How To Use Gangway In A Sentence
All internal ironwork and insides of gangways were painted with aluminium paint.
She waited by the gangway and caught his arm when his numbed foot missed a worn rubber cleat.
As the ship's company, in their summer whites, descended the gangway in single file, a roar of jubilation filled the air.
The ocean swell separates gangway from platform at times by several meters and we must jump when ordered.
The pressed men looked very sulky and angry, and eyed the shore as if even then they longed to jump overboard and swim for it; but the sentry, with his musket, at the gangway was a strong hint that they would have other dangers besides drowning to contend with should they attempt it.
True Blue
A man in the gangway suddenly stood up to reach for something in the overhead locker.
Mr. Carney said that he had served on many vessels, and had visited many more, where the fuel oil shut-off valve actuators were located in public spaces such as passageways, the crew laundry, or the poop deck near the gangway.
It was neatly folded and carefully done up, with various seals and blue ribbons, in a package about six inches wide by eighteen in length, and was guarded by the select half of the Faroese army and navy, being exactly twelve men, and delivered by the amtman of the island with a few appropriate and impressive remarks, after which it was hung up over the cabin gangway by the captain as a solemn warning to all future passengers.
The Land of Thor
I therefore kept the felucca away until I found that she was rather more than holding her own in the race, when I once more lashed the tiller, and, calling to Dominguez to look out for the things that I was about to launch overboard, ran to the gangway, and first successfully set the wash-deck tub afloat, then rolled the breaker of water out through the open _gangway_, and finally sent the mast and sail adrift; after which I returned to the tiller and watched the process of picking up the several articles, as I gradually brought the felucca to her former course, close-hauled upon the starboard tack.
A Pirate of the Caribbees
Walking along the narrow gangway of the theater, I see a familiar face.
Boarding the luxury yacht was strange - walk along a gangway, but then pull yourself up on a rope that enabled you to clamber aboard.
Crew on board the CSL Yarra have been denied food and other supplies by the ship's owners as the stand-off at Port Pirie enters its third day with ship workers refusing to lower the gangway.
Please clear the gangway, thanks for your cooperation.
They both stood at the rail as the gangway was eventually raised and the ship was nudged out of its berth.
Instead he found himself running down a ship's gangway, helping troops prepare for the biggest invasion in military history.
It sheared past in a scream of iron, stripping away a section of the starboard rail and crushing the wooden gangway to matchwood.
He was the man who sometimes got ahead of me in the Covent Garden gallery queue and took over what I thought of as my seat on the centre gangway of the front row.
Senator Kendrix Vincent walked up the gangway into the hold of her ship, the Blue Delphinus.
Ninety-Nine Islands aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaA day off in Sasebo, Japan. aaaaaaaaaaI’m down the gangway and gone.
October « 2009 « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
On 2 July 1994 a 6-year-old boy fell off a gangway leading to a viewing platform on a New Zealand Rail train.
He had to sit in the gangway until the train reached Bath.
The ship's company, resplendent in white, marched onboard and cheered ship, before CMDR Sammut was piped across the gangway for the first time.
Gatha stomped his way up the gangway, working his fury out on the iron grillwork.
He said: ‘Everyone was brilliant and it just shows how important it is to keep the gangways clear.’
The auctioneer stepped up onto the gangway above the sheep pens, briefly registered the small crowd of burly men in padded waistcoats and tweed hats and cleared his throat.
Walking along the narrow gangway of the theater, I see a familiar face.
In the House of Lords they had to stand in a kind of gangway, and I have heard a venerable man tell how a certain distinguished peeress, who had to pass along this gangway when she went to hear the debates, used deliberately to brush against the reporters as she did so, and knock the note-books out of their hands.
Memoirs of Sir Wemyss Reid 1842-1885
Shaped like the letter Y, the main bridge is curved, with a secondary gangway linked to the quayside a short distance away.
The auctioneer stepped up onto the gangway above the sheep pens, briefly registered the small crowd of burly men in padded waistcoats and tweed hats and cleared his throat.
