How To Use Gauche In A Sentence
It's considered gauche to flaunt your wealth.
Times, Sunday Times
Yes, yes: I realize it's gauche to go on about the Strokes.
Moi j'etais dans la voiture a un stop donc je n'ai pas pu aider la vieille femme qui 'perdue' est resté abasourdie au milieu du passage clouté immobile a regarder de droite a gauche ...
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
As such, he was utterly made for the job, as his combination of physical clumsiness, verbal ineptitude and unwaveringly glaikit expression must have made even the most gauche and pallid code-cruncher feel like a cocksure sophisticate.
Be My Enemy
What makes the Jack Flash sequences arguably escapist is not just their gaucheness but the vicarious thrill of his anti-establishment rebellion.
Essay Rant Thingy

I have, too, a sort of spiritual gaucherie which makes me unapt to participate in any rite.
We're all a bit gauche when we're young.
He takes his place in the new date-unspecific, genre-bending scheme of things with assurance rather than gaucheness.
Times, Sunday Times
The bill would add five lysosomol storage diseases to the newborn screening panel: Pompe disease or acid maltase deficiency; Krabbe disease or globoid cell leukodystrophy; Gaucher's disease; Niemann-Pick disease; and Fabry disease.
Clovis News Journal : News
I think she was a little gauche, thoroughly charmed by the literary excitement of it all, and didn't realise he was maybe a little more amorous than she gave him credit for.
Le spectacle se décale de gauche à droite puis dans l'autre sens à chaque solstice me permettant d'assister au ballet des saisons.
French Word-A-Day:
There were awkward speeches saying kind and clumsy things, gauche jokes and real fondness.
La France fit alors le blocus des côtes, ce qui obligea la cour du Siam à renoncer à toute revendication sur la rive gauche du Mékong tandis que nous gardions en otage les provinces de Chantaboun et de Paknam.
KI Media
There were awkward speeches saying kind and clumsy things, gauche jokes and real fondness.
She had grown from a gauche teenager to a self-assured young woman.
There's something endearingly gauche and ham-fisted about the way in which this tune almost succeeds as a Stock Aitken Waterman soundalike, but ultimately just falls short.
It was merely a gauche expression of a feeling of ownership, a childlike discovery of proprietary rights where the immediate and instinctive reaction is to take the toy apart.
Such cases make it difficult to know when an outsight is necessary, and when it is gauche.
Admission: I'm a southpaw myself, but my main gauche still lags behind its more popular sibling in terms of technique, so I'm not sure how much this would help me.
Archive 2007-02-01
Sometimes it's hard to know when Tom Brokaw is actually gauche or playing gauche; actually ironic or ironizing his own irony.
Todd Gitlin: Sunday Watch 10-5-08: In Which Tom Brokaw Goes Foxy
Tea is a bit gauche and over too quickly.
Times, Sunday Times
But he has allowed his enemies to represent him as a figure of immense gaucherie, cynicism, and stupidity.
Mark Miller: Newspaper Swindlers Black and Radler Look Quaint by Today's Standards
The ensemble playing that provides the story's milieu has an organic feel, but is often fussy and gauche when what's required is brisk, broad caricature.
One example of the application of this technique is in the distinction of trans and gauche rotational isomers.
If anyone has the gaucherie to point out the left's nearly unblemished record of rooting against America, liberals turn around and scream "McCarthyism!
Archive 2007-02-01
These essays and poems collectively establish a literary tradition for the country rooted in gauchesco poetry, in both European and Argentine writers, in the frontier-like atmosphere of the compadritos: "Foulmouthed men who whiled away their time behind a whistle or a cigarette and whose distinctive traits were a high-combed mane of hair, a silk handkerchief, high-heeled shoes, a bent-over gait, a challenging gaze … [in a] classic time of gangs, of Indians," i.e., the characters in "The Man on Pink Corner" and the men Dahlmann encounters when he travels South.
