes by the name of the germinal point.
The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
Until recently it was regarded as a general rule that, by the partial segmentation of the vitellus a germinal disc was formed, and in this, corresponding to the ventral surface of the embryo, a primitive band.
Facts and Arguments for Darwin
Special names have been given to these parts of the ovum; the cell-body is called the yelk (vitellus), and the cell-nucleus the germinal vesicle.
The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
Microscopy revealed acellular laminated membranes with a germinal layer within the medullary cavity of the tibia and fibula.
The germinal idea here was that the dead walk the earth.
They have been long known in the organs called the antheridia of mosses, Hepaticcae, and Characeae, and have more recently been discovered in peculiar cells on the germinal frond of ferns, and on the very young leaves of the buds of Phanerogamia.
COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
There were certain differences in pollen extine sculpture and germinal pore.
The primitive germinal cells are the spermatogonia, which lie peripherally in the tubule wall, outside the barrier of Sertoli cell junctions.
It was also shown that what is called delamination -- the rise of the two primary germinal layers by the folding of the surface of the blastoderm (for instance, in the Geryonidae and other medusae) -- was a secondary formation, due to cenogenetic variations from the original invagination of the blastula.
The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
It isn't sensible to make predictions based on evolution when cloning and germinal choice technology are a decade away.
Out went the old months - January to December - and in came Vendémiaire, Brumaire, Frimaire, Nivôse, Pluviôse, Ventôse, Germinal, Floréal, Prairial, Messidor, Thermidor and Fructidor.
But in the monotremes the formation of the cenogenetic entoderm does not precede the invagination; hence in this case the construction of the germinal layers is less modified than in the other amniota.
The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
The cell synthesized by somatic cell nuclear transfer, no less than the fertilized egg, is a human organism in its germinal stage.
Teratoma typically contains tissues derived from all 3 germinal layers, whereas dermoid cyst presumably originates from ectoderm and mesoderm.
These ideas had a wide influence on the creation of the Franc Germinal (17 Germinal an XI, 7 April 1803) and on the law granting the Banque de France its monopoly on issuing banknotes.
The fact that Professor Beale has discovered that what he calls bioplasm and germinal points or bioplasts may take on a distinct and separate color from tissue, when subjected to a solution of carmine in ammonia, is no evidence that he has penetrated the adytum of this sacred temple of Life, wherein lies the "mystery of mysteries.
Life: Its True Genesis
Franck often starts with a germinal motif from which the rest of the material develops.
That these are not T lymphocytes was confirmed by CD3 immunostaining, which showed only occasional T cells in the germinal centers.
Diagram of the four secondary germinal layers, transverse section through the metazoic embryo: Figure 1.74 of an annelid, Figure 1.75 of a vermalian. a primitive gut, dd ventral glandular layer, df ventral fibre-layer, hm skin-fibre-layer, hs skin-sense-layer, u beginning of the rudimentary kidneys, n beginning of the nerve-plates.)
The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
In DNA blot analysis, no somatic or germinal transposition events could be detected from lines that carried Ac3.
The germinal story ideas in the notes did not go down well.
Times, Sunday Times
If any germinal point in germinal matter, therefore, be a bioplast, then every germinal point, to the extent of making up its entire mass, must be a bioplast; and the distinction between the two becomes merely verbal, and without generic signification.
Life: Its True Genesis
She's currently putting together a collection of fiction that includes these pieces, and a second novel is in the germinal stage.
The macrospore or embryo-sac produces a prothallium called the endosperm, in which archegonia or corpuscula are formed; and lastly, in typical dicotyledons it is only lately that any trace of a prothallium from the microspore or pollen cell has been discovered, while the macrospore or embryo-sac produces only two or three prothallium cells, known as antipodal cells, and two or three oospheres, known as germinal vesicles.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
The cells in the germinal zone have receptors for growth hormone, and growth hormone is probably directly responsible for stimulating these stem cells to proliferate.
The pollen cells are formed from mother cells by a process of cell division and subsequent setting free of the daughter cells or pollen cells by rejuvenescence, which is distinctly comparable with that of the formation of the microspores of Lycopodiaceæ, etc. The subsequent behavior of the pollen cell, its division and its fertilization of the germinal vesicle or oosphere, leave no doubt as to its analogy with the microspore of vascular cryptogams.
Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
Joining a germinal but growing movement, the soldiers represent that war-weariness and a desired return to sanity in the country.
The role of the Sertoli cells is to nourish the developing and maturing germinal cells which are eventually released into the lumen of the tubule as spermatozoa.
The ovarian eggs of all animals are perfectly identical, small cells with a vitellus, germinal vesicle and germinal spot" (paragraph 278).
Facts and Arguments for Darwin
Radiation inhibits mitotic activity in the germinal cells of the epidermis, hair follicles, and sebaceous glands.
[73] The entire field of race betterment and social improvement is divided between _eugenics_, which considers only germinal or heritable changes in the race; and _euthenics_, which deals with improvement in the individual, and in his environment.
Applied Eugenics
Transgenic selection assays provide a unique opportunity to study the mechanisms of mutagenicity in different somatic and germinal tissues in vivo.
A first cleavage of the stem-cell (cytula), B division of same into four segmentation-cells (only two visible), C the germinal disk divides into the blastoderm (b) and the periblast (p). d nutritive yelk, f fat-globule, c ovolemma, z space between the ovolemma and the ovum, filled with a clear fluid.)
The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
In germinal lineages, replicative insertions are frequent, occurring in premeiotic, meiotic, and postmeiotic cells, while excision events are rare.
At this time, expression within the eyes and tectum becomes restricted to cells within the proliferative germinal zones.
An emerging constant among vertebrates is the presence of a germinal epithelium composed of somatic and germ cells in both males and females.
In Berlin's germinal article, he uses the term epistemology, and scholars in composition studies have followed suit.
Regulation can determine where germinal technologies develop and how publicly they are used, but resistance is futile, since it is impossible to stop the technology everywhere.
The film represents something of a milestone - many of the elements of all the crime and action films of the future are here already, in germinal form.
A. Egg of the Dog, with the vitelline membrane burst, so as to give exit to the yolk, the germinal vesicle (a), and its included spot (b).
In addition to these buds containing germinal elements alone, there is another which illustrates the process of "gemmation" -- i.e. the direct out-growth of a fully formed offspring.]
Darwin, and After Darwin (Vol. 1 and 3, of 3) An Exposition of the Darwinian Theory and a Discussion of Post-Darwinian Questions
The surrounding stroma was infiltrated by plasma cells and scattered aggregates of lymphocytes, forming follicles with germinal centres.
There are many types of cells in the body and they have been classified in several ways. basic structure (for example, cuboidal cells); tissue type (for example, hepatocytes of the liver); germinal cells (for example, ova and sperm); and somatic cells (for example, non-reproductive cells of the body).
They may represent calcified daughter hydatid cysts separated by fibrous tissue or, more likely, a redundant, folded, inner germinal wall of a cyst.
Indeed, it is significant that in this book, Smith's interpretation of Marx is in part derived from Bertell Oilman's germinal book Alienation.
Our investigation reveals that there is constant origin of ovarian follicles from the germinal epithelium among taxa.
Insects are identical, small animals with head, thorax, and abdomen; that is to say if, only noticing what is common to them, we leave out of consideration the difference of their development, the presence or absence and the multifarious structure of the vitelline membrane, the varying composition of the vitellus, the different number and formation of the germinal spots, etc.
Facts and Arguments for Darwin