His porky arms spilled over the sides of his chair and threatened to encroach mine. His fat legs blocked the gangway, meaning I couldn't step over him to get to the loo mid-flight.
The emigrants had great fun at first coaxing their unwary fellows to stand near the windward gangway, and get well "soused" by the water which now and then came dashing over the rails.
The Liberian Exodus. An Account of Voyage of the First Emigrants in the Bark "Azor," and Their Reception at Monrovia, with a Description of Liberia--Its Customs and Civilization, Romances and Prospects.
The gangway was installed on Friday for a weekend visit by construction workers and their families prior to the transatlantic liner's maiden voyage.
The trireme had 3 banks of oars, and a full spar deck instead of the centre-line gangway of the early bireme.
Luckily, the gangway gate, which he had pushed out had floated alongside of him on the tideway, and he had retained consciousness enough to grasp one side of it with a drowning man's grip, but was in danger of momentarily losing it.
The Boy Scouts on the Yukon
He slipped and fell on an airplane gangway as the cameras rolled.
In all, 176 passengers were escorted off the Mississippi Belle II without incident over a gangway rigged up from the shore, officials said.
He was up the ladder and into the wheelhouse before I had stepped over the coaming of the steel door to a transversal gangway.
Pulling up before the general store, Grace dismounted and elbowed her way through a crowd of men, smilingly demanding "gangway," which was readily granted, though accompanied by quite personal remarks about her, to which, of course, the Overland girl gave not the slightest heed.
Grace Harlowe's Overland Riders in the Great North Woods
The big problem is that you can no longer walk up the gangway.
Times, Sunday Times
However, the metal gangway which joined ship to shore was badly damaged and cadets have been busy repairing it.
Asked by Navy News if a sailor on Christmas Island now was to approach his ship, would he find a Naval police coxswain at the foot of the gangway waiting to check his bag?
He and the delegates went up the gangway of 19 ships in the ports of Cairns and Townsville to check pay and conditions.
Dozens of people were on the gangway to board the ship when the passageway collapsed, according to the rescue workers.
The mate a cruel fellow give him a word, you'll be brought to the gangway.
As dozens of people crowded on to the gangway, the structure collapsed.
Man, it was perishin 'cold, but I'd done my job judgmatically, an' came scrapin 'all along her side slap on to the lower gratin' o 'the gangway.
The Day's Work - Volume 1
We got talking when she was sitting in the gangway of the crowded train next to my seat and she was writing an essay.
The launch reached the shore and tied up to a floating pontoon connected by a gangway to the dock.
In one case, he said, a gangway was built to take pupils to a dining area.
Then just as the gangway was about to be withdrawn, it suddenly came over her that a whole ocean was soon to roll between her and those who loved her best, and she clung to Laurie, the last lingerer, saying with a sob ...
Little Women
He doubled up like a jackknife, fell back against the gangway gate, which had not been properly fastened, and shot through it into the tideway, here very swift, and disappeared.
The Boy Scouts on the Yukon
The VIPS came ashore and the gangway was removed.
A woman conductor does have limitations when having to move through the gangway of a crowded bus during peak hours.
Down the middle, by the ends of the benches, ran a gangway, along which three overseers paced leisurably, each with a tall, flexible wand in his hand.
The Blue Pavilions
Man the side -- gangway lanterns there," quoth the officer on duty; and by the time we were close to, there were two sidesmen over the side with the manropes ready stuck out to our grasp, and two boys with lanterns above them.
The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 20, No. 579, December 8, 1832
Many clubs do not have moorings but certainly have docks, piers, gangways and floats.
A section of the starboard bulwarks was removed to create a gangway, or opening.
At the end of the gangway is a platform and next to that the patrol boat bobs in the three-foot chop.
That was not an employee/employer case, but the plaintiff was injured on the gangway of a ship.
Many of the criteria are very specific, with the number and size of safety barriers and the length and width of gangways having to comply with set standards.