(Night cl.), “voilà une grande ignorance de ne savoir pas que l’on presente la main droite à un médecin et non pas la gauche” — whose exclusive use all travellers in the East must know.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
Cinq ans après la loi de mars 2004 sur le voile à l'école, le problème de l'affichage de signes distinctifs religieux particulièrement voyants et attentatoires à la féminité – burqa ou niqab – suscite à nouveau un vif débat qui transcende largement le clivage droite-gauche.
[l'interdiction du burqa] pourrait expédier l'islamicization
It has a bleak, haunting charm which, while not fully compensating for some gauche and cheesy passages, is oddly appealing.
It would be gauche to mention the price.
Their dialogue is gauche at times, but that is part of the realism that underpins the film 's wistful pathos.
Times, Sunday Times
His book bears testimony to the nationalist character of Argentinian communism, which is some - times called socialismo gauchesco or marxismo ver - náculo (“cowboy socialism or vernacular Marxism”).
Simple self promotion is jarring, far too revealing and far too blunt, gauche, clumsy, and vulgar.
When did our leaders become so gauche, impolite, rude and downright insensitive?
Their fear is credible, and with this realism the film rises above its gauche moments and becomes beguiling.
Times, Sunday Times
The label Kaviar Gauche started in 2003 by Alexandra Fischer-Roehler and Johanna K hl, after the designers graduated from the Esmod Fashion School in Berlin and refined their design skills.
The Berlin Runway
I would have loved to pair my cheese with a red wine but because of medication I am currently unable to drink so I settled for the very gauche option of a bowl of latte instead.
She was a gauche tomboy from the projects, in clumpy boots and combats.
Maybe it's gauche to ask somebody if they got contacts.
But the hair flicking and lame jokes that delight the boys at the Actuary of the Year dinner are gauche and slightly cringeworthy on the stage of a 1,915-seat theatre.
Contre-attaque du blog de gauche, Think Progress: “apprenez à prendre des photos!”.
Think Progress » Protest Turnout: A Picture’s Worth a Thousand Lies
Malcolm Turnbull, was to be my morning blast today – but even shades of his amazing gaucherie has failed to make the passing grade.
Whatever are Guardiola's reasons (is homeboyism a word?) for promoting the gauche, unadept Busquets ahead of the unarguably world-class Toure, the former tends to give the ball away in crucial areas (see Walcott's goal among quite a few other occasions this season) and is just not all that.
The Guardian World News
Although he crows endlessly about dating a younger woman, he often seems ashamed by her gaucherie.
Everyone is so dramatically over-styled that in my messy cords & borrowed denim jacket I felt somewhat gauche.
She was a rather gauche,(Sentencedict) provincial creature.
Biochemical and imaging work has established that the storage inclusions of Gaucher cells are composed of flat layers of crystallized glucocerebroside, as well as tubular structures consisting of twisted multilayers and flat layers.
A few men suppress coughs, but most people in the room are hard of hearing, so the minor gaucherie passes without notice.
Jack Kerouac, Republican Party Hero
Is he the artless, slightly gauche, little-boy-lost he appears on screen, who forms a fantastic rapport with his subjects, but who, by the end of his films, just happens - seemingly by accident - to leave them completely exposed?
For all his occasional gaucheness and undue display, he is the most thoughtful and provocative poet writing in English today.
I've been told repeatedly that the residents of LA never ask for autographs - it's considered gauche.
When I listened to his academic way of putting things I felt gauche and inarticulate.
In a country built on slavery, Jim Crow and lynching, as well as one which to this day has a significant statistical difference in economic stability between races (as evidenced by the article at top), white people whining about unfairness is about as gauche as it gets.
Think Progress » National Review ‘symposium’ on black unemployment has no black participants.
Current favourites include my gunmetal grey dress by Gucci, a flesh-coloured silk dress with a huge rose corsage by Yves St-Laurent Rive Gauche, and a fabulous pure white dress by Versace.
I find him terribly gauche.
I'm at my friend's parents 'home in Paris' rive gauche for their weekly Sunday dinner.
Rosalia Gitau: T.I.A.: This Is Africa
They thus suggested that the iron in Gaucher cells arose from erythrophagocytosis and that the erythrocyte was the source of cerebroside in the Gaucher cells.
