
[ UK /d‍ʒˈɜːmɪnə‍l/ ]
  1. seventh month of the Revolutionary calendar (March and April); the month of buds
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How To Use Germinal In A Sentence

  • The same motifs are found in samples from both transgenic and wild-type germinal center B cells.
  • Teratoma typically contains tissues derived from all 3 germinal layers, whereas dermoid cyst presumably originates from ectoderm and mesoderm.
  • The pollen cells are formed from mother cells by a process of cell division and subsequent setting free of the daughter cells or pollen cells by rejuvenescence, which is distinctly comparable with that of the formation of the microspores of Lycopodiaceæ, etc. The subsequent behavior of the pollen cell, its division and its fertilization of the germinal vesicle or oosphere, leave no doubt as to its analogy with the microspore of vascular cryptogams. Scientific American Supplement, No. 531, March 6, 1886
  • While germinal creativity produces unique ideas, the child may not yet have the ability to execute them well or communicate them clearly to others.
  • A further law of 18 Germinal of the following year provided for the decimalisation of the new currency and the naming of it as the ‘franc’.
  • Again, this foolishness is not, I presume, an official position of the SSPX, but is a logical consequence, it seems, of imbibing certain notions of her defectibility, which notions can be seen in germinal form, for example, in H.E Williamson's recent claim that Authority and Truth are now divided in the Catholic Church. Clarification
  • Once it reaches the final site, the larva transforms into a sporocyst, which is little more than an amorphous, germinal sac.
  • But what we call crude forms are often in reality germinal forms; and one or other of these flowered at once into the practical conclusion that God must know all his trouble, and would work for him a worthy peace. Malcolm
  • The radiation injuries to your nongerminal body cells were only moderate, thanks to your armor, and genen procedures have healed them completely. Perseus Spur
  • B longitudinal section through the axis, g primitive-gut cavity, a primitive mouth-aperture, i inner cell-layer (entoderm, endoblast, gut-layer), e external cell-layer (outer germinal layer, ectoderm, ectoblast, or skin-layer). The Evolution of Man — Volume 1
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