Then with a great shout he began to plunge over bodies and kit-bags down the gangway towards us.
Mac relaxed his jaw then nodded toward the exit and led the way out and down the gangway to the main corridor.
Someone had fallen from the gangway of the square rigger Peking into the 48 degree East River -- and suddenly that dilemma memorialized in Woody Allen's film Manhattan was really happening. | Atlanta Video News
At the end of the day we have got to be mindful of passenger safety, and we can't allow buggies to block gangways.
Local interest was further evident when the ship opened her gangway to the public.
By the time that they reached Dover he had become so used to his wife's condition that he made but little fluttering as she walked out of the boat by that narrow gangway which is so contrived as to make an arrival there a serious inconvenience to a lady, and a nuisance even to a man.
Can You Forgive Her?
Many sailors ran down the gangway Friday, carrying roses for their loved ones waiting on the fogbound shore.
Each child left the ship with a signed certificate and a goody-bag of sweets, chocolates, a drink and a Royal Navy hat - although most of the food was eaten before they got near the gangway.
Ivan started climbing the staircase that spiraled up to the payload section and gangway.
Mr. Carney said that he had served on many vessels, and had visited many more, where the fuel oil shut-off valve actuators were located in public spaces such as passageways, the crew laundry, or the poop deck near the gangway.
Now from the ship's gangway came seven trumpeters dressed in glistening plaids: each led with a silver chain a grayhound, and each of the seven hounds carried in his mouth an apple of gold.
Figures of Earth
The big problem is that you can no longer walk up the gangway.
Times, Sunday Times
Wearing embroidered palikari vest, puffy-sleeved poukamiso, and pleated foustanella shirt, my grandfather bestrides the gangway.
I've tried coming in through both doors and can't see a gangway wide enough to get through.
As for a cat itself, I cannot say too much against it; and it is singular, that the other meanings of the single word are equally disagreeable; as to _cat_ the anchor, is a sign of _going to sea_, and the _cat_ at the gangway is the worst of all.
Olla Podrida
The breakfast and game of two-up on the flight deck was a bit of a novelty for the members of USS ESSEX, and a large crowd soon gathered on the gangway of the ESSEX to observe the events occurring on SUCCESS ' flight deck.
There is another level below however which gives the public access to walk across metal gangways right through the engine room.
And he might have made it too, if it wasn't for the little old lady blocking the gangway, trying to get her case onto the luggage rack.
As they dig amid the rubble, recovery workers are uncovering corridors and gangways that lead to the cavernous vaults below.
The connecting bus took us up into Terminal One and within 10 minutes I was on the gangway of the Heathrow Express.
The bus company sent free journey vouchers, but defended its stance on keeping gangways free in case of emergencies.
It was an organized move on the part of the sailors, evidently countenanced by the captain; for by the time we arrived where the gangway had been, it was being hoisted up, and the skiff, slung in the ship's davits, was likewise flying aloft out of reach.
It's easier to go down the aisles and along the gangways to get to where you want to go.
The cracking of timbers told him that all was over with the Swash, nor had he got back as far as the gangway with his prize, before he saw plainly that the vessel had broken her back, as it is termed, and that her plank-sheer was opening in a way that threatened to permit a separation of the craft into two sections, one forward and the other aft.
Jack Tier
Please clear the gangways, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for your co-operation.
None of which saved me from a hand down my trousers after I was hauled aside for a random check on the gangway leading to the aircraft.
On a customary tropical Hawaiian day, personnel mustered on the gangway and were whisked away to the Arizona Memorial.
Many sailors ran down the gangway Friday, carrying roses for their loved ones waiting on the fogbound shore.
He stood on the section of the deck behind the gangway, in that ill-defined area that was called the quarterdeck, along with the others going on shore leave, sunlight and shadows from the masts and rigging falling across them.
Wellspring of Chaos
The radioman threw several switches and began to talk softly into his mike, as Nelson left the Radio Shack, climbing the gangway to the Flying Bridge.