Sometimes it's hard to know when Tom Brokaw is actually gauche or playing gauche; actually ironic or ironizing his own ...
Todd Gitlin: Sunday Watch 10-5-08: In Which Tom Brokaw Goes Foxy
Wandering downstairs, I saw a gauche teenager sat on the bench seat near the exit - just him and a camera case on a seat for three.
Its dialogue is gauche at times, but that is part of its credible portrayal of its characters, a likable pair.
Times, Sunday Times
There were awkward speeches saying kind and clumsy things, gauche jokes and real fondness.
Times, Sunday Times
Today it was a highly formalized and formularized tongue reserved for occasions when the vulgate was considered either gauche or insufficiently precise.
The Swordbearer
Yeah, I guess it would be a little gauche to try to "oversee" recovery efforts from the "ranch" while on vacation.
August 2005
He must be unheroic and yet brave, gauche and yet practical, ill and yet strong.
When I listened to his academic way of putting things I felt gauche and inarticulate.
It can look a little gauche to blog about some seemingly random scrap of nostalgia, but if I link those memories to an anniversary then suddenly my blogpost has an acceptable reason to exist.
There's something endearingly gauche and ham-fisted about the way in which this tune a-l-m-o-s-t succeeds as a Stock Aitken Waterman soundalike, but ultimately just falls short.
‘Gauche, perhaps, but practical, functional, and utilitarian,’ Saffron said.
I do think that untucking a traditional long-tailed dress shirt is a bit gauche, but most modern styles have either shorter shirttails or a flat bottom designed to hang out, so it's not much of a problem.
He was, though, hopeless as a TV presenter: gauche, clumsy, slow, tongue-tied, forgetful, dull and disengaged.
Alors je relance Firefox, vais sur le site… et pour trouver où uploader l'upgrade… grrr… c'est en tout petit à gauche,… et apparemment on se reprend la totale… pendant ce temps, ça me permet d'écrire ce commentaire.
Déluge Second Life: ça recommence — Climb to the Stars
You see freckles and gaucherie; I see statuesque beauty, and the intense attraction of a fiery temperament.
But here, high-tech hipsters are regarded as, well, gauche.
What makes the Jack Flash sequences arguably escapist is not just their gaucheness but the vicarious thrill of his anti-establishment rebellion.
Essay Rant Thingy
How gauche I was to say what I thought and wanted!
Well, that may have at one time been the case, back before it became gauche, but let me assure you, that is most definitely NOT the case anymore.
We've looked the other way at the gaucherie of extreme consumption, spawned by the greatest concentration of wealth since the 1920s.
To The Rich, From America
I anticipated someone overtly bookish, withdrawn or slightly gauche, and whose idea of fun was deciphering crossword puzzles.
It's considered gauche to flaunt your wealth.
Times, Sunday Times
Current favourites include my gunmetal grey dress by Gucci, a flesh-coloured silk dress with a huge rose corsage by Yves St-Laurent Rive Gauche, and a fabulous pure white dress by Versace.
It was all very serious, with a constant fear of getting some nuance wrong, of revealing the gauche suburban soul beneath the fishnet tights.
“Bella,” chided Mrs. Griffiths, while Myra, recalling a gauche uncle and cousin who had come on from Vermont several years before to visit them
An American Tragedy
Paris fashion "Saint Laurent: Rive Gauche" exhibits 70 ensembles in a venue remodeled to resemble the first Saint Laurent rive gauche boutique in 1966.
What's on Around Europe
But the director has managed to reduce their talents to mumming cyphers and horrible gaucherie.
Times, Sunday Times
Oh ben oui on m'en avait parlé mais personne n'arrivait a m'dire comment faire exacetement on me renvoyait a chaque fois a droite a gauche alors la on m'le propose je saute sur l'occas '.
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
It's a shame that this album highlight is immediately followed by a song so embarrassingly gauche.
I have, too, a sort of spiritual gaucherie which makes me unapt to participate in any rite.
