How To Use Germicide In A Sentence
The first essential point is to test the unknown disinfectant, which may be referred to as germicide-x, on the lines set out on page 311 to determine its inhibition coefficient.
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
I better break out the elbow grease, more lighting, a bucket in case I'm wrong about the bone dry angle, and all the paper towel and germicide sprays in the cupboard.
Into the depths! (:snicker!: She wrote "ballcock!")
In the 1920s, Australian researchers took a serious look at tea tree and discovered that the oil exhibited up to 13 times more antiseptic activity than carbolic acid, the standard germicide in use at the time.
One such product, Magic Touch, is marketed as a lotion, an antibacterial, an antibiotic, and a germicide that is "great to apply open wounds because it helps heal the skin without scars.
Don’t use Clarcon skin products, says FDA
Research has not shown an increased resistance of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to hospital germicides and disinfectants.
The germicide does not need to be changed after each cleaning if the mop head is not placed back into the germicidal solution after cleaning has begun.
The National Fire Protection Association is concerned about the use of flammable liquid germicides where electro-surgery or lasers are used.
Research has not shown an increased resistance of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to hospital germicides and disinfectants.
The stretcher is cleaned with a hospital-grade approved germicide.
Many cleaning products contain chlorine, petroleum-based surfactants and distillates, formaldehyde and germicides - many of which are potent poisons.
Many studies have shown that sodium hypochlorite household chlorine bleach is a highly effective germicide in the laundry, and adding chlorine bleach to your wash also increases the sanitizing effect of cooler water washes.
Targeted to the food services industry Rochester-Midland Corporation also sells what's in the US an EPA-registered germicide/sanitizer under the "Microdyne" tradename which contains 3.5% available iodine and phosphoric acid.
Question ;Microdyne
Bobby Bianchi: an Italian mobster trying to peddle a product called "Germ-o-Whack" which shoots a germicide out of a water pistol.
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In 1980, the primary methods for medical device sterilization were ethylene oxide, gamma, electron beam (E-beam), moist heat, dry heat, liquid-chemical germicide, and other gaseous methods.
One type of ultraviolet light, UV-C, has been used as a germicide in health care, food processing and waste treatment for more than 50 years.
Low-level chemicals are germicides used on environmental surfaces, and high-level chemicals are used on medical devices.
This is a chemical germicide with label claims for effectiveness against Salmonella, Staphylococcus, and Pseudomonas.
Ajowan seeds contain an essential oil which is about 50% thymol which is a strong germicide, anti-spasmodic and fungicide.
Garlic works as an antibiotic, antiviral, antifungal, antiseptic and a germicide.
What Are the Health Benefits of Garlic?
Chemically-produced white skin occurs in the use of some germicides and in the production of rubber products.
It was a potential measure to screen antagonistic bacteria and produce microbial germicide in the control of fusarium wilt of banana.
Additionally, it is used in fungicides, germicides, herbicides, and insecticides, and as a catalyst in the vulcanization process.
The present invention discloses one kind of germicide composition containing trichlamide and thiophanate - methyl and its application.
In fact, there is nothing that you can do with any germicide or any cleansing product to eradicate microorganisms.
Equipment and playing areas contaminated with blood should be cleaned and disinfected with an appropriate germicide.
The air is sucked out of the infected cavity and replaced with ozone, a powerful germicide.
The EPA classifies germicides as sporicides, general disinfectants, hospital disinfectants, detergents, sanitizers, and others.
When using a chemical germicide to achieve high-level disinfection, an agent registered with and approved by government regulatory bodies should be selected.
Industrialists claimed that although industrial pollution killed fish, it did not contain germs and indeed might act as a germicide and have a positive effect on water.
YOULUJIN ( sodium Dichloroisocyanurate ) is a kind of high effective and widely used germicide and disinfectant.
The word disinfectant is synonymous with the term _bactericide_ or _germicide_.
A Practical Physiology
The EPA classifies germicides as sporicides, general disinfectants, hospital disinfectants, detergents, sanitizers, and others.
For more persistent mildew, use mild soap containing a germicide and water.
Any reports of bird deaths received by veterinary or public health volunteers are checked, with samples sent for testing and the areas in which the birds were found are sprayed with germicides.