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[ US /ˈdʒɝməˌsaɪd/ ]
  1. an agent (as heat or radiation or a chemical) that destroys microorganisms that might carry disease

How To Use germicide In A Sentence

  • The first essential point is to test the unknown disinfectant, which may be referred to as germicide-x, on the lines set out on page 311 to determine its inhibition coefficient. The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
  • I better break out the elbow grease, more lighting, a bucket in case I'm wrong about the bone dry angle, and all the paper towel and germicide sprays in the cupboard. Into the depths! (:snicker!: She wrote "ballcock!")
  • In the 1920s, Australian researchers took a serious look at tea tree and discovered that the oil exhibited up to 13 times more antiseptic activity than carbolic acid, the standard germicide in use at the time.
  • One such product, Magic Touch, is marketed as a lotion, an antibacterial, an antibiotic, and a germicide that is "great to apply open wounds because it helps heal the skin without scars. Don’t use Clarcon skin products, says FDA
  • Research has not shown an increased resistance of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to hospital germicides and disinfectants.
  • The germicide does not need to be changed after each cleaning if the mop head is not placed back into the germicidal solution after cleaning has begun.
  • The National Fire Protection Association is concerned about the use of flammable liquid germicides where electro-surgery or lasers are used.
  • Research has not shown an increased resistance of antibiotic-resistant bacteria to hospital germicides and disinfectants.
  • The stretcher is cleaned with a hospital-grade approved germicide.
  • Many cleaning products contain chlorine, petroleum-based surfactants and distillates, formaldehyde and germicides - many of which are potent poisons.
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