CUSTOM: Une etoile de strass sur le coin de l'oeil gauche
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
Like, when one of the characters extolls Beowulf's deeds and says how his story will live on forever, and you think, yeah, until a millenia and a bit later when it'll get dug up, rewired into a monstrously misshapen thing, painted in gauche muticolour, and made to dance like a monkey-puppet in a Follywood Spectacular.
I Am Beowulf! You're Going Daaaaahn!
In the last 15 years, the mode of quick cutting has hidden some of the physical gaucheries, but it can't give them graces they don't possess.
What the Greek kopus was to the sarissa and the Roman pugio was to the gladius, so too was the French gauche to the sabre, the Spanish daga to the espada, the Scottish dirk to the basket hilt, and the English dagger to the rapier.
It's considered gauche to flaunt your wealth.
Times, Sunday Times
Bihar chief minister Nitish Kumar today described the behaviour of MPs in Parliament over the issue of increasing their salaries as "gaucherie", saying this gives a wrong impression about those who are in politics.
Daily News & Analysis
In her taste, her cultural and political awareness, even her personal appearance, she seems like a product of the Rive Gauche.
I'm not sure: was it considered "gauche" or did the chomping frazzle my father's ...
Stephanie Gertler: Left-Overs
And the art the lottery winners make of themselves is gauche and clichéd.
Times, Sunday Times
To keep on the Paris analogy, Broadway in Kits, could remind me of Paris Bld St Germain, with which it shares the same width 26 to 30m, not because of the architecture but because of the fair “rive gauche” or gentrified bohemian feeling, provided by urban form, shop mix, restaurants style…:
Olympic Line (short) closure notice « Stephen Rees's blog
Its dialogue is gauche at times, but that is part of its credible portrayal of its characters, a likable pair.
Times, Sunday Times
Younger people often feel gauche and awkward, and frequently self-conscious.
Banish Anxiety - how to stop worrying and take charge of your life
At which Sir Charles burst out into a yelling laugh, and made me blush not a little at my gaucherie; for the fact is, seeing him in the condition in which he was, I could not help speculating upon the chance a man of spirit might have with his widow.
The Memoires of Barry Lyndon
Surtout qu'elle avait une montre plus grosse que le bras a son poignet et une pendule a sa gauche!
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
En fait le capteur du pied gauche glisse et a la facheuse habitude de se deplacer a coté de la fleche du bas ...
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
The slightly gauche figure-drawing adds to the carvings' fey allure, but their chief trait is an obsession with describing drapery and water in very low relief through swathes of sinuously convoluted line.
They had begun at once to employ upon him the oldest arts known to woman, and he was not flustered or "gauche" -- a word Winona had lately learned.
The Wrong Twin
Well, mes amis, la vaste conspiration gauche de médias d'aile, or what you've come to know as the Vast Left Wing Media Conspiracy is ramping up their pre-election efforts to slander the Commander In Chief.
Archive 2004-03-07
These Gaucher cells had voluminous pale basophilic cytoplasm with a crinkled, striated appearance.
The dizziness might be from the faint memory of my uneasy childhood, the memory of my gauche first love, or from the memory of every humiliation I have had.
their excellent manners always made me feel gauche
Lors du congrès de SYRIZA (Coalition de la Gauche radicale) au mois de juin, l'« Aile novatrice » du parti a quitté le congrès en annonçant son intention de former un nouveau mouvement.
World Socialist Web Site
The former claimed he had stolen their patter, the latter that his vulgar, earthy humour was the contradictory métier of a gauche social climber.
No one has ever accused Trump of being a slave to dignity, but this public quibbling over the size of his bank account raises the bar on gaucherie.
David Collins: None Dare Call Him Poor
‘The new bet on mysticism, fideism, and orthodoxy’ (Jean-Francois Six's phrase) is not one that Marcel Gauchet would make.
Alta Boover had a blast as Prince Orlofsky, giving us all a treat with her antics, and Jeremiah Butterfield was suitably gauché as Frank, the prison warden.