Hundreds of fans are seen standing and some are blocking the gangways, others are gesticulating at opposing fans.
They leave slurry channels and other pools or lagoons where they have developed to crawl very rapidly along walls and gangways into milking parlours and other farm production areas.
The mate a cruel fellow give him a word, you'll be brought to the gangway.
She waited by the gangway and caught his arm when his numbed foot missed a worn rubber cleat.
They didn't take any of the available seats downstairs, yet they didn't obstruct the gangway by huddling in the aisle.
By late 1945, when I was transferred to the North Atlantic route, the Liberator had elementary heating and two rows of seats with a central gangway, but still no steward.
Walking along the narrow gangway of the theater, I see a familiar face.
The appearance of Captain Andersen on deck is politely acknowledged by the amtman, who thereupon orders his men to pull alongside, when the two cabin-boys and the cook kindly assist him over the gangway.
The Land of Thor
He attempted to board the vessel by jumping from the quayside as a gangway was not rigged, but fell into the water.
To such an extent was this true that on one occasion while taking a stroll in the suburbs of the old college town he was confronted by a cow, who honoring him with a friendly stare, turned out of his way -- gave him "gangway," as the vulgar expression of our day would have it.
History of the Afro-American Group of the Episcopal Church
Ezra joined him wordlessly and stepped up to the opposite end of a full barrel and dragged it to the gangway.
WINSTON, who can't abear strong language, rose from Treasury Bench and stalked forth behind the SPEAKER'S chair, example numerously followed above and below Gangway.
Punch or the London Charivari, Vol. 147, September 23, 1914
As for a cat itself, I cannot say too much against it; and it is singular, that the other meanings of the single word are equally disagreeable; as to _cat_ the anchor, is a sign of _going to sea_, and the _cat_ at the gangway is the worst of all.
Olla Podrida
She waited by the gangway and caught his arm when his numbed foot missed a worn rubber cleat.
When CMDR Leggatt crossed the gangway for the last time, there was no piping party or salutes, but there was a final send-off.
The gangway was a mass of shoulders and hats and blanket rolls.
Gold Seekers of '49
At least I imagined so this morning, with our craft "upon a wind," whilst standing in the weather gangway, and watching her plunge and curvet, held up to her course by the helm, as a steed by a curb, obeying its rider; but I did not think the motion as agreeable as that derived from equestrian exercise.
Kathay: A Cruise in the China Seas
The center house (left here) was extended to the south to meet the northern house, creating a "mousehole" entrance to the gangway.
Ecology of Absence
It was clear that something was wrong with him when, at the stroke of half-time in a match earlier this year, he didn't leap from his seat and race up the gangway for the interval tuck.
Feeling none, he moved through it, and continued down the passage toward the next hatch, and the gangway next to the crew's quarters, that led to ‘B’ deck.
As they came alongside the gangway of the cruiser, they saw launches and barges lying in strings to the boat-booms, filled with men, waiting for the rocket signal from the beleaguered hotels.
Because shadows on the riverbed can disrupt underwater ecology, the gangways and above-surface portions of the pool wall may be made of Plexiglas.
One child was among the victims when a gangway leading to the world's biggest ocean liner from the quayside gave way.
Please clear the gangways, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for your co-operation.
At the stadium in October 1934, the gangways were 'packed to suffocation'.
It was one of those days when that line about the House of Commons being the place where your opponents sit across the gangway but your enemies sit next to you seemed particularly apt.
And, like most London gigs, it gets sold out over-capacity - that place was dangerously packed tonight, with gangways crowded with punters.
They have all welded steel construction of the bodies, Pullman gangways and buckeye couplings.
The action takes place on an express train and a special set giving the impression of interior coaches was erected in the gangway of the theatre, with the audience seated on either side.
He was the rotter who sometimes got ahead of me in the Covent Garden gallery queue and took over what I thought of as my seat on the centre gangway of the front row.