His words for modern luxury would have included gauche, vulgar, nouveau, tasteless, and, most interestingly, offensive.
Although landing in the City of Light, typing on Karl Lagerfled's literal doorstep is a bit gauche, very American and maybe a bit brash.
Alex Geana: Crashing Paris Fashion Week (PHOTOS)
We're all a bit gauche when we're young.
There were awkward speeches saying kind and clumsy things, gauche jokes and real fondness.
Times, Sunday Times
It remains as awkward and gauche as it was when we were 16 years old.
The Sun
He was, though, hopeless as a TV presenter: gauche, clumsy, slow, tongue-tied, forgetful, dull and disengaged.
He is an extraordinary amalgam of intelligence and foolishness, wisdom and innocence, grace and gaucherie, charm and histrionic offensiveness.
In the second instance, embarrassment makes Jean infringe the dietary code governing the gouter for which his status as an orphan has earned him an invitation and which only serves to highlight his social inferiority and his gaucherie.
Its dialogue is gauche at times, but that is part of its credible portrayal of its characters, a likable pair.
Times, Sunday Times
J’atteignis le Condillac sur le troisième rayon à gauche, et je me disposais à me retirer; mais l’abbé me retint. —
Le Petit Chose (part 1) Histoire d'un Enfant
This chain disorder results from trans-gauche isomerism about the C-C bonds in the lipid chains.
Now while that celebration was deserved, if a little gauche and overly triumphal, the reasons for it must be analysed.
He insinuates himself into party after party, observing a parade of gauche behavior, depravity, and selfishness.
If I were strapping a sword and a main gauche, that is.
Ode to a silver hair found in my hairbrush:
And a little something leafy underneath just hides that rather gauche moment when a tulip stem leaves the bare earth.
Times, Sunday Times
Nixon worked his way through a crowd, shaking hands, and in his "gauche" (Brown's word) way, tried to connect with people by asking them, "How does it feel to be free?
Lance Mannion:
My own first exposure would be 15 years later, gaping with a group of gauche friends at a third-generation video copy procured by an entrepreneurial older schoolboy.
I had dinner with Lord Beaumont (then Liberal now Green) and an assortment of Frenchmen from the Radicaux de Gauche, whom we thought might be more Liberal than our official partners, the Giscardiens (they weren't much better).
Why visit Croydon?
Do you think this is a bit loud, you know, gauche, for someone in my condition?
Tocqueville's discussion of religious moeurs in the second volume of Democracy in America sets the stage for Gauchet's contention that the essential nature of modern European democracy is an endless dispute over legitimacy.
Le tout a du être surmonté d'un heaume, car on voit encore de chaque coté de l'écu des lignes courbes multiples, qui doivent nécessairement représenter les lambrequins; sur le côte gauche, un bout de banderolle, mais l'_artiste_ a dû abandonner sa première idée, car le haut de la banderolle se perd dans les lignes du lambrequin.
Picturesque Quebec : a sequel to Quebec past and present
There were awkward speeches saying kind and clumsy things, gauche jokes and real fondness.
Times, Sunday Times
So while I slog through my day-to-day drudgeries, he is cavorting on the Champs-Elysées and decadently nibbling pain au chocolat on the Rive Gauche.
En mettant le tapis de travers et bien quand je fais un pas a gauche mon pied se pose automatiquement a coté de la fleche du bas! c'etait tout con et ca a l'air de bien marcher!
Pinku-tk Diary Entry
too gauche to leave the room when the conversation became intimate
But the director has managed to reduce their talents to mumming cyphers and horrible gaucherie.
Times, Sunday Times
Gaucher disease; Niemann-Pick disease; Krabbe disease; metachromatic leukodystrophy; Tay Sachs; Sandhoff
Biochemical Genetics-Metabolic Disease
I realize I am helpless in the face of such penetratingly gauche cluelessness, and thus, I do the only thing I can do.
Gaucher disease is a typical lysosomal storage disease resulting from an inborn deficiency of -glucocerebrosidase, which leads to the accumulation of glycolipids in macrophages.